995 resultados para NUCLEI


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Mass measurements of exotic nuclei is a fast, developing field which is essential for basic nuclear physics and a wide range of applications. The method of storage ring mass spectrometry has many advantages: (1) a large amount of nuclides can be simultaneously measured; (2) very short-lived (T-1/2 greater than or similar to 50 mu s) and very rare species (yields down to single ions) can be accessed; (3) nuclides in several atomic charge states can be investigated, (4) half-life measurements can be performed with time-resolved mass spectrometry. In this contribution we concentrate on some recent achievements and future perspectives of the storage ring mass spectrometry.


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The present study reports the possibility that the tetrahedral symmetry may manifest itself in superheavy elements through the nortaxial octupole Y-32 deformation. The calculations of nortaxial octupole bands are performed by using the Reflection Asymmetric Shell Model for some transfermium nuclei where the spectroscopic data are available, and a very good agreement between theory and experiment has been achieved.


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The ground-state properties of Hs nuclei are studied in the framework of the relativistic meanfield theory. We find that the more relatively stable isotopes are located on the proton abundant side of the isotopic chain. The last stable nucleus near the proton drip line is probably the (255)Hs nucleus. The alpha-decay half-lives of Hs nuclei are predicted, and together with the evaluation of the spontaneous-fission half-lives it is shown that the nuclei, which are possibly stable against spontaneous fission are (263-274)Hs. This is in coincidence with the larger binding energies per nucleon. If (271-274)Hs can be synthesized and identified, only those nuclei from the upper Z = 118 isotopic chain, which are lighter than the nucleus (294)118, and those nuclei in the corresponding alpha-decay chain lead to Hs nuclei. The most stable unknown Hs nucleus is (268)Hs. The density-dependent delta interaction pairing is used to improve the BCS pairing correction, which results in more reasonable single-particle energy level distributions and nucleon occupation probabilities. It is shown that the properties of nuclei in the superheavy region can be described with this interaction.


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Branching ratios and half-lives of alpha-decay to the ground-state rotational bands as well as the high-lying excited states of even-even nuclei have been calculated in the framework of the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and Royer's formula that we improved very recently. The calculation covers the isotopic chains from Ra to No in the mass regions 222 <= A <= 252 and 88 <= Z <= 102. The agreement between the calculated results and the experimental data indicates the reliability of investigating the properties of the unfavored alpha-decay with our method, especially the improved Royer's formula, which is very valuable for the analysis of experimental data. In addition, the dependence of half-lives on excitation energies of daughter nuclei has been investigated. It is shown that the influence on half-lives becomes stronger and stronger with the increase of the excitation energies.


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A master equation is constructed to treat the nucleon transfer process in heavy ion fusion reactions to form superheavy nucleus. The relative motion concerning the energy, the angular momentum and the fragment deformation relaxations is explicitly treated to couple with the diffusion process. The nucleon transition probabilities, which are derived microscopically, are thus time dependent. The calculated evaporation residue cross-sections for both cold and hot fusion are in good agreement with the known experimental data.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is used for describing the formation of superheavy residues in massive fusion reactions, in which the capture of two colliding nuclei, the formation and de-excitation of the compound nucleus are described by using a barrier distribution method, solving master equations numerically and statistical approach, respectively. Using the DNS model, the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei are calculated and compared with the available experimental data. The isotopic dependence of the cross sections to produce the superheavy element Z=116 by the two types of the reactions is discussed and the possible reasons influencing the isotopic trends are analyzed systematically.


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Recoiled proton tagged knockout reaction experiments were carried-out for He-8 at 82.5 MeV/u in RIKEN and for He-6 at 65 MeV/u in Lanzhou. The very preliminary results for the distinguish of the reaction mechanism are presented and compared to the kinematics calculation.


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Within the framework of a dinuclear system model, a new master equation is constructed and solved, which includes the relative distance of nuclei as a new dynamical variable in addition to the mass asymmetry variable so that the nucleon transfer, which leads to fusion and the evolution of the relative distance, which leads to quasifission (QF) are treated simultaneously in a consistent way. The QF mass yields and evaporation residual cross sections to produce superheavy nuclei are systematically investigated under this framework. The results fit the experimental data well. It is shown that the Kramers formula gives results of QF, which agree with those by our diffusion treatment, only if the QF barrier is high enough. Otherwise some large discrepancies occur.


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To gain a better insight into alpha-decay fine structure, we calculate the relative intensities of alpha decay to 2(+) and 4(+) rotational states in the framework of the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and improved Royer's formula. The calculated relative intensities of a decay to 2(+) states are in good agreement with the experimental data. For the relative intensities of alpha decay to 4(+) states, a good agreement with experimental data is achieved for Th and U isotopes. The formula we obtain is useful for the analysis of experimental data of alpha-decay fine structure. In addition, some predicted relative intensities which are still not measured are provided for future experiments.


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The alpha-decay half-lives of recently synthesized superheavy nuclei (SHN) are investigated by employing a unified fission model (UFM) where a new method to calculate the assault frequency of alpha emission is used. The excellent agreement with the experimental data indicates the UFM is a useful tool to investigate these alpha decays. It is found that the alpha-decay half-lives become more and more insensitive to the Q(alpha) values as the atomic number increases on the whole, which is favorable for us to predict the half-lives of SHN. In addition, a formula is proposed to compute the Q(alpha) values for the nuclei with Z >= 92 and N >= 140 with a good accuracy, according to which the long-lived SHN should be neutron rich. Several weeks ago, two isotopes of a new element with atomic number Z = 117 were synthesized and their alpha-decay chains have been observed. The Q(alpha) formula is found to work well for these nuclei, confirming its predictive power. The experimental half-lives are well reproduced by employing the UFM with the experimental Q(alpha) values. This fact that the experimental half-lives are compatible with experimental Q(alpha) values supports the synthesis of a new element 117 and the experimental measurements to a certain extent.


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Inspired by the recent experimental data [J.-G. Wang, et al., Phys. Lett. B 675 (2009) 420], we extend the triaxial projected shell model approach to study the gamma-band structure in odd-mass nuclei. As a first application of the new development, the gamma-vibrational structure of Nb-103 is investigated. It is demonstrated that the model describes the ground-state band and multi-phonon gamma-vibrations quite satisfactorily, supporting the interpretation of the data as one of the few experimentally-known examples of simultaneous occurrence of one- and two-gamma-phonon vibrational bands. This generalizes the well-known concept of the surface gamma-oscillation in deformed nuclei built on the ground-state in even-even systems to gamma-bands based on quasiparticle configurations in odd-mass systems. (c) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system (DNS) model, the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei Hs (Z=108) and Z=112 combined with different reaction systems are analyzed systematically. It is found that the mass asymmetries and the reaction Q values of the projectile target combinations play a very important role on the formation cross sections of the evaporation residues. Both methods to obtain the fusion probability by nucleon transfer by solving a set of microscopically derived master equations along the mass asymmetry degree of freedom (ID) and distinguishing protons and neutrons of fragments (2D) are compared with each other and also with the available experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Efforts have been made in our group to study the band structure of odd-odd nuclei in the A similar to 170 mass region. We aimed at providing new data of high-spin states and searching for the low-spin signature inversion in the 2-qp bands built on the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) and pi i(13/2)circle times nu i(13/2) configurations. In this talk, main results of our work will be summarized, and some systematic features of signature inversion discussed. The spin and parity assignments for the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band in (184)An could be regarded as firm providing a good example for systematic and theoretical investigations.


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Recent experimental advances have made it possible to study spectroscopy in very heavy nuclei. We show that from the excited high-spin structure of transfermium isotopes, one may gain useful information on single-particle states for the superheavy mass region, which is the key to locating the anticipated 'island of stability'. In this work, we employ the Projected Shell Model for Cf, Fm, and No isotopes to study rotation alignment of the particles that occupy particular high-j intruder orbitals.


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The alpha-decay half-lives of nuclei in the ground states and Isomeric states have been calculated within the WKB approximation and Royer's formulas. The barrier in the quasimolecular shape path is determined within a generalized liquid drop model (GLDM). in which the centrifugal potential energy has been introduced to study the unfavored a-decay The agreement between the calculated results and experimental data indicates the reliability of studying alpha-decay of isomeric states with the generalized liquid drop model We find that their is no significant difference of preformation probability between Isomeric states and the corresponding ground states generally in favored alpha-decay Additionally. we extended Royer's formulas by taking account of the role of centrifugal harrier to study the unfavored alpha-decay, and some predicts oil the a decay half-lives of Isomers are made Finally. the effects of angular momontum transfer and Q(alpha) on alpha-decay half-life have been discussed Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved