912 resultados para Ni-Cr-Mo alloy
本论文按照统一的采样和统一的分析测试方法对全国煤中22种环境敏感微量元素及全硫含量进行了系统的研究。通过统计学的方法不仅给出了中国煤炭部分环境敏感微量元素的分布范围、算术均值、标准差、几何均值、几何偏差,中位数,而且首次给出了95%置信度下算术均值、几何均值以及元素含量分布的置信区间等,并与前人大量样品的统计结果进行比较。还通过统计分析了部分环境敏感微量元素在我国煤中的主要赋存状态,以及选煤对这部分微量元素的脱除机理和脱除效果等,得到以下几点认识: 1. 通过与前人大量样品统计所得到的结果进行比较,进一步证明了论文中使用的这批样品是中国煤炭平均化学成分的良好代表。本次所分析的23种元素中,As、Be、Co、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb、Se、Th、Tl、U、F、S等13元素与前人数10年研究的统计结果在分布范围、均值含量等上非常一致,但本次的结果更为可信,更接近中国煤炭平均化学成分的真实状况。此外,本次对这B、Sn这2种元素的分析数据也是目前反映我国煤中分布最具有代表性的数据。 2. 根据样品的无偏性,对平均值的置信区间进行计算。首次给出了全国煤中各元素在95%置信度下的算术均值的置信区间、几何均值的置信区间以及元素含量分布的置信区间等。可以为后人研究各元素在绝大多数煤中的含量及均值情况时作为参考。同时统计分析表明,按照95%置信度计算,16元素的真实平均值在我们所得到的平均值±11%范围之内,最大偏差为硒,在±20%之间。 3. 平均值作为最常用的统计量之一,中国煤中不同元素的不同均值之间有一定的差异,反映了元素在煤中不同的分布状态。论文中通过对23种元素在全国煤中的5种不同的均值比较,一般元素的产量加权均值与总体样品均值之间都比较接近;绝大多数元素的储量加权均值比较低,这与西北、华北地区未开采利用的煤炭资源量大,煤质好有关。 4. 通过与Swaine(1990)给出世界煤中元素的分布范围进行比较,22种环境敏感微量元素在我国煤中的分布处于世界煤的有限范围之内。其中,Cr、Cu、Mn、Mo、Se、Sn、Th、Tl、U、V、F等微量元素在我国煤中的分布与世界煤比较接近,而As、B、Ba、Be、Cd、Co、Cl、Hg、Ni、Pb、Sb等微量元素在我国煤中较世界煤低很多。 5. 与世界主要煤炭资源大国和Swaine(1990)给出的世界煤元素均值含量的比较显示,大部分环境敏感微量元素在我国煤中的均值含量与世界主要煤炭资源大国煤中的均值含量也比较接近。其中,我国煤中B、Co、Cu、Hg、Pb、U等6种元素含量均值与美国煤比较接近,As、Cd、Sb、Tl等4种元素含量均值与澳大利亚煤比较接近,Ba、Cr、Mo、Ni、V等4种元素含量均值与前苏联煤比较接近,Be、Mn、Se、Th、F等5种元素含量均值与世界煤比较接近。 6. 随着煤炭变质程度的增高,各元素均值含量没有表现出明显规律性的增高或降低。但22种环境敏感微量元素在褐煤、弱粘煤、不粘煤、气煤等较低变质程度煤中的含量整体水平不高,绝大多数微量元素主要在中高变质程度煤中较为更为富集。不同成煤时期以及不同聚煤区煤中各种环境敏感微量元素不同的富集程度,从总体上反应了绝大部分环境敏感微量元素在华南煤中更为富集,而占全国储量3/4的华北和西北煤中的总体水平相对较低。 7. 通过对环境敏感微量元素与灰分及主要灰成分之间的关系进行分析,初步了解了它们在煤中的主要赋存状态。煤中绝大部分环境敏感微量元素还是具有非常明显的无机亲和性,在煤中主要以矿物无机形态存在。主要与粘土矿物、黄铁矿及硫化物相结合,而与碳酸盐矿物关系不大。 8. 脱除率的分析显示,15种元素的脱除率与灰分的脱除率之间具有显著的正相关性,说明煤中绝大部分环境敏感微量元素主要以无机形态存在,因此提高原煤入洗率,降低原煤灰分的同时也可以在很大程度上降低环境敏感微量元素的燃煤排放。 9. 部分环境敏感元素的脱除率受到其在煤中的赋存状态、矿物形态、煤级以及选煤厂洗选工艺等诸多因素的影响,在不同样品中脱除率的差异较大。某些样品中微量元素的脱除率较高,最高脱除率可达到70%以上。从平均脱除率来看,灰分、硫分及绝大多数环境敏感微量元素处于30%-70%之间,只有少数几个元素不到20%。
