985 resultados para Non-preemptive scheduling
From a manufacturing perspective, the efficiency of manufacturing operations (such as process planning and production scheduling) are the key element for enhancing manufacturing competence. Process planning and production scheduling functions have been traditionally treated as two separate activities, and have resulted in a range of inefficiencies. These include infeasible process plans, non-available/overloaded resources, high production costs, long production lead times, and so on. Above all, it is unlikely that the dynamic changes can be efficiently dealt with. Despite much research has been conducted to integrate process planning and production scheduling to generate optimised solutions to improve manufacturing efficiency, there is still a gap to achieve the competence required for the current global competitive market. In this research, the concept of multi-agent system (MAS) is adopted as a means to address the aforementioned gap. A MAS consists of a collection of intelligent autonomous agents able to solve complex problems. These agents possess their individual objectives and interact with each other to fulfil the global goal. This paper describes a novel use of an autonomous agent system to facilitate the integration of process planning and production scheduling functions to cope with unpredictable demands, in terms of uncertainties in product mix and demand pattern. The novelty lies with the currency-based iterative agent bidding mechanism to allow process planning and production scheduling options to be evaluated simultaneously, so as to search for an optimised, cost-effective solution. This agent based system aims to achieve manufacturing competence by means of enhancing the flexibility and agility of manufacturing enterprises.
This paper presents a simulated genetic algorithm (GA) model of scheduling the flow shop problem with re-entrant jobs. The objective of this research is to minimize the weighted tardiness and makespan. The proposed model considers that the jobs with non-identical due dates are processed on the machines in the same order. Furthermore, the re-entrant jobs are stochastic as only some jobs are required to reenter to the flow shop. The tardiness weight is adjusted once the jobs reenter to the shop. The performance of the proposed GA model is verified by a number of numerical experiments where the data come from the case company. The results show the proposed method has a higher order satisfaction rate than the current industrial practices.
Buffered crossbar switches have recently attracted considerable attention as the next generation of high speed interconnects. They are a special type of crossbar switches with an exclusive buffer at each crosspoint of the crossbar. They demonstrate unique advantages over traditional unbuffered crossbar switches, such as high throughput, low latency, and asynchronous packet scheduling. However, since crosspoint buffers are expensive on-chip memories, it is desired that each crosspoint has only a small buffer. This dissertation proposes a series of practical algorithms and techniques for efficient packet scheduling for buffered crossbar switches. To reduce the hardware cost of such switches and make them scalable, we considered partially buffered crossbars, whose crosspoint buffers can be of an arbitrarily small size. Firstly, we introduced a hybrid scheme called Packet-mode Asynchronous Scheduling Algorithm (PASA) to schedule best effort traffic. PASA combines the features of both distributed and centralized scheduling algorithms and can directly handle variable length packets without Segmentation And Reassembly (SAR). We showed by theoretical analysis that it achieves 100% throughput for any admissible traffic in a crossbar with a speedup of two. Moreover, outputs in PASA have a large probability to avoid the more time-consuming centralized scheduling process, and thus make fast scheduling decisions. Secondly, we proposed the Fair Asynchronous Segment Scheduling (FASS) algorithm to handle guaranteed performance traffic with explicit flow rates. FASS reduces the crosspoint buffer size by dividing packets into shorter segments before transmission. It also provides tight constant performance guarantees by emulating the ideal Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) model. Furthermore, FASS requires no speedup for the crossbar, lowering the hardware cost and improving the switch capacity. Thirdly, we presented a bandwidth allocation scheme called Queue Length Proportional (QLP) to apply FASS to best effort traffic. QLP dynamically obtains a feasible bandwidth allocation matrix based on the queue length information, and thus assists the crossbar switch to be more work-conserving. The feasibility and stability of QLP were proved, no matter whether the traffic distribution is uniform or non-uniform. Hence, based on bandwidth allocation of QLP, FASS can also achieve 100% throughput for best effort traffic in a crossbar without speedup.
