949 resultados para Nox Emissions
Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the feasibility and practicalities or testing children in special school settings using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) and tympanometry. Children studying in special schools, particularly those with intellectual impairment, may be highly susceptible to hearing pathologies and can be difficult to assess using traditional test batteries. Researchers have recently suggested the possible applicability of TEOAE testing. in lieu of conventional behavioral methods, as a hearing screening device for persons with intellectual impairment. However, to date. few publications have detailed the particulars and results of such testing. Methods: A total of 489 children, with a mean age of 9.6 years, were tested in 15 special schools. Case information was obtained regarding birth history, medical history and type,degree of impairment, for later comparison with screening results. TEOAEs were collected using Quickscreen mode of the ILO292 Otodynamics Analyzer, whilst tympanometry was performed utilizing a Madsen Zodiac 901 Middle Ear Analyzer. Results: In total, 80% of students were able to be tested using TEOAEs. Average test time per ear was 2 min. However, a large proportion (40 of those able to be tested) failed TEOAE testing in at least one ear. No significant effects were found between could-not-test (CNT) cases and case history factors, A significant difference in TEOAE failure rates was found across history of neonatal special care nursery residency and history of parental concern regarding possible hearing impairment. Failure rates were higher for those who indicated positive histories. A total of 74% of subjects could be tested using tympanometry, with 25% of those able to be tested failing in at least one ear. Notably, neither type nor degree of impairment had any significant bearing on CNT or failure rates for tympanometry or TEOAE screening. Conclusions: Findings of the present investigation lend support to the review of hearing screening programs for children in special schools. with TEOAEs presenting as a potential alternative procedure. Further examination of the performance measures of protocols incorporating TEOAEs would now be advantageous. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Handedness, as a potentially influencing, nonpathologic factor, has not been investigated in relation to transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs). The present study aimed to examine the effects of handedness on the TEOAE spectrum in entry-level schoolchildren, with attention also to possible ear asymmetry. A total of 228 subjects (114 males, 114 females, mean age = 6.3 years) were tested using the ILO292 Otodynamics Analyzer (Quickscreen mode) in quiet rooms in 22 schools. For statistical analysis, subjects were matched for factors such as handedness, gender, age, and history of recent ear infection. The results from subjects with passing TEOAE, pure-tone screening, and tympanometry revealed no significant handedness effect overall, although a significant ear asymmetry effect on the measurement parameters of AB difference, noise level, response level, whole-wave reproducibility, band reproducibility, and signal-to-noise ratios was found.
Evoked otoacoustic emissions have demonstrated potential for application in the community-based hearing screening of paediatric populations. Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), as opposed to transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs), have not been extensively researched in this regard. The current study aimed to describe the range of DPOAE values obtained in a large cohort (1576 ears) of 6-year-old children in school settings and to examine possible ear asymmetry, gender and history of ear infection effects on the data. Results indicated a variety of significant effects, particularly in the high frequencies, for DPOAE signal-to-noise ratio. The measurement parameter, DPOAE amplitude (DP-amp), was found to display potentially less clinical applicability due to large standard deviation values. Use of descriptive normative data, as derived in the present investigation, may contribute toward future improvements in the hearing screening of 6-year-old schoolchildren
This study compares the performance of the Quickscreen and Default protocols of the ILO-96 Otodynamics Analyzer in recording transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) from adults using clinical decision analysis. Data were collected from 25 males (mean age = 29.0 years, SD = 6.8) and 35 females (mean age = 28.1 years, SD = 9.6). The results showed that the mean signal-to-noise ratios obtained from the Quickscreen were significantly greater than those from the Default protocol at 1,2, and 4 kHz. The comparison of the performance of the two protocols, based on the results using receiver operating characteristics curves, revealed a higher performance of the Quickscreen than the Default protocol at 1 and 4 kHz but not at 2 kHz. In view of the enhanced performance of the Quickscreen over the Default protocol in general, the routine use of the Default protocol for testing adults in audiology clinics should be reconsidered.
Because of the adverse effect of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion on the earth's ecosystems, the most cost-effective method for CO2 capture is an important area of research. The predominant process for CO2 capture currently employed by industry is chemical absorption in amine solutions. A dynamic model for the de-absorption process was developed with monoethanolamine (MEA) solution. Henry's law was used for modelling the vapour phase equilibrium of the CO2, and fugacity ratios calculated by the Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) were used for H2O, MEA, N-2 and O-2. Chemical reactions between CO2 and MEA were included in the model along with the enhancement factor for chemical absorption. Liquid and vapour energy balances were developed to calculate the liquid and vapour temperature, respectively.
This paper describes an assessment of the impact of the enforcement of the European carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions trading scheme on the Portuguese chemical industry, based on cost structure, CO2 emissions, electricity consumption and allocated allowances data from a survey to four Portuguese representative units of the chemical industry sector, and considering scenarios that allow the estimation of increases on both direct and indirect production costs. These estimated cost increases were also compared with similar data from other European Industries, found in the references and with conclusions from simulation studies. Thus, it was possible to ascertain the impact of buying extra CO2 emission permits, which could be considered as limited. It was also found that this impact is somewhat lower than the impacts for other industrial sectors.
A preocupação sobre a qualidade do ar nas zonas industriais confere aos estudos sobre a qualidade do ar uma importância acrescida. Este trabalho teve como objectivo saber qual a contribuição dos principais poluentes provenientes do tráfego automóvel para a qualidade do ar na zona do parque industrial da Sapec, da Península da Mitrena, concelho de Setúbal, recorrendo ao modelo meteorológico e de qualidade do ar, TAPM (The Air Pollution Model). Neste trabalho analisaram-se dados da estação de monitorização da qualidade do ar, mais próxima da zona de estudo (Subestação) por forma a caracterizar-se a zona em causa, a nível meteorológico e da qualidade do ar. Os dados metereológico desta estação também foram utilizados com o objectivo de se validar os resultados meteorológicos obtidos pelo modelo. Na avaliação da contribuição do tráfego para a qualidade do ar, recorreu-se a um estudo de tráfego realizado pela Estradas de Portugal (EP) em 2004. Este estudo realizou a contagem dos veículos que se dirigiram ao parque industrial nos dias 14 e 15 de Dezembro, num período de 24 horas. A partir dessa contagem e de factores de emissão foi possível determinar a contribuição, de cada classe de veículo, para as concentrações atmosféricas de PM10 (resultantes de processos de combustão e ressuspensão), NOx, CO e HC. A comparação entre os dados meteorológicos simulados e medidos mostram que o modelo teve um bom comportamento, isto é, as discrepâncias entre os valores simulados e medidos foram mínimas. Relativamente à contribuição de cada categoria de veículos para a qualidade do ar, verificou-se que a classe de pesados de mercadorias foi aquela que mais contribui para as emissões de PM10, NOx e HC, enquanto que para as emissões de CO foram os veículos ligeiros de passageiros que tiveram uma maior contribuição. As classes dos motociclos e ciclomotores foram aquelas que tiveram uma menor contribuição para as concentrações atmosféricas de poluentes. Comparando as emissões de PM10 provenientes dos processos de combustão e de ressuspensão conclui-se que a maior percentagem provem da ressuspensão.
In this paper we present a methodology which enables the graphical representation, in a bi-dimensional Euclidean space, of atmospheric pollutants emissions in European countries. This approach relies on the use of Multidimensional Unfolding (MDU), an exploratory multivariate data analysis technique. This technique illustrates both the relationships between the emitted gases and the gases and their geographical origins. The main contribution of this work concerns the evaluation of MDU solutions. We use simulated data to define thresholds for the model fitting measures, allowing the MDU output quality evaluation. The quality assessment of the model adjustment is thus carried out as a step before interpretation of the gas types and geographical origins results. The MDU maps analysis generates useful insights, with an immediate substantive result and enables the formulation of hypotheses for further analysis and modeling.