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Level 1 evidence for management of patients with stroke in a dedicated Stroke Care Unit (SCU) demonstrates improved outcomes by about 20%. It has been estimated that 21% of Australian hospitals provide an SCU and that these SCUs are mainly located in either metropolitan sites and/or in hospitals with more than 300 beds. To address equity issues related to access to SCUs, the National Stroke Foundation and the Australian Government undertook the National Stroke Units Program. One program outcome was the development of a conceptual model of acute stroke service delivery. The development process and initial evaluation of the model are described. Use of the model to increase capacity within the health care system to treat stroke is discussed.


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Aim It has been proposed that alcohol industry ‘social aspects/public relations’ organizations (SAPROs) serve the agenda of lending credibility to industry claims of corporate responsibility while promoting ineffective industry-friendly interventions (such as school-based education or TV advertising campaigns) and creating doubt about interventions which have a strong evidence base (such as higher taxes on alcoholic beverages). This paper investigated whether submissions to Australia's National Preventative Health Taskforce (NPHT) from alcohol industry bodies regarding the Australian SAPRO, Drinkwise, have used this organization to demonstrate corporate responsibility while promoting industry-friendly interventions.

Method Submissions to the Australian National Preventative Health Taskforce (NPHT) discussion paper Australia, the healthiest country by 2020 (n = 375) were examined to identify those with primary alcohol content. A thematic analysis of the resulting 33 submissions was conducted to determine which organization, institution or individual discussed Drinkwise.

Setting Australia.

Findings Nine of the 33 submissions discussed Drinkwise; all were submitted by the alcohol industry or its affiliates. Every industry submission referred to Drinkwise either as providing evidence of social responsibility or by suggesting the industry-friendly actions of Drinkwise as alternatives to those recommended by the NPHT report.

Conclusions Drinkwise has been used by the alcohol industry to create an impression of social responsibility while promoting interventions that maintain profits and campaigning against effective interventions such as higher taxes on alcohol.


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In Australia, it is commonplace for tertiary mental health care to be provided in large regional centres or metropolitan cities. Rural and remote consumers must be transferred long distances, and this inevitably results in difficulties with the integration of their care between primary and tertiary settings. Because of the need to address these issues, and improve the transfer process, a research project was commissioned by a national government department to be conducted in South Australia. The aim of the project was to document the experiences of mental health consumers travelling from the country to the city for acute care and to make policy recommendations to improve transitions of care. Six purposively sampled case studies were conducted collecting data through semistructured interviews with consumers, country professional and occupational groups and tertiary providers. Data were analysed to produce themes for consumers, and country and tertiary mental healthcare providers. The study found that consumers saw transfer to the city for mental health care as beneficial in spite of the challenges of being transferred over long distances, while being very unwell, and of being separated from family and friends. Country care providers noted that the disjointed nature of the mental health system caused problems with key aspects of transfer of care including transport and information flow, and achieving integration between the primary and tertiary settings. Improving transfer of care involves overcoming the systemic barriers to integration and moving to a primary care-led model of care. The distance consultation and liaison model provided by the Rural and Remote Mental Health Services, the major tertiary provider of services for country consumers, uses a primary care-led approach and was highly regarded by research participants. Extending the use of this model to other primary mental healthcare providers and tertiary facilities will improve transfer of care.


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This article presents methodological contributions and a conceptual innovation for thinking about the production of health care, stemming from a study on access and barriers in mental health carried out in the municipality of Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil). The study used a cartographic approach and, after an initial identification of the most complex cases (on the part of the teams of workers), adopted the users as guides to explore the different levels of production of their lives and to evaluate the possibility of forming a network of existential connections that produce life as a fundamental analyzer of access or barriers to care.


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This article presents methodological contributions and a conceptual innovation for thinking about the production of health care, stemming from a study on access and barriers in mental health carried out in the municipality of Campinas (Sao Paulo, Brazil). The study used a cartographic approach and, after an initial identification of the most complex cases (on the part of the teams of workers), adopted the users as guides to explore the different levels of production of their lives and to evaluate the possibility of forming a network of existential connections that produce life as a fundamental analyzer of access or barriers to care.