樟村-郑坊黑色岩系钒矿床产于江南古岛弧外侧的浙赣海底盆地中(即钱塘拗陷西缘),盆地南面即为著名的绍兴-江山-东乡深断裂,其西段为占华南洋块与江南古岛弧系的碰撞拼接带,东段为江南古岛弧与华夏古陆的对接带。临近矿床的北西方向即北东走向的东乡-德兴-歙县深断裂,为九岭地体与怀玉地晚元古代拼接带。区内发育的构造体系影响了地层的沉积、分布以及岩性,以绍兴-_江山-东乡深断裂为界,以北为江南岛弧区型沉积,以南则为古华南洋(华南褶皱系)型沉积,二者岩性、厚度均有很大的差异;绍兴-江山-东乡深断裂以北,以东乡-德兴-歙县深断裂为界,北西部广泛出露元代双桥山群(九岭群)并零星或呈断块状出露了晚古生代至中生代的地层,南东部地区则除在深断裂边缘狭长地区内分布元古代漆工群外,广泛出露了震旦-奥陶纪的地层,在紧靠绍兴-江山-东乡深断裂的北侧也有晚古生代-中生代的地层展布。矿区出露的地层有震旦系、寒武系、奥陶系和第四系。含矿岩系为下寒武统,矿体主要赋存在荷塘组的下部,即荷塘组上段的第一亚段(_1h~(2-1))。为—套黑色(碳质)硅质岩-细碎屑岩夹少量碎屑碳酸盐建造。反应了含矿岩系形成时缺少陆源粗碎屑和碳酸盐的非补偿性的深水环境,可能属于前弧斜坡、前弧台地或前弧盆地。矿床中的黑色岩系含矿建造主要岩石类型为黑色硅质岩和黑色富(含)长石岩矿物成分主要为石英、长石、粘士(伊利石或绢云母)以及黄铁矿、重品石等。整套岩系富含污染型有机碳。电子探针分析表明,岩石中的长石基本都是钡冰长石,其中Ba的含量最高达18.91%。仅偶见钾长石。因此证实了含矿岩系中发现有大量的钡冰长石存在,富(含)长石岩应为富(含)钡冰长石岩。钡冰长石的产出环境极为有限,黑色岩系中的钡冰长石被认为是热水沉积的标志性矿物,是热水沉积矿床在(早期)成岩作用过程中形成的自生矿物。矿床的容矿岩石是富(含)钡冰长石岩。电子探针研究表明,V主要赋存在一种可能是未定名矿物族的V-Ti氧化物和钾伊利石中。这种V-Ti氧化物的化学通式为V_2O_3·nTiO_2,n = 4-9;对该类矿物微区X-衍射的数据分析表明,该类矿物可能属于三斜晶系。整个含矿岩系富Ba、K、V,缺Na、Mn和Mg、Ca。矿床的地质地球化学研究表明,V与火山或热水沉积来源的元素Ba、Se和亲基性元素Cr、Co、Ni、Ti、Fe等呈明显的正相关,表明它们之间可能的同源关系,也显示了它们不同于正常沉积环境产物的特征,可能代表了热水沉积作用;此外,V与K、Al、Ga也呈明显的正相关,这可能是两方面原因造成的:1.含V岩石中大量存在钡冰长石,且V含量随Ba含量的增高而增高:2.一部分V存在于粘土矿物之中。因此导致了V与Al、K的正相关。至于Ga,由于其离子半径与Al~(3+)相似,因而其地球化学行为受Al~(3+)的控制,所以也与V呈正相关关系。V与LOI、Si等负相关。 REE研究表明,矿床中的硅质岩LREE与HREE强烈分馏,球粒陨石标准化分布模式表现为右倾的没有或有极弱的Ce负异常、有中等的Eu负异常的图形,其NASC分布模式为一右倾的图形,这可能反应了未与海水充分混合的热水快速化学沉积过程。作为容矿岩石的富(含)钡冰长石岩的球粒陨石标准化模式为右倾的有中等Ce负异常和中等Eu负异常的图形,NASC标准化分布模式富集中稀土和重稀土,与现代热水沉积物相似。弱Yb负异常可能反应了玄武岩的REE分配模式。地质和地球化学特征表明了该矿床可能的热水(喷流)沉积成因。硅质岩是典型的热水沉积岩,富(含)钡冰长石岩是陆源物质在同生沉积过程中受到热水流体作用改造形成的热水沉积岩。V、Ti、Ba、Si等元素可能来源于海底火山岩,Al、K则可能来源于陆源物质和海底岩石的海解作用。该矿床可能应属于主要为海底化学沉积系统的海底热水环境。基于对其地质地球化学特征的考察,作者对该矿床的成矿模式作了以下假设:下渗的海水与海底岩石发生反应并在此过程中受到下部热源的加热,使其变为酸性且通过淋滤富含Ba、V、Ti、Co、Cr、Mo、Ni、Si等元素;热水溶液沿温度和压力降低的方向折回海底,透过海底的松散沉积物,并最终溢出海底,由于温压的释放和海水的混合,热水流体迅速达到饱和并以各种方式沉积出流体中的元素:V、Ti、Ba、Si等。在通过海底沉积物时,流体在其中进行了交代。
