991 resultados para Neural Tube Defects


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Background Oral clefts are one of the most common birth defects with significant medical, psychosocial, and economic ramifications. Oral clefts have a complex etiology with genetic and environmental risk factors. There are suggestive results for decreased risks of cleft occurrence and recurrence with folic acid supplements taken at preconception and during pregnancy with a stronger evidence for higher than lower doses in preventing recurrence. Yet previous studies have suffered from considerable design limitations particularly non-randomization into treatment. There is also well-documented effectiveness for folic acid in preventing neural tube defect occurrence at 0.4 mg and recurrence with 4 mg. Given the substantial burden of clefting on the individual and the family and the supportive data for the effectiveness of folic acid supplementation as well as its low cost, a randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of high versus low dose folic acid for prevention of cleft recurrence is warranted. Methods/design This study will assess the effect of 4 mg and 0.4 mg doses of folic acid, taken on a daily basis during preconception and up to 3 months of pregnancy by women who are at risk of having a child with nonsyndromic cleft lip with/without palate (NSCL/P), on the recurrence of NSCL/P. The total sample will include about 6,000 women (that either have NSCL/P or that have at least one child with NSCL/P) randomly assigned to the 4 mg and the 0.4 mg folic acid study groups. The study will also compare the recurrence rates of NSCL/P in the total sample of subjects, as well as the two study groups (4mg, 0.4 mg) to that of a historical control group. The study has been approved by IRBs (ethics committees) of all involved sites. Results will be disseminated through publications and presentations at scientific meetings. Discussion The costs related to oral clefts are high, including long term psychological and socio-economic effects. This study provides an opportunity for huge savings in not only money but the overall quality of life. This may help establish more specific clinical guidelines for oral cleft prevention so that the intervention can be better tailored for at-risk women. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT00397917


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A fundamental task in developmental biology is to understand the molecular mechanisms governing early embryogenesis. The aim of this study was to understand the developmental role of a putative basic helix-loop-helix (b-HLH) transcription factor, twist, during mouse embryogenesis.^ twist was originally identified in Drosophila as one of the zygotic genes, including snail, that were required for dorsal-ventral patterning. In Drosophila embryogenesis, twist is expressed in the cells of the ventral midline destined to form mesoderm. In embryos lacking twist expression, their ventral cells fail to form a ventral furrow and subsequently no mesoderm is formed.^ During mouse embryogenesis, twist is expressed after initial mesoderm formation in both mesoderm and cranial neural crest cell derivatives. To study the role of twist in vivo, twist-null embryos were generated by gene targeting. Embryos homozygous for the twist mutation die at midgestation. The most prominent phenotype in the present study was a failure of the cranial neural tube to close (exencephaly). twist-null embryos also showed defects in head mesenchyme, branchial arches, somites, and limb buds.^ To understand whether twist functions cell-autonomously and to investigate how twist-null cells interact with wild-type cells in vivo, twist chimeras composed of both twist-null and wild-type cells marked by the expression of the lacZgene were generated. Chimeric analysis revealed a correlation between the incidence of exencephaly and the contribution of the underlying twist-null head mesenchyme, thus strongly suggesting that twist-expressing head mesenchyme is required for the closure of the cranial neural tube. These studies have identified twist as a critical regulator for the mesenchymal fate determination within the cranial neural crest lineage. Most strikingly, twist-null head mesenchyme cells were always segregated from wild-type cells, indicating that the twist mutation altered the adhesive specificity of these cells. Furthermore, these results also indicated that twist functions cell-autonomously in the head, arch, and limb mesenchyme but non-cell-autonomously in the somites. Taken together, these studies have established the essential role of twist during mouse embryogenesis. ^


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The genetic pathways that control development of the early mammalian embryo have remained poorly understood, in part because the systematic mutant screens that have been so successful in the identification of genes and pathways that direct embryonic development in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans, and zebrafish have not been applied to mammalian embryogenesis. Here we demonstrate that chemical mutagenesis with ethylnitrosourea can be combined with the resources of mouse genomics to identify new genes that are essential for mammalian embryogenesis. A pilot screen for abnormal morphological phenotypes of midgestation embryos identified five mutant lines; the phenotypes of four of the lines are caused by recessive traits that map to single regions of the genome. Three mutant lines display defects in neural tube closure: one is caused by an allele of the open brain (opb) locus, one defines a previously unknown locus, and one has a complex genetic basis. Two mutations produce novel early phenotypes and map to regions of the genome not previously implicated in embryonic patterning.


