919 resultados para Network-on-chip
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
“Many-core” systems based on a Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture offer various opportunities in terms of performance and computing capabilities, but at the same time they pose many challenges for the deployment of real-time systems, which must fulfill specific timing requirements at runtime. It is therefore essential to identify, at design time, the parameters that have an impact on the execution time of the tasks deployed on these systems and the upper bounds on the other key parameters. The focus of this work is to determine an upper bound on the traversal time of a packet when it is transmitted over the NoC infrastructure. Towards this aim, we first identify and explore some limitations in the existing recursive-calculus-based approaches to compute the Worst-Case Traversal Time (WCTT) of a packet. Then, we extend the existing model by integrating the characteristics of the tasks that generate the packets. For this extended model, we propose an algorithm called “Branch and Prune” (BP). Our proposed method provides tighter and safe estimates than the existing recursive-calculus-based approaches. Finally, we introduce a more general approach, namely “Branch, Prune and Collapse” (BPC) which offers a configurable parameter that provides a flexible trade-off between the computational complexity and the tightness of the computed estimate. The recursive-calculus methods and BP present two special cases of BPC when a trade-off parameter is 1 or ∞, respectively. Through simulations, we analyze this trade-off, reason about the implications of certain choices, and also provide some case studies to observe the impact of task parameters on the WCTT estimates.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é desenvolver um protótipo de ferramenta que permita a geração de ficheiros de configuração de sistemas distribuídos de controlo em plataformas específicas permitindo a integração de um conjunto de componentes previamente definidos. Cada componente é caracterizado como um módulo, identificando-se o conjunto de sinais e eventos de entrada e saída, bem como o seu comportamento, normalmente especificado através de um modelo em redes de Petri IOPT – RdP-IOPT (Input-Output Place-Transitions). O formato PNML (Petri Net Markup Language) será utilizado para a representação de cada componente. Os componentes referidos poderão ser obtidos através de vários métodos, nomeadamente através de ferramentas em desenvolvimento, que se encontram disponíveis em http://gres.uninova.pt/IOPT-Tools/ e também através da sua edição no editor de IOPT, como resultado da partição de um modelo expresso em IOPT, utilizando o editor Snoopy-IOPT em conjugação com a ferramenta SPLIT. Serão considerados várias formas para interligação dos componentes, incluindo-se ligações diretas e wrappers assíncronos num contexto de sistemas Globalmente Assíncronos Localmente Síncronos - GALS bem como diferentes tipos de barramentos e ligações série, incluindo Network-On-Chip específicos. A descrição da interligação entre componentes é gerada automaticamente pela ferramenta desenvolvida, tendo em conta resultados de dissertações de mestrado anteriores. As plataformas especificas de suporte à implementação incluem FPGA’s da serie Xilinx Spartan3,3E e Xilinx Virtex, e várias placas de desenvolvimento.
Aquest projecte descriu el disseny i desenvolupament d’una eina gràfica per a la depuració de projectes desenvolupats amb un llenguatge de descripció de sistemes com és el SystemC. Amb aquest llenguatge s’ha desenvolupat una NoC (Network on Chip). L’eina desenvolupada mostra de forma visual l’arquitectura de la xarxa NoC, els valors dels senyals que es transmeten a través de la xarxa i estadístiques sobre aquests per tal de poder fer un seguiment exhaustiu i agilitzar la recerca d’errors com interbloquejos, pèrdua de dades i d’altres. Al concentrar en un únic entorn la descripció de la NoC i les dades relatives a les senyals en temps de simulació, proporciona un valor afegit a altres eines disponibles per a realitzar aquesta tasca.
Aquest projecte presenta la implementació d'un disseny, i la seva posterior síntesi en una FPGA, d'una arquitectura de tipus wormhole packet switching per a una infraestructura de NetWork-On-Chip amb una topologia 2D-Mesh. Agafant un router circuit switching com a punt de partida, s'han especificat els mòduls en Verilog per tal d'obtenir l'arquitectura wormhole desitjada. Dissenyar la màquina de control per governar els flits que conformen els paquets dins la NoC,i afegir les cues a la sortida del router (outuput queuing) són els punts principals d'aquest treball. A més, com a punt final s'han comparat ambdues arquitectures de router en termes de costos en àrea i en memòria i se n’han obtingut diverses conclusions i resultats experimentals.
Through advances in technology, System-on-Chip design is moving towards integrating tens to hundreds of intellectual property blocks into a single chip. In such a many-core system, on-chip communication becomes a performance bottleneck for high performance designs. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has emerged as a viable solution for the communication challenges in highly complex chips. The NoC architecture paradigm, based on a modular packet-switched mechanism, can address many of the on-chip communication challenges such as wiring complexity, communication latency, and bandwidth. Furthermore, the combined benefits of 3D IC and NoC schemes provide the possibility of designing a high performance system in a limited chip area. The major advantages of 3D NoCs are the considerable reductions in average latency and power consumption. There are several factors degrading the performance of NoCs. In this thesis, we investigate three main performance-limiting factors: network congestion, faults, and the lack of efficient multicast support. We address these issues by the means of routing algorithms. Congestion of data packets may lead to increased network latency and power consumption. Thus, we propose three different approaches for alleviating such congestion in the network. The first approach is based on measuring the congestion information in different regions of the network, distributing the information over the network, and utilizing this information when making a routing decision. The second approach employs a learning method to dynamically find the less congested routes according to the underlying traffic. The third approach is based on a fuzzy-logic technique to perform better routing decisions when traffic information of different routes is available. Faults affect performance significantly, as then packets should take longer paths in order to be routed around the faults, which in turn increases congestion around the faulty regions. We propose four methods to tolerate faults at the link and switch level by using only the shortest paths as long as such path exists. The unique characteristic among these methods is the toleration of faults while also maintaining the performance of NoCs. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms are the first approaches to bypassing faults prior to reaching them while avoiding unnecessary misrouting of packets. Current implementations of multicast communication result in a significant performance loss for unicast traffic. This is due to the fact that the routing rules of multicast packets limit the adaptivity of unicast packets. We present an approach in which both unicast and multicast packets can be efficiently routed within the network. While suggesting a more efficient multicast support, the proposed approach does not affect the performance of unicast routing at all. In addition, in order to reduce the overall path length of multicast packets, we present several partitioning methods along with their analytical models for latency measurement. This approach is discussed in the context of 3D mesh networks.
Today's networked systems are becoming increasingly complex and diverse. The current simulation and runtime verification techniques do not provide support for developing such systems efficiently; moreover, the reliability of the simulated/verified systems is not thoroughly ensured. To address these challenges, the use of formal techniques to reason about network system development is growing, while at the same time, the mathematical background necessary for using formal techniques is a barrier for network designers to efficiently employ them. Thus, these techniques are not vastly used for developing networked systems. The objective of this thesis is to propose formal approaches for the development of reliable networked systems, by taking efficiency into account. With respect to reliability, we propose the architectural development of correct-by-construction networked system models. With respect to efficiency, we propose reusable network architectures as well as network development. At the core of our development methodology, we employ the abstraction and refinement techniques for the development and analysis of networked systems. We evaluate our proposal by employing the proposed architectures to a pervasive class of dynamic networks, i.e., wireless sensor network architectures as well as to a pervasive class of static networks, i.e., network-on-chip architectures. The ultimate goal of our research is to put forward the idea of building libraries of pre-proved rules for the efficient modelling, development, and analysis of networked systems. We take into account both qualitative and quantitative analysis of networks via varied formal tool support, using a theorem prover the Rodin platform and a statistical model checker the SMC-Uppaal.
Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) designs utilize the available technology and communication architectures to meet the requirements of the upcoming applications. In MPSoC, the communication platform is both the key enabler, as well as the key differentiator for realizing efficient MPSoCs. It provides product differentiation to meet a diverse, multi-dimensional set of design constraints, including performance, power, energy, reconfigurability, scalability, cost, reliability and time-to-market. The communication resources of a single interconnection platform cannot be fully utilized by all kind of applications, such as the availability of higher communication bandwidth for computation but not data intensive applications is often unfeasible in the practical implementation. This thesis aims to perform the architecture-level design space exploration towards efficient and scalable resource utilization for MPSoC communication architecture. In order to meet the performance requirements within the design constraints, careful selection of MPSoC communication platform, resource aware partitioning and mapping of the application play important role. To enhance the utilization of communication resources, variety of techniques such as resource sharing, multicast to avoid re-transmission of identical data, and adaptive routing can be used. For implementation, these techniques should be customized according to the platform architecture. To address the resource utilization of MPSoC communication platforms, variety of architectures with different design parameters and performance levels, namely Segmented bus (SegBus), Network-on-Chip (NoC) and Three-Dimensional NoC (3D-NoC), are selected. Average packet latency and power consumption are the evaluation parameters for the proposed techniques. In conventional computing architectures, fault on a component makes the connected fault-free components inoperative. Resource sharing approach can utilize the fault-free components to retain the system performance by reducing the impact of faults. Design space exploration also guides to narrow down the selection of MPSoC architecture, which can meet the performance requirements with design constraints.
Les systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce électronique (On-Chip Multiprocessor [OCM]) sont considérés comme les meilleures structures pour occuper l'espace disponible sur les circuits intégrés actuels. Dans nos travaux, nous nous intéressons à un modèle architectural, appelé architecture isométrique de systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce, qui permet d'évaluer, de prédire et d'optimiser les systèmes OCM en misant sur une organisation efficace des nœuds (processeurs et mémoires), et à des méthodologies qui permettent d'utiliser efficacement ces architectures. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à la topologie du modèle et nous proposons une architecture qui permet d'utiliser efficacement et massivement les mémoires sur la puce. Les processeurs et les mémoires sont organisés selon une approche isométrique qui consiste à rapprocher les données des processus plutôt que d'optimiser les transferts entre les processeurs et les mémoires disposés de manière conventionnelle. L'architecture est un modèle maillé en trois dimensions. La disposition des unités sur ce modèle est inspirée de la structure cristalline du chlorure de sodium (NaCl), où chaque processeur peut accéder à six mémoires à la fois et où chaque mémoire peut communiquer avec autant de processeurs à la fois. Dans la deuxième partie de notre travail, nous nous intéressons à une méthodologie de décomposition où le nombre de nœuds du modèle est idéal et peut être déterminé à partir d'une spécification matricielle de l'application qui est traitée par le modèle proposé. Sachant que la performance d'un modèle dépend de la quantité de flot de données échangées entre ses unités, en l'occurrence leur nombre, et notre but étant de garantir une bonne performance de calcul en fonction de l'application traitée, nous proposons de trouver le nombre idéal de processeurs et de mémoires du système à construire. Aussi, considérons-nous la décomposition de la spécification du modèle à construire ou de l'application à traiter en fonction de l'équilibre de charge des unités. Nous proposons ainsi une approche de décomposition sur trois points : la transformation de la spécification ou de l'application en une matrice d'incidence dont les éléments sont les flots de données entre les processus et les données, une nouvelle méthodologie basée sur le problème de la formation des cellules (Cell Formation Problem [CFP]), et un équilibre de charge de processus dans les processeurs et de données dans les mémoires. Dans la troisième partie, toujours dans le souci de concevoir un système efficace et performant, nous nous intéressons à l'affectation des processeurs et des mémoires par une méthodologie en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps, nous affectons des unités aux nœuds du système, considéré ici comme un graphe non orienté, et dans un deuxième temps, nous affectons des valeurs aux arcs de ce graphe. Pour l'affectation, nous proposons une modélisation des applications décomposées en utilisant une approche matricielle et l'utilisation du problème d'affectation quadratique (Quadratic Assignment Problem [QAP]). Pour l'affectation de valeurs aux arcs, nous proposons une approche de perturbation graduelle, afin de chercher la meilleure combinaison du coût de l'affectation, ceci en respectant certains paramètres comme la température, la dissipation de chaleur, la consommation d'énergie et la surface occupée par la puce. Le but ultime de ce travail est de proposer aux architectes de systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce une méthodologie non traditionnelle et un outil systématique et efficace d'aide à la conception dès la phase de la spécification fonctionnelle du système.
