933 resultados para Nutrient deficiencies
Purpose. Spanish retina specialists were surveyed in order to propose actions to decrease deficiencies in real-life neovascular age macular degeneration treatment (nv-AMD). Methods. One hundred experts, members of the Spanish Vitreoretinal Society (SERV), were invited to complete an online survey of 52 statements about nv-AMD management with a modified Delphi methodology. Four rounds were performed using a 5-point Linkert scale. Recommendations were developed after analyzing the differences between the results and the SERV guidelines recommendations. Results. Eighty-seven specialists completed all the Delphi rounds. Once major potential deficiencies in real-life nv-AMD treatment were identified, 15 recommendations were developed with a high level of agreement. Consensus statements to reduce the burden of the disease included the use of treat and extend regimen and to reduce the amount of diagnostic tests during the loading phase and training technical staff to perform these tests and reduce the time between relapse detection and reinjection, as well as establishing patient referral protocols to outside general ophthalmology clinics. Conclusion. The level of agreement with the final recommendations for nv-AMD treatment among Spanish retinal specialist was high indicating that some actions could be applied in order to reduce the deficiencies in real-life nv-AMD treatment.
Ultrasound scans in the mid-trimester of pregnancy are now a routine part of antenatal care in most European countries. Using data from registries of congenital anomalies a study was undertaken in Europe. The objective of the study was to evaluate prenatal detection of limb reduction deficiencies (LRD) by routine ultrasonographic examination of the fetus. All LRDs suspected prenatally and all LRDs (including chromosome anomalies) confirmed at birth were identified from 20 Congenital Malformation Registers from the following 12 European countries: Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK and Ukrainia. These registries are following the same methodology. During the study period (1996-98) there were 709,030 births, and 7,758 cases with congenital malformations including LRDs. If more than one LRD was present the case was coded as complex LRD; 250 cases of LRDs with 63 (25.2%) termination of pregnancies were identified including 138 cases with isolated LRD, 112 with associated malformations, 16 with chromosomal anomalies and 38 non chromosomal recognized syndromes. The prenatal detection rate of isolated LRD was 24.6% (34 out of 138 cases) compared with 49.1% for associated malformations (55 out of 112; p<0.01). The prenatal detection of isolated terminal transverse LRD was 22.7% (22 out of 97), 50% (3 out of 6) for proximal intercalary LRD, 8.3% (1 out of 12) for longitudinal LRD and 0 for split hand/foot; for multipli-malformed children with LRD those percentages were 46.1% (30 out of 65), 66.6% (6 out of 9), 57.1% (8 out of 14) and 0 (0 out of 2), respectively. The prenatal detection rate of LRDs varied in relation with the ultrasound screening policies from 20.0% to 64.0% in countries with at least one routine fetal scan.
Obesity results from the organism's inability to maintain energy balance over a long term. Childhood obesity and its related factors and pathological consequences tend to persist into adulthood. A cluster of factors, including high energy density in the diet (high fat intake), low energy expenditure, and disturbed substrate oxidation, favour the increase in fat mass. Oxidation of three major macronutrients and their roles in the regulation of energy balance, particularly in children and adolescents, are discussed. Total glucose oxidation is not different between obese and lean children; exogenous glucose utilization is higher whereas endogenous glucose utilization is lower in obese compared with lean children. Carbohydrate composition of the diet determines carbohydrate oxidation regardless of fat content of the diet. Both exogenous and endogenous fat oxidation are higher in obese than in lean subjects. The influence of high fat intake on accumulation of fat mass is operative rather over a long term. Several future directions are addressed, such that a combination of increased physical activity and modification in diet composition, in terms of energy density and glycemic index, is recommended for children and adolescents.
The effect of diet composition [high-carbohydrate, low-fat (HC) and high-fat, low-carbohydrate (HF) diets] on macronutrient intakes and nutrient balances was investigated in young men of normal body weight. Eleven subjects were studied on two occasions for 48 h in a whole-body indirect calorimeter in a crossover design. Subjects selected their meals from a list containing a large variety of common food, which had a food quotient > 0.85 for the HC diet and < 0.85 for the HF diet. The average ad libitum intake was 14.41 +/- 0.85 MJ/d (67%, 18%, and 15% of energy as carbohydrate, fat, and protein, respectively) with the HC diet and 18.25 +/- 0.90 MJ/d (26%, 61%, and 13% of energy as carbohydrate, fat, and protein, respectively) with the HF diet. Total energy expenditure was not significantly influenced by diet composition: 10.46 +/- 0.27 and 10.97 +/- 0.22 MJ/d for the HC and HF diets, respectively. During the 2 test days, cumulative carbohydrate storage was 418 +/- 72 and 205 +/- 47 g, and fat balance was 29 +/- 17 and 291 +/- 29 g with the HC and HF diets, respectively. Only the HF diet induced a significantly positive fat balance. These results emphasize the important role of the dietary fat content in body fat storage.
Hub/Spokes Nutrient Management Model produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
This monthly report from the Iowa Department of Transportation is about the water quality management of Iowa's rivers, streams and lakes.