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Neural crest cells arise from the ectoderm and are first recognizable as discrete cells in the chicken embryo when they emerge from the neural tube. Despite the classical view that neural crest precursors are a distinct population lying between epidermis and neuroepithelium, our results demonstrate that they are not a segregated population. Cell lineage analyses have demonstrated that individual precursor cells within the neural folds can give rise to epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube derivatives. Interactions between the neural plate and epidermis can generate neural crest cells, since juxtaposition of these tissues at early stages results in the formation of neural crest cells at the interface. Inductive interactions between the epidermis and neural plate can also result in "dorsalization" of the neural plate, as assayed by the expression of the Wnt transcripts characteristic of the dorsal neural tube. The competence of the neural plate changes with time, however, such that interaction of early neural plate with epidermis generates only neural crest cells, whereas interaction of slightly older neural plate with epidermis generates neural crest cells and Wnt-expressing cells. At cranial levels, neuroepithelial cells can regulate to generate neural crest cells when the endogenous neural folds are removed, probably via interaction of the remaining neural tube with the epidermis. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that: (i) progenitor cells in the neural folds are multipotent, having the ability to form multiple ectodermal derivatives, including epidermal, neural crest, and neural tube cells; (ii) the neural crest is an induced population that arises by interactions between the neural plate and the epidermis; and (iii) the competence of the neural plate to respond to inductive interactions changes as a function of embryonic age.


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Factors that regulate cellular migration during embryonic development are essential for tissue and organ morphogenesis. Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor (SF/HGF) can stimulate motogenic and morphogenetic activities in cultured epithelial cells expressing the Met tyrosine kinase receptor and is essential for development; however, the precise physiological role of SF/HGF is incompletely understood. Here we provide functional evidence that inappropriate expression of SF/HGF in transgenic mice influences the development of two distinct migratory cell lineages, resulting in ectopic skeletal muscle formation and melanosis in the central nervous system, and patterned hyperpigmentation of the skin. Committed TRP-2 positive melanoblasts were found to be situated aberrantly within defined regions of the transgenic embryo, including the neural tube, which overproduced SF/RGF. Our data strongly suggest that SF/HGF possesses physiologically relevant scatter activity, and functions as a true morphogenetic factor by regulating migration and/or differentiation of select populations of premyogenic and neural crest cells during normal mammalian embryogenesis.


