924 resultados para Naps (Sleep)
BACKGROUND: Screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is recommended as part of the preoperative assessment of obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of oximetry alone versus portable polygraphy in the preoperative screening for OSA. METHODS: Polygraphy (type III portable monitor) and oximetry data recorded as part of the preoperative assessment before bariatric surgery from 68 consecutive patients were reviewed. We compared the sensitivity of 3% or 4% desaturation index (oximetry alone) with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI; polygraphy) to diagnose OSA and classify the patients as normal (<10 events per hour), mild to moderate (10-30 events per hour), or severe (>30 events per hour). RESULTS: Using AHI, the prevalence of OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) was 57.4%: 16.2% of the patients were classified as severe, 41.2% as mild to moderate, and 42.6% as normal. Using 3% desaturation index, 22.1% were classified as severe, 47.1% as mild to moderate, and 30.9% as normal. With 4% desaturation index, 17.6% were classified as severe, 32.4% as mild, and 50% as normal. Overall, 3% desaturation index compared to AHI yielded a 95% negative predictive value to rule out OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) and a 100% sensitivity (0.73 positive predictive value) to detect severe OSA (AHI > 30 per hour). CONCLUSIONS: Using oximetry with 3% desaturation index as a screening tool for OSA could allow us to rule out significant OSA in almost a third of the patients and to detect patients with severe OSA. This cheap and widely available technique could accelerate preoperative work-up of these patients.
Study Objectives: Interspecific variation in sleep measured in captivity correlates with various physiological and environmental factors, including estimates of predation risk in the wild. However, it remains unclear whether prior comparative studies have been confounded by the captive recording environment. Herein we examine the impact of predation pressure on sleep in sloths living in the wild. Design: Comparison of two closely related sloth species, one exposed to predation and one free from predation. Setting: Panamanian mainland rainforest (predators present) and island mangrove (predators absent). Participants: Mainland (Bradypus variegatus, 5 males and 4 females) and island (Bradypus pygmaeus, 6 males) sloths. Interventions: None. Measurements and Results: EEG and EMG activity were recorded using a miniature data logger. Although both species spent between 9 and 10 hours per day sleeping, the mainland sloths showed a preference for sleeping at night, whereas island sloths showed no preference for sleeping during the day or night. EEG activity during NREM sleep showed lower low-frequency power, and increased spindle and higher frequency power in island sloths when compared to mainland sloths. Conclusions: In sloths sleeping in the wild, predation pressure influenced the timing of sleep, but not the amount of time spent asleep. The preference for sleeping at night in mainland sloths may be a strategy to avoid detection by nocturnal cats. The pronounced differences in the NREM sleep EEG spectrum remain unexplained, but might be related to genetic or environmental factors.
T-type Ca2+ channels, SK2 channels and SERCAs gate sleep-related oscillations in thalamic dendrites.
T-type Ca2+ channels (T channels) underlie rhythmic burst discharges during neuronal oscillations that are typical during sleep. However, the Ca2+-dependent effectors that are selectively regulated by T currents remain unknown. We found that, in dendrites of nucleus reticularis thalami (nRt), intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases were dominated by Ca2+ influx through T channels and shaped rhythmic bursting via competition between Ca2+-dependent small-conductance (SK)-type K+ channels and Ca2+ uptake pumps. Oscillatory bursting was initiated via selective activation of dendritically located SK2 channels, whereas Ca2+ sequestration by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases (SERCAs) and cumulative T channel inactivation dampened oscillations. Sk2-/- (also known as Kcnn2) mice lacked cellular oscillations, showed a greater than threefold reduction in low-frequency rhythms in the electroencephalogram of non-rapid-eye-movement sleep and had disrupted sleep. Thus, the interplay of T channels, SK2 channels and SERCAs in nRt dendrites comprises a specialized Ca2+ signaling triad to regulate oscillatory dynamics related to sleep.
Sleep spindles are synchronized 11-15 Hz electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations predominant during nonrapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS). Rhythmic bursting in the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt), arising from interplay between Ca(v)3.3-type Ca(2+) channels and Ca(2+)-dependent small-conductance-type 2 (SK2) K(+) channels, underlies spindle generation. Correlative evidence indicates that spindles contribute to memory consolidation and protection against environmental noise in human NREMS. Here, we describe a molecular mechanism through which spindle power is selectively extended and we probed the actions of intensified spindling in the naturally sleeping mouse. Using electrophysiological recordings in acute brain slices from SK2 channel-overexpressing (SK2-OE) mice, we found that nRt bursting was potentiated and thalamic circuit oscillations were prolonged. Moreover, nRt cells showed greater resilience to transit from burst to tonic discharge in response to gradual depolarization, mimicking transitions out of NREMS. Compared with wild-type littermates, chronic EEG recordings of SK2-OE mice contained less fragmented NREMS, while the NREMS EEG power spectrum was conserved. Furthermore, EEG spindle activity was prolonged at NREMS exit. Finally, when exposed to white noise, SK2-OE mice needed stronger stimuli to arouse. Increased nRt bursting thus strengthens spindles and improves sleep quality through mechanisms independent of EEG slow waves (<4 Hz), suggesting SK2 signaling as a new potential therapeutic target for sleep disorders and for neuropsychiatric diseases accompanied by weakened sleep spindles.
Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and characteristics of periodic legs movements of sleep (PLMS) in theadult general population. Methods: Data from 2162 subjects (51.2% women, mean SD age:58, 11 years, range: 40.5-84.4 years) participating in a population-based cohort study (HypnoLaus, Lausanne, Switzerland) wascollected. They completed a series of sleep related questionnaires and underwent polysomnographic recordings at home. PLMS index(PLMSI) was determined according to AASM 2007 criteria. APLMSI>15/h was considered to be of potential clinical significance. Conclusions: PLMS are highly prevalent in the general population. Age, male gender and RLS are independent predictors of a PLMSIhigher than 15/h. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical impact of PLMS.
Background: Chronic mountain sickness (CMS), which is characterised by hypoxemia, erythrocytosis and pulmonary hypertension, is a major public health problem in high-altitude dwellers. The only existing treatment is descent to low altitude, an option that for social reasons almost never exists. Sleep disordered breathing may represent an underlying mechanism. We recently found that in mountaineers increasing the respiratory dead space markedly improves sleep disordered breathing. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of this procedure on sleep disordered breathing in patients with CMS. Methods: In 10 male Bolivian high-altitude dwellers (mean ± SD age, 59 ± 9 y) suffering from CMS (haemoglobin >20 g/L) full night sleep recordings (Embletta, RespMed) were obtained in La Paz (3600 m). In random order, one night was spent with a 500 ml increase in dead space through a custom designed full face mask and the other night without it. Exclusion criteria were: secondary erythrocytosis, smoking, drug intake, acute infection, cardio- pulmonary or neurologic disease and travelling to low altitude in the preceding 6 months. Results: The major new finding was that added dead space dramatically improved sleep disordered breathing in patients suffering from CMS. The apnea/hypopnea index decreased by >50% (from 34.5 ± 25.0 to 16.8 ± 14.9, P = 0.003), the oxygen desaturation index decreased from 46.2 ± 23.0 to 27.2 ± 20.0 (P = 0.0004) and hypopnea index from 28.8 ± 20.9 to 16.3 ± 14.0 (P = 0.01), whereas nocturnal oxygen saturation increased from 79.8 ± 3.6 to 80.9 ± 3.0% (P = 0.009). The procedure was easily accepted and well tolerated. Conclusion: Here, we show for the very first time that an increase in respiratory dead space through a fitted mask dramatically improves nocturnal breathing in high-altitude dwellers suffering from CMS. We speculate that when used in the long-term, this procedure will improve erythrocytosis and pulmonary hypertension and offer an inexpensive and easily implementable treatment for this major public health problem.
