990 resultados para Nuclear fuel elements.


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Accurate control over the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. Consequently, the reactivity of spent fuel and its isotopic content must be accurately determined.


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The accurate prediction of the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. This isotopic evolution can be predicted using powerful codes and methodologies throughout irradiation as well as cooling time periods. However, in order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, it is desirable to determine how uncertainties affect isotopic prediction calculations by quantifying their associated uncertainties.


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The main objective of this course, conducted by Jóvenes Nucleares (Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) is to pass on basic knowledge about Science and Nuclear Technology to the general public, mostly students and introduce them to its most relevant points. The purposes of this course are to provide general information, to answer the most common questions about Nuclear Energy and to motivate the young students to start a career in nuclear. Therefore, it is directed mainly to high school and university students, but also to general people that wants to learn about the key issues of such an important matter in our society. Anybody could attend the course, as no specific scientific education is required. The course is done at least once a year, during the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society, which takes place in a different Spanish city each time. The course is done also to whichever university or institution that asks for it to JJNN, with the only limit of the presenter´s availability. The course is divided into the following chapters: Physical nuclear and radiation principles, Nuclear power plants, Nuclear safety, Nuclear fuel, Radioactive waste, Decommission of nuclear facilities, Future nuclear power plants, Other uses of nuclear technology, Nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable development. The course is divided into 15 minutes lessons on the above topics, imparted by young professionals, experts in the field that belongs either to the Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear, either to companies and institutions related with nuclear energy. At the end of the course, a 200 pages book with the contents of the course is handed to every member of the audience. This book is also distributed in other course editions at high schools and universities in order to promote the scientific dissemination of the Nuclear Technology. As an extra motivation, JJNN delivers a course certificate to the assistants. At the end of the last edition course, in Santiago de Compostela, the assistants were asked to provide a feedback about it. Some really interesting lessons were learned, that will be very useful to improve next editions of the course. As a general conclusion of the courses it can be said that many of the students that have assisted to the course have increased their motivation in the nuclear field, and hopefully it will help the young talents to choose the nuclear field to develop their careers


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The method reported in the literature to calculate the stress–strain curve of nuclear fuel cladding from ring tensile test is revisited in this paper and a new alternative is presented. In the former method, two universal curves are introduced under the assumption of small strain. In this paper it is shown that these curves are not universal, but material-dependent if geometric nonlinearity is taken into account. The new method is valid beyond small strains, takes geometric nonlinearity into consideration and does not need universal curves. The stress–strain curves in the hoop direction are determined by combining numerical calculations with experimental results in a convergent loop. To this end, ring tensile tests were performed in unirradiated hydrogen-charged samples. The agreement among the simulations and the experimental results is excellent for the range of concentrations tested (up to 2000 wppm hydrogen). The calculated stress–strain curves show that the mechanical properties do not depend strongly on the hydrogen concentration, and that no noticeable strain hardening occurs. However, ductility decreases with the hydrogen concentration, especially beyond 500 wppm hydrogen. The fractographic results indicate that as-received samples fail in a ductile fashion, whereas quasicleavage is bserved in the hydrogen-charged samples.


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En claro alineamiento con estrategias de sostenibilidad en el uso de recursos naturales en un escenario constante de aumento de la demanda energética mundial, el desarrollo de la tecnología energética en la Historia de la Especie Humana muestra un vector de evolución permanente desde su origen en el sentido del desarrollo y uso de nuevas fuentes energéticas con la explotación de recursos naturales de manera más eficiente: soluciones energéticas con aumento de la densidad energética (exoenergía de proceso por unidad de masa de recurso natural). Así el cambio de escala en la demanda de explotación del Litio como recurso natural se viene presentando en la última década ligada al desarrollo del mercado de las baterías "ion-Litio" y los requisitos de combustible (Deuterio y Litio) en el camino de la fusión nuclear como opción energética próxima. El análisis anticipado de las demandas sinérgicas a escala de ambos mercados aparece de enorme interés prospectivo en sus aspectos técnicos: (1) tecnologías de base para la extracción mineral y de agua marina y (2) su enriquecimiento isotópico (de interés sinérgico; 7Li para baterías eficientes ion-litio; 6Li como regenerador de tritio en ciclo de combustible en fusión nuclear) a la vez que en sus aspectos económicos. Este Proyecto realiza: (1) un ejercicio de análisis prospectivo de la demanda y de mercado para el enriquecimiento 6Li/7Li para las próximas décadas, (2) se califican los desarrollos tecnológicos específicos que van a poder permitir la producción a escala conforme a la demanda; (3) se selecciona y califica una técnica [de centrifugación / termo-difusión/ destilación combinada] como opción tecnológicamente viable para la producción a escala de formas litiadas; (4) se propone un diseño conceptual de planta de producción y finalmente (5) propone un estudio de viabilidad para la demostración de proceso y construcción de dicha planta de demostración de la nueva capacidad tecnológica. ABSTRACT Clearly aligned with sustainability strategies under growing world energy demand in the use of natural resources the development of energy technology in the history of the human species shows a vector of ongoing evolution from its origin in the sense of the development and use of new energy sources with the exploitation of natural resources in a more efficient manner. The change of scale in the demand for exploitation of Lithium as a natural resource appears during the last decade as bound to the deployment of "lithium-ion" batteries market and to the Nuclear Fusion fuels (deuterium and lithium) supply scaled demands. The prospective analysis of demands to scale in both markets appears in scene with huge prospective interest in its technical aspects: (1) base technologies for mineral and water marine extraction (2) its isotopic enrichment (synergistic interests; 7Li efficient battery Li-ion; 6Li as fusion nuclear fuel breeder (tritium) as well as in its economic aspects. This Project: (1) propose a prospective analysis exercise of the synergistic supply demand for coming decades for the enrichment of 6Li and 7Li, (2) qualifies specific technological developments ongoing to respond to supply demand; (3) select and qualifies an appropriate technique [combined centrifugation/thermo-diffusion/distillation] as technologically viable option for lithiated forms scaled-production; (4) proposes a conceptual design of production plant based on the technique and finally (5) proposes a feasibility study for the process demonstration and construction of this new technological capability Demonstration Plant.


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A “Collaborative Agreement” involving the collective participation of our students in their last year of our “Nuclear Engineering Master Degree Programme” for: “the review and capturing of selected spent fuel isotopic assay data sets to be included in the new SFCOMPO database"


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The intracellular distribution of RNAs depends on interactions of cis-acting nuclear export elements or nuclear retention elements with trans-acting nuclear transport or retention factors. To learn about the relationship between export and retention, we isolated RNAs that are exported from nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes even when most RNA export is blocked by an inhibitor of Ran-dependent nucleocytoplasmic transport, the Matrix protein of vesicular stomatitis virus. Export of the selected RNAs is saturable and specific. When present in chimeric RNAs, the selected sequences acted like nuclear export elements in promoting efficient export of RNAs that otherwise are not exported; the pathway used for export of these chimeric RNAs is that used for the selected RNAs alone. However, these chimeric RNAs, unlike the selected RNAs, were not exported in the presence of Matrix protein; thus, the nonselected sequences can cause retention of the selected RNA sequences under conditions of impaired nucleocytoplasmic transport. We propose that most RNAs are transiently immobilized in the nucleus and that release of these RNAs is an essential and early step in export. Release correlates with functional Ran-dependent transport, and the lack of export of chimeric RNAs may result from interference with the Ran system.


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The disposition of actinides, most recently 239Pu from dismantled nuclear weapons, requires effective containment of waste generated by the nuclear fuel cycle. Because actinides (e.g., 239Pu and 237Np) are long-lived, they have a major impact on risk assessments of geologic repositories. Thus, demonstrable, long-term chemical and mechanical durability are essential properties of waste forms for the immobilization of actinides. Mineralogic and geologic studies provide excellent candidate phases for immobilization and a unique database that cannot be duplicated by a purely materials science approach. The “mineralogic approach” is illustrated by a discussion of zircon as a phase for the immobilization of excess weapons plutonium.