The binary A(8)B phase (prototype Pt(8)Ti) has been experimentally observed in 11 systems. A high-throughput search over all the binary transition intermetallics, however, reveals 59 occurrences of the A(8)B phase: Au(8)Zn(dagger), Cd(8)Sc(dagger), Cu(8)Ni(dagger), Cu(8)Zn(dagger), Hg(8)La, Ir(8)Os(dagger), Ir(8)Re, Ir(8)Ru(dagger), Ir(8)Tc, Ir(8)W(dagger), Nb(8)Os(dagger), Nb(8)Rh(dagger), Nb(8)Ru(dagger), Nb(8)Ta(dagger), Ni(8)Fe, Ni(8)Mo(dagger)*, Ni(8)Nb(dagger)*, Ni(8)Ta*, Ni(8)V*, Ni(8)W, Pd(8)Al(dagger), Pd(8)Fe, Pd(8)Hf, Pd(8)Mn, Pd(8)Mo*, Pd(8)Nb, Pd(8)Sc, Pd(8)Ta, Pd(8)Ti, Pd(8)V*, Pd(8)W*, Pd(8)Zn, Pd(8)Zr, Pt(8)Al(dagger), Pt(8)Cr*, Pt(8)Hf, Pt(8)Mn, Pt(8)Mo, Pt(8)Nb, Pt(8)Rh(dagger), Pt(8)Sc, Pt(8)Ta, Pt(8)Ti*, Pt(8)V*, Pt(8)W, Pt(8)Zr*, Rh(8)Mo, Rh(8)W, Ta(8)Pd, Ta(8)Pt, Ta(8)Rh, V(8)Cr(dagger), V(8)Fe(dagger), V(8)Ir(dagger), V(8)Ni(dagger), V(8)Pd, V(8)Pt, V(8)Rh, and V(8)Ru(dagger) ((dagger) = metastable, * = experimentally observed). This is surprising for the wealth of new occurrences that are predicted, especially in well-characterized systems (e.g., Cu-Zn). By verifying all experimental results while offering additional predictions, our study serves as a striking demonstration of the power of the high-throughput approach. The practicality of the method is demonstrated in the Rh-W system. A cluster-expansion-based Monte Carlo model reveals a relatively high order-disorder transition temperature.
