129 resultados para NUCLEOPROTEIN


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Self-amplifying replicon RNA (RepRNA) possesses high potential for increasing antigen load within dendritic cells (DCs). The major aim of the present work was to define how RepRNA delivered by biodegradable, chitosan-based nanoparticulate delivery vehicles (nanogel-alginate (NGA)) interacts with DCs, and whether this could lead to translation of the RepRNA in the DCs. Although studies employed virus replicon particles (VRPs), there are no reports on biodegradable, nanoparticulate vehicle delivery of RepRNA. VRP studies employed cytopathogenic agents, contrary to DC requirements-slow processing and antigen retention. We employed noncytopathogenic RepRNA with NGA, demonstrating for the first time the efficiency of RepRNA association with nanoparticles, NGA delivery to DCs, and RepRNA internalization by DCs. RepRNA accumulated in vesicular structures, with patterns typifying cytosolic release. This promoted RepRNA translation, in vitro and in vivo. Delivery and translation were RepRNA concentration-dependent, occurring in a kinetic manner. Including cationic lipids with chitosan during nanoparticle formation enhanced delivery and translation kinetics, but was not required for translation of immunogenic levels in vivo. This work describes for the first time the characteristics associated with chitosan-nanoparticle delivery of self-amplifying RepRNA to DCs, leading to translation of encoded foreign genes, namely influenza virus hemagglutinin and nucleoprotein.


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TbRRM1 of Trypanosoma brucei is a nucleoprotein that was previously identified in a search for splicing factors in T. brucei. We show that TbRRM1 associates with mRNAs and with the auxiliary splicing factor polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 2, but not with components of the core spliceosome. TbRRM1 also interacts with several retrotransposon hot spot (RHS) proteins and histones. RNA immunoprecipitation of a tagged form of TbRRM1 from procyclic (insect) form trypanosomes identified ca. 1,500 transcripts that were enriched and 3,000 transcripts that were underrepresented compared to cellular mRNA. Enriched transcripts encoded RNA-binding proteins, including TbRRM1 itself, several RHS transcripts, mRNAs with long coding regions, and a high proportion of stage-regulated mRNAs that are more highly expressed in bloodstream forms. Transcripts encoding ribosomal proteins, other factors involved in translation, and procyclic-specific transcripts were underrepresented. Knockdown of TbRRM1 by RNA interference caused widespread changes in mRNA abundance, but these changes did not correlate with the binding of the protein to transcripts, and most splice sites were unchanged, negating a general role for TbRRM1 in splice site selection. When changes in mRNA abundance were mapped across the genome, regions with many downregulated mRNAs were identified. Two regions were analyzed by chromatin immunoprecipitation, both of which exhibited increases in nucleosome occupancy upon TbRRM1 depletion. In addition, subjecting cells to heat shock resulted in translocation of TbRRM1 to the cytoplasm and compaction of chromatin, consistent with a second role for TbRRM1 in modulating chromatin structure. IMPORTANCE: Trypanosoma brucei, the parasite that causes human sleeping sickness, is transmitted by tsetse flies. The parasite progresses through different life cycle stages in its two hosts, altering its pattern of gene expression in the process. In trypanosomes, protein-coding genes are organized as polycistronic units that are processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Since genes in the same unit can be regulated independently of each other, it is believed that gene regulation is essentially posttranscriptional. In this study, we investigated the role of a nuclear RNA-binding protein, TbRRM1, in the insect stage of the parasite. We found that TbRRM1 binds nuclear mRNAs and also affects chromatin status. Reduction of nuclear TbRRM1 by RNA interference or heat shock resulted in chromatin compaction. We propose that TbRRM1 regulates RNA polymerase II-driven gene expression both cotranscriptionally, by facilitating transcription and efficient splicing, and posttranscriptionally, via its interaction with nuclear mRNAs.


