983 resultados para Not ludic way of playing


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Two experiments examined the extent to which erroneous recall blocks veridical recall using, as a vehicle for study, the disruptive impact of distractors that are semantically similar to a list of words presented for free recall. Instructing participants to avoid erroneous recall of to-be-ignored spoken distractors attenuated their recall but this did not influence the disruptive effect of those distractors on veridical recall (Experiment 1). Using an externalised output-editing procedure—whereby participants recalled all items that came to mind and identified those that were erroneous—the usual between-sequence semantic similarity effect on erroneous and veridical recall was replicated but the relationship between the rate of erroneous and veridical recall was weak (Experiment 2). The results suggest that forgetting is not due to veridical recall being blocked by similar events.


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Plant species can condition the physico-chemical and biological properties of soil in ways that modify plant growth via plant–soil feedback (PSF). Plant growth can be positively affected, negatively affected or neutrally affected by soil conditioning by the same or other plant species. Soil conditioning by other plant species has particular relevance to ecological restoration of historic ecosystems because sites set aside for restoration are often conditioned by other, potentially non-native, plant species. We investigated changes in properties of jarrah forest soils after long-term (35 years) conditioning by pines (Pinus radiata), Sydney blue gums (Eucalyptus saligna), both non-native, plantation trees, and jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata; dominant native tree). Then, we tested the influence of the conditioned soils on the growth of jarrah seedlings. Blue gums and pines similarly conditioned the physico-chemical properties of soils, which differed from soil conditioning caused by jarrah. Especially important were the differences in conditioning of the properties C:N ratio, pH, and available K. The two eucalypt species similarly conditioned the biological properties of soil (i.e. community level physiological profile, numbers of fungal-feeding nematodes, omnivorous nematodes, and nematode channel ratio), and these differed from conditioning caused by pines. Species-specific conditioning of soil did not translate into differences in the amounts of biomass produced by jarrah seedlings and a neutral PSF was observed. In summary, we found that decades of soil conditioning by non-native plantation trees did not influence the growth of jarrah seedlings and will therefore not limit restoration of jarrah following the removal of the plantation trees.


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Although regulation of CXCR3 and CCR4 is related to Th1 and Th2 differentiation, respectively, many CXCR3(+) and CCR4(+) cells do not express IFN-gamma and/or IL-4, suggesting that the chemokine receptor genes might be inducible by mechanisms that are lineage-independent. We investigated the regulation of CXCR3 versus IFNG, and CCR4 versus IL4 in human CD4(+) T cells by analyzing modifications of histone H3. In naive cord-blood cells, under nonpolarizing conditions not inducing IL4, CCR4 was induced to high levels without many of the activation-associated changes in promoter histone H3 found for both IL4 and CCR4 in Th2 cells. Importantly, CCR4 expression was stable in Th2 cells, but fell in nonpolarized cells after the cells were rested; this decline could be reversed by increasing histone acetylation using sodium butyrate. Patterns of histone H3 modifications in CXCR3(+) CCR4(-) and CXCR3(-) CCR4(+) CD4(+) T-cell subsets from adult blood matched those in cells cultured under polarizing conditions in vitro. Our data show that high-level lineage-independent induction of CCR4 can occur following T-cell activation without accessibility-associated changes in histone H3, but that without such changes expression is transient rather than persistent.


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Identification of all important community members as well as of the numerically dominant members of a community are key aspects of microbial community analysis of bioreactor samples. A systematic study was conducted with artificial consortia to test whether denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGCE) is a reliable technique to obtain such community data under conditions where results would not be affected by differences in DNA extraction efficiency from cells. A total of 27 consortia were established by mixing DNA extracted from Escherichia coli K12, Burkholderia cepacia and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in different proportions. Concentrations of DNA of single organisms in the consortia were either 0.04, 0.4 or 4 ng/mu l. DGGE-PCR of genomic DNA with primer sets targeted at the V3 and V6-V8 regions of the 16S rDNA failed to detect the three community members in only 7% of consortia, but provided incorrect information about dominance or co-dominance for 85% and 89% of consortia with the primer sets for the V6-V8 and V3 regions, respectively. The high failure rate in detection of dominant B. cepacia with the primers for the V6-V8 region was attributable to a single nucleoticle primer mismatch in the target sequences of both, the forward and reverse primer. Amplification bias in PCR of E. coli and S. maltophilia for the V6-V8 region and for all three organisms for the V3 region occurred due to interference of genomic DNA in PCR-DGGE, since a nested PCR approach, where PCR-DGGE was started from mixtures of 16S rRNA genes of the organisms, provided correct information about the relative abundance of original DNA in the sample. Multiple bands were not observed in pure culture amplicons produced with the V6-V8 primer pair, but pure culture V3 DGGE profiles of E. coli, S. maltophilia and B. cepacia contained 5, 3 and 3 bands, respectively. These results demonstrate DGGE was suitable for identification of all important community members in the three-membered artificial consortium, but not for identification of the dominant organisms in this small community. Multiple DGGE bands obtained for single organisms with the V3 primer pair could greatly confound interpretation of DGGE profiles. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Care giving situations contain several features that offer opportunities for expanding the way that collaborative cognition is conceptualised and explored. These features are the presence of several possible contributors, more than one kind of change in participation, distinctions drawn among parts of a task, and differences in understanding based on interests. All represent departures from the traditional focus on dyads, tasks that emphasise one kind of change only, single problems, and differences in competence or expertise. All are also features likely to be found in everyday problem solving. Study 1 focuses on family contributions, based on reports by care givers about their current situation and their preferences for the involvement of other family members. Study 2 presents a standard family scenario and focuses on the views held by care givers, older adults, and community nurses about the reasonableness of various changes in participation. Results are discussed in terms of the ways situations such as care giving can help build a richer picture of collaborative cognition, one that is applicable to a variety of tasks and to all parts of the life span.


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The aim of this thesis, as set out in the Introduction, is to assess the (seminal) significance of Troeltsch as one who set the agenda for twentieth century theology, particularly modern sociopolitical theology, and whose thought still has a special relevance. The first main chapter deals with the implications of the philosophy of history for theology. The Protestant theological orthodoxy of Troeltsch's time was essential ahistorical: he thought this to be untenable. Theology had to come to terms with the historical method, which was ‘a leaven which transforms everything, and finally bursts all previous forms of theological method.’ This chapter discusses Troeltsch's work concerning the principles, the cultural matrix, and the philosophy of history. The second main chapter examines another main concern of Troeltsch, namely, the status of Christianity vis-a-vis other religions. The background to this was the increasing awareness of the existence of other religions and the question of relativity and universality which this posed. Troeltschfs major response was Die Absolutheit des Christentums in which the ideas of essence, Europeanism, and absolutism were discussed, The third, and longest, chapter looks at the impact of social theory on theology. Sociology gave Troeltsch ‘a new way of seeing things’, and this new perspective is to be seen pre-eminently in The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches. Discussion of this centres on the three main concepts that Troeltsch delineated, compromise, natural law, and church/sect typology.


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The Go8 has broken ranks with other university groups in suggesting that base funding shouldn’t have an equity component.


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