In questa tesi, viene illustrato un metodo risolutivo al problema dell’allocazione e schedulazione, su risorse eterogenee con capacità unaria rinnovabile e cumulativa non rinnovabile, di applicazioni multitask periodiche, con periodi in relazione armonica, strutturate in attività indipendenti o sottoposte a vincoli di precedenza e con durate dipendenti dalla specifica risorsa di allocazione. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire un’implementazione del modello in grado di gestire l’allocazione e la schedulazione di istanze (i.e. insieme di applicazioni) variabili, caratterizzate da una serie di parametri. La struttura implementativa, realizzata secondo la Logic-based Benders decomposition, prevede la suddivisione del problema in due moduli. Il primo in grado di generare un’allocazione e realizzato con tecniche di programmazione lineare intera mista, il secondo con lo scopo di controllare l’ammissibilità di tale allocazione attraverso una schedulazione ottima e realizzato mediante tecniche di programmazione a vincoli. Il meccanismo di comunicazione tra i due moduli avviene mediante vincoli lineari, denominati tagli di Benders, che vengono aggiunti dopo ogni iterazione del sistema. L’efficacia del modello sarà valutata confrontando i risultati ottenuti attraverso una serie di test, con i valori forniti da un metodo di allocazione e schedulazione alternativo.
Abstract Scheduling problems are generally NP-hard combinatorial problems, and a lot of research has been done to solve these problems heuristically. However, most of the previous approaches are problem-specific and research into the development of a general scheduling algorithm is still in its infancy. Mimicking the natural evolutionary process of the survival of the fittest, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have attracted much attention in solving difficult scheduling problems in recent years. Some obstacles exist when using GAs: there is no canonical mechanism to deal with constraints, which are commonly met in most real-world scheduling problems, and small changes to a solution are difficult. To overcome both difficulties, indirect approaches have been presented (in [1] and [2]) for nurse scheduling and driver scheduling, where GAs are used by mapping the solution space, and separate decoding routines then build solutions to the original problem. In our previous indirect GAs, learning is implicit and is restricted to the efficient adjustment of weights for a set of rules that are used to construct schedules. The major limitation of those approaches is that they learn in a non-human way: like most existing construction algorithms, once the best weight combination is found, the rules used in the construction process are fixed at each iteration. However, normally a long sequence of moves is needed to construct a schedule and using fixed rules at each move is thus unreasonable and not coherent with human learning processes. When a human scheduler is working, he normally builds a schedule step by step following a set of rules. After much practice, the scheduler gradually masters the knowledge of which solution parts go well with others. He can identify good parts and is aware of the solution quality even if the scheduling process is not completed yet, thus having the ability to finish a schedule by using flexible, rather than fixed, rules. In this research we intend to design more human-like scheduling algorithms, by using ideas derived from Bayesian Optimization Algorithms (BOA) and Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) to implement explicit learning from past solutions. BOA can be applied to learn to identify good partial solutions and to complete them by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions [3]. A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph with each node corresponding to one variable, and each variable corresponding to individual rule by which a schedule will be constructed step by step. The conditional probabilities are computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each node is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until values for all nodes have been generated. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the Bayesian network is updated again using the current set of good rule strings. The algorithm thereby tries to explicitly identify and mix promising building blocks. It should be noted that for most scheduling problems the structure of the network model is known and all the variables are fully observed. In this case, the goal of learning is to find the rule values that maximize the likelihood of the training data. Thus learning can amount to 'counting' in the case of multinomial distributions. In the LCS approach, each rule has its strength showing its current usefulness in the system, and this strength is constantly assessed [4]. To implement sophisticated learning based on previous solutions, an improved LCS-based algorithm is designed, which consists of the following three steps. The initialization step is to assign each rule at each stage a constant initial strength. Then rules are selected by using the Roulette Wheel strategy. The next step is to reinforce the strengths of the rules used in the previous solution, keeping the strength of unused rules unchanged. The selection step is to select fitter rules for the next generation. It is envisaged that the LCS part of the algorithm will be used as a hill climber to the BOA algorithm. This is exciting and ambitious research, which might provide the stepping-stone for a new class of scheduling algorithms. Data sets from nurse scheduling and mall problems will be used as test-beds. It is envisaged that once the concept has been proven successful, it will be implemented into general scheduling algorithms. It is also hoped that this research will give some preliminary answers about how to include human-like learning into scheduling algorithms and may therefore be of interest to researchers and practitioners in areas of scheduling and evolutionary computation. References 1. Aickelin, U. and Dowsland, K. (2003) 'Indirect Genetic Algorithm for a Nurse Scheduling Problem', Computer & Operational Research (in print). 2. Li, J. and Kwan, R.S.K. (2003), 'Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Driver Scheduling', European Journal of Operational Research 147(2): 334-344. 3. Pelikan, M., Goldberg, D. and Cantu-Paz, E. (1999) 'BOA: The Bayesian Optimization Algorithm', IlliGAL Report No 99003, University of Illinois. 4. Wilson, S. (1994) 'ZCS: A Zeroth-level Classifier System', Evolutionary Computation 2(1), pp 1-18.
The aim of this research is twofold: Firstly, to model and solve a complex nurse scheduling problem with an integer programming formulation and evolutionary algorithms. Secondly, to detail a novel statistical method of comparing and hence building better scheduling algorithms by identifying successful algorithm modifications. The comparison method captures the results of algorithms in a single figure that can then be compared using traditional statistical techniques. Thus, the proposed method of comparing algorithms is an objective procedure designed to assist in the process of improving an algorithm. This is achieved even when some results are non-numeric or missing due to infeasibility. The final algorithm outperforms all previous evolutionary algorithms, which relied on human expertise for modification.
The aim of this research is twofold: Firstly, to model and solve a complex nurse scheduling problem with an integer programming formulation and evolutionary algorithms. Secondly, to detail a novel statistical method of comparing and hence building better scheduling algorithms by identifying successful algorithm modifications. The comparison method captures the results of algorithms in a single figure that can then be compared using traditional statistical techniques. Thus, the proposed method of comparing algorithms is an objective procedure designed to assist in the process of improving an algorithm. This is achieved even when some results are non-numeric or missing due to infeasibility. The final algorithm outperforms all previous evolutionary algorithms, which relied on human expertise for modification.
Abstract Scheduling problems are generally NP-hard combinatorial problems, and a lot of research has been done to solve these problems heuristically. However, most of the previous approaches are problem-specific and research into the development of a general scheduling algorithm is still in its infancy. Mimicking the natural evolutionary process of the survival of the fittest, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have attracted much attention in solving difficult scheduling problems in recent years. Some obstacles exist when using GAs: there is no canonical mechanism to deal with constraints, which are commonly met in most real-world scheduling problems, and small changes to a solution are difficult. To overcome both difficulties, indirect approaches have been presented (in [1] and [2]) for nurse scheduling and driver scheduling, where GAs are used by mapping the solution space, and separate decoding routines then build solutions to the original problem. In our previous indirect GAs, learning is implicit and is restricted to the efficient adjustment of weights for a set of rules that are used to construct schedules. The major limitation of those approaches is that they learn in a non-human way: like most existing construction algorithms, once the best weight combination is found, the rules used in the construction process are fixed at each iteration. However, normally a long sequence of moves is needed to construct a schedule and using fixed rules at each move is thus unreasonable and not coherent with human learning processes. When a human scheduler is working, he normally builds a schedule step by step following a set of rules. After much practice, the scheduler gradually masters the knowledge of which solution parts go well with others. He can identify good parts and is aware of the solution quality even if the scheduling process is not completed yet, thus having the ability to finish a schedule by using flexible, rather than fixed, rules. In this research we intend to design more human-like scheduling algorithms, by using ideas derived from Bayesian Optimization Algorithms (BOA) and Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) to implement explicit learning from past solutions. BOA can be applied to learn to identify good partial solutions and to complete them by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions [3]. A Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph with each node corresponding to one variable, and each variable corresponding to individual rule by which a schedule will be constructed step by step. The conditional probabilities are computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each node is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until values for all nodes have been generated. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the Bayesian network is updated again using the current set of good rule strings. The algorithm thereby tries to explicitly identify and mix promising building blocks. It should be noted that for most scheduling problems the structure of the network model is known and all the variables are fully observed. In this case, the goal of learning is to find the rule values that maximize the likelihood of the training data. Thus learning can amount to 'counting' in the case of multinomial distributions. In the LCS approach, each rule has its strength showing its current usefulness in the system, and this strength is constantly assessed [4]. To implement sophisticated learning based on previous solutions, an improved LCS-based algorithm is designed, which consists of the following three steps. The initialization step is to assign each rule at each stage a constant initial strength. Then rules are selected by using the Roulette Wheel strategy. The next step is to reinforce the strengths of the rules used in the previous solution, keeping the strength of unused rules unchanged. The selection step is to select fitter rules for the next generation. It is envisaged that the LCS part of the algorithm will be used as a hill climber to the BOA algorithm. This is exciting and ambitious research, which might provide the stepping-stone for a new class of scheduling algorithms. Data sets from nurse scheduling and mall problems will be used as test-beds. It is envisaged that once the concept has been proven successful, it will be implemented into general scheduling algorithms. It is also hoped that this research will give some preliminary answers about how to include human-like learning into scheduling algorithms and may therefore be of interest to researchers and practitioners in areas of scheduling and evolutionary computation. References 1. Aickelin, U. and Dowsland, K. (2003) 'Indirect Genetic Algorithm for a Nurse Scheduling Problem', Computer & Operational Research (in print). 2. Li, J. and Kwan, R.S.K. (2003), 'Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Driver Scheduling', European Journal of Operational Research 147(2): 334-344. 3. Pelikan, M., Goldberg, D. and Cantu-Paz, E. (1999) 'BOA: The Bayesian Optimization Algorithm', IlliGAL Report No 99003, University of Illinois. 4. Wilson, S. (1994) 'ZCS: A Zeroth-level Classifier System', Evolutionary Computation 2(1), pp 1-18.
