757 resultados para Nursing Care Performance Framework
Job dissatisfaction, stress and burnout are linked to high rates of nurses leaving the profession, poor morale and poor patient outcomes. Haemodialysis (HD) nursing is uniquely characterised by the intense-prolonged interaction with patients who require complex technological care. A review of nine papers found that factors affecting job satisfaction were aspects of nursing care, organisational factors and length of time that a nurse has been working in nephrology nursing. Factors affecting job stress and burnout were due to interpersonal relationships with physicians, patient care activities, violence and abuse from patients, organisational factors and a lack of access to ongoing education.
The research and theoretical perspectives that underpin knowledge of depression in the postnatal period have tended to rely on standardized measures and 'objective' data which combine to disempower women's individual experiences. From a feminist perspective, contradictions exist between women's accounts of the early days and months following childbirth and the diagnosis of postnatal depression made by some health professionals. A framework for nursing care that uses the strengths of feminist and cognitive therapies is suggested. From this feminist-cognitive perspective, mental health nursing care will provide opportunities for women suffering depression to debrief the experience of birth and pregnancy, manage conflicts about identity, gain a sense of survival, and develop a new perspective.
Background Quality of work life (QWL) has been found to influence the commitment of health professionals including nurses. However, reliable information on the QWL and turnover intention of primary health care (PHC) nurses is limited. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between QWL and turnover intention of PHC nurses in Saudi Arabia. Methods A cross-sectional survey was used in this study. Data were collected using Brooks’ survey of Quality of Nursing Work life (QNWL), the Anticipated Turnover Scale and demographic data questions. A total of 508 PHC nurses in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia completed the questionnaire (RR = 87%). Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, General Linear Model (GLM) univariate analysis, standard multiple regression (SMR), and hierarchical multiple regression (HMR) were applied for analysis using SPSS v17 for Windows. Results Findings suggested that the respondents were dissatisfied with their work life, with almost 40% indicating a turnover intention from their current PHC centres. Turnover intention was significantly related to QWL. Using SMR, 26% of the variance in turnover intention was explained by the QWL, p < 0.001, with R² = .263. Further analysis using HMR found that the total variance explained by the model as a whole (demographics and QWL) was 32.1%, p < 0.001. QWL explained an additional 19% of the variance in turnover intention, after controlling for demographic variables. Conclusions Creating and maintaining a healthy work life for PHC nurses is very important to improve their work satisfaction, reduce turnover, enhance productivity and improve nursing care outcomes.
In their paper Lindberg and Ludvigsen (2012) have correctly identified the lack of evidence-based nurse-sensitive indicators measuring the quality of haemodialysis nursing care. The authors suggest that the intradialytic ultrafiltration rate (UFR) (total fluid removed divided by the total time in a single dialysis treatment, measured in litres per hour) may be one such indicator. Importantly it is best practice to minimise high UFRs as they are associated with higher risk of cardiovascular events and vascular access complications (Curatola et al., 2011). However, this does not justify UFR to qualify as a nurse-sensitive indicator of quality in the haemodialysis context. The aim of this response is to voice our concerns over the proposal to use haemodialysis treatment UFR as a haemodialysis nurse-sensitive quality indicator...
This study investigated the effect of using Norton Scale assessment data in the nursing care of patients at risk of developing pressure ulcers. The results indicated that incorporating the Norton Scale in care planning resulted in benefits to patients through earlier and more effective nursing interventions.
Responding to the individual needs of the person affected by cancer is a fundamental tenet of nursing care. The evidence base to enable highly personalized approaches to the way we provide care has grown enormously in recent years. Today, we have a much better understanding of the mechanisms underpinning health needs of people with cancer, as well as the wide range of environmental, sociocultural, psychological, and biological influences on these needs. This growing evidence base enables us to better target and tailor interventions in increasingly sophisticated ways.
