1000 resultados para NGC 4494


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With Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry and proper motions, Bonatto et al. suggested that FSR 1767 is a globular cluster (GC), while with J and K NTT/SOFI photometry Froebrich, Meusinger & Scholz concluded that it is not a star cluster. In this study, we combine previous and new evidence that are consistent with a GC. For instance, we show that the horizontal branch (HB) and red giant branch (RGB) stars, besides sharing a common proper motion, have radial density profiles that consistently follow the King`s law independently. Reddening maps around FSR 1767 are built using the bulge RGB as reference and also Schlegel`s extinction values to study local absorptions. Both approaches provide similar maps and show that FSR 1767 is not located in a dust window, which otherwise might have produced the stellar overdensity. Besides, neighbouring regions of similar reddening as FSR 1767 do not present the blue HB stars that are a conspicuous feature in the colour-magnitude diagram of FSR 1767. We report the presence of a compact group of stars located in the central parts of FSR 1767. It appears to be a detached post-collapse core, similar to those of other nearby low-luminosity GCs projected towards the bulge. We note that while the NTT/SOFI photometry of the star cluster FSR 1716 matches perfectly that from 2MASS, it shows a considerable offset for FSR 1767. We discuss the possible reasons why both photometries differ. We confirm our previous structural and photometric fundamental parameters for FSR 1767, which are consistent with a GC.


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Astronomy has evolved almost exclusively by the use of spectroscopic and imaging techniques, operated separately. With the development of modern technologies, it is possible to obtain data cubes in which one combines both techniques simultaneously, producing images with spectral resolution. To extract information from them can be quite complex, and hence the development of new methods of data analysis is desirable. We present a method of analysis of data cube (data from single field observations, containing two spatial and one spectral dimension) that uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to express the data in the form of reduced dimensionality, facilitating efficient information extraction from very large data sets. PCA transforms the system of correlated coordinates into a system of uncorrelated coordinates ordered by principal components of decreasing variance. The new coordinates are referred to as eigenvectors, and the projections of the data on to these coordinates produce images we will call tomograms. The association of the tomograms (images) to eigenvectors (spectra) is important for the interpretation of both. The eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal, and this information is fundamental for their handling and interpretation. When the data cube shows objects that present uncorrelated physical phenomena, the eigenvector`s orthogonality may be instrumental in separating and identifying them. By handling eigenvectors and tomograms, one can enhance features, extract noise, compress data, extract spectra, etc. We applied the method, for illustration purpose only, to the central region of the low ionization nuclear emission region (LINER) galaxy NGC 4736, and demonstrate that it has a type 1 active nucleus, not known before. Furthermore, we show that it is displaced from the centre of its stellar bulge.


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Establishing effective networks of protected areas (PAS) is one of the major goals of conservation strategies worldwide. However, the success of PAS in promoting biodiversity conservation depends on their integration to local and regional contexts, reducing and mitigating human impacts originating from buffer zones. Community perceptions affect interactions between residents and PAS, and thereby conservation effectiveness. Research at Tocantins state (northern Brazilian Cerrado), aimed to analyse local community perceptions of four PAs, discussing how different factors may influence these. Perceptions were assessed through standardized interviews applied to PA employees and 275 local inhabitants. There was modest community participation in PA establishment and management. Residents were aware of the PAS` existence, but were unfamiliar with their goals. Length of residency and occupation of inhabitants influenced their PA perceptions, shaping different people-park relations in each of the four studied PAs. Involvement of local residents in PA planning and management represents a central strategy to strengthen local support for PAS over the long term. In those areas that still have settlements inside their boundaries, community relocation should follow a careful participatory process to avoid significant changes in local perceptions and attitudes towards these PAS, crucial for conserving Brazilian biodiversity.


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Activities involving fauna monitoring are usually limited by the lack of resources; therefore, the choice of a proper and efficient methodology is fundamental to maximize the cost-benefit ratio. Both direct and indirect methods can be used to survey mammals, but the latter are preferred due to the difficulty to come in sight of and/or to capture the individuals, besides being cheaper. We compared the performance of two methods to survey medium and large-sized mammal: track plot recording and camera trapping, and their costs were assessed. At Jatai Ecological Station (S21 degrees 31`15 ``- W47 degrees 34`42 ``-Brazil) we installed ten camera traps along a dirt road directly in front of ten track plots, and monitored them for 10 days. We cleaned the plots, adjusted the cameras, and noted down the recorded species daily. Records taken by both methods showed they sample the local richness in different ways (Wilcoxon, T=231; p;;0.01). The track plot method performed better on registering individuals whereas camera trapping provided records which permitted more accurate species identification. The type of infra-red sensor camera used showed a strong bias towards individual body mass (R(2)=0.70; p=0.017), and the variable expenses of this method in a 10-day survey were estimated about 2.04 times higher compared to track plot method; however, in a long run camera trapping becomes cheaper than track plot recording. Concluding, track plot recording is good enough for quick surveys under a limited budget, and camera trapping is best for precise species identification and the investigation of species details, performing better for large animals. When used together, these methods can be complementary.


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We use two-photon polymerization to fabricate 3D scaffolds with precise control over pore size and shape for studying cell migration in 3D. These scaffolds allow movement of cells in all directions. The fabrication, imaging, and quantitative analysis method developed here can be used to do systematic cell studies in 3D.


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Neste trabalho, nós estudamos propriedades básicas de aplicações monótonas por partes, utilizando a Teoria Kneading na obtenção de uma condição suficiente para a existência de conjugção topológica entre uma certa classe de aplicações padrão.


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Este trabalho trata de aspectos lingüísticos e gramaticais de teses de doutorado e de dissertações de mestrado produzidas em uma escola superior de administração da cidade de São Paulo, no período compreendido entre 1989 e 1993. O trabalho divide-se em três partes. Na primeira, estudam-se as orientações de autores especializados na análise e na redação de textos. Com base em uma amostra de teses e dissertações, examina-se como são - ou não - aplicadas nas frases essas orientações. São comentados os problemas de elaboração de texto encontrados e são feitas recomendações. Na segunda parte, estudam-se as orientações de conceituados autores especializados em gramática normativa da língua portuguesa. Com base na amostra das teses e dissertações, examina-se como são aplicadas nos vocábulos e nas frases essas orientações. São comentadas as dificuldades gramaticais encontradas e são feitas recomendações. São comentadas também dificuldades gramaticais da fala dos administradores. Na terceira parte, estão as conclusões suscitadas pelo exame da teoria e pelo exame da pesquisa realizada


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Apresentamos a análise de diagramas cor-magnitude (CMDs) profundos para 5 aglomerados ricos da Grande Nuvem de Magalhães (LMC). Os dados fazem parte do projeto HST G07307, entitulado "Formação e Evolução de Aglomerados Estelares Ricos da LMC", e foram obtidos através do HST/WFPC2 nos filtros F555W (~ V) e F814W (~ I), alcançando V555~25. A amostra de aglomerados é composta por NGC 1805 e NGC 1818, os mais jovens (r < 100 Myr), NGC 1831e NGC 1868,de idades intermediárias (400 < r < 1000Myr), e Hodge 14, o mais velho (r > 1200Myr). Discutimos e apresentamos um método de correção dos CMDs para incompleteza da amostra e contaminação por estrelas de campo. O uso eficiente das informações contidas nos CMDs foi feito por meio de comparações entre os CMDs observados e CMDs modelados. O processo de modelamento de CMDs gera uma Seqüência Principal (MS) sintética, que utiliza como entrada do modelo a informação sobre idade (r), metalicidade (Z), Função de Massa do Presente (PDMF), fração de binárias não resolvidas, distância e extinção da luz. As incertezas fotométricas foram empiricamente determinadas a partir dos dados e incorporadas no modelamento. Técnicas estatísticas de comparação entre CMDs em 1D e 2D são apresentadas e aplicadas como métodos objetivos capazes de determinar a compatibilidade entre modelo e observação. Modelando os CMDs da região central dos aglomerados podemos inferir a metalicidade (Z), o módulo de distância intrínseco ((V - Mv)o) e o avermelhamento (E(B-V)) para cada aglomerado. Também determinamos as idades para os 3 aglomerados mais velhos de nossa amostra. Continuação) Através da comparação em 2D os valores encontrados foram os seguintes: para NGC 1805, Z = 0.007:1+-0.003, (V - Mv)o = 18.50:1+- 0.10, E(B - V) = 0.03:1+-0.01; para NGC 1818,Z = 0.005:1+-0.002, (V - Mv)o = 18.50:1+-0.15, E(B - V)~0.00; para NGC 1831, Z = 0.012:1+-0.002, log(r /yr) = 8.70 :I+-0.05, (V - Mv)o = 18.70:1+- 0.05, E(B - V)~ 0.00; para NGC 1868, Z = 0.008:1+-0.002,log(r/yr) =8.95:1+-0.05, (V - Mv)o = 18.70:1+- 0.05, E(B - V) ~0.00; para Hodge 14, Z = 0.008+-0.004, log(r/yr) = 9.23+-0.10, (V - Mv)o = 18.50+-0.15, E(B - V) = 0.02+- 0.02. Estes valores estão de acordo, dentro das incertezas, com os valores obtidos através da análise de linhas fiduciais (lD), o que agrega confiabilidade a estas determinações. Através da análise de CMDs em regiões concêntricas determinamos a dependência espacial da inclinação da PDMF (a) nos aglomerados mais ricos. Para tanto empregamos duas abordagens distintas para a determinação de a: 1) método tradicional em 1D via conversão direta de V555em massa; 2) método em 2D via modelmento de CMDs. Independente do método de análise, todos os aglomerados analisados demonstram claramente o efeito de segregação em massa. Além disso, NGC 1818, NGC 1831 e NGC 1868 apresentam uma possível perda seletiva de estrelas de baixa massa nas suas regiões mais externas.


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Analisamos aglomeradosimersosem nuvens moleculares, os quais são fundamentais para a compreensão dos estágios evolutivos iniciais da formação estelar. Na presente tese exploramos principalmente objetos associados a nebulosas de reflexão. Os objetos que estão no foco central do nosso estudo são possíveis aglomerados presentes na direção de nebulosas de reflexãoou emissão,já apontados pelos trabalhos de Bica et aI. (2003b) e Dutra et alo (2003). No estudo desses sistemas utilizamos principalmente dados do Catálogo 2MASS. A análise fotométrica é baseada em diagramas cor-magnitude e cor-cor, juntamente com isócronas teóricas de pré-seqüência-principaI. A distribuição angular de densidade superficial de estrelas no aglomerado e no campo próximo é um outro método de análise utilizado. Através da análise fotométrica e espectroscópica obtivemos os parâmetros físicos fundamentais dos aglomerados. Com base na emissão de estrelas na banda Ks realizamos uma busca por novos aglomerados imersos. A busca foi orientada na direção central de 47 nebulosas no ótico selecionadas a partir do Catálogo de Dutra et aI. (2003), varrendo um raio angular de r = 10' para cada direção. A busca resultou na descoberta de um aglomerado imerso ainda não catalogado, e aqueles já catalogados foram redescobertos. Neste trabalho obtivemos parâmetros físicos para mais de 30 aglomerados imersos. O raio linear derivado para esses objetos situa-se na faixa de 0,3 a 0,9 pc e o número de estrelas membros detectadas fica geralmente na faixa de 20 a 50 A idade média derivada para a amostra indica uma população bastante jovem. A maior parte dos aglomerados possui uma idade de 1 a 2 milhões de anos. Em nossa amostra o objeto mais massivo encontrado possui uma massa estimada de ~ 200M<=).Entretanto, a maioria dos aglomerados possui massa estimada na faixa de ~ 20M<=)a ~ 60M<=).Os valores de massa total para cada aglomerado não possuem uma correlação aparente com o ambiente da nebulosa. Os aglomerados imersos associados a nebulosas em ambientes de complexo HII podem apresentar massas tão baixas quanto aqueles associados a nebulosas de reflexão. Estes sistemas estelares provavelmente não apresentam estrelas com massas superiores àquela de uma estrela com tipo espectral B. Finalmente, estudamos um aglomerado imerso contendo uma estrela OV, o aglomerado NGC 2264. Obtivemos uma função de massa inicial (FMI) para o aglomerado NGC 2264 a partir de 346 fontes de raio-X detectadas pelo CHANDRA com contrapartida no infra-vermelho. A FMI derivada inclui massas estelares acima de M = O,03M<=). Em comparação com a FMI da vizinhança solar existe uma deficiência de estrelas de baixa massa para M < O,3M<=). As massas estimadas para os objetos analisados indicam que eles são sistemas estelares não-ligados gravitacionalmente. A maioria dos aglomerados de nossa amostra possui massa inferior a 100M<=)e está associada a nebulosas de reflexão. A formação de estrelas do tipo O em aglomerados imersos não-ligados gravitacionalmente não parece ser freqüente, segundo nossos resultados.


