156 resultados para Novidade


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We revisit the problem of visibility, which is to determine a set of primitives potentially visible in a set of geometry data represented by a data structure, such as a mesh of polygons or triangles, we propose a solution for speeding up the three-dimensional visualization processing in applications. We introduce a lean structure , in the sense of data abstraction and reduction, which can be used for online and interactive applications. The visibility problem is especially important in 3D visualization of scenes represented by large volumes of data, when it is not worthwhile keeping all polygons of the scene in memory. This implies a greater time spent in the rendering, or is even impossible to keep them all in huge volumes of data. In these cases, given a position and a direction of view, the main objective is to determine and load a minimum ammount of primitives (polygons) in the scene, to accelerate the rendering step. For this purpose, our algorithm performs cutting primitives (culling) using a hybrid paradigm based on three known techniques. The scene is divided into a cell grid, for each cell we associate the primitives that belong to them, and finally determined the set of primitives potentially visible. The novelty is the use of triangulation Ja 1 to create the subdivision grid. We chose this structure because of its relevant characteristics of adaptivity and algebrism (ease of calculations). The results show a substantial improvement over traditional methods when applied separately. The method introduced in this work can be used in devices with low or no dedicated processing power CPU, and also can be used to view data via the Internet, such as virtual museums applications


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Complex network analysis is a powerful tool into research of complex systems like brain networks. This work aims to describe the topological changes in neural functional connectivity networks of neocortex and hippocampus during slow-wave sleep (SWS) in animals submited to a novel experience exposure. Slow-wave sleep is an important sleep stage where occurs reverberations of electrical activities patterns of wakeness, playing a fundamental role in memory consolidation. Although its importance there s a lack of studies that characterize the topological dynamical of functional connectivity networks during that sleep stage. There s no studies that describe the topological modifications that novel exposure leads to this networks. We have observed that several topological properties have been modified after novel exposure and this modification remains for a long time. Major part of this changes in topological properties by novel exposure are related to fault tolerance


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A Iniciativa Economia Verde, numa perspectiva de análise teórica, é uma reiteração de velhas ideias; não é propriamente um novo conceito, mas sim a proposta de um conjunto de instrumentos para o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável. Uma novidade importante dessa inciativa é a defesa do ativismo de políticas de indução às mudanças tecnológicas ambientais, o que revela sua aproximação com a economia evolucionária. No plano da economia política internacional, o potencial de conflito Norte-Sul sobre a Iniciativa Economia Verde se vincula aos impasses registrados nas negociações sobre liberalização do comércio de bens e serviços ambientais na Rodada Doha da OMC.


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Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus é uma alfa-proteobactéria Gram-negativa, tolerante a meios ácidos, fixadora de nitrogênio atmosférico e foi a primeira bactéria diazotrófica endofítica isolada da cana-de-açúcar. Por sua vez, Gluconobacter oxydans, também alfa-proteobactéria Gram-negativa, possui a capacidade de oxidar incompletamente alcoóis e carboidratos. Ambas de interesse biotecnológico e industrial, essas bactérias tiveram seus genomas seqüenciados completamente em 2007. Desta forma, foi de interesse desse trabalho analisar e comparar os genes de reparo do DNA devido sua importância na manutenção da integridade genômica. Sendo assim, as vias de reparo presentes nos dois organismos foram identificadas, utilizando como base uma terceira alfa-proteobactéria, a Caulobacter crescentus, cujos genes de reparo foram descritos por um trabalho anterior e também os genes bem estabelecidos para o reparo do DNA em Escherichia coli. Para esse estudo, um banco de dados contendo ortólogos para os genes de reparo de DNA encontrados nos organismos foi criado e análises comparativas por similaridade usando o pacote Blast e o software Clustal foram feitas. Este estudo demonstrou que as principais vias de reparo ao DNA reparos por excisão, reparo direto, reparo recombinacional e reparo pelo sistema SOS estão presentes nos organismos analisados, demonstrando, na maioria das vezes, boa similaridade com E. coli. Interessantemente, foram encontradas duplicações gênicas nos quais uma das cópias estava presente no cromossomo e a outra, no plasmídeo, como no caso de UvrD, DnaE e Ssb, possivelmente caracterizando eventos de transferência lateral. Por fim, uma grande novidade foi a identificação de ortólogos para RecB em G. diazotrophicus e G. oxydans e de ortólogos duplicados de RecD em G. diazotrophicus. Até o momento, não havia sido relatada a presença de membros da via de iniciação RecBCD do reparo recombinacional em alfaproteobactérias


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Since the first years of the regulation of Psychology as a profession in Brazil, it has been carried out studies on the academic graduation, practice, workplace and the social commitment of the category. Despite the diversity of goals and propositions, these studies show that psychologists have been significantly inserted into the social policies field, implying changes in the profession. Since the 1980s, researches in Rio Grande do Norte corroborate the results of national studies. The aim of this paper is to study the insertion and professional career of psychologists in the social policies field in Rio Grande do Norte. In order to accomplish the final results of this paper, it was developed an exploratory research, with the use of a questionnaire, comprised of four parts: general data, academic graduation, complementary graduation and professional experience. The results show three groups of information: characterization, insertion and professional performance. It has been verified expressive insertion of psychologists into the social policies field (41%). The socio-demographic and graduation characteristics are not different from those shown by literature: women, young, from families with an average of 7 to 15 minimum wages. Most of them graduated from public institutions and with post-graduation studies in clinical area. The professionals studied seem to be in worse working conditions compared to the rest of the category, which are also in unfavorable conditions, especially the psychologists who work in social assistance institutions, which present greater problems in its structure. The activities developed do not show anything new, reserving conservative practices instead of effective innovations, emphasizing the discussion on the profession for not considering demands presented to the psychologists in the social policies field. With unique scenario, the eproduction of liberal values corroborates classic performance standards; an unpolitical and uncritical practice is diffused. It is then reconsidered the importance of critical studies that organize goals to the category, with the aim of political transformation concerning the current scenario.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR