881 resultados para Noise signals


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Many applications, including communications, test and measurement, and radar, require the generation of signals with a high degree of spectral purity. One method for producing tunable, low-noise source signals is to combine the outputs of multiple direct digital synthesizers (DDSs) arranged in a parallel configuration. In such an approach, if all noise is uncorrelated across channels, the noise will decrease relative to the combined signal power, resulting in a reduction of sideband noise and an increase in SNR. However, in any real array, the broadband noise and spurious components will be correlated to some degree, limiting the gains achieved by parallelization. This thesis examines the potential performance benefits that may arise from using an array of DDSs, with a focus on several types of common DDS errors, including phase noise, phase truncation spurs, quantization noise spurs, and quantizer nonlinearity spurs. Measurements to determine the level of correlation among DDS channels were made on a custom 14-channel DDS testbed. The investigation of the phase noise of a DDS array indicates that the contribution to the phase noise from the DACs can be decreased to a desired level by using a large enough number of channels. In such a system, the phase noise qualities of the source clock and the system cost and complexity will be the main limitations on the phase noise of the DDS array. The study of phase truncation spurs suggests that, at least in our system, the phase truncation spurs are uncorrelated, contrary to the theoretical prediction. We believe this decorrelation is due to the existence of an unidentified mechanism in our DDS array that is unaccounted for in our current operational DDS model. This mechanism, likely due to some timing element in the FPGA, causes some randomness in the relative phases of the truncation spurs from channel to channel each time the DDS array is powered up. This randomness decorrelates the phase truncation spurs, opening the potential for SFDR gain from using a DDS array. The analysis of the correlation of quantization noise spurs in an array of DDSs shows that the total quantization noise power of each DDS channel is uncorrelated for nearly all values of DAC output bits. This suggests that a near N gain in SQNR is possible for an N-channel array of DDSs. This gain will be most apparent for low-bit DACs in which quantization noise is notably higher than the thermal noise contribution. Lastly, the measurements of the correlation of quantizer nonlinearity spurs demonstrate that the second and third harmonics are highly correlated across channels for all frequencies tested. This means that there is no benefit to using an array of DDSs for the problems of in-band quantizer nonlinearities. As a result, alternate methods of harmonic spur management must be employed.


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Determination of combustion metrics for a diesel engine has the potential of providing feedback for closed-loop combustion phasing control to meet current and upcoming emission and fuel consumption regulations. This thesis focused on the estimation of combustion metrics including start of combustion (SOC), crank angle location of 50% cumulative heat release (CA50), peak pressure crank angle location (PPCL), and peak pressure amplitude (PPA), peak apparent heat release rate crank angle location (PACL), mean absolute pressure error (MAPE), and peak apparent heat release rate amplitude (PAA). In-cylinder pressure has been used in the laboratory as the primary mechanism for characterization of combustion rates and more recently in-cylinder pressure has been used in series production vehicles for feedback control. However, the intrusive measurement with the in-cylinder pressure sensor is expensive and requires special mounting process and engine structure modification. As an alternative method, this work investigated block mounted accelerometers to estimate combustion metrics in a 9L I6 diesel engine. So the transfer path between the accelerometer signal and the in-cylinder pressure signal needs to be modeled. Depending on the transfer path, the in-cylinder pressure signal and the combustion metrics can be accurately estimated - recovered from accelerometer signals. The method and applicability for determining the transfer path is critical in utilizing an accelerometer(s) for feedback. Single-input single-output (SISO) frequency response function (FRF) is the most common transfer path model; however, it is shown here to have low robustness for varying engine operating conditions. This thesis examines mechanisms to improve the robustness of FRF for combustion metrics estimation. First, an adaptation process based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm was developed and added to the single-input single-output model. Second, a multiple-input single-output (MISO) FRF model coupled with principal component analysis and an offset compensation process was investigated and applied. Improvement of the FRF robustness was achieved based on these two approaches. Furthermore a neural network as a nonlinear model of the transfer path between the accelerometer signal and the apparent heat release rate was also investigated. Transfer path between the acoustical emissions and the in-cylinder pressure signal was also investigated in this dissertation on a high pressure common rail (HPCR) 1.9L TDI diesel engine. The acoustical emissions are an important factor in the powertrain development process. In this part of the research a transfer path was developed between the two and then used to predict the engine noise level with the measured in-cylinder pressure as the input. Three methods for transfer path modeling were applied and the method based on the cepstral smoothing technique led to the most accurate results with averaged estimation errors of 2 dBA and a root mean square error of 1.5dBA. Finally, a linear model for engine noise level estimation was proposed with the in-cylinder pressure signal and the engine speed as components.


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Chaque année, le piratage mondial de la musique coûte plusieurs milliards de dollars en pertes économiques, pertes d’emplois et pertes de gains des travailleurs ainsi que la perte de millions de dollars en recettes fiscales. La plupart du piratage de la musique est dû à la croissance rapide et à la facilité des technologies actuelles pour la copie, le partage, la manipulation et la distribution de données musicales [Domingo, 2015], [Siwek, 2007]. Le tatouage des signaux sonores a été proposé pour protéger les droit des auteurs et pour permettre la localisation des instants où le signal sonore a été falsifié. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’utiliser la représentation parcimonieuse bio-inspirée par graphe de décharges (spikegramme), pour concevoir une nouvelle méthode permettant la localisation de la falsification dans les signaux sonores. Aussi, une nouvelle méthode de protection du droit d’auteur. Finalement, une nouvelle attaque perceptuelle, en utilisant le spikegramme, pour attaquer des systèmes de tatouage sonore. Nous proposons tout d’abord une technique de localisation des falsifications (‘tampering’) des signaux sonores. Pour cela nous combinons une méthode à spectre étendu modifié (‘modified spread spectrum’, MSS) avec une représentation parcimonieuse. Nous utilisons une technique de poursuite perceptive adaptée (perceptual marching pursuit, PMP [Hossein Najaf-Zadeh, 2008]) pour générer une représentation parcimonieuse (spikegramme) du signal sonore d’entrée qui est invariante au décalage temporel [E. C. Smith, 2006] et qui prend en compte les phénomènes de masquage tels qu’ils sont observés en audition. Un code d’authentification est inséré à l’intérieur des coefficients de la représentation en spikegramme. Puis ceux-ci sont combinés aux seuils de masquage. Le signal tatoué est resynthétisé à partir des coefficients modifiés, et le signal ainsi obtenu est transmis au décodeur. Au décodeur, pour identifier un segment falsifié du signal sonore, les codes d’authentification de tous les segments intacts sont analysés. Si les codes ne peuvent être détectés correctement, on sait qu’alors le segment aura été falsifié. Nous proposons de tatouer selon le principe à spectre étendu (appelé MSS) afin d’obtenir une grande capacité en nombre de bits de tatouage introduits. Dans les situations où il y a désynchronisation entre le codeur et le décodeur, notre méthode permet quand même de détecter des pièces falsifiées. Par rapport à l’état de l’art, notre approche a le taux d’erreur le plus bas pour ce qui est de détecter les pièces falsifiées. Nous avons utilisé le test de l’opinion moyenne (‘MOS’) pour mesurer la qualité des systèmes tatoués. Nous évaluons la méthode de tatouage semi-fragile par le taux d’erreur (nombre de bits erronés divisé par tous les bits soumis) suite à plusieurs attaques. Les résultats confirment la supériorité de notre approche pour la localisation des pièces falsifiées dans les signaux sonores tout en préservant la qualité des signaux. Ensuite nous proposons une nouvelle technique pour la protection des signaux sonores. Cette technique est basée sur la représentation par spikegrammes des signaux sonores et utilise deux dictionnaires (TDA pour Two-Dictionary Approach). Le spikegramme est utilisé pour coder le signal hôte en utilisant un dictionnaire de filtres gammatones. Pour le tatouage, nous utilisons deux dictionnaires différents qui sont sélectionnés en fonction du bit d’entrée à tatouer et du contenu du signal. Notre approche trouve les gammatones appropriés (appelés noyaux de tatouage) sur la base de la valeur du bit à tatouer, et incorpore les bits de tatouage dans la phase des gammatones du tatouage. De plus, il est montré que la TDA est libre d’erreur dans le cas d’aucune situation d’attaque. Il est démontré que la décorrélation des noyaux de tatouage permet la conception d’une méthode de tatouage sonore très robuste. Les expériences ont montré la meilleure robustesse pour la méthode proposée lorsque le signal tatoué est corrompu par une compression MP3 à 32 kbits par seconde avec une charge utile de 56.5 bps par rapport à plusieurs techniques récentes. De plus nous avons étudié la robustesse du tatouage lorsque les nouveaux codec USAC (Unified Audion and Speech Coding) à 24kbps sont utilisés. La charge utile est alors comprise entre 5 et 15 bps. Finalement, nous utilisons les spikegrammes pour proposer trois nouvelles méthodes d’attaques. Nous les comparons aux méthodes récentes d’attaques telles que 32 kbps MP3 et 24 kbps USAC. Ces attaques comprennent l’attaque par PMP, l’attaque par bruit inaudible et l’attaque de remplacement parcimonieuse. Dans le cas de l’attaque par PMP, le signal de tatouage est représenté et resynthétisé avec un spikegramme. Dans le cas de l’attaque par bruit inaudible, celui-ci est généré et ajouté aux coefficients du spikegramme. Dans le cas de l’attaque de remplacement parcimonieuse, dans chaque segment du signal, les caractéristiques spectro-temporelles du signal (les décharges temporelles ;‘time spikes’) se trouvent en utilisant le spikegramme et les spikes temporelles et similaires sont remplacés par une autre. Pour comparer l’efficacité des attaques proposées, nous les comparons au décodeur du tatouage à spectre étendu. Il est démontré que l’attaque par remplacement parcimonieux réduit la corrélation normalisée du décodeur de spectre étendu avec un plus grand facteur par rapport à la situation où le décodeur de spectre étendu est attaqué par la transformation MP3 (32 kbps) et 24 kbps USAC.


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Due to the imprecise nature of biological experiments, biological data is often characterized by the presence of redundant and noisy data. This may be due to errors that occurred during data collection, such as contaminations in laboratorial samples. It is the case of gene expression data, where the equipments and tools currently used frequently produce noisy biological data. Machine Learning algorithms have been successfully used in gene expression data analysis. Although many Machine Learning algorithms can deal with noise, detecting and removing noisy instances from the training data set can help the induction of the target hypothesis. This paper evaluates the use of distance-based pre-processing techniques for noise detection in gene expression data classification problems. This evaluation analyzes the effectiveness of the techniques investigated in removing noisy data, measured by the accuracy obtained by different Machine Learning classifiers over the pre-processed data.


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The Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) sequence has been widely used in low-field and low-resolution imaging NMR experiments to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (s/n) of the signals. Here, we analyzed the Scrambled Steady State - SSS and Unscrambled Steady State - USS sequences to suppress phase anomalies and sidebands of the 13C NMR spectrum acquired in the SSFP regime. The results showed that the application of the USS sequence allowed a uniform distribution of the time interval between pulses (Tp), in the established time range, allowing a greater suppression of phase anomalies and sidebands, when compared with the SSS sequence.


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Over the last couple of decades, many methods for synchronizing chaotic systems have been proposed with communications applications in view. Yet their performance has proved disappointing in face of the nonideal character of usual channels linking transmitter and receiver, that is, due to both noise and signal propagation distortion. Here we consider a discrete-time master-slave system that synchronizes despite channel bandwidth limitations and an allied communication system. Synchronization is achieved introducing a digital filter that limits the spectral content of the feedback loop responsible for producing the transmitted signal. Copyright (C) 2009 Marcio Eisencraft et al.


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Interference by autofluorescence is one of the major concerns of immunofluorescence analysis of in situ hybridization-based diagnostic assays. We present a useful technique that reduces autofluorescent background without affecting the tissue integrity or direct immunofluorescence signals in brain sections. Using six different protocols, such as ammonia/ethanol, Sudan Black B (SBB) in 70% ethanol, photobleaching with UV light and different combinations of them in both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and frozen human brain tissue sections, we have found that tissue treatment of SBB in a concentration of 0.1% in 70% ethanol is the best approach to reduce/eliminate tissue autofluorescence and background, while preserving the specific fluorescence hybridization signals. This strategy is a feasible, non-time consuming method that provides a reasonable compromise between total reduction of the tissue autofluorescence and maintenance of specific fluorescent labels.


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We investigate the dynamics of a resistively shunted Josephson junction. We compute the Josephson frequency and the generalized impedances for a variety of the parameters, particularly with relevance to predicting the measurable effects of zero-temperature current noise in the resistor.


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We show theoretically and experimentally that scattered light by thermal phonons inside a second-order nonlinear crystal is the source of additional phase noise observed in optical parametric oscillators. This additional phase noise reduces the quantum correlations and has hitherto hindered the direct production of multipartite entanglement in a single nonlinear optical system. We cooled the nonlinear crystal and observed a reduction in the extra noise. Our treatment of this noise can be successfully applied to different systems in the literature.


