994 resultados para Networks (circuits)


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Contexte La connectomique, ou la cartographie des connexions neuronales, est un champ de recherche des neurosciences évoluant rapidement, promettant des avancées majeures en ce qui concerne la compréhension du fonctionnement cérébral. La formation de circuits neuronaux en réponse à des stimuli environnementaux est une propriété émergente du cerveau. Cependant, la connaissance que nous avons de la nature précise de ces réseaux est encore limitée. Au niveau du cortex visuel, qui est l’aire cérébrale la plus étudiée, la manière dont les informations se transmettent de neurone en neurone est une question qui reste encore inexplorée. Cela nous invite à étudier l’émergence des microcircuits en réponse aux stimuli visuels. Autrement dit, comment l’interaction entre un stimulus et une assemblée cellulaire est-elle mise en place et modulée? Méthodes En réponse à la présentation de grilles sinusoïdales en mouvement, des ensembles neuronaux ont été enregistrés dans la couche II/III (aire 17) du cortex visuel primaire de chats anesthésiés, à l’aide de multi-électrodes en tungstène. Des corrélations croisées ont été effectuées entre l’activité de chacun des neurones enregistrés simultanément pour mettre en évidence les liens fonctionnels de quasi-synchronie (fenêtre de ± 5 ms sur les corrélogrammes croisés corrigés). Ces liens fonctionnels dévoilés indiquent des connexions synaptiques putatives entre les neurones. Par la suite, les histogrammes peri-stimulus (PSTH) des neurones ont été comparés afin de mettre en évidence la collaboration synergique temporelle dans les réseaux fonctionnels révélés. Enfin, des spectrogrammes dépendants du taux de décharges entre neurones ou stimulus-dépendants ont été calculés pour observer les oscillations gamma dans les microcircuits émergents. Un indice de corrélation (Rsc) a également été calculé pour les neurones connectés et non connectés. Résultats Les neurones liés fonctionnellement ont une activité accrue durant une période de 50 ms contrairement aux neurones fonctionnellement non connectés. Cela suggère que les connexions entre neurones mènent à une synergie de leur inter-excitabilité. En outre, l’analyse du spectrogramme dépendant du taux de décharge entre neurones révèle que les neurones connectés ont une plus forte activité gamma que les neurones non connectés durant une fenêtre d’opportunité de 50ms. L’activité gamma de basse-fréquence (20-40 Hz) a été associée aux neurones à décharge régulière (RS) et l’activité de haute fréquence (60-80 Hz) aux neurones à décharge rapide (FS). Aussi, les neurones fonctionnellement connectés ont systématiquement un Rsc plus élevé que les neurones non connectés. Finalement, l’analyse des corrélogrammes croisés révèle que dans une assemblée neuronale, le réseau fonctionnel change selon l’orientation de la grille. Nous démontrons ainsi que l’intensité des relations fonctionnelles dépend de l’orientation de la grille sinusoïdale. Cette relation nous a amené à proposer l’hypothèse suivante : outre la sélectivité des neurones aux caractères spécifiques du stimulus, il y a aussi une sélectivité du connectome. En bref, les réseaux fonctionnels «signature » sont activés dans une assemblée qui est strictement associée à l’orientation présentée et plus généralement aux propriétés des stimuli. Conclusion Cette étude souligne le fait que l’assemblée cellulaire, plutôt que le neurone, est l'unité fonctionnelle fondamentale du cerveau. Cela dilue l'importance du travail isolé de chaque neurone, c’est à dire le paradigme classique du taux de décharge qui a été traditionnellement utilisé pour étudier l'encodage des stimuli. Cette étude contribue aussi à faire avancer le débat sur les oscillations gamma, en ce qu'elles surviennent systématiquement entre neurones connectés dans les assemblées, en conséquence d’un ajout de cohérence. Bien que la taille des assemblées enregistrées soit relativement faible, cette étude suggère néanmoins une intrigante spécificité fonctionnelle entre neurones interagissant dans une assemblée en réponse à une stimulation visuelle. Cette étude peut être considérée comme une prémisse à la modélisation informatique à grande échelle de connectomes fonctionnels.


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This article presents applications of reconfigurable matching networks for RF amplifier design. Two possible solutions are given, one where the switching element is a PIN diode, and the other is based on graphene. Due to the fact that its conductivity depends on applied bias voltage, the graphene-based circuits can be used in microwave circuits as controllable elements. The structure of the proposed switch is very simple and it is particularly convenient for microstrip-based circuits. Because of that, a design of reconfigurable amplifier with the graphene-based switch is presented together with the one which has the PIN diode switch. Both amplifiers have the same specifications, and the one with the PIN diode switch is fabricated. The amplifier utilizing the PIN switch was used as a reference to make a comparison the two types of switches. Results of both amplifiers are very similar which indicates possible future applications of the graphene-based switch.


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Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.


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In the last years there has been a clear evolution in the world of telecommunications, which goes from new services that need higher speeds and higher bandwidth, until a role of interactions between people and machines, named by Internet of Things (IoT). So, the only technology able to follow this growth is the optical communications. Currently the solution that enables to overcome the day-by-day needs, like collaborative job, audio and video communications and share of les is based on Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network (G-PON) with the recently successor named Next Generation Passive Optical Network Phase 2 (NG-PON2). This technology is based on the multiplexing domain wavelength and due to its characteristics and performance becomes the more advantageous technology. A major focus of optical communications are Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs). These can include various components into a single device, which simpli es the design of the optical system, reducing space and power consumption, and improves reliability. These characteristics make this type of devices useful for several applications, that justi es the investments in the development of the technology into a very high level of performance and reliability in terms of the building blocks. With the goal to develop the optical networks of future generations, this work presents the design and implementation of a PIC, which is intended to be a universal transceiver for applications for NG-PON2. The same PIC will be able to be used as an Optical Line Terminal (OLT) or an Optical Network Unit (ONU) and in both cases as transmitter and receiver. Initially a study is made of Passive Optical Network (PON) and its standards. Therefore it is done a theoretical overview that explores the materials used in the development and production of this PIC, which foundries are available, and focusing in SMART Photonics, the components used in the development of this chip. For the conceptualization of the project di erent architectures are designed and part of the laser cavity is simulated using Aspic™. Through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of each one, it is chosen the best to be used in the implementation. Moreover, the architecture of the transceiver is simulated block by block through the VPItransmissionMaker™ and it is demonstrated its operating principle. Finally it is presented the PIC implementation.


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The synchronization of oscillatory activity in networks of neural networks is usually implemented through coupling the state variables describing neuronal dynamics. In this study we discuss another but complementary mechanism based on a learning process with memory. A driver network motif, acting as a teacher, exhibits winner-less competition (WLC) dynamics, while a driven motif, a learner, tunes its internal couplings according to the oscillations observed in the teacher. We show that under appropriate training the learner motif can dynamically copy the coupling pattern of the teacher and thus synchronize oscillations with the teacher. Then, we demonstrate that the replication of the WLC dynamics occurs for intermediate memory lengths only. In a unidirectional chain of N motifs coupled through teacher-learner paradigm the time interval required for pattern replication grows linearly with the chain size, hence the learning process does not blow up and at the end we observe phase synchronized oscillations along the chain. We also show that in a learning chain closed into a ring the network motifs come to a consensus, i.e. to a state with the same connectivity pattern corresponding to the mean initial pattern averaged over all network motifs.


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Developmental gene regulatory networks (dGRNs) are assemblages of regulatory genes that direct embryonic development of animal body plans and their morpho-logical structures. dGRNs exhibit recursively-wired circuitry that is encoded in the genome and executed during development. Alteration to the regulatory architecture of dGRNs causes variation in developmental programs both during the development of an individual organism and during the evolution of an individual lineage. The ex-planatory power of these networks is best exemplified by the global dGRN directing early development of the euechinoid sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. This network consists of numerous regulatory genes engaging in hundreds of genomic regulatory transactions that collectively direct the delineation of early embryonic domains and the specification of cell lineages. Research on closely-related euechi-noid sea urchins, e.g. Lytechinus variegatus and Paracentrotus lividus, has revealed marked conservation of dGRN architecture in echinoid development, suggesting little appreciable alteration has occurred since their divergence in evolution at least 90 million years ago (mya).

We sought to test whether this observation extends to all sea urchins (echinoids) and undertook a systematic analysis of over 50 regulatory genes in the cidaroid sea urchin Eucidaris tribuloides, surveing their regulatory activity and function in a sea urchin that diverged from euechinoid sea urchins at least 268 mya. Our results revealed extensive alterations have occurred to all levels of echinoid dGRN archi-tecture since the cidaroid-euechinoid divergence. Alterations to mesodermal sub-circuits were particularly striking, including functional di˙erences in specification of non-skeletogenic mesenchyme (NSM), skeletogenic mesenchyme (SM), and en-domesodermal segregation. Specification of endomesodermal embryonic domains revealed that, while their underlying network circuitry had clearly diverged, regu-latory states established in pregastrular embryos of these two groups are strikingly similar. Analyses of E. tribuloides specification leading to the estab-lishment of dorsal-ventral (aboral-oral) larval polarity indicated that regulation of regulatory genes expressed in mesodermal embryonic domains had incurred significantly more alterations than those expressed in endodermal and ectodermal domains. Taken together, this study highlights the ability of dGRN architecture to buffer extensive alterations in the evolution and early development of echinoids and adds further support to the notion that alterations can occur at all levels of dGRN architecture and all stages of embryonic development.


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Synthetic biology, by co-opting molecular machinery from existing organisms, can be used as a tool for building new genetic systems from scratch, for understanding natural networks through perturbation, or for hybrid circuits that piggy-back on existing cellular infrastructure. Although the toolbox for genetic circuits has greatly expanded in recent years, it is still difficult to separate the circuit function from its specific molecular implementation. In this thesis, we discuss the function-driven design of two synthetic circuit modules, and use mathematical models to understand the fundamental limits of circuit topology versus operating regimes as determined by the specific molecular implementation. First, we describe a protein concentration tracker circuit that sets the concentration of an output protein relative to the concentration of a reference protein. The functionality of this circuit relies on a single negative feedback loop that is implemented via small programmable protein scaffold domains. We build a mass-action model to understand the relevant timescales of the tracking behavior and how the input/output ratios and circuit gain might be tuned with circuit components. Second, we design an event detector circuit with permanent genetic memory that can record order and timing between two chemical events. This circuit was implemented using bacteriophage integrases that recombine specific segments of DNA in response to chemical inputs. We simulate expected population-level outcomes using a stochastic Markov-chain model, and investigate how inferences on past events can be made from differences between single-cell and population-level responses. Additionally, we present some preliminary investigations on spatial patterning using the event detector circuit as well as the design of stationary phase promoters for growth-phase dependent activation. These results advance our understanding of synthetic gene circuits, and contribute towards the use of circuit modules as building blocks for larger and more complex synthetic networks.