516 resultados para Nadph


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The three-dimensional structure of Corynebacterium 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase A (2,5-DKGR A; EC 1.1.1.-), in complex with cofactor NADPH, has been solved by using x-ray crystallographic data to 2.1-Å resolution. This enzyme catalyzes stereospecific reduction of 2,5-diketo-d-gluconate (2,5-DKG) to 2-keto-l-gulonate. Thus the three-dimensional structure has now been solved for a prokaryotic example of the aldo–keto reductase superfamily. The details of the binding of the NADPH cofactor help to explain why 2,5-DKGR exhibits lower binding affinity for cofactor than the related human aldose reductase does. Furthermore, changes in the local loop structure near the cofactor suggest that 2,5-DKGR will not exhibit the biphasic cofactor binding characteristics observed in aldose reductase. Although the crystal structure does not include substrate, the two ordered water molecules present within the substrate-binding pocket are postulated to provide positional landmarks for the substrate 5-keto and 4-hydroxyl groups. The structural basis for several previously described active-site mutants of 2,5-DKGR A is also proposed. Recent research efforts have described a novel approach to the synthesis of l-ascorbate (vitamin C) by using a genetically engineered microorganism that is capable of synthesizing 2,5-DKG from glucose and subsequently is transformed with the gene for 2,5-DKGR. These modifications create a microorganism capable of direct production of 2-keto-l-gulonate from d-glucose, and the gulonate can subsequently be converted into vitamin C. In economic terms, vitamin C is the single most important specialty chemical manufactured in the world. Understanding the structural determinants of specificity, catalysis, and stability for 2,5-DKGR A is of substantial commercial interest.


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Little is known about the potential for engraftment of autologous hematopoietic stem cells in human adults not subjected to myeloablative conditioning regimens. Five adult patients with the p47phox deficiency form of chronic granulomatous disease received intravenous infusions of autologous CD34+ peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) that had been transduced ex vivo with a recombinant retrovirus encoding normal p47phox. Although marrow conditioning was not given, functionally corrected granulocytes were detectable in peripheral blood of all five patients. Peak correction occurred 3–6 weeks after infusion and ranged from 0.004 to 0.05% of total peripheral blood granulocytes. Corrected cells were detectable for as long as 6 months after infusion in some individuals. Thus, prolonged engraftment of autologous PBSCs and continued expression of the transduced gene can occur in adults without conditioning. This trial also piloted the use of animal protein-free medium and a blood-bank-compatible closed system of gas-permeable plastic containers for culture and transduction of the PBSCs. These features enhance the safety of PBSCs directed gene therapy.


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Pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) are widely distributed throughout the airway mucosa of human and animal lungs. Based on the observation that NEB cells have a candidate oxygen sensor enzyme complex (NADPH oxidase) and an oxygen-sensitive K+ current, it has been suggested that NEB may function as airway chemoreceptors. Here we report that mRNAs for both the hydrogen peroxide sensitive voltage gated potassium channel subunit (KH2O2) KV3.3a and membrane components of NADPH oxidase (gp91phox and p22phox) are coexpressed in the NEB cells of fetal rabbit and neonatal human lungs. Using a microfluorometry and dihydrorhodamine 123 as a probe to assess H2O2 generation, NEB cells exhibited oxidase activity under basal conditions. The oxidase in NEB cells was significantly stimulated by exposure to phorbol esther (0.1 μM) and inhibited by diphenyliodonium (5 μM). Studies using whole-cell voltage clamp showed that the K+ current of cultured fetal rabbit NEB cells exhibited inactivating properties similar to KV3.3a transcripts expressed in Xenopus oocyte model. Exposure of NEB cells to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, the dismuted by-product of the oxidase) under normoxia resulted in an increase of the outward K+ current indicating that H2O2 could be the transmitter modulating the O2-sensitive K+ channel. Expressed mRNAs or orresponding protein products for the NADPH oxidase membrane cytochrome b as well as mRNA encoding KV3.3a were identified in small cell lung carcinoma cell lines. The studies presented here provide strong evidence for an oxidase-O2 sensitive potassium channel molecular complex operating as an O2 sensor in NEB cells, which function as chemoreceptors in airways and in NEB related tumors. Such a complex may represent an evolutionary conserved biochemical link for a membrane bound O2-signaling mechanism proposed for other cells and life forms.


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Superoxide anion (O2−) plays a key role in the endogenous suppression of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity and has been implicated in the development of hypertension. In previous studies, we found that O2− is produced predominantly in the adventitia of isolated rabbit aorta and acts as a barrier to NO. In the present studies, we characterize the enzyme responsible for O2− production in the adventitia and show that this enzyme is a constitutively active NADPH oxidase with similar composition as the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Constitutive O2−-generating activity was localized to aortic adventitial fibroblasts and was enhanced by the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. Immunohistochemistry of aortic sections demonstrated the presence of p22phox, gp91phox, p47phox, and p67phox localized exclusively in rabbit aortic adventitia, coincident with the site of staining for O2− production. Furthermore, immunodepletion of p67phox from adventitial fibroblast particulates resulted in the loss of NADPH oxidase activity, which could be restored by the addition of recombinant p67phox. Further study into the regulation of this adventitial source of O2− is important in elucidating the mechanisms regulating the bioactivity of NO and may contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of hypertension.


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Two NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductases (CPRs) from parsley (Petroselinum crispum) were cloned, and the complete proteins were expressed and functionally identified in yeast. The two enzymes, designated CPR1 and CPR2, are 80% identical in amino acid sequence with one another and about 75% identical with CPRs from several other plant species. The mRNA accumulation patterns for CPR1 and CPR2 in fungal elicitor-treated or UV-irradiated cultured parsley cells and in developing or infected parsley plants were compared with those for cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), one of the most abundant CPR-dependent P450 enzymes in plants. All treatments strongly induced the mRNAs for C4H and CPR1 but not for CPR2, suggesting distinct metabolic roles of CPR1 and CPR2 and a functional relationship between CPR1 and C4H.


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Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radical to hydrogen peroxide. Periplasmic localization of bacterial Cu,Zn-SOD has suggested a role of this enzyme in defense against extracellular phagocyte-derived reactive oxygen species. Sequence analysis of regions flanking the Salmonella typhimurium sodC gene encoding Cu,Zn-SOD demonstrates significant homology to λ phage proteins, reflecting possible bacteriophage-mediated horizontal gene transfer of this determinant among pathogenic bacteria. Salmonella deficient in Cu,Zn-SOD has reduced survival in macrophages and attenuated virulence in mice, which can be restored by abrogation of either the phagocyte respiratory burst or inducible nitric oxide synthase. Moreover, a sodC mutant is extremely susceptible to the combination of superoxide and nitric oxide. These observations suggest that SOD protects periplasmic or inner membrane targets by diverting superoxide and limiting peroxynitrite formation, and they demonstrate the ability of the respiratory burst and nitric oxide synthase to synergistically kill microbial pathogens in vivo.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) p55-knockout (KO) mice are susceptible profoundly to Salmonella infection. One day after peritoneal inoculation, TNFR-KO mice harbor 1,000-fold more bacteria in liver and spleen than wild-type mice despite the formation of well organized granulomas. Macrophages from TNFR-KO mice produce abundant quantities of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in response to Salmonella but nevertheless exhibit poor bactericidal activity. Treatment with IFN-γ enhances killing by wild-type macrophages but does not restore the killing defect of TNFR-KO cells. Bactericidal activity of macrophages can be abrogated by a deletion in the gene encoding TNFα but not by saturating concentrations of TNF-soluble receptor, suggesting that intracellular TNFα can regulate killing of Salmonella by macrophages. Peritoneal macrophages from TNFR-KO mice fail to localize NADPH oxidase-containing vesicles to Salmonella-containing vacuoles. A TNFR-KO mutation substantially restores virulence to an attenuated mutant bacterial strain lacking the type III secretory system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2), suggesting that TNFα and SPI2 have opposing actions on a common pathway of vesicular trafficking. TNFα–TNFRp55 signaling plays a critical role in the immediate innate immune response to an intracellular pathogen by optimizing the delivery of toxic reactive oxygen species to the phagosome.


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Eutypine (4-hydroxy-3-[3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl] benzaldehyde) is a toxin produced by Eutypa lata, the causal agent of eutypa dieback in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Eutypine is enzymatically converted by numerous plant tissues into eutypinol (4-hydroxy-3-[3-methyl-3-butene-1-ynyl] benzyl alcohol), a metabolite that is nontoxic to grapevine. We report a four-step procedure for the purification to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity of a eutypine-reducing enzyme (ERE) from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata) hypocotyls. The purified protein is a monomer of 36 kD, uses NADPH as a cofactor, and exhibits a Km value of 6.3 μm for eutypine and a high affinity for 3- and 4-nitro-benzaldehyde. The enzyme failed to catalyze the reverse reaction using eutypinol as a substrate. ERE detoxifies eutypine efficiently over a pH range from 6.2 to 7.5. These data strongly suggest that ERE is an aldehyde reductase that could probably be classified into the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. We discuss the possible role of this enzyme in eutypine detoxification.


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An improved light-dependent assay was used to characterize the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) in thylakoids of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The enzyme was sensitive to rotenone, confirming the involvement of a complex I-type enzyme. NADPH and NADH were equally good substrates for the dehydrogenase. Maximum rates of activity were 10 to 19 μmol electrons mg−1 chlorophyll h−1, corresponding to about 3% of linear electron-transport rates, or to about 40% of ferredoxin-dependent cyclic electron-transport rates. The NDH was activated by light treatment. After photoactivation, a subsequent light-independent period of about 1 h was required for maximum activation. The NDH could also be activated by incubation of the thylakoids in low-ionic-strength buffer. The kinetics, substrate specificity, and inhibitor profiles were essentially the same for both induction strategies. The possible involvement of ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) in the NDH activity could be excluded based on the lack of preference for NADPH over NADH. Furthermore, thenoyltrifluoroacetone inhibited the diaphorase activity of FNR but not the NDH activity. These results also lead to the conclusion that direct reduction of plastoquinone by FNR is negligible.


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An NADPH-dependent NO2−-reducing system was reconstituted in vitro using ferredoxin (Fd) NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR), Fd, and nitrite reductase (NiR) from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. NO2− reduction was dependent on all protein components and was operated under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. NO2− reduction by this in vitro pathway was inhibited up to 63% by 1 mm NADP+. NADP+ did not affect either methyl viologen-NiR or Fd-NiR activity, indicating that inhibition was mediated through FNR. When NADPH was replaced with a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH)-dependent NADPH-generating system, rates of NO2− reduction reached approximately 10 times that of the NADPH-dependent system. G6PDH could be replaced by either 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase or isocitrate dehydrogenase, indicating that G6PDH functioned to: (a) regenerate NADPH to support NO2− reduction and (b) consume NADP+, releasing FNR from NADP+ inhibition. These results demonstrate the ability of FNR to facilitate the transfer of reducing power from NADPH to Fd in the direction opposite to that which occurs in photosynthesis. The rate of G6PDH-dependent NO2− reduction observed in vitro is capable of accounting for the observed rates of dark NO3− assimilation by C. reinhardtii.


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We have investigated two NADPH-cytochrome (Cyt) P450 reductase isoforms encoded by separate genes (AR1 and AR2) in Arabidopsis thaliana. We isolated AR1 and AR2 cDNAs using a mung bean (Phaseolus aureus L.) NADPH-Cyt P450 reductase cDNA as a probe. The recombinant AR1 and AR2 proteins produced using a baculovirus expression system showed similar Km values for Cyt c and NADPH, respectively. In the reconstitution system with a recombinant cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (CYP73A5), the recombinant AR1 and AR2 proteins gave the same level of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase activity (about 70 nmol min−1 nmol−1 P450). The AR2 gene expression was transiently induced by 4- and 3-fold within 1 h of wounding and light treatments, respectively, and the induction time course preceded those of CYP73A5 and a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL1) gene. On the contrary, the AR1 expression level did not change during the treatments. Analysis of the AR1 and AR2 gene structure revealed that only the AR2 promoter contained three putative sequence motifs (boxes P, A, and L), which are involved in the coordinated expression of CYP73A5 and other phenylpropanoid pathway genes. These results suggest the possibility that AR2 transcription may be functionally linked to the induced levels of phenylpropanoid pathway enzymes.


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Two monoclonal antibodies, anti-IL8R1 and anti-IL8R2, raised against both interleukin 8 receptors (IL-8R) of human neutrophils, IL-8R1 and IL-8R2, were used to study individual receptor functions after stimulation with IL-8, GRO alpha, or NAP-2. Efficacy and selectivity of the antibodies were tested in Jurkat cells transfected with cDNA coding for one or the other receptor. The binding of 125 I labeled IL-8 and IL-8-induced changes of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration were inhibited by anti-IL8RI in cells expressing IL-8R1 and by anti-IL8R2 in cells expressing IL-8R2. In human neutrophils, release of elastase was observed after stimulation with IL-8 or GRO alpha. The response to IL-8 was inhibited slightly by anti-IL8R1 and more substantially when both monoclonal antibodies were present, while the response to GRO alpha was inhibited by anti-IL8R2 but was not affected by anti-IL8R1. These results indicate that both IL-8 receptors can signal independently for granule enzyme release. Superoxide production, a measure of the respiratory burst, was obtained with increasing concentrations of IL-8 with maximum effects at 25 to 50 nM, but no response was observed upon challenge with GRO alpha or NAP-2 up to 1000 nM. The superoxide production induced by IL-8 was inhibited by anti-IL8R1, but was not affected by anti-IL8R2. Stimulation of neutrophils with IL-8, in contrast to GRO alpha or NAP-2, also elicited phospholipase D activity. The effect of IL-8 was again inhibited by anti-IL-8R1 but not by anti-IL8R2, indicating that this response, like the respiratory burst, was mediated by IL-8R1. Taken together, our results show that IL-8R1 and IL-8R2 are functionally different. Responses, such as cytosolic free Ca2+ changes and the release of granule enzymes, are mediated through both receptors, whereas the respiratory burst and the activation of phospholipase D depend exclusively on stimulation through IL-8R1.