The aim of this research is twofold: Firstly, to model and solve a complex nurse scheduling problem with an integer programming formulation and evolutionary algorithms. Secondly, to detail a novel statistical method of comparing and hence building better scheduling algorithms by identifying successful algorithm modifications. The comparison method captures the results of algorithms in a single figure that can then be compared using traditional statistical techniques. Thus, the proposed method of comparing algorithms is an objective procedure designed to assist in the process of improving an algorithm. This is achieved even when some results are non-numeric or missing due to infeasibility. The final algorithm outperforms all previous evolutionary algorithms, which relied on human expertise for modification.
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is emerging as a promising multiple access technology for the fifth generation cellular networks to address the fast growing mobile data traffic. It applies superposition coding in transmitters, allowing simultaneous allocation of the same frequency resource to multiple intra-cell users. Successive interference cancellation is used at the receivers to cancel intra-cell interference. User pairing and power allocation (UPPA) is a key design aspect of NOMA. Existing UPPA algorithms are mainly based on exhaustive search method with extensive computation complexity, which can severely affect the NOMA performance. A fast proportional fairness (PF) scheduling based UPPA algorithm is proposed to address the problem. The novel idea is to form user pairs around the users with the highest PF metrics with pre-configured fixed power allocation. Systemlevel simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is significantly faster (seven times faster for the scenario with 20 users) with a negligible throughput loss than the existing exhaustive search algorithm.
Con la presente tesi di laurea si vuole analizzare la nuova procedura di ordini di “Scheduling Agreement” all’interno della realtà aziendale di ACMA S.p.A., azienda produttrice di macchine automatiche. Con il termine Scheduling Agreement si identifica una gestione di ordini con il fornitore, il quale mantiene i pezzi prodotti all’interno del proprio magazzino per massimo 18 mesi. L’accordo si basa sul principio per cui il fornitore ha una maggiore continuità di fornitura mentre ACMA S.p.A. vede un risparmio degli investimenti aziendali e nel tempo di approvvigionamento. Il principale focus dello studio verterà sulla proposta di soluzioni di stoccaggio per ricercare un punto di ottimo che permetta di ridurre al minimo il rischio di stock out e al tempo stesso minimizzi il livello delle scorte. L’analisi partirà con l’identificazione dei prodotti per cui risulta conveniente aprire uno Scheduling. Tale processo valutativo si estrinseca nell’analisi di due parametri fondamentali: frequenza e consumo. Verranno poi analizzati alcuni casi TO BE con il fine di trovare il Lead Time migliore per ridurre al minimo le giacenze ed evitare rotture di stock. Questi studi utilizzano il software di estrapolazione dati “SAP” per poi analizzarli sulla piattaforma Excel e forniscono una valutazione realistica nella gestione di tale procedura in ACMA S.p.A.. La soluzione conclusiva riesce a risolvere il problema di stock out introducendo la “scorta di sicurezza” calcolata sulla domanda futura. In particolare, utilizzando un Lead Time di approvvigionamento di 21 giorni si è riusciti a ridurre del 75% le scorte a magazzino rispetto al caso più cautelativo, mantenendo comunque basso il rischio di stock out. I risultati ottenuti forniranno un effettivo miglioramento delle prestazioni dell’azienda e il modello verrà sfruttato in futuro per l’applicazione iterativa della soluzione descritta, con risparmio di tempo e di fondi aziendali.