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Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is known to induce a beneficial anti-tumor immune response called graft-versus-tumor (GVT) activity. However, GVT activity is closely associated with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), a potentially fatal immune response against antigens on normal recipient tissues. The T-cell populations mediating these two processes are often overlapping, but studies have shown that some donor T-cells can be tumor-specific. Therefore, the goal of this study was to develop strategies for preferentially activating donor T-cells capable of mediating GVT activity but not GVHD. The three hypotheses tested were: (1) Pre-transplant immunization of BMT donors with a recipient-derived tumor cell vaccine will induce a relative increase in GVT activity as compared to GVHD. (2) Post-transplant tumor immunization of BMT recipients will enhance GVT activity without exacerbating GVHD. (3) Pre-transplant immunization of BMT donors against a tumor-specific antigen will enhance GVT activity without exacerbating GVHD. ^ To test the first two hypotheses, C3H.SW mice (MHC-matched donors) were immunized with a C57BL/6 (recipient)-derived tumor cell vaccine (leukemia or fibrosarcoma) prior to BMT, or recipients were immunized starting one month after BMT. Both donor and recipient immunization led to a significant increase in GVT activity (enhanced recipient survival and decreased tumor growth). However, donor immunization also increased fatal GVHD, which was at least partially due to activation of alloreactive T-cells recognizing the immunodominant minor histocompatibility antigen B6dom1. GVT immunity following recipient immunization was not associated with an exacerbation of GVHD or a response to B6dom1. ^ To test the third hypothesis, influenza nucleoprotein (NP) was used as a model tumor antigen. C3H.SW donors were immunized against NP prior to BMT, which led to a significant increase in GVT activity. Although recipients were not completely protected against growth of antigen loss variant tumors, there was no increase in GVHD. ^ In conclusion, (1) immunization of allogeneic BMT donors with a recipient-derived tumor cell vaccine substantially increases GVT activity but also exacerbates GVHD, (2) post-transplant tumor immunization of allogeneic BMT recipients significantly increases GVT activity and survival without exacerbating GVHD, and (3) immunization of allogeneic BMT donors against a tumor-specific antigen significantly enhances GVT activity without exacerbating GVHD. ^


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Import of DNA into mammalian nuclei is generally inefficient. Therefore, one of the current challenges in human gene therapy is the development of efficient DNA delivery systems. Here we tested whether bacterial proteins could be used to target DNA to mammalian cells. Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a plant pathogen, efficiently transfers DNA as a nucleoprotein complex to plant cells. Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transfer to plant cells is the only known example for interkingdom DNA transfer and is widely used for plant transformation. Agrobacterium virulence proteins VirD2 and VirE2 perform important functions in this process. We reconstituted complexes consisting of the bacterial virulence proteins VirD2, VirE2, and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in vitro. These complexes were tested for import into HeLa cell nuclei. Import of ssDNA required both VirD2 and VirE2 proteins. A VirD2 mutant lacking its C-terminal nuclear localization signal was deficient in import of the ssDNA–protein complexes into nuclei. Import of VirD2–ssDNA–VirE2 complexes was fast and efficient, and was shown to depended on importin α, Ran, and an energy source. We report here that the bacterium-derived and plant-adapted protein–DNA complex, made in vitro, can be efficiently imported into mammalian nuclei following the classical importin-dependent nuclear import pathway. This demonstrates the potential of our approach to enhance gene transfer to animal cells.


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Extensive studies of the β-phaseolin (phas) gene in transgenic tobacco have shown that it is highly active during seed embryogenesis but is completely silent in leaf and other vegetative tissues. In vivo footprinting revealed that the lack of even basal transcriptional activity in vegetative tissues is associated with the presence of a nucleosome that is rotationally positioned with base pair precision over three phased TATA boxes present in the phas promoter. Positioning is sequence-dependent because an identical rotational setting is obtained upon nucleosome reconstitution in vitro. A comparison of DNase I and dimethyl sulfate footprints in vivo and in vitro strongly suggests that this repressive chromatin architecture is remodeled concomitant with gene activation in the developing seed. This leads to the disruption of histone-mediated DNA wrapping and the assembly of the TATA boxes into a transcriptionally competent nucleoprotein complex.


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens induces crown gall tumors on plants by transferring a nucleoprotein complex, the T-complex, from the bacterium to the plant cell. The T-complex consists of T-DNA, a single-stranded DNA segment of the tumor-inducing plasmid, VirD2, an endonuclease covalently bound to the 5′ end of the T-DNA, and perhaps VirE2, a single-stranded DNA binding protein. The yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with VirD2 and VirE2 to identify components in Arabidopsis thaliana that interact with the T-complex. Three VirD2- and two VirE2-interacting proteins were identified. Here we characterize the interactions of VirD2 with two isoforms of Arabidopsis cyclophilins identified by using this analysis. The VirD2 domain interacting with the cyclophilins is distinct from the endonuclease, omega, and the nuclear localization signal domains. The VirD2–cyclophilin interaction is disrupted in vitro by cyclosporin A, which also inhibits Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis and tobacco. These data strongly suggest that host cyclophilins play a role in T-DNA transfer.


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The relative deficiency of T helper type 1 (Th1) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in early life is associated with an increased susceptibility to infections by intracellular microorganisms. This is likely to reflect a preferential polarization of immature CD4 T cells toward a Th2 rather than a Th1 pattern upon immunization with conventional vaccines. In this report, it is shown that a single immunization within the first week of life with DNA plasmids encoding viral (measles virus hemagglutinin, Sendai virus nucleoprotein) or bacterial (C fragment of tetanus toxin) vaccine antigens can induce adult-like Th1 or mixed Th1/Th2 responses indicated by production of IgG2a vaccine-specific antibodies and preferential secretion of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) compared with interleukin (IL)-5 by antigen-specific T cells, as well as significant CTL responses. However, in spite of this potent Th1-driving capacity, subsequent DNA immunization was not capable of reverting the Th2-biased responses induced after early priming with a recombinant measles canarypox vector. Thus, DNA vaccination represents a novel strategy capable of inducing Th1 or mixed Th1/Th2 and CTL responses in neonates and early life, providing it is performed prior to exposure to Th2-driving conventional vaccine antigens.


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The adenovirus (Ad) genome contains immunoregulatory and cytokine inhibitory genes that are presumed to function in facilitating acute infection or in establishing persistence in vivo. Some of these genes are clustered in early region 3 (E3), which contains a 19-kDa glycoprotein (gp19) that inhibits the transport of selected class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules out of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, the E3 region contains three protein inhibitors of the cytolytic function of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Because type I autoimmune diabetes destroys islets by mechanisms that involve class I MHC and TNF-α, we investigated whether the entire cassette of Ad E3 genes might prevent the onset of diabetes in a well studied lymphocytic choriomeningitis viral (LCMV) murine model of virus-induced autoimmune diabetes. In this model, a LCMV polypeptide (either glycoprotein or nucleoprotein) expressed as a transgene in the islets is a target for autoimmune destruction of β cells after LCMV infection. In this scenario the LCMV-induced immune response is directed not only against the virus but also against the LCMV transgenes expressed in the β cells. Our experiments demonstrated a very efficient prevention of this LCMV-triggered diabetes by the Ad E3 genes. This resulted from the inhibition of target cell recognition by a fully competent and LCMV-primed immune system. Unlike the results from the β-2 microglobulin gene deletion experiments, our approach shows that selective regulation at the level of the target cell is sufficient to prevent autoimmune diabetes without disrupting the function of the systemic immune response. Although the Ad genes in these experiments were provided as transgenes, recent experiments may permit the introduction of such genes through the use of viral vectors. Although the decrease in class I MHC in islets by Ad genes was demonstrated in these in vivo studies, the relative importance of this process and the control of TNF-α cytolysis must await further genetic dissection of the introduced Ad genes.


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The karyophilic properties of the HIV-1 nucleoprotein complex facilitate infection of nondividing cells such as macrophages and quiescent T lymphocytes, and allow the in vivo delivery of transgenes by HIV-derived retroviral vectors into terminally differentiated cells such as neurons. Although the viral matrix (MA) and Vpr proteins have previously been shown to play important roles in this process, we demonstrate here that integrase, the enzyme responsible for mediating the integration of the viral genome in the host cell chromosome, can suffice to connect the HIV-1 preintegration complex with the cell nuclear import machinery. This novel function of integrase reflects the recognition of an atypical bipartite nuclear localization signal by the importin/karyopherin pathway.


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Caveolae form the terminus for a major pathway of intracellular free cholesterol (FC) transport. Caveolin mRNA levels in confluent human skin fibroblasts were up-regulated following increased uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) FC. The increase induced by FC was not associated with detectable change in mRNA stability, indicating that caveolin mRNA levels were mediated at the level of gene transcription. A total of 924 bp of 5′ flanking region of the caveolin gene were cloned and sequenced. The promoter sequence included three G+C-rich potential sterol regulatory elements (SREs), a CAAT sequence and a Sp1 consensus sequence. Deletional mutagenesis of individual SRE-like sequences indicated that of these two (at −646 and −395 bp) were essential for the increased transcription rates mediated by LDL-FC, whereas the third was inconsequential. Gel shift analysis of protein binding from nuclear extracts to these caveolin promoter DNA sequences, together with DNase I footprinting, confirmed nucleoprotein binding to the SRE-like elements as part of the transcriptional response to LDL-FC. A supershift obtained with antibody to SRE-binding protein 1 (SPEBP-1) indicated that this protein binds at −395 bp. There was no reaction at −395 bp with anti-Sp1 antibody nor with either antibody at −646 bp. The cysteine protease inhibitor N-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal (ALLN), which inhibits SREBP catabolism, superinhibited caveolin mRNA levels regardless of LDL-FC. This finding suggests that SREBP inhibits caveolin gene transcription in contrast to its stimulating effect on other promoters. The findings of this study are consistent with the postulated role for caveolin as a regulator of cellular FC homeostasis in quiescent peripheral cells, and the coordinate regulation by SREBP of FC influx and efflux.


