962 resultados para NF-YA


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Klebsiella pneumoniae is etiologic agent of community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia. It has been shown that K. pneumoniae infections are characterized by reduced early inflammatory response. Recently our group have shown that K. pneumoniae dampens the activation of inflammatory responses by antagonizing the activation of the NF-κB canonical pathway. Our results revealed that K. pneumoniae capsule (CPS) was necessary but not sufficient to attenuate inflammation. To identify additional Klebsiella factors required to dampen inflammation, we standardized and applied a high-throughput gain-on-function screen to examine a Klebsiella transposon mutant library. We identified 114 mutants that triggered the activation of NF-κB. Two gene ontology categories accounted for half of the loci identified in the screening, that of metabolism and transport (32% of the mutants), and of enveloperelated genes (17%). Characterization of the mutants revealed that the lack of the enterobactin siderophore was linked to a reduced CPS expression which in turn underlined the NF- κB activation induced by the mutant. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-polysaccharide and the pullulanase (PulA) type 2 secretion system (T2SS) are required for full effectiveness of immune evasion. Importantly, these factors do not play a redundant role. The fact that LPS Opolysaccharide and T2SS mutants-induced responses were dependent on TLR2-TLR4- MyD88 activation suggested that LPS Opolysaccharide and PulA perturbed TLRdependent recognition of K. pneumoniae. Finally, we demonstrate that LPS O-polysaccharide and pulA mutants are attenuated in the pneumonia mouse model. We propose that LPS Opolysaccharide and PulA T2SS could be new targets for designing new antimicrobials. Increasing TLR-governed defence responses might provide also selective alternatives for the management of K. pneumoniae pneumonia.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lifelong, inflammatory multi-organ disease and the most common lethal, genetic condition in Caucasian populations, with a median survival rate of 41.5 years. Pulmonary disease, characterized by infective exacerbations, bronchiectasis and increasing airway insufficiency is the most serious manifestation of this disease process, currently responsible for over 80% of CF deaths. Chronic dysregulation of the innate immune and host inflammatory response has been proposed as a mechanism central to this genetic condition, primarily driven by the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway. Chronic activation of this transcription factor complex leads to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators such as IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. A20 has been described as a central and inducible negative regulator of NF-κB. This intracellular molecule negatively regulates NF-κB-driven pro-inflammatory signalling upon toll-like receptor activation at the level of TRAF6 activation. Silencing of A20 increases cellular levels of p65 and induces a pro-inflammatory state. We have previously shown that A20 expression positively correlates with lung function (FEV1%) in CF. Despite improvement in survival rates in recent years, advancements in available therapies have been incremental. We demonstrate that the experimental use of naturally occurring plant diterpenes such as gibberellin on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cell lines reduces IL-8 release in an A20-dependent manner. We discuss how the use of a novel bio-informatics gene expression connectivity-mapping technique to identify small molecule compounds that similarly mimic the action of A20 may lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches capable of reducing chronic airway inflammation in CF. 


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Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS), a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, induces regression of the Mullerian duct in male embryos. In this report, we demonstrate MIS type II receptor expression in normal breast tissue and in human breast cancer cell lines, breast fibroadenoma, and ductal adenocarcinomas. MIS inhibited the growth of both estrogen receptor (ER)-positive T47D and ER-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines, suggesting a broader range of target tissues for MIS action. Inhibition of growth was manifested by an increase in the fraction of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and induction of apoptosis. Treatment of breast cancer cells with MIS activated the NFκB pathway and selectively up-regulated the immediate early gene IEX-1S, which, when overexpressed, inhibited breast cancer cell growth. Dominant negative IκBα expression ablated both MIS-mediated induction of IEX-1S and inhibition of growth, indicating that activation of the NFκB signaling pathway was required for these processes. These results identify the NFκB-mediated signaling pathway and a target gene for MIS action and suggest a putative role for the MIS ligand and its downstream interactors in the treatment of ER-positive as well as negative breast cancers.