The lithium-pilocarpine model mimics most features of human temporal lobe epilepsy. Following our prior studies of cerebral metabolic changes, here we explored the expression of transporters for glucose (GLUT1 and GLUT3) and monocarboxylates (MCT1 and MCT2) during and after status epilepticus (SE) induced by lithium-pilocarpine in PN10, PN21, and adult rats. In situ hybridization was used to study the expression of transporter mRNAs during the acute phase (1, 4, 12 and 24h of SE), the latent phase, and the early and late chronic phases. During SE, GLUT1 expression was increased throughout the brain between 1 and 12h of SE, more strongly in adult rats; GLUT3 increased only transiently, at 1 and 4h of SE and mainly in PN10 rats; MCT1 was increased at all ages but 5-10-fold more in adult than in immature rats; MCT2 expression increased mainly in adult rats. At all ages, MCT1 and MCT2 up-regulation was limited to the circuit of seizures while GLUT1 and GLUT3 changes were more widespread. During the latent and chronic phases, the expression of nutrient transporters was normal in PN10 rats. In PN21 rats, GLUT1 was up-regulated in all brain regions. In contrast, in adult rats GLUT1 expression was down-regulated in the piriform cortex, hilus and CA1 as a result of extensive neuronal death. The changes in nutrient transporter expression reported here further support previous findings in other experimental models demonstrating rapid transcriptional responses to marked changes in cerebral energetic/glucose demand.
Analise the distribution and magnitude of primary measured during the 1977 ICANE cruise of the northern coast of Peru
The precise sampling of soil, biological or micro climatic attributes in tropical forests, which are characterized by a high diversity of species and complex spatial variability, is a difficult task. We found few basic studies to guide sampling procedures. The objective of this study was to define a sampling strategy and data analysis for some parameters frequently used in nutrient cycling studies, i. e., litter amount, total nutrient amounts in litter and its composition (Ca, Mg, Κ, Ν and P), and soil attributes at three depths (organic matter, Ρ content, cation exchange capacity and base saturation). A natural remnant forest in the West of São Paulo State (Brazil) was selected as study area and samples were collected in July, 1989. The total amount of litter and its total nutrient amounts had a high spatial independent variance. Conversely, the variance of litter composition was lower and the spatial dependency was peculiar to each nutrient. The sampling strategy for the estimation of litter amounts and the amount of nutrient in litter should be different than the sampling strategy for nutrient composition. For the estimation of litter amounts and the amount of nutrients in litter (related to quantity) a large number of randomly distributed determinations are needed. Otherwise, for the estimation of litter nutrient composition (related to quality) a smaller amount of spatially located samples should be analyzed. The determination of sampling for soil attributes differed according to the depth. Overall, surface samples (0-5 cm) showed high short distance spatial dependent variance, whereas, subsurface samples exhibited spatial dependency in longer distances. Short transects with sampling interval of 5-10 m are recommended for surface sampling. Subsurface samples must also be spatially located, but with transects or grids with longer distances between sampling points over the entire area. Composite soil samples would not provide a complete understanding of the relation between soil properties and surface dynamic processes or landscape aspects. Precise distribution of Ρ was difficult to estimate.
Tiivistelmä: Neulasten pääravinnepitoisuuksien muutokset turvekankaan alikasvoskuusikossa ylispuuhakkuun jälkeen
This experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions with soil pots during 210 days, to evaluate the effect of calcitic papermill lime-sludge application (at the rates 0, 773, 1.547, and 2.320 mg kg-1 or respective equivalents to control, 2, 4, and 6 t ha-1), on chemical composition of soil leachate and its effects on eucalypt growth and yield. Highest soil leachate pH, SO4, and Na concentrations occurred in the 4 and 6 t ha-1 treatments. Soil leachate nitrate concentrations decreased with increasing lime-sludge rate. Soil leachate phosphate remained low (below the detection limit) in all treatments until 120 days, while the concentration increased in the lime-sludge treatments at 210 days (last sampling) in about 600 mg L-1. Lime-sludge decreased leachate Mg concentration, but had no significant effect among rates. Soil leachate Ca, K, B, Cu, Fe, and Zn did not change significantly for any lime-sludge application rates. The maximum NO3, Ca, Mg, K, and Na concentrations in the soil leachate occurred at 60 days after lime-sludge application (leaching equivalent to 1 pore volume), but for pH and SO4, the maximum occurred at 210 days (leaching equivalent to 4 pore volumes). Lime-sludge application decreased the concentration of exchangeable Al in the soil. Plant diameter growth and dry matter yield were increased with increasing lime-sludge rate. Beneficial effects on mineral nutrition (P, K, Ca, B, and Zn) of eucalypts were also obtained by the application of 4 and 6 t ha-1 of lime-sludge.
The endodermis represents the main barrier to extracellular diffusion in plant roots, and it is central to current models of plant nutrient uptake. Despite this, little is known about the genes setting up this endodermal barrier. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a strong barrier mutant, schengen3 (sgn3). We observe a surprising ability of the mutant to maintain nutrient homeostasis, but demonstrate a major defect in maintaining sufficient levels of the macronutrient potassium. We show that SGN3/GASSHO1 is a receptor-like kinase that is necessary for localizing CASPARIAN STRIP DOMAIN PROTEINS (CASPs)--major players of endodermal differentiation--into an uninterrupted, ring-like domain. SGN3 appears to localize into a broader band, embedding growing CASP microdomains. The discovery of SGN3 strongly advances our ability to interrogate mechanisms of plant nutrient homeostasis and provides a novel actor for localized microdomain formation at the endodermal plasma membrane.