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Abstract Background The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and correlates of physical activity counseling among physicians and nurses working in primary health care in Brazil. Methods A phone survey was carried out in 2011 with professionals working in primary health care in Brazil. The target sample consisted of 1,600 randomly selected primary care units covering all regions of the country. We successfully interviewed 529 professionals within the sampled units; 182 physicians and 347 nurses. The overall response rate was 49.6%. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate correlates of counseling in the whole sample and separately for physicians and nurses. Results The prevalence of regular physical activity counseling for at least six months was 68.9% (95% CI 64.9; 72.8) and was significantly higher among physicians compared to nurses (p < 0.05). Most professionals (93.2%) interviewed were unfamiliar with current physical activity recommendations for health. In the adjusted analysis, physical activity counseling was more frequent among those who report assessing patient’s physical activity (OR = 2.16; 95% CI 1.41; 3.29), those reporting that lack of time was not a barrier for counseling (OR = 0.62 95% CI 0.42-0.93), those who felt prepared to provide physical activity counseling (OR = 2.34; 95% CI 1.50-3.66), and those working at primary care units offering physical activity programs for patients (OR = 2.06; 95% CI 1.33-3.20). In the stratified analysis, only assessing patient’s physical activity was a significant correlate among physicians whereas assessing patient’s physical activity, feeling prepared to provide counseling and working in units with physical activity interventions were significant correlates among nurses. Conclusions Physicians and nurses deemed physical activity counseling of great importance in primary health care in Brazil. However, in order to increase the quality of counseling and the number of professionals engaging in this activity, these health teams require greater knowledge about physical activity (global recommendations for health) as well as training on the application of instruments for assessing physical activity. Moreover, sufficient time must be allowed during consultations for the counseling process, and physical activity promotion programs should be implemented within the primary health care units.


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Eosinophils are blood cells that are often found in high numbers in the tissues of allergic conditions and helminthic parasite infections. The pathophysiologic roles that eosinophils may serve in other human "eosinophil-associated" diseases remain obscure.


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Human trafficking is a complex and multifaceted problem that takes the form of economic, physical and sexual exploitation of people, both adults and children, who are reduced to simple products for commerce. Human trafficking in the United States also has both a domestic and an international aspect. Health care providers are in a unique position to screen for victims of trafficking and may provide important medical and psychological care for victims while in captivity and thereafter. Trafficked persons are likely to suffer a wide spectrum of health risks that reflect the unique circumstances and experiences in a trafficked victim’s life. Although trafficked victims typically have experienced inadequate medical care, once contact is made by the victim with the health care professionals, the opportunity then exists to identify, treat, and assist such victims. The range of services and supports required to appropriately respond to human trafficking victims once identified is broad and typically goes beyond just what is immediately provided by the health care professional and includes safe housing, legal advice, income support, and, for international victims, immigration status related issues. An informed and responsive community is necessary to serve both the international and domestic victims of human trafficking, and needs assessments demonstrated a number of barriers that hindered the delivery of effective services to human trafficking victims. One of the consistent needs identified to combat these barriers was enhanced training among all professionals who might come in contact with human trafficking victims. We highlight the efforts of the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition (HRRC), a local grassroots non-profit organization whose mission focuses on raising awareness of human trafficking in the Greater Houston Metropolitan area. HRRC responded to the consistent recommendation from various community needs assessments for additional training of front line professionals who would have the opportunity to identify human trafficking victims and supported the design and pilot testing of a health professions training program around human trafficking. Dissemination of this type of training along with careful evaluation and continued refinement will be one way for health care professionals to engage in a positive manner with human trafficking victims.


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This participatory action-research project addressed the hypothesis that strengthened community and women's capacity for self-development will lead to action to address maternal health problems and the prevention of maternal morbidity and mortality in Mali. Research objectives were: (1) to undertake a comparative cross-sectional study of the association of community capacity with improved maternal health in rural areas of Sanando, Mali, where capacity building interventions have taken place in some villages but not in others. (2) to describe women's maternal health status, access to and use of maternal health services given their residence in program or comparison communities.^ The participatory action research project was an integrated qualitative and quantitative study using participatory rural appraisal exercises, semi-structured group interviews and a cross-sectional survey.^ Factors related to community capacity for self-development were identified: community harmony; an understanding of the benefits of self-development; dynamic leadership; and a structure to implement collective activities.^ A distinct difference between the program and comparison villages was the commitment to train and support traditional birth attendants (TBAs). The TBAs in the program villages work in the context of the wider, integrated self-development program and, 10 years after their initial training, the TBAs continue to practice.^ Many women experience labor and childbirth alone or are attended by an untrained relative in both program and comparison villages. Nevertheless a significant change is apparent, with more women in program villages than in comparison villages being assisted by the TBAs. The delivery practices of the TBAs reveal the positive impact of their training in the "three cleans" (clean hands of the assistant, clean delivery surface and clean cord-cutting). The findings of this study indicate a significant level of unmet need for child spacing methods in all villages.^ The training and support of TBAs in the program villages yielded significant improvements in their delivery practices, and resulting outcomes for women and infants. However, potential exists for further community action. Capacities for self-development have not yet been directed toward an action plan encompassing other Safe Motherhood interventions, including access to family planning services and emergency obstetric care services. ^