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RecA is a 38-kDa protein from Escherichia coli that polymerizes on single-stranded DNA, forming a nucleoprotein filament that pairs with homologous duplex DNA and carries out strand exchange in vitro. To observe the effects of mismatches on the kinetics of the RecA-catalyzed recombination reaction, we used assays based upon fluorescence energy transfer that can differentiate between the pairing and strand displacement phases. Oligonucleotide sequences that produced 2–14% mismatches in the heteroduplex product of strand exchange were tested, as well as completely homologous and heterologous sequences. The equilibrium constant for pairing decreased as the number of mismatches increased, which appeared to result from both a decrease in the rate of formation and an increase in the rate of dissociation of the intermediates. In addition, the rate of strand displacement decreased with increasing numbers of mismatches, roughly in proportion to the number of mismatches. The equilibrium constant for pairing and the rate constant for strand displacement both decreased 6-fold as the heterology increased to 14%. These results suggest that discrimination of homology from heterology occurs during both pairing and strand exchange.


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To develop a strategy that promotes efficient antiviral immunity, hybrid virus-like particles (VLP) were prepared by self-assembly of the modified porcine parvovirus VP2 capsid protein carrying a CD8+ T cell epitope from the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus nucleoprotein. Immunization of mice with these hybrid pseudoparticles, without adjuvant, induced strong cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against both peptide-coated- or virus-infected-target cells. This CD8+ class I-restricted cytotoxic activity persisted in vivo for at least 9 months. Furthermore, the hybrid parvovirus-like particles were able to induce a complete protection of mice against a lethal lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. To our knowledge, this study represents the first demonstration that hybrid nonreplicative VLP carrying a single viral CTL epitope can induce protection against a viral lethal challenge, in the absence of any adjuvant. These recombinant particles containing a single type of protein are easily produced by the baculovirus expression system and, therefore, represent a promising and safe strategy to induce strong CTL responses for the elimination of virus-infected cells.


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Pre-mRNA splicing is among the last known nuclear events before export of mature mRNA to the cytoplasm. At present, it is not known whether splicing and mRNA export are biochemically coupled processes. In this study, we have injected pre-mRNAs containing a single intron or the same mRNAs lacking an intron (Δi-mRNAs) into Xenopus oocyte nuclei. We find that the spliced mRNAs are exported much more rapidly and efficiently than the identical Δi-mRNAs. Moreover, competition studies using excess Δi-mRNA indicate that different factor(s) are involved in the inefficient export of Δi-mRNA vs. the efficient export of spliced mRNA. Consistent with this conclusion, spliced mRNA and Δi-mRNA, though identical in sequence, are assembled into different messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNP) in vitro. Strikingly, the mRNA in the spliced mRNP, but not in the Δi-mRNP, is exported rapidly and efficiently. We conclude that splicing generates a specific nucleoprotein complex that targets mRNA for export. Our results, revealing a link between splicing and efficient mRNA export, may explain the reports that an intron is required for efficient expression of many protein-coding genes in metazoans.


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Dissection of the primary and secondary response to an influenza A virus established that the liver contains a substantial population of CD8+ T cells specific for the immunodominant epitope formed by H-2Db and the influenza virus nucleoprotein peptide fragment NP366–374 (DbNP366). The numbers of CD8+ DbNP366+ cells in the liver reflected the magnitude of the inflammatory process in the pneumonic lung, though replication of this influenza virus is limited to the respiratory tract. Analysis of surface phenotypes indicated that the liver CD8+ DbNP366+ cells tended to be more “activated” than the set recovered from lymphoid tissue but generally less so than those from the lung. The distinguishing characteristic of the lymphocytes from the liver was that the prevalence of the CD8+ DbNP366+ set was always much higher than the percentage of CD8+ T cells that could be induced to synthesize interferon γ after short-term, in vitro stimulation with the NP366–374 peptide, whereas these values were generally comparable for virus-specific CD8+ T cells recovered from other tissue sites. Also, the numbers of apoptotic CD8+ T cells were higher in the liver. The results overall are consistent with the idea that antigen-specific CD8+ T cells are destroyed in the liver during the control and resolution phases of this viral infection, though this destruction is not necessarily an immediate process.


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Whether the cell nucleus is organized by an underlying architecture analagous to the cytoskeleton has been a highly contentious issue since the original isolation of a nuclease and salt-resistant nuclear matrix. Despite electron microscopy studies that show that a nuclear architecture can be visualized after fractionation, the necessity to elute chromatin to visualize this structure has hindered general acceptance of a karyoskeleton. Using an analytical electron microscopy method capable of quantitative elemental analysis, electron spectroscopic imaging, we show that the majority of the fine structure within interchromatin regions of the cell nucleus in fixed whole cells is not nucleoprotein. Rather, this fine structure is compositionally similar to known protein-based cellular structures of the cytoplasm. This study is the first demonstration of a protein network in unfractionated and uninfected cells and provides a method for the ultrastructural characterization of the interaction of this protein architecture with chromatin and ribonucleoprotein elements of the cell nucleus.