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The early axon scaffolding in the embryonic vertebrate brain consists of a series of ventrally projecting axon tracts that grow into a single major longitudinal pathway connected across the midline by commissures. We have investigated the role of Brother of CDO (BOC), an immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily member distantly related to the Roundabout (Robo) family of axon-guidance receptors, in the development of this embryonic template of axon tracts in the zebrafish brain. A zebrafish homologue of BOC was isolated and shown to be expressed predominantly in the developing neural plate and later in the neural tube and developing brain. Zebrafish boc was initially highly localized to discrete bands in the mid- and hindbrain, but, as the major brain subdivisions emerged, it became more evenly expressed along the rostrocaudal axis, particularly in dorsal regions. The function of zebrafish boc was examined by a loss-of-function approach. Analysis of embryos injected with antisense morpholinos designed against boc revealed highly selective defects in the development of dorsoventrally projecting axon tracts. Loss of boc caused ventrally projecting axons, particularly those arising from the presumptive telencephalon, to follow aberrant trajectories. These data indicate that boc is an axon-guidance molecule playing a fundamental role in pathfinding during the early patterning of the axon scaffold in the embryonic vertebrate brain. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Neural Crest cells (NCC) constitute a unique embryonic cell population that arises between the prospective epidermis and the dorsal aspect of the neural tube of vertebrates. NCC migrate ventromedially and dorsolaterally throughout the developing embryo giving rise to the peripheral nervous system constituents and melanocytes that ultimately reside in the skin and hair follicles respectively. Mice and humans with mutations in the Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) gene manifest strikingly similar phenotypes characterized by hypopigmentation, hearing loss and megacolon these are due to absence of melanocytes in the skin and inner ear and lack of enteric ganglia in the distal part of the gut, respectively. Piebald lethal mice and humans with Hirschsprung's disease or Waardenburg syndrome carry different mutations in the Ednrb gene. The major goals of this project were to determine whether the action of Ednrb in NCC is required prior to commitment of these cells to the melanocytic lineage and to investigate its potential participation in the actual process of commitment. In order to achieve these goals transgenic mice that express Ednrb under two different regulatory elements were created. The first, Dct-Ednrb, expresses Ednrb under the control of the DOPAchrome tautomerase (Dct) promoter to direct expression to already committed melanocyte precursors. The second, Nes-Ednrb, expresses Ednrb under the regulation of the human nestin gene second enhancer to direct expression to pre-migratory NCC. Crosses of the Dct-Ednrb mouse with piebald lethal showed that the transgene was capable of rescuing the hypopigmentation phenotype of the later. This result indicates that the action of Ednrb after NCC commit to the melanocytic lineage is sufficient for normal melanocyte development. The Dct-Ednrb was further crossed with two other hypopigmentation mutants that carry mutations in the transcription factors Sox10 and Pax3. The transgene rescued the phenotype of the Sox10 mutant only. This suggests that Ednrb interacts with Sox10 but not with Pax3 during melanocyte development. The Nes-Ednrb mice developed a hypopigmentation phenotype that was augmented when crossed with piebald lethal or lethal spotting (mutation in Edn3, the ligand for Ednrb) mice but was rescued by over expression of Edn3. These results suggest that alterations in Ednrb expression early in development affect melanocyte development. This study provides novel information necessary to better understand the early embryonic development of NCC, clarifies specific interactions between different melanogenic genes and, could eventually help in the implementation of therapies for human pigmentary genetic disorders. ^


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Endothelin-3 (Edn3) has been shown to be an essential environmental cue in melanocyte development. Edn3 and its receptor, EdnrB, are allelic to mouse mutations occurring at the lethal spotting and piebald loci, respectively; these mutations result in hypopigmentation phenotypes. Mutations in the genes for both Edn3 and EdnrB are implicated in human pigmentation disorders such as Waardenburg-Shah syndrome, which is characterized by pigmentation defects, deafness, and megacolon. In this study, a tetracycline-inducible transgenic mouse model that overexpresses Edn3 under the control of the Keratin 5 promoter was shown to produce a hyperpigmentation phenotype that decreases over time. The expression pattern of transgenic Edn3 and its effects on the melanocyte population were examined in transgenic embryos, postnatal skin, and the skin of adult mice that exhibit faded hyperpigmentation. These studies suggest that overexpression of Edn3 in this model is restricted primarily to the roof plate of the neural tube and surface ectoderm in the developing embryo and to keratinocytes in the epidermis of postnatal mice. A decline in transgenic expression and a reduction in the dermal melanocytes and free melanin that characterize the phenotype in juvenile mice were shown to correlate with the fading of the hyperpigmentation phenotype. Transgenic mice in which transgenic expression was repressed (resulting in the disappearance of the hyperpigmentation phenotype) also exhibited a decrease in the dermal melanocyte population. The Edn3-overexpressing mice used in this study might be helpful m understanding human skin conditions characterized by dermal melanocytosis.


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The neural crest is a group of migratory, multipotent stem cells that play a crucial role in many aspects of embryonic development. This uniquely vertebrate cell population forms within the dorsal neural tube but then emigrates out and migrates long distances to different regions of the body. These cells contribute to formation of many structures such as the peripheral nervous system, craniofacial skeleton, and pigmentation of the skin. Why some neural tube cells undergo a change from neural to neural crest cell fate is unknown as is the timing of both onset and cessation of their emigration from the neural tube. In recent years, growing evidence supports an important role for epigenetic regulation as a new mechanism for controlling aspects of neural crest development. In this thesis, I dissect the roles of the de novo DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) 3A and 3B in neural crest specification, migration and differentiation. First, I show that DNMT3A limits the spatial boundary between neural crest versus neural tube progenitors within the neuroepithelium. DNMT3A promotes neural crest specification by directly mediating repression of neural genes, like Sox2 and Sox3. Its knockdown causes ectopic Sox2 and Sox3 expression at the expense of neural crest territory. Thus, DNMT3A functions as a molecular switch, repressing neural to favor neural crest cell fate. Second, I find that DNMT3B restricts the temporal window during which the neural crest cells emigrate from the dorsal neural tube. Knockdown of DNMT3B causes an excess of neural crest emigration, by extending the time that the neural tube is competent to generate emigrating neural crest cells. In older embryos, this resulted in premature neuronal differentiation. Thus, DNMT3B regulates the duration of neural crest production by the neural tube and the timing of their differentiation. My results in avian embryos suggest that de novo DNA methylation, exerted by both DNMT3A and DNMT3B, plays a dual role in neural crest development, with each individual paralogue apparently functioning during a distinct temporal window. The results suggest that de novo DNA methylation is a critical epigenetic mark used for cell fate restriction of progenitor cells during neural crest cell fate specification. Our discovery provides important insights into the mechanisms that determine whether a cell becomes part of the central nervous system or peripheral cell lineages.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is necessary for normal male phenotype development and essential for spermatogenesis. AR is a classical steroid receptor mediating actions of male sex steroids testosterone and 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Numerous coregulators interact with the receptor and regulate AR activity on target genes. This study deals with the characterization of androgen receptor-interacting protein 4 (ARIP4). ARIP4 binds DNA, interacts with AR in vitro and in cultured yeast and mammalian cells, and modulates AR-dependent transactivation. ARIP4 is an active DNA-dependent ATPase, and this enzymatic activity is essential for the ability of ARIP4 to modulate AR function. On the basis of sequence homology in its ATPase domain, ARIP4 belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins involved in chromatin remodeling, DNA repair, and homologous recombination. Similar to its closest homologs ATRX and Rad54, ARIP4 does not seem to be a classical chromatin remodeling protein in that it does not appear to form large protein complexes in vivo or remodel mononucleosomes in vitro. However, ARIP4 is able to generate superhelical torsion on linear DNA fragments. ARIP4 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and mutation of six potential SUMO attachment sites abolishes the ability of ARIP4 to bind DNA, hydrolyze ATP, and activate AR function. ARIP4 expression starts in early embryonic development. In mouse embryo ARIP4 is present mainly in the neural tube and limb buds. In adult mouse tissues ARIP4 expression is virtually ubiquitous. In mouse testis ARIP4 is expressed in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in a stage-dependent manner. ARIP4 is also present in the nuclei of Leydig cells, spermatogonia, pachytene and diplotene spermatocytes. Testicular expression pattern of ARIP4 does not differ significantly in wild-type, FSHRKO, and LuRKO mice. In the testis of hpg mice, ARIP4 is found mainly in interstitial cells and has very low, if any, expression in Sertoli and germ cells. Heterozygous Arip4+/ mice are fertile and appear normal; however, they are haploinsufficient with regard to androgen action in Sertoli cells. In contrast, Arip4 / embryos are not viable. They have significantly reduced body size at E9.5 and die by E11.5. Compared to wild-type littermates, Arip4 / embryos possess a higher percentage of apoptotic cells at E9.5 and E10.5. Fibroblasts derived from Arip4 / embryos cease growing after 2-3 passages and exhibit a significantly increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation rate than cells from wild-type embryos. Our findings demonstrate that ARIP4 plays an essential role in mouse embryonic development. In addition, testicular expression and AR coregulatory activity of ARIP4 suggest a role of ARIP4-AR interaction in the somatic cells of the testis.


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The neuroectodermal tissue close to the midbrain hindbrain boundary (MHB) is an important secondary organizer in the developing neural tube. This so-called isthmic organizer (IsO) regulates cellular survival, patterning and proliferation in the midbrain (Mb) and rhombomere 1 (R1) of the hindbrain. Signaling molecules of the IsO, such as fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) and WNT1 are expressed in distinct bands of cells around the MHB. It has been previously shown that FGF-receptor 1 (FGFR1) is required for the normal development of this brain region in the mouse embryo. In the present study, we have compared the gene expression profiles of wild-type and Fgfr1 mutant embryos. We show that the loss of Fgfr1 results in the downregulation of several genes expressed close to the MHB and in the disappearance of gene expression gradients in the midbrain and R1. Our microarray screen identified several previously uncharacterized genes which may participate in the development of midbrain R1 region. Our results also show altered neurogenesis in the midbrain and R1 of the Fgfr1 mutants. Interestingly, the neuronal progenitors in midbrain and R1 show different responses to the loss of signaling through FGFR1. As Wnt1 expression at the MHB region requires the FGF signaling pathway, WNT target genes, including Drapc1, were also identified in our screen. The microarray data analysis also suggested that the cells next to the midbrain hindbrain boundary express distinct cell cycle regulators. We showed that the cells close to the border appeared to have unique features. These cells proliferate less rapidly than the surrounding cells. Unlike the cells further away from the boundary, these cells express Fgfr1 but not the other FGF receptors. The slowly proliferating boundary cells are necessary for development of the characteristic isthmic constriction. They may also contribute to compartmentalization of this brain region.


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Acredita-se que os primeiros progenitores da hematopoese definitiva surjam da diferenciação do endotélio da aorta dorsal, na altura da região da Aorta-Gônada-Mesonefros (AGM). Com o intuito de estudar esta região e o fenótipo das células do endotélio da aorta dorsal nesta posição topográfica, ovos galados de Gallus gallus domesticus L. foram incubados em chocadeira, classificados em estádios de E16 a E25 e processados histotecnologicamente para obtenção de secções seriadas na altura da região AGM. Estas passaram por coloração por Hematoxilina-Eosina, histoquímica para PAS, PAS-diastase e Alcian Blue pH 1.0 e pH 2.5, histoquímica por lectinas fluoresceinadas e imunofluorescência para moléculas de superfície, citoesqueleto e matriz extracelular. Foi observada hipertrofia endotelial no assoalho da aorta nos estádios observados, o qual se apresentava positivo ao PAS, com ocorrência frequente de vacuolizações basais PAS negativas, e o surgimento ocasional de grupamentos celulares intravasculares. Nestes, as células que se destacavam da membrana basal do endotélio expressavam progressivamente mais material PAS positivo, o qual, no entanto, em nenhum momento pareceu se tratar de glicogênio. Em relação às glicosaminoglicanas, notamos a presença predominante de ácido hialurônico por todo o mesênquima da região e em outras estruturas como periferia da notocorda, tubo neural e mesoderma lateral. Ocorreu co-expressão de fibronectina e α-actina de músculo liso em células circunjacentes à aorta, na face ventral do vaso. GFAP e BMP-4 são expressas entre as células do tubo neural e em sua periferia, assim como na notocorda do embrião. As lectinas Abrus precatorius, Lens culinarise Ricinus communis mostraram-se positivas principalmente na região subedotelial do assoalho da aorta nos estádios observados neste trabalho. Bandeiraea simplicifolia exibiu pouca marcação na aorta dorsal e a Arachis hypogeae foi negativa. Outras estruturas da região AGM também expressaram resíduos de açúcares revelados por estas lectinas, tais como: notocorda, tubo neural, mesênquima, intestino primitivo e saco vitelínico. Estes resultados acrescentam elementos morfológicos e bioquímicos ao conhecimento sobre a região AGM de embriões de galinha e sobre o endotélio, possivelmente hemogênico, da aorta dorsal.


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A anecencefalia é o Defeito do Tubo Neural (DTN) mais severo em fetos humanos. Há uma demanda crescente para reposição tissular em doenças crônicas e cirurgias reconstrutoras. Tecidos fetais têm sido utilizados como substitutos para órgãos sólidos. Comparar a estrutura e morfologia do corpo cavernoso e corpo esponjoso de pênis de fetos humanos anencéfalos e de controle a fim de propor um novo modelo para estudos biológicos e transplantes teciduais. Foram estudados 11 pênis de fetos de controle de 14 a 23 Semanas Pós Concepção (SPC), e cinco pênis de fetos anencéfalos de 18 a 22 SPC. Os órgãos foram removidos e processados pelas técnicas histo e imunohistoquímicas rotineiras. A análise do tecido conjuntivo, células musculares lisas e fibras elásticas foram realizadas em lâminas dos espécimes. Os dados foram expressos em Densidade de àrea (Da) utilizando-se um software de processamento digital. As médias foram comparadas utilizando-se o Teste - T não pareado e quando aplicável, a regressão linear simples foi utilizada. Foi considerada significância estatística se p<0,05. O septo intercavernoso encontrava-se presente em todas as amostras. Não foram observadas diferenças da Da do tecido colágeno e musculatura lisa dos pênis de fetos anencéfalos quando comparados aos normais. A regressão linear simples sugere que durante o desenvolvimento humano há um aumen2to gradual do tecido colágeno (R2=0,45) e uma diminuição da musculatura lisa (R =0,62) no corpo cavernoso de ambos os grupos. A elastina encontrava-se presente apenas em fetos a partir da 20 SPC. Não houve diferença na estrutura da genitália entre fetos normais e enencéfalos. Apresença da elastina em fetos a partir da 20 SPC é um dado objetivo da manutenção da capacidade de ereção nestes grupos. A histo e imunohistoquímica sugerem que o desenvolvimento do pênis destes fetos encontra-se inalterado. Futuros estudos deverão ser realizados com o objetivo de avaliar fetos anencéfalos como um potencial grupo de doadores teciduais e um adequado modelo para estudos biológicos.


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神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发神经嵴(neural crest)是一类脊椎动物特有的多潜能迁移细胞。这一类细胞历经“表皮—间充质”转换(EMT),与神经管背侧的其它细胞分离,经由不同路线迁移,定位于胚胎外周各处,后分化为不同的细胞类型包括外周神经系统、颅面骨骼系统及色素细胞等。神经嵴的发育是一个多途径多步骤的过程,受多种信号通路及转录因子调控。这些调控因子相互调节形成精密网络,可被划分为三个主要层次类群:分泌性信号分子(BMP、Wnt、FGF、Delta)、神经板边界特异基因(Msx、Pax3/7、 Zic1、Dlx3/5)、神经嵴特异基因(Snail/Slug、AP-2、FoxD3、Twist、Id、cMyc、Sox9/10)。本文第一章主要概述不同组织来源的各种分泌信号在神经嵴诱导中的作用以及他们之间的整合调控。 Nkx6家族蛋白是一类进化上保守的转录因子,在脊椎动物中枢神经系统(CNS)的图式形成和胰腺的发育中有重要作用。在第二章,我们描述了非洲爪蟾中Nkx6家族基因的克隆及其表达图式。与小鼠和鸡中的同源基因类似,爪蟾的Nkx6家族基因在胚胎发育过程中主要表达于中枢神经系统和前部内胚层组织。其中Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2在神经胚期神经板表达重合,晚期都表达于后脑和脊髓的腹侧。Nkx6.3从卵裂期到神经胚早期都表达于非神经外胚层,而尾芽期表达于后脑后部和腮弓。在内胚层中,Nkx6.2在尾芽期表达于底索。在蝌蚪期,Nkx6家族的三个基因分别表达于前部内胚层的衍生物,包括胰腺、胃、食道和肺。 Nkx6.3是最近发现的Nkx6家族新成员,它在爪蟾中的表达与Nkx6.1和Nkx6.2有了较大分歧。在第三章,我们通过功能获得及功能缺失实验来探讨Nkx6.3在爪蟾早期发育中的功能。我们发现原肠期前过量或抑制Nkx6.3表达都会影响胚胎原肠运动的正常进行。我们通过动物帽延伸实验证明Nkx6.3参与了细胞运动。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,Nkx6.3可以调控一些粘附分子的表达。以上结果说明Nkx6.3通过调控粘附分子的转录而参与细胞运动的调控。我们还发现,在爪蟾胚胎中Nkx6.3的过表达或抑制表达都导致神经嵴标记基因表达降低。进一步研究发现,32细胞期在不同部位注射Nkx6.3 mRNA可以异位诱导或抑制Slug的表达。动物帽实验显示,Nkx6.3单独过表达可以诱导神经嵴发生,而迄今为止转录因子中只有Snail1具有这一单独诱导能力。在爪蟾胚胎及动物帽中,过表达Nkx6.3都可以诱导Fgf8、Wnt8而抑制BMP4的转录,而且Nkx6.3对这些分泌因子的调控方式是不同的。4细胞期过表达Nkx6.3的胚胎,在促进Fgf8和Wnt8而抑制BMP4的同时,却抑制神经板边界特异基因Msx1、Pax3和神经嵴特异基因Slug的表达,说明Nkx6.3对神经嵴的诱导调控在神经板边界基因层次还存在抑制作用。32细胞过表达Nkx6.3会细胞自主性抑制以及细胞非自主诱导Msx1、Pax3、Slug的表达。Nkx6.3异位诱导Dlx5却抑制Dlx3的表达,说明Dlx5可能是Nkx6.3负调控的直接靶基因。由此,我们提出Nkx6.3的神经嵴诱导调控分为两个层次:分泌信号分子水平的正调控和神经板边界决定水平的负调控。在脊椎动物的神经发生过程中,神经管背腹不同层次形成不同的神经元。这些神经元细胞的命运由背腹起源的多种形态发生素决定。形态发生素通过浓度梯度确定了一组转录因子在神经管背腹不同层次的特异表达,这些基因的组合调控决定了神经前体细胞的命运。然而,这些转录因子是如何解读形态发生素梯度信号的还不是很清楚。第四章,我们通过对神经管腹侧特异表达的转录因子的调控区进行预测,确定了可能调控这些基因表达的保守区段。此外,我们改进了爪蟾转基因操作,并用这一技术确证了Nkx6.2的调控区域。Dbx1、Nkx2.2及Pax6的转录调控区已在小鼠或爪蟾中报道过。由此我们得到了两对在神经管背腹图式中相互作用的转录因子的调控区域:Nkx6.2和Dbx1、Nkx2.2和Pax6。通过对Nkx6.2和Dbx1的调控保守区的转录因子结合位点的预测,我们发现这四个基因以及Wnt信号之间存在大量的相互调控。然而在这两个基因的调控区,我们没有发现Gli的调控位点,暗示这两个基因可能不受Shh的直接调控。我们还克隆了Dbx家族的两个基因,并检测了它们的时空特异性表达,发现Dbx2是母源性表达的,而Dbx1是合子型基因。这两个基因的表达图式相似,都在神经板中线两侧成线状表达,尾芽期在神经管中部表达。过表达Dbx2抑制神经元的初级分化,说明它可能与Dbx1一样具有维持神经板细胞未分化状态的功能。Dbx2的过表达还抑制Nkx6.2及Dbx1的表达,说明它们可能一起参与了神经管腹侧图式的调控。


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Amphioxus Bblhx3 was identified as a LIM-homeobox gene expressed in gastrulae. Structural analysis suggested that it is a member of lhx3 but not of lhx1 gene group. Whole mount in situ hybridization revealed, that expression of Bblhx3 was initiated at the early gastrula stage and continued at least until 10-day larvae. Expression of Bblhx3 first appeared in the vegetal and future dorsal area in initial gastrulae and became restricted to the endoderm during gastrulation. In neurulae and early larvae, Bblhx3 was expressed in the developing neural tube, the notochord and preoral pit lineage. In 10-day larvae, Bblhx3 was expressed only in the preoral pit. This expression pattern is apparently distinct from that of vertebrate lhx3 genes that are not expressed during gastrulation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.