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The ionic plasma nitriding is one of the most important plasma assisted treatment technique for surface modification, but it presents some inherent problems mainly in nitriding pieces with complex geometries. In the last four years has appeared a plasma nitriding technique, named ASPN (Active Screen Plasma Nitriding) in which the samples and the workload are surrounded by a metal screen on which the cathodic potential is applied. This new technique makes possible to obtain a perfect uniform nitrided layer apart from the shape of the samples. The present work is based on the development of a new nitriding plasma technique named CCPN (Cathodic Cage Plasma Nitriding) Patent PI 0603213-3 derived from ASPN, but utilizes the hollow cathode effect to increase the nitriding process efficiency. That technique has shown great improvement on the treatment of several types of steels under different process conditions, producing thicker and harder layers when compared with both, ASPN and ionic plasma nitriding, besides eliminating problems associated with the later technique. The best obtained results are due to the hollow cathode effect on the cage holes. Moreover, characteristic problems of ionic plasma nitriding are eliminated due to the fact that the luminescent discharge acts on the cage wall instead of on the samples surface, which remains under a floating potential. In this work the enhancement of the cathodic cage nitriding layers proprieties, under several conditions for some types of steels was investigated, besides the mechanism for nitrides deposition on glass substrate, concluding that the CCPN is both a diffusion and a deposition process at the same time


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The sexual precocity and fertility of bovines have great impact on the economic success of commercial cattle herds, where some reproductive traits have been adopted as selection criteria. However, the majority of these traits depend on reproductive events of the females and, with exception of the scrotal circumference, few studies approach others andrological traits. The estimation of heritabilities and genetic correlations of testicular and seminal traits and also sexual behaviour, will allow to provide alternatives for the design of more appropriate selection strategies for fertility, together with other economic traits.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The experiment was carried out on the Laboratory of Fish Nutrition - F.M.V.Z., Campus Botucatu - integrated to the UNESP Aquaculture Center, with the main purpose of evaluating the effects of the use of cocoa meal (Theobroma cacao) on diets for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Six diets with increasing levels of cocoa meal (CM): 0% CM; 4% CM; 8% CM; 12% CM; 16% CM and 20% CM were fed for 120 days to the fingerlings, in a completely randomized design. Results showed no significant adverse effect of cocoa meal on weight gain (p>0.05), but there were restrictions to its use on diet, as it was found pathological effects on liver and also behavior disturbs caused by alkaloids present on the product.


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Physical and chemical characteristics of intertidal sediments and their relationships with bacteria and cyanobacteria, were analyzed at four stations at Pereque Beach. Granulometric analysis showed that Pereque beach has sediment that is classified as sand. The lowest value of the sediment C/N rates (6.08), mainly due to a higher concentration of organic nitrogen, was found at the northern part of Pereque Beach, where organic matter of marine source was more prominent. In this area, density (9.6 x 106 cells cm(-3)), biomass (1992.04 ngC cm(-3)) and activity of bacteria were higher than at the southern end. In contrast, cyanobacteria density varied from 2.0 to 4.0 x 10(5) cells cm(-3), with biomass and total chlorophyll a of the sediment being higher at the southern part, where there are water input from Pereque River and higher organic matter of continental origin. The variability in the microbial population is discussed in the light of the sediment granulometry, organic matter quality, fresh water inflow and pollution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.