Mangroves are considered to play a significant role in global carbon cycling. Themangrove forests would fix CO2 by photosynthesis into mangrove lumber and thus decrease the possibility of a catastrophic series of events - global warming by atmospheric CO2, melting of the polar ice caps, and inundation of the great coastal cities of the world. The leaf litter and roots are the main contributors to mangrove sediments, though algal production and allochthonous detritus can also be trapped (Kristensen et al, 2008) by mangroves due to their high organic matter content and reducing nature are excellent metal retainers. Environmental pollution due to metals is of major concern. This is due to the basic fact that metals are not biodegradable or perishable the way most organic pollutants are. While most organic toxicants can be destroyed by combustion and converted into compounds such as C0, C02, SOX, NOX, metals can't be destroyed. At the most the valance and physical form of metals may change. Concentration of metals present naturally in air, water and soil is very low. Metals released into the environment through anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossils fuels, discharge of industrial effluents, mining, dumping of sewage etc leads to the development of higher than tolerable or toxic levels of metals in the environment leading to metal pollution. Of course, a large number of heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, and V are essential to plants and animals and deficiency of these metals may lead to diseases, but at higher levels, it would lead to metal toxicity. Almost all industrial processes and urban activities involve release of at least trace quantities of half a dozen metals in different forms. Heavy metal pollution in the environment can remain dormant for a long time and surface with a vengeance. Once an area gets toxified with metals, it is almost impossible to detoxify it. The symptoms of metal toxicity are often quite similar to the symptoms of other common diseases such as respiratory problems, digestive disorders, skin diseases, hypertension, diabetes, jaundice etc making it all the more difficult to diagnose metal poisoning. For example the Minamata disease caused by mercury pollution in addition to affecting the nervous system can disturb liver function and cause diabetes and hypertension. The damage caused by heavy metals does not end up with the affected person. The harmful effects can be transferred to the person's progenies. Ironically heavy metal pollution is a direct offshoot of our increasing ability to mass produce metals and use them in all spheres of existence. Along with conventional physico- chemical methods, biosystem approachment is also being constantly used for combating metal pollution
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in improving the quality of life. They are increasingly being used in a wide variety of applications ranging from compasses to modern technological devices. Metallic glasses occupy an important position among magnetic materials. They assume importance both from a scientific and an application point of view since they represent an amorphous form of condensed matter with significant deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium. Metallic glasses having good soft magnetic properties are widely used in tape recorder heads, cores of high-power transformers and metallic shields. Superconducting metallic glasses are being used to produce high magnetic fields and magnetic levitation effect. Upon heat treatment, they undergo structural relaxation leading to subtle rearrangements of constituent atoms. This leads to densification of amorphous phase and subsequent nanocrystallisation. The short-range structural relaxation phenomenon gives rise to significant variations in physical, mechanical and magnetic properties. Magnetic amorphous alloys of Co-Fe exhibit excellent soft magnetic properties which make them promising candidates for applications as transformer cores, sensors, and actuators. With the advent of microminiaturization and nanotechnology, thin film forms of these alloys are sought after for soft under layers for perpendicular recording media. The thin film forms of these alloys can also be used for fabrication of magnetic micro electro mechanical systems (magnetic MEMS). In bulk, they are drawn in the form of ribbons, often by melt spinning. The main constituents of these alloys are Co, Fe, Ni, Si, Mo and B. Mo acts as the grain growth inhibitor and Si and B facilitate the amorphous nature in the alloy structure. The ferromagnetic phases such as Co-Fe and Fe-Ni in the alloy composition determine the soft magnetic properties. The grain correlation length, a measure of the grain size, often determines the soft magnetic properties of these alloys. Amorphous alloys could be restructured in to their nanocrystalline counterparts by different techniques. The structure of nanocrystalline material consists of nanosized ferromagnetic crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix. When the amorphous phase is ferromagnetic, they facilitate exchange coupling between nanocrystallites. This exchange coupling results in the vanishing of magnetocrystalline anisotropy which improves the soft magnetic properties. From a fundamental perspective, exchange correlation length and grain size are the deciding factors that determine the magnetic properties of these nanocrystalline materials. In thin films, surfaces and interfaces predominantly decides the bulk property and hence tailoring the surface roughness and morphology of the film could result in modified magnetic properties. Surface modifications can be achieved by thermal annealing at various temperatures. Ion irradiation is an alternative tool to modify the surface/structural properties. The surface evolution of a thin film under swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation is an outcome of different competing mechanism. It could be sputtering induced by SHI followed by surface roughening process and the material transport induced smoothening process. The impingement of ions with different fluence on the alloy is bound to produce systematic microstructural changes and this could effectively be used for tailoring magnetic parameters namely coercivity, saturation magnetization, magnetic permeability and remanence of these materials. Swift heavy ion irradiation is a novel and an ingenious tool for surface modification which eventually will lead to changes in the bulk as well as surface magnetic property. SHI has been widely used as a method for the creation of latent tracks in thin films. The bombardment of SHI modifies the surfaces or interfaces or creates defects, which induces strain in the film. These changes will have profound influence on the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetisation of the specimen. Thus inducing structural and morphological changes by thermal annealing and swift heavy ion irradiation, which in turn induce changes in the magnetic properties of these alloys, is one of the motivation of this study. Multiferroic and magneto-electrics is a class of functional materials with wide