990 resultados para Nelles, Abraham
Letter to Colonel R. Nelles, Commander of the 4th Lincoln Militia from Brook Young, Lieutenant Colonel at the Brigade Office in Drummondville regarding instructions that he received from Colonel Kerley for the sedentary militia in this district to hold themselves in readiness to act at a moment’s warning if called to do so, May 27, 1838.
Letter to Lieutenant Colonel Brook Young, Brigade Major, Drummondville from H. Nelles, Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Lincoln Militia stating that Colonel R. Nelles has requested him to say that most of the men did cheerfully comply and would be ready to act at a moment’s notice in defense of their Queen and country, June 12, 1838.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Gilles Moffatt regarding a debt that Mr. Nelles owes which should have been paid 3 years ago, Aug. 1838.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Ramsay Crooks saying that he has bought the property of his late brother, William. The property is located in Grimsby. Ramsay is leaving the property to Nelles’ management, Aug. 15, 1838.
Letter to Henry Nelles from T. Thompson requesting him to certify the time that he was employed by the regiment. Included with this letter is a copy of the letter to T.H. Thompson from H.N., Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Lincoln Militia regarding the certificates and saying that he will comply. An envelope is included with this letter, Sept. 21, 1838.
Letter to Colonel Nelles, Commanding the 4th Lincoln Militia from a captain [name illegible] who was instructed by Colonel Booth for some guidance. He has copied an extract from the request by Colonel Booth (2 pages, handwritten), Oct 6, 1838.
Letter to Colonel Henry Nelles from Colonel William Bullock, Adjt. General of Militia of Toronto stating that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor is pleased to accept the resignation of Lieutenant Thomas Waddell. This letter is attached to a letter to Colonel Richard Bullock from Henry Nelles reporting on the weekly state of the 4th Lincoln Militia. There is also a copy of the half yearly return of recommendation and appointments of the 4th Regiment of the Lincoln Militia (2 pages in total, handwritten), Dec. 13, 1838.
Letter to Colonel Nelles of the 4th Lincoln Militia in Grimsby from Apt. Military Secrets, Quebec. When this envelope is unfolded it contains the printed words “On his Majesty’s service” “The Ordnance Storekeeper” and “Military Secretary”. This item is badly stained and torn but text is not affected, Jan. 9, 1839.
Envelope (partial) to Colonel Nelles, 4th Lincoln Militia, Grimsby from M.A. Hale of Quebec. The envelope is stained and torn, but text is not affected, Feb. 7, 1839.
Letter to Henry Nelles thanking him for the attention to the property at his place which his brother James had requested that he look after. This is signed by Ramsay Crooks of New York, April 2, 1839.
Letter to Henry Nelles from James Ramsay Crooks asking when Mr. Nelles will be able to attend to Mr. Nottman’s business. This is dated May 15, 1839. Attached to this letter is a letter to James Ramsay Crooks from Henry Nelles saying that he is sorry, but he will not be able to attend the arbitration hearing between the executors of his father’s will and Mr. Notttman until his son Robert returns (2 pages in total, handwritten), May 15, 1839.
Letter to H. Nelles from Robert Henry, town clerk of Clinton stating that Mr. Adam Zimmerman would be the proper person to act as the overseer of the west direction of the main road, May 31, 1839.
Letter to H. Nelles from James Ramsay Crooks stating that Mr. Nottman would like to arbitrate his business with Mr. Nelles, July 9, 1839.
Letter to Henry Nelles from David Merritt inquiring about work done between Lots 5 and 6 should be done as directed or as the worker pleases to do it. This is a complaint against John Y. Lymburner, Dec. 6, 1839.
Letter to Henry Nelles from W. [illegible] saying that he should have sent the receipt from Price and Davidson sooner but he has been too busy, Oct. 14, 1840.