The study of the user scheduling problem in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Multi-User MIMO system is the objective of this thesis. With the application of cutting-edge digital beamforming algorithms, a LEO satellite with an antenna array and a large number of antenna elements can provide service to many user terminals (UTs) in full frequency reuse (FFR) schemes. Since the number of UTs on-ground are many more than the transmit antennas on the satellite, user scheduling is necessary. Scheduling can be accomplished by grouping users into different clusters: users within the same cluster are multiplexed and served together via Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA), i.e., digital beamforming or Multi-User MIMO techniques; the different clusters of users are then served on different time slots via Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The design of an optimal user grouping strategy is known to be an NP-complete problem which can be solved only through exhaustive search. In this thesis, we provide a graph-based user scheduling and feed space beamforming architecture for the downlink with the aim of reducing user inter-beam interference. The main idea is based on clustering users whose pairwise great-circle distance is as large as possible. First, we create a graph where the users represent the vertices, whereas an edge in the graph between 2 users exists if their great-circle distance is above a certain threshold. In the second step, we develop a low complex greedy user clustering technique and we iteratively search for the maximum clique in the graph, i.e., the largest fully connected subgraph in the graph. Finally, by using the 3 aforementioned power normalization techniques, a Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) beamforming matrix is deployed on a cluster basis. The suggested scheduling system is compared with a position-based scheduler, which generates a beam lattice on the ground and randomly selects one user per beam to form a cluster.
The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.
The metabolic enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN) is responsible for the endogenous synthesis of palmitate, a saturated long-chain fatty acid. In contrast to most normal tissues, a variety of human cancers overexpress FASN. One such cancer is cutaneous melanoma, in which the level of FASN expression is associated with tumor invasion and poor prognosis. We previously reported that two FASN inhibitors, cerulenin and orlistat, induce apoptosis in B16-F10 mouse melanoma cells via the intrinsic apoptosis pathway. Here, we investigated the effects of these inhibitors on non-tumorigenic melan-a cells. Cerulenin and orlistat treatments were found to induce apoptosis and decrease cell proliferation, in addition to inducing the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c and activating caspases-9 and -3. Transfection with FASN siRNA did not result in apoptosis. Mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that treatment with the FASN inhibitors did not alter either the mitochondrial free fatty acid content or composition. This result suggests that cerulenin- and orlistat-induced apoptosis events are independent of FASN inhibition. Analysis of the energy-linked functions of melan-a mitochondria demonstrated the inhibition of respiration, followed by a significant decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and the stimulation of superoxide anion generation. The inhibition of NADH-linked substrate oxidation was approximately 40% and 61% for cerulenin and orlistat treatments, respectively, and the inhibition of succinate oxidation was approximately 46% and 52%, respectively. In contrast, no significant inhibition occurred when respiration was supported by the complex IV substrate N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD). The protection conferred by the free radical scavenger N-acetyl-cysteine indicates that the FASN inhibitors induced apoptosis through an oxidative stress-associated mechanism. In combination, the present results demonstrate that cerulenin and orlistat induce apoptosis in non-tumorigenic cells via mitochondrial dysfunction, independent of FASN inhibition.
Although malaria in Brazil almost exclusively occurs within the boundaries of the Amazon Region, some concerns are raised regarding imported malaria to non-endemic areas of the country, notably increased incidence of complications due to delayed diagnoses. However, although imported malaria in Brazil represents a major health problem, only a few studies have addressed this subject. A retrospective case series is presented in which 263 medical charts were analysed to investigate the clinical and epidemiological characterization of malaria cases that were diagnosed and treated at Hospital & Clinics, State University of Campinas between 1998 and 2011. Amongst all medical charts analysed, 224 patients had a parasitological confirmed diagnosis of malaria. Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum were responsible for 67% and 30% of the infections, respectively. The majority of patients were male (83%) of a productive age (median, 37 years old). Importantly, severe complications did not differ significantly between P. vivax (14 cases, 9%) and P. falciparum (7 cases, 10%) infections. Severe malaria cases were frequent among imported cases in Brazil outside of the Amazon area. The findings reinforce the idea that P. vivax infections in Brazil are not benign, regardless the endemicity of the area studied. Moreover, as the hospital is located in a privileged site, it could be used for future studies of malaria relapses and primaquine resistance mechanisms. Finally, based on the volume of cases treated and the secondary complications, referral malaria services are needed in the non-endemic areas of Brazil for a rapid and efficient and treatment.