application potential and are of great interest to material scientists and engineers. Magnetoelectric materials combine both magnetic as well as ferroelectric properties in a single specimen. The dielectric properties of such materials can be controlled by the application of an external magnetic field and the magnetic properties by an electric field. Composites with magnetic and piezo/ferroelectric individual phases are found to have strong magnetoelectric (ME) response at room temperature and hence are preferred to single phasic multiferroic materials. Currently research in this class of materials is towards optimization of the ME coupling by tailoring the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive properties of the two individual components of ME composites. The magnetoelectric coupling constant (MECC) (_ ME) is the parameter that decides the extent of interdependence of magnetic and electric response of the composite structure. Extensive investigates have been carried out in bulk composites possessing on giant ME coupling. These materials are fabricated by either gluing the individual components to each other or mixing the magnetic material to a piezoelectric matrix. The most extensively investigated material combinations are Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) or Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate (PMNPT) as the piezoelectric, and Terfenol-D as the magnetostrictive phase and the coupling is measured in different configurations like transverse, longitudinal and inplane longitudinal. Fabrication of a lead free multiferroic composite with a strong ME response is the need of the hour from a device application point of view. The multilayer structure is expected to be far superior to bulk composites in terms of ME coupling since the piezoelectric (PE) layer can easily be poled electrically to enhance the piezoelectricity and hence the ME effect. The giant magnetostriction reported in the Co-Fe thin films makes it an ideal candidate for the ferromagnetic component and BaTiO3 which is a well known ferroelectric material with improved piezoelectric properties as the ferroelectric component. The multilayer structure of BaTiO3- CoFe- BaTiO3 is an ideal system to understand the underlying fundamental physics behind the ME coupling mechanism. Giant magnetoelectric coupling coefficient is anticipated for these multilayer structures of BaTiO3-CoFe-BaTiO3. This makes it an ideal candidate for cantilever applications in magnetic MEMS/NEMS devices. SrTiO3 is an incipient ferroelectric material which is paraelectric up to 0K in its pure unstressed form. Recently few studies showed that ferroelectricity can be induced by application of stress or by chemical / isotopic substitution. The search for room temperature magnetoelectric coupling in SrTiO3-CoFe-SrTiO3 multilayer structures is of fundamental interest. Yet another motivation of the present work is to fabricate multilayer structures consisting of CoFe/ BaTiO3 and CoFe/ SrTiO3 for possible giant ME coupling coefficient (MECC) values. These are lead free and hence promising candidates for MEMS applications. The elucidation of mechanism for the giant MECC also will be the part of the objective of this investigation.
To evaluate the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method for detection and quantitation of bacteria from the internal parts of dental implants and to compare bacterial leakage from implants connected either to cast or to pre-machined abutments. Nine plastic abutments cast in a Ni-Cr alloy and nine pre-machined Co-Cr alloy abutments with plastic sleeves cast in Ni-Cr were connected to Branemark-compatible implants. A group of nine implants was used as control. The implants were inoculated with 3 mu l of a solution containing 10(8) cells/ml of Streptococcus sobrinus. Bacterial samples were immediately collected from the control implants while assemblies were completely immersed in 5 ml of sterile Tripty Soy Broth (TSB) medium. After 14 days of anaerobic incubation, occurrence of leakage at the implant-abutment interface was evaluated by assessing contamination of the TSB medium. Internal contamination of the implants was evaluated with the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. DNA-DNA hybridization was sensitive enough to detect and quantify the microorganism from the internal parts of the implants. No differences in leakage and in internal contamination were found between cast and pre-machined abutments. Bacterial scores in the control group were significantly higher than in the other groups (P < 0.05). Bacterial leakage through the implant-abutment interface does not significantly differ when cast or pre-machined abutments are used. The checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique is suitable for the evaluation of the internal contamination of dental implants although further studies are necessary to validate the use of computational methods for the improvement of the test accuracy. To cite this article:do Nascimento C, Barbosa RES, Issa JPM, Watanabe E, Ito IY, Albuquerque Junior RF. Use of checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization to evaluate the internal contamination of dental implants and comparison of bacterial leakage with cast or pre-machined abutments.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 571-577.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2008.01663.x.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of fit of three types of implant-supported frameworks cast in Ni-Cr alloy: specifically, a framework cast as one piece compared to frameworks cast separately in sections to the transverse or the diagonal axis, and later laser welded. Materials and Methods: Three sets of similar implant-supported frameworks were constructed. The first group of six 3-unit implant-supported frameworks were cast as one piece, the second group of six were sectioned in the transverse axis of the pontic region prior to casting, and the last group of six were sectioned in the diagonal axis of the pontic region prior to casting. The sectioned frameworks were positioned in the matrix (10 N(.)cm torque) and laser welded. To evaluate passive fit, readings were made with an optical microscope with both screws tightened and with only one-screw tightened. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer`s test (p < 0.05). Results: When both screws were tightened, no differences were found between the three groups (p > 0.05). In the single-screw-tightened test, with readings made opposite to the tightened side, the group cast as one piece (57.02 +/- 33.48 mu m) was significantly different (p < 0.05) from the group sectioned diagonally (18.92 +/- 4.75 mu m) but no different (p > 0.05) from the group transversally sectioned (31.42 +/- 20.68 mu m). On the tightened side, no significant differences were found between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Results of this study showed that casting diagonally sectioned frameworks lowers misfit levels of prosthetic implant-supported frameworks and also improves the levels of passivity to the same frameworks when compared to structures cast as one piece.