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Reactive oxygen intermediates generated by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase are critically important components of host defense. However, these highly toxic oxidants can cause significant tissue injury during inflammation; thus, it is essential that their generation and inactivation are tightly regulated. We show here that an endogenous proline-arginine (PR)-rich antibacterial peptide, PR-39, inhibits NADPH oxidase activity by blocking assembly of this enzyme through interactions with Src homology 3 domains of a cytosolic component. This neutrophil-derived peptide inhibited oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity of neutrophils in whole cells and in a cell-free assay of NADPH oxidase. Both oxidase inhibitory and direct antimicrobial activities were defined within the amino-terminal 26 residues of PR-39. Oxidase inhibition was attributed to binding of PR-39 to the p47phox cytosolic oxidase component. Its effects involve both a polybasic amino-terminal segment and a proline-rich core region of PR-39 that binds to the p47phox Src homology 3 domains and, thereby, inhibits interaction with the small subunit of cytochrome b558, p22phox. These findings suggest that PR-39, which has been shown to be involved in tissue repair processes, is a multifunctional peptide that can regulate NADPH oxidase production of superoxide anion O2-. thus limiting excessive tissue damage during inflammation.


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Purified NADPH:cytochrome c (P-450) reductase (FpT; NADPH-ferrihemoprotein oxidoreductase, EC can reductively activate mitomycin antibiotics through a one-electron reduction to species that alkylate DNA. To assess the involvement of FpT in the intracellular activation of the mitomycins, transfectants overexpressing a human FpT cDNA were established from a Chinese hamster ovary cell line deficient in dihydrofolate reductase (CHO-K1/dhfr-). The parental cell line was equisensitive to the cytotoxic action of mitomycin C under oxygenated and hypoxic conditions. In contrast, porfiromycin was considerably less cytotoxic to wild-type parental cells than was mitomycin C in air and markedly more cytotoxic under hypoxia. Two FpT-transfected clones were selected that expressed 19- and 27-fold more FpT activity than the parental line. Levels of other oxidoreductases implicated in the activation of the mitomycins were unchanged. Significant increases in sensitivity to mitomycin C and porfiromycin in the two FpT-transfected clones were seen under both oxygenated and hypoxic conditions, with the increases in toxicity being greater under hypoxia than in air. These findings demonstrate that FpT can bioreductively activate the mitomycins in living cells and implicate FpT in the differential aerobic/hypoxic toxicity of the mitomycins.


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The phosphorylation-dependent mechanisms regulating activation of the human neutrophil respiratory-burst enzyme, NADPH oxidase, have not been elucidated. We have shown that phosphatidic acid (PA) and diacylglycerol (DG), products of phospholipase activation, synergize to activate NADPH oxidase in a cell-free system. We now report that activation by PA plus DG involves protein kinase activity, unlike other cell-free system activators. NADPH oxidase activation by PA plus DG is reduced approximately 70% by several protein kinase inhibitors [1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)piperazine, staurosporine, GF-109203X]. Similarly, depletion of ATP by dialysis reduces PA plus DG-mediated NADPH oxidase activation by approximately 70%. Addition of ATP, but not a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, to the dialyzed system restores activation levels to normal. In contrast, these treatments have little effect on NADPH oxidase activation by arachidonic acid or SDS plus DG. PA plus DG induces the phosphorylation of a number of endogenous proteins. Phosphorylation is largely mediated by PA, not DG. A predominant substrate is p47-phox, a phosphoprotein component of NADPH oxidase. Phosphorylation of p47-phox precedes activation of NADPH oxidase and is markedly reduced by the protein kinase inhibitors. In contrast, arachidonic acid alone or SDS plus DG is a poor activator of protein phosphorylation in the cell-free system. Thus, PA induces activation of one or more protein kinases that regulate NADPH oxidase activation in a cell-free system. This cell-free system will be useful for identifying a functionally important PA-activated protein kinase(s) and for dissecting the phosphorylation-dependent mechanisms responsible for NADPH oxidase activation.