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A cohort study study design was used to study the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight among African American women delivering full term infants. The cohort consisted of 3,157 mother-infant pairs drawn from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The objectives of the study were (1) to determine if low birthweight, African American mothers delivering term infants experienced higher rates of infant low birthweight and (2) to examine the role of selected contributory variables in the relationship of maternal low birthweight and infant low birthweight. Contributory risk factors examined included maternal marital status, maternal age, maternal education, maternal height, maternal prepregnant weight, birth order, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, timing of prenatal care, number of prenatal visits, gestational length, infant gender, and behavioral factors of smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use during pregnancy.^ Using logistic regression analysis, risk of infant low birthweight among maternal low birthweight mothers increased after controlling for less than a high school education, less than 20 years of age, prepregnant weight less than 100 lbs, history of a prior low birthweight delivery, birth order, smoking during pregnancy, and use of alcohol and illicit drugs during pregnancy, but was not statistically significant. Loss of statistical significance was attributed to a large reduction in cases available for analysis after including illicit drug use in the model.^ This study demonstrated a consistent pattern of increased rates of infant low birthweight among low birthweight mothers. The force of history remains, hence women with this trait should be carefully monitored and advised during pregnancy to decrease risk of a low birthweight infant, in order to decrease the chain of events leading to future generations of low birthweight mothers. ^


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Breast and cervical cancer screening rates continue to be lower in Hispanic women than other ethnic subgroups. Several factors have been identified that influence health care utilization. The use of preventive services (cancer screenings and adherence) in addition to yearly doctor visits are often used to measure health care utilization. A secondary analysis of an existing dataset containing baseline survey data collected from participants of an intervention trial to test the Cultivando La Salud (CLS) program was used to analyze the association between cultural health practice use (use of curandero,s obador, and herbal remedies) and health care utilization. The sample consisted of women 50 years of age and older living in farmer communities in four sites: Eagle Pass, TX, Anthony, NM, Merced, CA, and Watsonville, CA (n=708). Participants reported using a curandero (5.67%), sobador (29.79%), and herbal remedies (46.65%) at some point in their lives. The use of cultural health practices was found to significantly influence utilization of certain health care services: use of herbal remedies influence doctor visits, adherence to mammography screening and adherence to Pap test screening; use of a curandero influenced ever having a mammogram; use of a sobador influenced ever having a mammogram, ever having a Pap test, and Pap test adherence. In addition, women reporting use of curandero or herbal remedies were found to be more avoidant of the health care system than those that reported not using them. Further research is needed to further analyze the influence of cultural health practices on health care utilization. ^


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Background. Different individual (demographic) characteristic and health system related characteristics have been identified in the literature to contribute to different rates of maternal health care utilization in developing countries. This study is going to evaluate the individual and quality of health predictors of maternal health care utilization in rural Jordanian villages. ^ Methods. Data from a 2004 survey was used. Individual (predisposing and enabling) variables, quality of health care variables, and maternal care utilization variables were selected for 477 women who had a live birth during the last 5 years. The conceptual framework used in this study will be the Aday-Andersen model for health services utilization. ^ Results. 82.4% of women received at least one antenatal care visit. Individually, village of residence (p=0.036), parity (p=0.048), education (p=0.006), and health insurance (p=0.029) were found to be significant; in addition to respectful treatment (p=0.045) and clean facilities (p=0.001) were the only quality of health care factors found to be significant in predicting antenatal care use. Using logistic regression, living in southern villages (OR=4.7, p=0.01) and availability of transportation (sometimes OR=3.2, p=0.01 and never OR=2.4, p<0.05) were the only two factors to influence maternal care use. ^ Conclusions. Living in the South and transportation are major barriers to maternal care utilization in rural Jordan. Other important cultural factors of interest in some villages should be addressed in future research. Perceptions of women regarding quality of health services should be seriously taken into account. ^