This study compared the vertical misfit of 3-unit implant-supported nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) and cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy and commercially pure titanium (cpTi) frameworks after casting as 1 piece, after sectioning and laser welding, and after simulated porcelain firings. The results on the tightened side showed no statistically significant differences. On the opposite side, statistically significant differences were found for Co-Cr alloy (118.64 mu m [SD: 91.48] to 39.90 mu m [SD: 27.13]) and cpTi (118.56 mu m [51.35] to 27.87 mu m [12.71]) when comparing 1-piece to laser-welded frameworks. With both sides tightened, only Co-Cr alloy showed statistically significant differences after laser welding. Ni-Cr alloy showed the lowest misfit values, though the differences were not statistically significantly different. Simulated porcelain firings revealed no significant differences.
The metalceramic crowns are usually used in dentistry because they provide a resistant structure due to its metallic base and its aesthetics from the porcelain that recovers this structure. To manufacture these crowns, a series of stages should be accomplished in the prosthetic laboratories, and many variables can influence its success. Changes in these variables cause alterations in the metallic alloy and in the porcelain, so, as consequence, in the adhesion between them. The composition of the metal alloy can be modified by recasting alloys, a common practice in some prosthetic laboratories. The aim of this paper is to make a systematic study investigating metalceramic crowns as well as analyzing the effect of recasting Ni-Cr alloys. Another variable which can influence the mechanism of metalceramic union is the temperature used in firing porcelain procedure. Each porcelain has to be fired in a fixed temperature which is determined by the manufacturer and its change can cause serious damages. This research simulate situations that may occur on laboratory procedures and observe their consequences in the quality of the metalceramic union. A scanning eletron microscopy and an optic microscopy were accomplish to analyse the metal-ceramic interface. No differences have been found when remelting alloys were used. The microhardness were similar in Ni-Cr alloys casted once, twice and three times. A wettability test was accomplished using a software developed at the Laboratório de Processamento de Materiais por Plasma, on the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. No differences were found in the contact angle between the solid surface (metallic substratum) and the tangencial plane to the liquid surface (opaque). To analyse if the temperature of porcelain firing procedure could influence the contact area between metal and porcelain, a variation in its final temperature was achieve from 980° to 955°C. Once more, no differences have been found
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliou-se a resistência de união metal/porcelana utilizando-se uma liga de Ni-Cr, submetida a diferentes tempos de oxidação prévia com o sistema cerâmico Vita-VMK, através do teste preconizado por CHIODI NETTO3. A análise dos resultados permitiu as seguintes conclusões: a ausência da oxidação prévia possibilitou os melhores resultados, sendo que a diferença foi estatisticamente significante; diferentes tempos de oxidação prévia provocaram redução acentuada nos valores obtidos e foram semelhantes entre si; o grupo submetido ao processo de jateamento após a oxidação prévia por cinco minutos mostrou resultados similares aos grupos que também passaram pelo processo de oxidação e não sofreram jateamento posterior.
They were casted pieces using three kinds of alloy (Ni-Cr, Ag-Sn and Cu-Al) with circular and smooth surface. They were cemented to human teeth, on occlusal surface, grounded at dentin level, through three different materials kind (zinc polycarboxylate cement, glassionomer cement and composite). After 24 hours storing, the samples were subjected to the tensile test. The results showed that the samples cemented with composite and the casts made with Ag-Sn alloy had higher bond strength.