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Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) activation has been proposed as a cardinal feature of tumourigenesis, although the precise mechanism, frequency, relevance, and extent of NF-kappaB activation in lymphomas remain to be fully elucidated. In this study, expression profiling and tissue microarray studies of 209 and 323 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) respectively, including the most frequent sub-types of NHL, were employed to generate a hypothesis concerning the most common NF-kappaB targets in NHL. These analyses showed that NF-kappaB activation is a common phenomenon in NHL, resulting in the expression of distinct sets of NF-kappaB target genes, depending on the cell context. BCL2 and BIRC5/Survivin were identified as key NF-kappaB targets and their expression distinguished small and aggressive B-cell lymphomas, respectively. Interestingly, in the vast majority of B-cell lymphomas, the expression of these markers was mutually exclusive. A set of genes was identified whose expression correlates either with BIRC5/Survivin or with BCL2. BIRC5/Survivin expression, in contrast to BCL2, was associated with a signature of cell proliferation (overexpression of cell cycle control, DNA repair, and polymerase genes), which may contribute to the aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis of these lymphomas. Strikingly, mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia expressed highly elevated levels of BCL2 protein and mRNA, higher than that observed in reactive mantle zone cells or even in follicular lymphomas, where BCL2 expression is deregulated through the t(14;18) translocation. In parallel with this observation, BIRC5/Survivin expression was higher in Burkitt's lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma than in non-tumoural germinal centre cells. In vitro studies confirmed that NF-kappaB activation contributes to the expression of both markers. In cell lines representing aggressive lymphomas, NF-kappaB inhibition resulted in a decrease in BIRC5/Survivin expression. Meanwhile, in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)-derived lymphocytes, NF-kappaB inhibition resulted in a marked decrease in BCL2 expression.


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Activated protein C (APC) protects against sepsis in animal models and inhibits the lipopolysacharide (LPS)-induced elaboration of proinflammatory cytokines from monocytes. The molecular mechanism responsible for this property is unknown. We assessed the effect of APC on LPS-induced tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) production and on the activation of the central proinflammatory transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) in a THP-1 cell line. Cells were preincubated with varying concentrations of APC (200 microg/ml, 100 microg/ml and 20 microg/ml) before addition of LPS (100 ng/ml and 10 microg/ml). APC inhibited LPS-induced production of TNF-alpha both in the presence and absence of fetal calf serum (FCS), although the effect was less marked with 10% FCS. APC also inhibited LPS-induced activation of NF-kappaB, with APC (200 microg/ml) abolishing the effect of LPS (100 ng/ml). The ability of APC to inhibit LPS-induced translocation of NF-kappaB is likely to be a significant event given the critical role of the latter in the host inflammatory response.


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Triple negative (TNBCs) and the closely related Basal-like (BLBCs) breast cancers are a loosely defined collection of cancers with poor clinical outcomes. Both show strong similarities with BRCA1-mutant breast cancers and BRCA1 dysfunction, or 'BRCAness', is observed in a large proportion of sporadic BLBCs. BRCA1 expression and function has been shown in vitro to modulate responses to radiation and chemotherapy. Exploitation of this knowledge in the treatment of BRCA1-mutant patients has had varying degrees of success. This reflects the significant problem of accurately detecting those patients with BRCA1 dysfunction. Moreover, not all BRCA1 mutations/loss of function result in the same histology/pathology or indeed have similar effects in modulating therapeutic responses. Given the poor clinical outcomes and lack of targeted therapy for these subtypes, a better understanding of the biology underlying these diseases is required in order to develop novel therapeutic strategies.We have discovered a consistent NFκB hyperactivity associated with BRCA1 dysfunction as a consequence of increased Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). This biology is found in a subset of BRCA1-mutant and triple negative breast cancer cases and confers good outcome. The increased NFκB signalling results in an anti-tumour microenvironment which may allow CD8+ cytotoxic T cells to suppress tumour progression. However, tumours lacking this NFκB-driven biology have a more tumour-promoting environment and so are associated with poorer prognosis. Tumour-derived gene expression data and cell line models imply that these tumours may benefit from alternative treatment strategies such as reprogramming the microenvironment and targeting the IGF and AR signalling pathways.


