995 resultados para NEO-PI-R


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We report new results on identified (anti) proton and charged pion spectra at large transverse momenta (3 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c) from Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). This study explores the system size dependence of two novel features observed at RHIC with heavy ions: the hadron suppression at high-p(T) and the anomalous baryon to meson enhancement at intermediate transverse momenta. Both phenomena could be attributed to the creation of a new form of QCD matter. The results presented here bridge the system size gap between the available pp and Au + Au data, and allow for a detailed exploration of the onset of the novel features. Comparative analysis of all available 200 GeV data indicates that the system size is a major factor determining both the magnitude of the hadron spectra suppression at large transverse momenta and the relative baryon to meson enhancement.


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We present a measurement of pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) photonuclear production in ultraperipheral Au-Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV from the STAR experiment. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) final states are observed at low transverse momentum and are accompanied by mutual nuclear excitation of the beam particles. The strong enhancement of the production cross section at low transverse momentum is consistent with coherent photoproduction. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) invariant mass spectrum of the coherent events exhibits a broad peak around 1540 +/- 40 MeV/c(2) with a width of 570 +/- 60 MeV/c(2), in agreement with the photoproduction data for the rho(0)(1700). We do not observe a corresponding peak in the pi(+)pi(-) final state and measure an upper limit for the ratio of the branching fractions of the rho(0)(1700) to pi(+)pi(-) and pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) of 2.5% at 90% confidence level. The ratio of rho(0)(1700) and rho(0)(770) coherent production cross sections is measured to be 13.4 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 4.4(syst.)%.


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We report K/pi fluctuations from Au+Au collisions at s(NN)=19.6, 62.4, 130, and 200 GeV using the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. K/pi fluctuations in central collisions show little dependence on incident energy and are on the same order as those from NA49 at the Super Proton Synchrotron in central Pb+Pb collisions at s(NN)=12.3 and 17.3 GeV. We report results for the collision centrality dependence of K/pi fluctuations and results for charge-separated fluctuations. We observe that the K/pi fluctuations scale with the charged particle multiplicity density.


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We propose a model for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) decays following experimental results which indicate that the two-pion interaction in the S wave is dominated by the scalar resonances f(0)(600)/sigma and f(0)(980). The weak decay amplitude for D(+)-> R pi(+), where R is a resonance that subsequently decays into pi(+)pi(-), is constructed in a factorization approach. In the S wave, we implement the strong decay R ->pi(+)pi(-) by means of a scalar form factor. This provides a unitary description of the pion-pion interaction in the entire kinematically allowed mass range m(pi pi)(2) from threshold to about 3 GeV(2). In order to reproduce the experimental Dalitz plot for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+), we include contributions beyond the S wave. For the P wave, dominated by the rho(770)(0), we use a Breit-Wigner description. Higher waves are accounted for by using the usual isobar prescription for the f(2)(1270) and rho(1450)(0). The major achievement is a good reproduction of the experimental m(pi pi)(2) distribution, and of the partial as well as the total D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) branching ratios. Our values are generally smaller than the experimental ones. We discuss this shortcoming and, as a by-product, we predict a value for the poorly known D ->sigma transition form factor at q(2)=m pi(2).


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High precision measurements of the differential cross sections for pi(0) photoproduction at forward angles for two nuclei, (12)C and (208)Pb, have been performed for incident photon energies of 4.9-5.5 GeV to extract the pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width. The experiment was done at Jefferson Lab using the Hall B photon tagger and a high-resolution multichannel calorimeter. The pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width was extracted by fitting the measured cross sections using recently updated theoretical models for the process. The resulting value for the decay width is Gamma(pi(0) -> gamma gamma) = 7.82 +/- 0.14(stat) +/- 0.17(syst) eV. With the 2.8% total uncertainty, this result is a factor of 2.5 more precise than the current Particle Data Group average of this fundamental quantity, and it is consistent with current theoretical predictions.


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A fully automated methodology was developed for the determination of the thyroid hormones levothyroxine (T4) and liothyronine (T3). The proposed method exploits the formation of highly coloured charge-transfer (CT) complexes between these compounds, acting as electron donors, and pi-acceptors such as chloranilic acid (CIA) and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ). For automation of the analytical procedure a simple, fast and versatile single interface flow system (SIFA)was implemented guaranteeing a simplified performance optimisation, low maintenance and a cost-effective operation. Moreover, the single reaction interface assured a convenient and straightforward approach for implementing job`s method of continuous variations used to establish the stoichiometry of the formed CT complexes. Linear calibration plots for levothyroxine and liothyronine concentrations ranging from 5.0 x 10(-5) to 2.5 x 10(-4) mol L(-1) and 1.0 x 10(-5) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L(-1), respectively, were obtained, with good precision (R.S.D. <4.6% and <3.9%) and with a determination frequency of 26 h(-1) for both drugs. The results obtained for pharmaceutical formulations were statistically comparable to the declared hormone amount with relative deviations lower than 2.1%. The accuracy was confirmed by carrying out recovery studies, which furnished recovery values ranging from 96.3% to 103.7% for levothyroxine and 100.1% for liothyronine. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty is a frequently used interventional technique to reopen arteries that have narrowed because of atherosclerosis. Restenosis, or renarrowing of the artery shortly after angioplasty, is a major limitation to the success of the procedure and is due mainly to smooth muscle cell accumulation in the artery wall at the site of balloon injury. In the present study, we demonstrate that the antiangiogenic sulfated oligosaccharide, PI-88, inhibits primary vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and reduces intimal thickening 14 days after balloon angioplasty of rat and rabbit arteries. PI-88 reduced heparan sulfate content in the injured artery wall and prevented change in smooth muscle phenotype. However, the mechanism of PI-88 inhibition was not merely confined to the antiheparanase activity of this compound. PI-88 blocked extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1/2 (ERK1/2) activity within minutes of smooth muscle cell injury. It facilitated FGF-2 release from uninjured smooth muscle cells in vitro, and super-released FGF-2 after injury while inhibiting ERK1/2 activation. PI-88 inhibited the decrease in levels of FGF-2 protein in the rat artery wall within 8 minutes of injury. PI-88 also blocked injury-inducible ERK phosphorylation, without altering the clotting time in these animals. Optical biosensor studies revealed that PI-88 potently inhibited (K-i 10.3 nmol/L) the interaction of FGF-2 with heparan sulfate. These findings show for the first time the capacity of this sulfated oligosaccharide to directly bind FGF-2, block cellular signaling and proliferation in vitro, and inhibit injury-induced smooth muscle cell hyperplasia in two animal models. As such, this study demonstrates a new role for PI-88 as an inhibitor of intimal thickening after balloon angioplasty. The full text of this article is available online at http://www.circresaha.org.


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OBJETIVO: Analizar la dispersión de los ejemplares de una población de Tarebia granifera y su relación con la modificación de los parámetros morfométricos. METODOS: Se colectó por parcelas incluyendo dos tipos de substratos en condiciones opuestas de agregación y se comparó la abundancia relativa tanto entre muestreos, como entre sustratos. Se delimitaron 7 clases de alto a las cuales se les determinó el coeficiente peso/área del pié, el cual se correlacionó con la talla por clase. Se evaluó experimentalmente si los individuos con menor carga del pié tienen mayor persistencia en substratos emergidos, así como la interacción entre dos grupos de clases de alto. RESULTADOS: La diferencia de la abundancia entre los muestreos fue de t=5.874 (p<0.001) y de t=10.15 (p<0.001) entre el substrato rocoso emergido y el arenoso, sólo en condiciones de alta agregación, en las que la carga del pié de los individuos más grandes se reduce con la talla (r=-0.98, p<0.05). Experimentalmente, la abundancia de los ejemplares de tallas opuestas está mutuamente limitada (r=-0.87, p<0.01), la altura del oleaje limita la abundancia de los ejemplares menores (r=-0.94, p<0.001) siendo tolerada por los mayores (r=0.72, p<0.05). La carga promedio del pie disminuye con la altura del oleaje (r=-0.93, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONES: Con elevada agregación los ejemplares mayores emigran hacia substratos de difícil conquista por los menores, que están limitados por la acción mecánica del medio. La disminución de la carga del pie facilita la dispersión de los individuos.


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Trabalho de Projecto em Ciências da Comunicação, variante Cultura Contemporânea e Novas Tecnologias


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this multicenter trial was to prospectively evaluate neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and radiotherapy, including quality of life as outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eligible patients had malignant pleural mesothelioma of all histological types, World Health Organization performance status of zero to two and clinical stage T1-T3, N0-2, M0 disease considered completely resectable. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy consisted of three cycles of cisplatin and gemcitabine followed by EPP. Postoperative radiotherapy was considered for all patients. RESULTS: In all, 58 of 61 patients completed three cycles of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Forty-five patients (74%) underwent EPP and in 37 patients (61%) the resection was complete. Postoperative radiotherapy was initiated in 36 patients. The median survival of all patients was 19.8 months [95% confidence interval (CI) 14.6-24.5]. For the 45 patients undergoing EPP, the median survival was 23 months (95% CI 16.6-32.9). Psychological distress showed minor variations over time with distress above the cut-off score indicating no morbidity with 82% (N = 36) at baseline and 76% (N = 26) at 3 months after surgery (P = 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: The observed rate of operability is promising. A median survival of 23 months for patients undergoing EPP compares favourably with the survival reported from single center studies of upfront surgery. This approach was not associated with an increase in psychological distress.


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INTRODUCTION Due to their low CNS penetrance, there are concerns about the capacity of non-conventional PI-based ART (monotherapy and dual therapies) to preserve neurocognitive performance (NP). METHODS We evaluated the NP change of aviremic participants of the SALT clinical trial (1) switching therapy to dual therapy (DT: ATV/r+3TC) or triple therapy (TT: ATV/r+2NRTI) who agreed to perform an NP assessment (NPZ-5) at baseline and W48. Neurocognitive impairment and NP were assessed using AAN-2007 criteria (2) and global deficit scores (GDS) (3). Neurocognitive change (GDS change: W48 - baseline) and the effect of DT on NP evolution crude and adjusted by significant confounders were determined using ANCOVA. RESULTS A total of 158 patients were included (Table 1). They had shorter times because HIV diagnosis, ART initiation and HIV-suppression and their virologic outcome at W48 by snapshot was higher (79.1% vs 72.7%; p=0.04) compared to the 128 patients not included in the sub-study. By AAN-2007 criteria, 51 patients in each ART group (68% vs 63%) were neurocognitively impaired at baseline (p=0.61). Forty-seven patients were not reassessed at W48: 30 lost of follow-up (16 DT-14 TT) and 17 had non-evaluable data (6 DT-11 TT). Patients retested were more likely to be men (78.9% vs 61.4%) and had neurological cofounders (9.6% vs 0%) than patients non-retested. At W48, 3 out of 16 (5.7%) patients on DT and 6 out of 21 (10.5%) on TT who were non-impaired at baseline became impaired (p=0.49) while 10 out of 37 (18.9%) on DT and 7 out of 36 (12.3%) on TT who were neurocognitively impaired at baseline became non-impaired (p=0.44). Mean GDS changes (95% CI) were: Overall -0.2 (-0.3 to -0.04): DT -0.26 (-0.4 to -0.07) and TT -0.08 (-0.2 to 0.07). NP was similar between DT and TT (0.15). This absence of differences was also observed in all cognitive tests. Effect of DT: -0.16 [-0.38 to 0.06]) (r(2)=0.16) on NP evolution was similar to TT (reference), even after adjusting (DT: -0.11 [-0.33 to 0.1], TT: reference) by significant confounders (geographical origin, previous ATV use and CD4 cell count) (r(2)=0.25). CONCLUSIONS NP stability was observed after 48 weeks of follow up in the majority of patients whether DT or TT was used to maintain HIV-suppression. Incidence rates of NP impairment or NP impairment recovery were also similar between DT and TT.


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Rapport de SynthèseLa thérapie antirétrovirale a progressée de manière significative depuis te début de l'épidémie du syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA). Durant les 20 dernières années, plusieurs combinaisons de traitements ont été utilisées avec succès menant à une réduction de la mortalité associée. Par contre, le traitement a aussi engendré des cas de résistances multiples avec comme résultat, le besoin d'utiliser plusieurs molécules en combinaison, et une augmentation des cas de toxicité. Une stratégie souvent employée fût la combinaison de deux molécules inhibitrices de la protéase en même temps en combinaison avec une troisième molécule, le ritonavir. (DBPI).La cohorte Suisse sur le VIH existe depuis 1987 et permet d'étudier de façon longitudinale les patients qui y sont inscrits. Pour ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les patients inscrits à la cohorte suisse de 1996 à 2007 qui ont reçu une combinaison DBPI.Pendant la période étudiée, un total de 405 patients ont reçu un traitement DBPI, dont 295 patients ont reçu le DBPI pour plus de 6 mois. La durée médiane du traitement était de 2.2 ans. Sur les 287 patients qui étaient en échec viral au début du traitement (défini comme HIV RNA>400 copies/ml), 64.1% ont réussi à supprimer la virémie et 54.4% ont eu une suppression dans les 24 semaines qui ont suivi le début de la thérapie. Les patients avaient reçu en moyenne 6 combinaisons de traitement différentes avant le début de la thérapie DBPi. Pour les patients qui ont arrêté le traitement DBPI, la cause principale de l'arrêt était due au souhait du patient (48.3%), à l'échec virologique (22.5%) et à la toxicité (15.8%). Les patients ayant reçu le traitement après 1999, ou ayant été traités avec une combinaison de Lopinavir-ritonvir/saquinavir ou lopinavir-ritonavir/atazanavir arrivaient à supprimer leur virémie plus souvent que ceux qui avaient reçu d'autres combinaisons.Cette étude constitue la plus grande étude publiée sur le sujet de l'utilisation des DBPI pour les patients à résistances multiples. Malgré le fait que c'est une étude observationnelle, nous pouvons attester que le taux de succès était de 64.4%, le taux de toxicité était relativement bas (15.8%) et que la plus part des patients ont toléré ces combinaisons, malgré le taux élevé d'effets secondaires souvent rapportés. En somme, cette approche pourrait être envisagée dans des situations ou les nouveaux traitements tels que les inhibiteurs de l'intégrase et du CCR5 ne sont pas encore disponibles.


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Dual-boosted protease inhibitors (DBPI) are an option for salvage therapy for HIV-1 resistant patients. Patients receiving a DBPI in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study between January1996 and March 2007 were studied. Outcomes of interest were viral suppression at 24 weeks. 295 patients (72.5%) were on DBPI for over 6 months. The median duration was 2.2 years. Of 287 patients who had HIV-RNA >400 copies/ml at the start of the regimen, 184 (64.1%) were ever suppressed while on DBPI and 156 (54.4%) were suppressed within 24 weeks. The median time to suppression was 101 days (95% confidence interval 90-125 days). The median number of past regimens was 6 (IQR, 3-8). The main reasons for discontinuing the regimen were patient's wish (48.3%), treatment failure (22.5%), and toxicity (15.8%). Acquisition of HIV through intravenous drug use and the use of lopinavir in combination with saquinavir or atazanavir were associated with an increased likelihood of suppression within 6 months. Patients on DBPI are heavily treatment experienced. Viral suppression within 6 months was achieved in more than half of the patients. There may be a place for DBPI regimens in settings where more expensive alternates are not available.


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PURPOSE: Apoptotic arterial wall vascular smooth muscle cell death is known to contribute to plaque vulnerability and rupture. Novel apoptotic markers like apolipoprotein C-I have been implicated in apoptotic human vascular smooth muscle cell death via recruiting a neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase)-ceramide pathway. In vivo relevance of these observations in an animal model of plaque rupture has not been shown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using Watanabe rabbits, we investigated three different groups (group 1, three normal Watanabe rabbits; group 2, six Watanabe rabbits fed with high cholesterol diet for 3 months; group 3, five Watanabe rabbits with similar diet but additional endothelial denudation). We followed progression of atherosclerosis to pharmacologically induced plaque rupture non-invasively using novel 3D magnetic resonance Fast-Field-Echo angiography (TR=7.2, TE=3.6 ms, matrix=512 x 512) and Fast-Spin-Echo vessel wall imaging methods (TR=3 heart beats, TE=10.5 ms, matrix=304 x 304) on 1.5 T MRI. MRI provided excellent image quality with good MRI versus histology vessel wall thickness correlation (r=0.8). In six animals of group 2/3 MRI detected neo-intimal dissection in the abdominal aorta which was accompanied by immuno-histochemical demonstration of concomitant aforementioned novel apoptotic markers, previously implicated in the apoptotic smooth muscle cell death in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies suggest a potential role for the signal transduction pathway involving apolipoprotein C-I for in vivo apoptosis and atherosclerotic plaque rupture visualized by MRI.