The constant increase of complexity in computer applications demands the development of more powerful hardware support for them. With processor's operational frequency reaching its limit, the most viable solution is the use of parallelism. Based on parallelism techniques and the progressive growth in the capacity of transistors integration in a single chip is the concept of MPSoCs (Multi-Processor System-on-Chip). MPSoCs will eventually become a cheaper and faster alternative to supercomputers and clusters, and applications developed for these high performance systems will migrate to computers equipped with MP-SoCs containing dozens to hundreds of computation cores. In particular, applications in the area of oil and natural gas exploration are also characterized by the high processing capacity required and would benefit greatly from these high performance systems. This work intends to evaluate a traditional and complex application of the oil and gas industry known as reservoir simulation, developing a solution with integrated computational systems in a single chip, with hundreds of functional unities. For this, as the STORM (MPSoC Directory-Based Platform) platform already has a shared memory model, a new distributed memory model were developed. Also a message passing library has been developed folowing MPI standard
This work presents the concept, design and implementation of a MP-SoC platform, named STORM (MP-SoC DirecTory-Based PlatfORM). Currently the platform is composed of the following modules: SPARC V8 processor, GPOP processor, Cache module, Memory module, Directory module and two different modles of Network-on-Chip, NoCX4 and Obese Tree. All modules were implemented using SystemC, simulated and validated, individually or in group. The modules description is presented in details. For programming the platform in C it was implemented a SPARC assembler, fully compatible with gcc s generated assembly code. For the parallel programming it was implemented a library for mutex managing, using the due assembler s support. A total of 10 simulations of increasing complexity are presented for the validation of the presented concepts. The simulations include real parallel applications, such as matrix multiplication, Mergesort, KMP, Motion Estimation and DCT 2D
The increasingly request for processing power during last years has pushed integrated circuit industry to look for ways of providing even more processing power with less heat dissipation, power consumption, and chip area. This goal has been achieved increasing the circuit clock, but since there are physical limits of this approach a new solution emerged as the multiprocessor system on chip (MPSoC). This approach demands new tools and basic software infrastructure to take advantage of the inherent parallelism of these architectures. The oil exploration industry has one of its firsts activities the project decision on exploring oil fields, those decisions are aided by reservoir simulations demanding high processing power, the MPSoC may offer greater performance if its parallelism can be well used. This work presents a proposal of a micro-kernel operating system and auxiliary libraries aimed to the STORM MPSoC platform analyzing its influence on the problem of reservoir simulation
This paper deals with the design of a network-on-chip reconfigurable pseudorandom number generation unit that can map and execute meta-heuristic algorithms in hardware. The unit can be configured to implement one of the following five linear generator algorithms: a multiplicative congruential, a mixed congruential, a standard multiple recursive, a mixed multiple recursive, and a multiply-with-carry. The generation unit can be used both as a pseudorandom and a message passing-based server, which is able to produce pseudorandom numbers on demand, sending them to the network-on-chip blocks that originate the service request. The generator architecture has been mapped to a field programmable gate array, and showed that millions of numbers in 32-, 64-, 96-, or 128-bit formats can be produced in tens of milliseconds. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Current SoC design trends are characterized by the integration of larger amount of IPs targeting a wide range of application fields. Such multi-application systems are constrained by a set of requirements. In such scenario network-on-chips (NoC) are becoming more important as the on-chip communication structure. Designing an optimal NoC for satisfying the requirements of each individual application requires the specification of a large set of configuration parameters leading to a wide solution space. It has been shown that IP mapping is one of the most critical parameters in NoC design, strongly influencing the SoC performance. IP mapping has been solved for single application systems using single and multi-objective optimization algorithms. In this paper we propose the use of a multi-objective adaptive immune algorithm (M(2)AIA), an evolutionary approach to solve the multi-application NoC mapping problem. Latency and power consumption were adopted as the target multi-objective functions. To compare the efficiency of our approach, our results are compared with those of the genetic and branch and bound multi-objective mapping algorithms. We tested 11 well-known benchmarks, including random and real applications, and combines up to 8 applications at the same SoC. The experimental results showed that the M(2)AIA decreases in average the power consumption and the latency 27.3 and 42.1 % compared to the branch and bound approach and 29.3 and 36.1 % over the genetic approach.
The miniaturization race in the hardware industry aiming at continuous increasing of transistor density on a die does not bring respective application performance improvements any more. One of the most promising alternatives is to exploit a heterogeneous nature of common applications in hardware. Supported by reconfigurable computation, which has already proved its efficiency in accelerating data intensive applications, this concept promises a breakthrough in contemporary technology development. Memory organization in such heterogeneous reconfigurable architectures becomes very critical. Two primary aspects introduce a sophisticated trade-off. On the one hand, a memory subsystem should provide well organized distributed data structure and guarantee the required data bandwidth. On the other hand, it should hide the heterogeneous hardware structure from the end-user, in order to support feasible high-level programmability of the system. This thesis work explores the heterogeneous reconfigurable hardware architectures and presents possible solutions to cope the problem of memory organization and data structure. By the example of the MORPHEUS heterogeneous platform, the discussion follows the complete design cycle, starting from decision making and justification, until hardware realization. Particular emphasis is made on the methods to support high system performance, meet application requirements, and provide a user-friendly programmer interface. As a result, the research introduces a complete heterogeneous platform enhanced with a hierarchical memory organization, which copes with its task by means of separating computation from communication, providing reconfigurable engines with computation and configuration data, and unification of heterogeneous computational devices using local storage buffers. It is distinguished from the related solutions by distributed data-flow organization, specifically engineered mechanisms to operate with data on local domains, particular communication infrastructure based on Network-on-Chip, and thorough methods to prevent computation and communication stalls. In addition, a novel advanced technique to accelerate memory access was developed and implemented.