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Tendo Macau por contexto, quinze anos após a transferência da sua administração para a República Popular da China e cinco séculos de presença portuguesa, o estudo efetua uma abordagem às representações e estereótipos sociais dos portugueses, a partir de um inquérito a cento e setenta e cinco mulheres chinesas desta Região Administrativa Especial (RAEM). Tendo como marcos conceptuais a Teoria das Representações Sociais, de Moscovici, e a Teoria da Identidade Social, de Tajfel, o estudo procura explicitar os saberes sociais construídos por esse grupo de referência, determinantes na forma como se processa a comunicação e a interação grupal com portugueses e âncora para a construção de estereótipos com os quais esses processos são simplificados, mas também enviesados. Antevendo-se, num horizonte não muito longínquo, decisões quanto à manutenção do princípio “um país, dois sistemas”, que viabiliza a preservação de marcas portuguesas (como a língua) e uma abertura especial à presença de portugueses em Macau, a compreensão das imagens e metáforas sobre esta comunidade constitui estratégia relevante para a perspetivação, no presente como no futuro, das relações intergrupais que a envolvem. O estudo conclui que as representações sobre os portugueses são, no essencial, de pendor positivo e exibem uma abertura à proximidade social e à participação desta comunidade nas dinâmicas sociais da RAEM. Mas assinala também áreas de potencial maior conflitualidade na defesa, pelo endogrupo, de áreas vitais de afirmação dessa nova ordem social pós- transferência.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de doutor em Biologia pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica. Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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Humans and mice lacking functional caspase-8 in T cells manifest a profound immunodeficiency syndrome due to defective T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-induced NF-kappaB signaling and proliferation. It is unknown how caspase-8 is activated following T cell stimulation, and what is the caspase-8 substrate(s) that is necessary to initiate T cell cycling. We observe that following TCR ligation, a small portion of total cellular caspase-8 and c-FLIP(L) rapidly migrate to lipid rafts where they associate in an active caspase complex. Activation of caspase-8 in lipid rafts is followed by rapid cleavage of c-FLIP(L) at a known caspase-8 cleavage site. The active caspase.c-FLIP complex forms in the absence of Fas (CD95/APO1) and associates with the NF-kappaB signaling molecules RIP1, TRAF2, and TRAF6, as well as upstream NF-kappaB regulators PKC theta, CARMA1, Bcl-10, and MALT1, which connect to the TCR. The lack of caspase-8 results in the absence of MALT1 and Bcl-10 in the active caspase complex. Consistent with this observation, inhibition of caspase activity attenuates NF-kappaB activation. The current findings define a link among TCR, caspases, and the NF-kappaB pathway that occurs in a sequestered lipid raft environment in T cells.


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The nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) transcription factor is a master regulator of inflammation. Short-term NF-κB activation is generally beneficial. However, sustained NF-κB might be detrimental, directly causing apoptosis of cells or leading to a persistent damaging inflammatory response. NF-κB activity in stressed cells needs therefore to be controlled for homeostasis maintenance. In mildly stressed cells, caspase-3 cleaves p120 RasGAP, also known as RASA1, into an N-terminal fragment, which we call fragment N. We show here that this fragment is a potent NF-κB inhibitor. Fragment N decreases the transcriptional activity of NF-κB by promoting its export from the nucleus. Cells unable to generate fragment N displayed increased NF-κB activation upon stress. Knock-in mice expressing an uncleavable p120 RasGAP mutant showed exaggerated NF-κB activation when their epidermis was treated with anthralin, a drug used for the treatment of psoriasis. Our study provides biochemical and genetic evidence of the importance of the caspase-3-p120-RasGAP stress-sensing module in the control of stress-induced NF-κB activation.


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Fragment (livres 6 à 8) relatif aux provinces de Shan xi. Zhe jiang et Jiang xi, avec trois cartes. Note manuscrite française non signée, datée de 1686.


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Huit contes avec préface signée du maître du pavillon Lu tian.8 livres (manquent les livres 6 à 8).


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