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The purpose of this thesis is to identify "best practice" recommendations for successful implementation of the EPSDT outreach program at Memorial Health System's Hospital for Children in Colorado Springs through a policy analysis of Medicaid EPSDT services in Colorado. A successful program at Memorial will increase education and awareness of EPSDT services, enrollment, and access to and utilization of health care services for eligible children. Methodology utilized in this study included questionnaires designed for the EPSDT contract administrator and outreach coordinators/workers; analysis of current federal and state policies; and studies conducted at the federal and state level, and by various advocacy groups. The need for this analysis of EPSDT came about in part through an awareness of increasingly high numbers of children in poverty and who are uninsured. Though the percentage of children living in poverty in Colorado is slightly below the national average (see Table 2), according to data analyzed by The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the percentage of children (0-18) living in poverty in Colorado increased from 10% in 2000 to 16% in 2006, a dramatic increase of 60% surpassed by only one other state in the nation (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2008). By comparison, the U.S. percentage of children in poverty during the same time frame rose from 17% to 18% (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2008). What kind of health care services are available to this vulnerable and growing group of Coloradans, and what are the barriers that affect their enrollment in, access to and utilization of these health care services? Barriers identified included difficulty with the application process; system and process issues; a lack of providers; and a lack of awareness and knowledge of EPSDT. Fiscal restraints and legislation at the federal and state level are also barriers to increasing enrollment and access to services. Outreach services are a critical component of providing EPSDT services, and there were several recommendations regarding outreach and case management that will benefit the program in the future. Through this analysis and identification of a broad range of barriers, a clearer picture emerged of current challenges within the EPSDT program as well as a broad range of strategies and recommendations to address these challenges. Through increased education and advocacy for EPSDT and the services it encompasses; stronger collaboration and cooperation between all groups involved, including providing a Medical Home for all eligible children; and new legislation putting more money and focus on comprehensive health care for low-income uninsured children; enrollment, access to and utilization of developmentally appropriate and quality health care services can be achieved. ^


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This dissertation develops and tests a comparative effectiveness methodology utilizing a novel approach to the application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in health studies. The concept of performance tiers (PerT) is introduced as terminology to express a relative risk class for individuals within a peer group and the PerT calculation is implemented with operations research (DEA) and spatial algorithms. The analysis results in the discrimination of the individual data observations into a relative risk classification by the DEA-PerT methodology. The performance of two distance measures, kNN (k-nearest neighbor) and Mahalanobis, was subsequently tested to classify new entrants into the appropriate tier. The methods were applied to subject data for the 14 year old cohort in the Project HeartBeat! study.^ The concepts presented herein represent a paradigm shift in the potential for public health applications to identify and respond to individual health status. The resultant classification scheme provides descriptive, and potentially prescriptive, guidance to assess and implement treatments and strategies to improve the delivery and performance of health systems. ^


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This research study offers a critical assessment of NIH's Consensus Development Program (CDP), focusing upon its historical and valuative bases and its institutionalization in response to social and political forces. The analysis encompasses systems-level, as well as interpersonal factors in the adoption of consensus as the mechanism for resolving scientific controversies in clinical practice application. Further, the evolution of the CDP is also considered from an ecological perspective as a reasoned adaptation by NIH to pressures from its supporters and clients for translating biomedical research into medical practice. The assessment examines federal science policy and institutional designs for the inclusion of the public interest and democratic deliberation.^ The study relies on three distinct approaches to social research. Conventional historical methods were utilized in the interpretation of social and political influences across eras on the evolution of the National Institutes of Health and its response to demands for accountability and relevance through its Consensus Development Program. An embedded single-case study was utilized for an empirical examination of the CDP mechanism through five exemplar conferences. Lastly, a sociohistorical approach was taken to the CDP in order to consider its responsiveness to the values of the eras which created and shaped it. An exploration of organizational behavior with considerations for institutional reform as a response to continuing political and social pressure, it is a study of organizational birth, growth, and response to demands from its environment. The study has explanatory import in its attempt to account for the creation, timing, and form of the CDP, relative to political, institutional, and cultural pressures, and predictive import thorough its historical view which provides a basis for informed speculation on the playing out of tensions between extramural and intermural scientists and the current demands for health care reform. ^