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Após o aumento de potência do reator IEA-R1 de 2 MW para 5 MW observou-se um aumento da taxa de corrosão nas placas laterais de alguns elementos combustíveis e algumas dúvidas surgiram com relação ao valor de vazão utilizada nas análises termo-hidráulicas. A fim de esclarecer e medir a distribuição de vazão real pelos elementos combustíveis que compõe o núcleo do reator IEA-R1, um elemento combustível protótipo, sem material nuclear, chamado DMPV-01 (Dispositivo para Medida de Pressão e Vazão), em escala real, foi projetado e construído em alumínio. A vazão no canal entre dois elementos combustíveis é muito difícil de estimar ou ser medida. Esta vazão é muito importante no processo de resfriamento das placas laterais. Este trabalho apresenta a concepção e construção de um elemento combustível instrumentado para medir a temperatura real nestas placas laterais para melhor avaliar as condições de resfriamento do combustível. Quatorze termopares foram instalados neste elemento combustível instrumentado. Quatro termopares em cada canal lateral e quatro no canal central, além de um termopar no bocal de entrada e outro no bocal de saída do elemento. Existem três termopares para medida de temperatura do revestimento e um para a temperatura do fluido em cada canal. Três séries de experimentos, para três configurações distintas, foram realizadas com o elemento combustível instrumentado. Em dois experimentos uma caixa de alumínio foi instalada ao redor do núcleo para reduzir o escoamento transverso entre os elementos combustíveis e medir o impacto na temperatura das placas externas. Dada a tamanha quantidade de informações obtidas e sua utilidade no projeto, melhoria e capacitação na construção, montagem e fabricação de elementos combustíveis instrumentados, este projeto constitui um importante marco no estudo de núcleos de reatores de pesquisa. As soluções propostas podem ser amplamente utilizadas para outros reatores de pesquisa.


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During Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev’s working visit to Minsk on 18 July, Russia and Belarus signed a general contract for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus. The signature brought to an end the complex negotiations which had been underway since January 2009 involving the leadership in Minsk, the Russian government and Atomstroyexport, the Russian company that will be the main contractor of the investment. However, the power plant’s future ownership structure, management arrangements and terms and conditions of profit sharing remain unclear. The Belarusian leadership hopes that with the launch of the nuclear power plant, it will be able to reduce gas imports from Russia, gas being the main resource used in producing heat and electricity in Belarus. This should in turn reduce the costs of energy generation. In addition, Minsk expects that the new investment will allow it to export electricity surpluses to the European Union, including Poland. Agreements concerning the power plant have been concluded over the last year or so and, according to these, Russia has acquired partial control of the Belarusian electricity grid, especially with regard to the transmission of energy to foreign markets. Russia is also the sole creditor and contractor for the investment, and the sole future provider of nuclear fuel. Therefore, implementation of the project will exacerbate Minsk’s already significant dependence on Moscow in energy and political terms.


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Work conducted at the Metals Research Laboratories, Union Carbide Metals Company, a Division of Union Carbide Corporation, under the United States Atomic Energy Commission contract no. AT-(40-1)-2559.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"As currently interpreted, it is difficult to see why the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) warrants much support as a nonproliferation convention. Most foreign ministries, including that of Iran and the United States, insist that Article IV of the NPT recognizes all states' "inalienable right" of all states to develop "peaceful nuclear energy". This includes money-losing activities, such as nuclear fuel reprocessing, which can bring countries to the very brink of acquiring nuclear weapons. If the NPT is intended to ensure that states share peaceful "benefits" of nuclear energy and to prevent the spread of nuclear bomb making technologies, it is difficult to see how it can accomplish either if the interpretation identified above is correct."--P. 3


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