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Noise is an intrinsic feature of population dynamics and plays a crucial role in oscillations called phase-forgetting quasicycles by converting damped into sustained oscillations. This function of noise becomes evident when considering Langevin equations whose deterministic part yields only damped oscillations. We formulate here a consistent and systematic approach to population dynamics, leading to a Fokker-Planck equation and the associate Langevin equations in accordance with this conceptual framework, founded on stochastic lattice-gas models that describe spatially structured predator-prey systems. Langevin equations in the population densities and predator-prey pair density are derived in two stages. First, a birth-and-death stochastic process in the space of prey and predator numbers and predator-prey pair number is obtained by a contraction method that reduces the degrees of freedom. Second, a van Kampen expansion in the inverse of system size is then performed to get the Fokker-Planck equation. We also study the time correlation function, the asymptotic behavior of which is used to characterize the transition from the cyclic coexistence of species to the ordinary coexistence.


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The mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking ( EWSB) will be directly scrutinized soon at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We analyze the LHC potential to look for new vector bosons associated with the EWSB sector, presenting a possible model independent approach to search for these new spin-1 resonances. We show that the analyses of the processes pp -> l(+)l(1-)E(T), l +/- jjE(T), l(1 +/-)l(+)l(-)E(T), l(+/-)jjE(T), and l(+)l(-) jj (with l, l' = e or mu and j = jet) have a large reach at the LHC and can lead to the discovery or exclusion of many EWSB scenarios such as Higgsless models.


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We investigate the collider signals associated with scalar quirks (squirks) in folded supersymmetric models. As opposed to regular superpartners in supersymmetric models these particles are uncolored, but are instead charged under a new confining group, leading to radically different collider signals. Because of the new strong dynamics, squirks that are pair produced do not hadronize separately, but rather form a highly excited bound state. The excited squirkonium loses energy to radiation before annihilating back into standard model particles. We calculate the branching fractions into various channels for this process, which is prompt on collider time scales. The most promising annihilation channel for discovery is W+photon which dominates for squirkonium near its ground state. We demonstrate the feasibility of the LHC search, showing that the mass peak is visible above the SM continuum background and estimate the discovery reach.


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We investigate a neutrino mass model in which the neutrino data is accounted for by bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetry with anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. We focus on the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) phenomenology, studying the reach of generic supersymmetry search channels with leptons, missing energy and jets. A special feature of this model is the existence of long-lived neutralinos and charginos which decay inside the detector leading to detached vertices. We demonstrate that the largest reach is obtained in the displaced vertices channel and that practically all of the reasonable parameter space will be covered with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1). We also compare the displaced vertex reaches of the LHC and Tevatron.


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We investigate the sensitivity of the composite cellular automaton of H. Fuks [Phys. Rev. E 55, R2081 (1997)] to noise and assess the density classification performance of the resulting probabilistic cellular automaton (PCA) numerically. We conclude that the composite PCA performs the density classification task reliably only up to very small levels of noise. In particular, it cannot outperform the noisy Gacs-Kurdyumov-Levin automaton, an imperfect classifier, for any level of noise. While the original composite CA is nonergodic, analyses of relaxation times indicate that its noisy version is an ergodic automaton, with the relaxation times decaying algebraically over an extended range of parameters with an exponent very close (possibly equal) to the mean-field value.


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Positional information in developing embryos is specified by spatial gradients of transcriptional regulators. One of the classic systems for studying this is the activation of the hunchback (hb) gene in early fruit fly (Drosophila) segmentation by the maternally-derived gradient of the Bicoid (Bcd) protein. Gene regulation is subject to intrinsic noise which can produce variable expression. This variability must be constrained in the highly reproducible and coordinated events of development. We identify means by which noise is controlled during gene expression by characterizing the dependence of hb mRNA and protein output noise on hb promoter structure and transcriptional dynamics. We use a stochastic model of the hb promoter in which the number and strength of Bcd and Hb (self-regulatory) binding sites can be varied. Model parameters are fit to data from WT embryos, the self-regulation mutant hb(14F), and lacZ reporter constructs using different portions of the hb promoter. We have corroborated model noise predictions experimentally. The results indicate that WT (self-regulatory) Hb output noise is predominantly dependent on the transcription and translation dynamics of its own expression, rather than on Bcd fluctuations. The constructs and mutant, which lack self-regulation, indicate that the multiple Bcd binding sites in the hb promoter (and their strengths) also play a role in buffering noise. The model is robust to the variation in Bcd binding site number across a number of fly species. This study identifies particular ways in which promoter structure and regulatory dynamics reduce hb output noise. Insofar as many of these are common features of genes (e. g. multiple regulatory sites, cooperativity, self-feedback), the current results contribute to the general understanding of the reproducibility and determinacy of spatial patterning in early development.