Australian chairs in clinical nursing have been established in order to achieve more effective partnerships between academia and the health care sector in education, research and quality of nursing care. The aim of this study was to describe the goals, obstacles, supports and outcomes of such appointments. The study explored the perceptions of a purposive sample of Australian professors holding clinical chairs, stratified to ensure representation of both the geographical and clinical specialty diversity of the population. Eight professors were interviewed using semi-structured telephone interviews. The interviews covered three phases: role establishment, current foci and future developments. Qualitative analysis for common themes and areas of divergence was conducted with concurrent analysis providing the opportunity to seek confirmation for emerging themes. The participants highlighted the diversity of arrangements between university and health sector partners in establishing their respective roles. Clear communication was crucial to successful partnership arrangements. All roles included components of education, research and politics but the relative contribution of each of these areas depended to a large extent on the priorities of the employing partners. The participants felt the need to secure sustainable income sources and consolidate outcomes to ensure the continued viability of their positions. Clinical professorial nursing appointments provide one means of addressing perceived gaps in the links between the university and health care sectors, academia and clinicians, thus enhancing nursing education, research and politics. Through emphasizing common purpose and mutual respect, these positions can illuminate the crucial role nursing plays in Australian health care delivery.
Objectives Current evidence to support non-medical prescribing is predominantly qualitative, with little evaluation of accuracy, safety and appropriateness. Our aim was to evaluate a new model of service for the Australia healthcare system, of inpatient medication prescribing by a pharmacist in an elective surgery preadmission clinic (PAC) against usual care, using an endorsed performance framework. Design Single centre, randomised controlled, two-arm trial. Setting Elective surgery PAC in a Brisbane-based tertiary hospital. Participants 400 adults scheduled for elective surgery were randomised to intervention or control. Intervention A pharmacist generated the inpatient medication chart to reflect the patient's regular medication, made a plan for medication perioperatively and prescribed venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis. In the control arm, the medication chart was generated by the Resident Medical Officers. Outcome measures Primary outcome was frequency of omissions and prescribing errors when compared against the medication history. The clinical significance of omissions was also analysed. Secondary outcome was appropriateness of VTE prophylaxis prescribing. Results There were significantly less unintended omissions of medications: 11 of 887 (1.2%) intervention orders compared with 383 of 1217 (31.5%) control (p<0.001). There were significantly less prescribing errors involving selection of drug, dose or frequency: 2 in 857 (0.2%) intervention orders compared with 51 in 807 (6.3%) control (p<0.001). Orders with at least one component of the prescription missing, incorrect or unclear occurred in 208 of 904 (23%) intervention orders and 445 of 1034 (43%) controls (p<0.001). VTE prophylaxis on admission to the ward was appropriate in 93% of intervention patients and 90% controls (p=0.29). Conclusions Medication charts in the intervention arm contained fewer clinically significant omissions, and prescribing errors, when compared with controls. There was no difference in appropriateness of VTE prophylaxis on admission between the two groups.
Introduction The admission to the Intensive Care Unit with a diagnosis of sepsis and/or septic shock is not uncommon. The aim of this article is to present a nursing case review of a patient admitted to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of septic shock and the use of bedside acid–base formulae to inform clinical decision making. Method We chose to use a case review. This method is useful in reporting unusual or rare cases and is typically seen more in medicine than in nursing. Discussion The gentleman in question was a self-presentation with a short history of fever and worsening shortness of breath. His condition worsened where he required admission to the intensive care unit. The use of ‘advanced’ acid–base interpretation to guide his nursing care provided a platform from which to advance a deeper understanding of the intricacies the critically ill patient often presents. Conclusion The use of case review is enlightening in understanding the disease process and the decision-making that accompanies this. The lessons learnt are applicable to a wider nursing audience because understanding acid–base physiology is beneficial in supporting and advancing critical care nursing practice.
INTRODUCTION: Gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease (GI-GvHD) is extremely debilitating and is multifactorial in its causative factors, management and treatment. It is an exaggeration of normal physiological mechanisms wherein the donor immune system attempts to rid itself of the host. The inflammatory process that follows has the benefit of providing an anti-tumour effect for many diseases, but unfortunately in patients undergoing human stem-cell transplantation, the nature of the inflammation can result in disability, wasting and death. AIM: The aim of this article is to discuss the pathophysiology of this often misunderstood or misdiagnosed condition, as well as its signs and symptoms, management and considerations for nursing care. Considerations for nursing practice: While the medical management is aimed at minimising GvHD through the reduction of T-cell production and proliferation and gastrointestinal decolonisation, the nursing care is often focused on the signs and symptoms that can have the most prominent impact on patients. CONCLUSION: GI-GvHD has serious life-threatening complications, namely wasting syndrome, diarrhoea and dehydration. The basis of signs and symptomology is easily recognisable owing to the stages of progression through the human stem-cell transplantation process. Oncology nurses are in a prime position to identify these serious risks, initiate treatment immediately and collaborate effectively within the multidisciplinary team to minimise GvHD onset and provide expert support to patients, family and caregivers.
Considered a condition of the elderly population, stroke will soon be the leading cause of death globally. In Singapore it is the fourth leading cause of death after cancer and heart disease. Subarachnoid haemorrhage, when compared with an embolic stroke, has a more devastating outcome because of the deleterious complications associated with it. Vasospam, re-bleeding and global cerebral ischemia are three of the most prominent complications. Therefore, nursing care and interventions developed to reduce the incidence of complications and optimise neurological function are critical in the acute phase of this condition. Using a casestudy approach this article will discuss and offer a rationale to a number of key nursing interventions based around a nursing care plan designed to reduce the incidence of complications.
Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 4th Edition is the most comprehensive go-to reference for essential information about all aspects of professional nursing care of patients. Using the nursing process as a framework for practice, the fourth edition has been extensively revised to reflect the rapid changing nature of nursing practice and the increasing focus on key nursing care priorities. Building on the strengths of the third Australian and New Zealand edition and incorporating relevant global nursing research and practice from the prominent US title Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9Th Edition, Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition is an essential resource for students seeking to understand the role of the professional nurse in the contemporary health environment.
Perhaps no other patient safety intervention depends so acutely on effective interprofessional teamwork for patient survival than the hospital rapid response system (RRS). Yet little is known about nurse-physician relationships when rescuing at-risk patients. This study compared nursing and medical staff perceptions of a mature RRS at a large tertiary hospital. Findings indicate the RRS may be failing to address a hierarchical culture and systems-level barriers to early recognition and response to patient deterioration.
Aims & Objectives - identify and diagnose the current problems associated with patient care with regard to the nursing management of patients with Sengstaken-Blakemore tubes insitu; - Identify current nursing practice currently in place within the ICU and the hospital; identify the method by which the assessment and provision of nursing care is delivered in the ICU
Trata-se de um estudo do tipo estudo de caso, na abordagem qualitativa, que visa a analisar as vivências das mulheres que utilizaram as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem durante a gravidez e o parto e discutir quais e como essas tecnologias estimularam o empoderamento nelas. Para isso foram utilizadas referências que abordem conceitos de gênero, empoderamento e tecnologias. Como referencial teórico foi utilizado a de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender que, a partir da identificação dos fatores biopsicossociais do indivíduo, busca influenciar comportamentos saudáveis, visando ao bem-estar como proposta de promoção da saúde. O cenário do estudo foi a Casa de Parto David Capistrano Filho, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, e contou com a participação de dez mulheres que pariram na Casa. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado um diagrama semelhante ao de Pender, contendo alguns aspectos biopsicossociais das mulheres que pudessem ter influência na vivência de empoderamento delas. As entrevistas aconteceram entre os meses de março e maio de 2010. Os dados produzidos foram analisados e transformados em três categorias: características e vivências individuais da mulher; conhecimentos, sentimentos e influências, na gravidez e no parto, a partir do uso das tecnologias; e o resultado do empoderamento. A tecnologia relacional, como o acolhimento, o vínculo e a escuta sensível, influenciou de forma benéfica as mulheres desde o momento que elas iniciaram o pré-natal na Casa, já que no início da gravidez algumas tinham receio com as mudanças do corpo e com as responsabilidades da maternidade. A dor do parto também foi outra preocupação citada por desconhecerem a fisiologia do processo. Mas, através de tecnologias como a de informação, de apoio, de potencialização de expressão corporal, de favorecimento da presença do acompanhante e de respeito de escolha delas, o parto acabou sendo calmo, tranqüilo, acolhedor e prazeroso. Com isso, as tecnologias contribuíram para as vivências de fortalecimento do vínculo com o bebê, na maior autoconfiança em parir e no preparo da maternidade que despertou nelas um desejo de serem pessoas de opiniões próprias e de terem uma formação profissional para garantir um bom futuro para o filho. Percebeu-se, nesse estudo, que as tecnologias favoreceram o empoderamento delas em parir numa Casa de Parto sendo assistidas por enfermeiras obstetras. No entanto, elas ainda se mostram passivas à dominação masculina quando valorizam a capacidade feminina em conquistar o espaço público masculino, mesmo em detrimento de suas reais necessidades, mostrando a importância de mais discussão sobre a temática a fim de vislumbrar novas tecnologias que auxiliem às mulheres a transpor esse empoderamento, adquirido durante a gravidez e o parto, para o seu dia a dia.