The timing and quality of both sleep and wakefulness are thought to be regulated by the interaction of two processes. One of these two processes keeps track of the prior sleep-wake history and controls the homeostatic need for sleep while the other sets the time-of-day that sleep preferably occurs. The molecular pathways underlying the latter, circadian process have been studied in detail and their key role in physiological time-keeping has been well established. Analyses of sleep in mice and flies lacking core circadian clock gene proteins have demonstrated, however, that besides disrupting circadian rhythms, also sleep homeostatic processes were affected. Subsequent studies revealed that sleep loss alters both the mRNA levels and the specific DNA-binding of the key circadian transcriptional regulators to their target sequences in the mouse brain. The fact that sleep loss impinges on the very core of the molecular circadian circuitry might explain why both inadequate sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms can similarly lead to metabolic pathology. The evidence for a role for clock genes in sleep homeostasis will be reviewed here.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball es tracta en la creació d’un projecte empresarial, és a dir, d’una planificació estratègica que afecta a tots els àmbits de la empresa al llarg d’un període de temps i que té per objectiu analitzar la viabilitat, examinar els objectius i descobrir els inconvenients del mateix. En concret s’ha projectat és un hostal ‘low cost’. Alhora de comprovar la viabilitat del projecte, s’han hagut de realitzar els tests corresponents per saber si tindria èxit o no. I tots han demostrat un resultat factible, ja que, encara que van sorgir problemes amb l’acceptació d’aquest nou estil, concretament en el fet d’haver de compartir habitació amb altres persones, al poder oferir altres tipus d’habitacions i en el cas de compartir habitació donar molta seguretat, els anàlisis ens han donat uns resultats acceptables. S’han realitzat també quadres financers, préstecs, calculat les despeses d’inici d’empresa i de manteniment, publicitat, despeses de personal, i finalment aquest també han donat un resultat de viabilitat positiu.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of melatonin on sleep problems in children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and fragile X syndrome (FXS). METHODS: A 4-week, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design was conducted following a 1-week baseline period. Either melatonin, 3 mg, or placebo was given to participants for 2 weeks and then alternated for another 2 weeks. Sleep variables, including sleep duration, sleep-onset time, sleep-onset latency time, and the number of night awakenings, were recorded using an Actiwatch and from sleep diaries completed by parents. All participants had been thoroughly assessed for ASD and also had DNA testing for the diagnosis of FXS. RESULTS: Data were successfully obtained from the 12 of 18 subjects who completed the study (11 males, age range 2 to 15.25 years, mean 5.47, SD 3.6). Five participants met diagnostic criteria for ASD, 3 for FXS alone, 3 for FXS and ASD, and 1 for fragile X premutation. Eight out of 12 had melatonin first. The conclusions from a nonparametric repeated-measures technique indicate that mean night sleep duration was longer on melatonin than placebo by 21 minutes (p = .02), mean sleep-onset latency was shorter by 28 minutes (p = .0001), and mean sleep-onset time was earlier by 42 minutes (p = .02). CONCLUSION: The results of this study support the efficacy and tolerability of melatonin treatment for sleep problems in children with ASD and FXS.
The timing and the organization of sleep architecture are mainly controlled by the circadian system, while sleep need and intensity are regulated by a homeostatic process. How independent these two systems are in regulating sleep is not well understood. In contrast to the impressive progress in the molecular genetics of circadian rhythms, little is known about the molecular basis of sleep. Nevertheless, as summarized here, phenotypic dissection of sleep into its most basic aspects can be used to identify both the single major genes and small effect quantitative trait loci involved. Although experimental models such as the mouse are more readily amenable to genetic analysis of sleep, similar approaches can be applied to humans.
OBJECTIVE: Positive occipital sharp transients of sleep (POSTS) are considered a normal variant seen in non-REM sleep; their asymmetrical presentation and relationship with EEG abnormalities have received scarce attention to date. We analyzed these features in a large prospective EEG recordings' sample. METHODS: In this case-control study, over 6 months we collected consecutive patients showing POSTS on their EEG. They were matched with consecutive control subjects (two for each). Demographical data, asymmetries for POSTS and alpha activity, and lateralized or diffuse occurrence of EEG abnormalities (slowing, epileptiform transients) were compared among these two groups. RESULTS: Out of 1254 EEG studies, 102 (8%) patients showed POSTS. They were younger (p=0.031), and more likely to show EEG abnormalities (p=0.008) - including epileptiform transients (p=0.002) - than controls. However, this relationship was influenced by age and recording length. Thirty nine POSTS recordings (38%) had a consistent amplitude asymmetry, but this was not associated with specific EEG abnormalities or alpha asymmetry. CONCLUSION: POSTS are a normal EEG variant, occurring in less than 10% of unselected EEG recordings, mostly in younger adults, without gender predominance. Amplitude asymmetries are found in over one third of subjects. SIGNIFICANCE: POSTS asymmetry, as opposed to other sleep transients, should be considered as normal.
Objectives: Previous studies using subjective assessments have reported associations between sleep quantity and quality and cardiometabolic disorders, but little is known regarding the associ-ations with objective sleep characteristics. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between objective sleep measure sand metabolic syndrome (MS), hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Methods: 2162 subjects (51.2% women, mean age 58,11.1) from the general population were evaluated for hypertension,diabetes, overweight/obesity and MS, and underwent a full polysom-nography (PSG). PSG measured variables included: Total sleep time(TST), percentage and time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) and in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, sleep efficiency and arousal index(ArI) Results: In univariate analyses, MS was associated with decreased TST, SWS, REM sleep, sleep efficiency and increased ArI. After adjustment for age, gender, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, drugsthat affect sleep and depression, the ArI remained significantly higher, but the difference disappeared in subjects without significant sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Differences in sleep structure were also found according to the presence or absence of hypertension, diabetes and overweight/obesity in univariate analysis. However, these differences were attenuated after multivariate adjustment and after excluding subjects with significant SDB. Conclusions: In this population-based sample we found significant associations between sleep structure and MS, hypertension, diabetes and obesity. However, these associations were cancelled after multivariate adjustment. We conclude that normal variations in sleep contribute little if any to MS and associated disorders.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Hemispheric stroke in humans is associated with sleep-wake disturbances and sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) changes. The correlation between these changes and stroke extent remains unclear. In the absence of experimental data, we assessed sleep EEG changes after focal cerebral ischemia of different extensions in mice. DESIGN: Following electrode implantation and baseline sleep-wake EEG recordings, mice were submitted to sham surgery (control group), 30 minutes of intraluminal middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion (striatal stroke), or distal MCA electrocoagulation (cortical stroke). One and 12 days after stroke, sleep-wake EEG recordings were repeated. The EEG recorded from the healthy hemisphere was analyzed visually and automatically (fast Fourier analysis) according to established criteria. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Striatal stroke induced an increase in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and a reduction of rapid eye movement sleep. These changes were detectable both during the light and the dark phase at day 1 and persisted until day 12 after stroke. Cortical stroke induced a less-marked increase in NREM sleep, which was present only at day 1 and during the dark phase. In cortical stroke, the increase in NREM sleep was associated in the wake EEG power spectra, with an increase in the theta and a reduction in the beta activity. CONCLUSION: Cortical and striatal stroke lead to different sleep-wake EEG changes in mice, which probably reflect variable effects on sleep-promoting and wakefulness-maintaining neuronal networks.
To determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) we analyzed the responses of 173 parents who had completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children. The study population included 100 males (57.8%) and 73 females (42.2%; mean age 8y 10mo [SD 1y 11mo]; range 6y-11y 11mo). Eighty-three children (48.0%) had spastic diplegia, 59 (34.1%) congenital hemiplegia, 18 (10.4%) spastic quadriplegia, and 13 (7.5%) dystonic/dyskinetic CP. Seventy-three children (42.2%) were in Gross Motor Function Classification System Level I, 33 (19.1%) in Level II, 30 (17.3%) in Level III, 23 (13.3%) in Level IV, and 14 (8.1%) in Level V. Thirty children (17.3%) had epilepsy. A total sleep problem score and six factors indicative of the most common areas of sleep disorder in childhood were obtained. Of the children in our study, 23% had a pathological total sleep score, in comparison with 5% of children in the general population. Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, sleep-wake transition, and sleep breathing disorders were the most frequently identified problems. Active epilepsy was associated with the presence of a sleep disorder (odds ratio [OR]=17.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-115.3), as was being the child of a single-parent family (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6). Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep were more frequent in children with spastic quadriplegia (OR=12.9, 95% CI 1.9-88.0), those with dyskinetic CP (OR=20.6, 95% CI 3.1-135.0), and those with severe visual impairment (OR=12.5, 95% CI 2.5-63.1). Both medical and environmental factors seem to contribute to the increased frequency of chronic sleep disorders in children with CP.