953 resultados para Núcleo anterior do tálamo
BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is associated with a high incidence of second tears (graft tears and contralateral ACL tears). These secondary tears have been attributed to asymmetrical lower extremity mechanics. Knee bracing is one potential intervention that can be used during rehabilitation that has the potential to normalize lower extremity asymmetry; however, little is known about the effect of bracing on movement asymmetry in patients following ACL reconstruction. HYPOTHESIS: Wearing a knee brace would increase knee joint flexion and joint symmetry. It was also expected that the joint mechanics would become more symmetrical in the braced condition. OBJECTIVE: To examine how knee bracing affects knee joint function and symmetry over the course of rehabilitation in patients 6 months following ACL reconstruction. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3. METHODS: Twenty-three adolescent patients rehabilitating from ACL reconstruction surgery were recruited for the study. The subjects all underwent a motion analysis assessment during a stop-jump activity with and without a functional knee brace on the surgical side that resisted extension for 6 months following the ACL reconstruction surgery. Statistical analysis utilized a 2 × 2 (limb × brace) analysis of variance with a significant alpha level of 0.05. RESULTS: Subjects had increased knee flexion on the surgical side when they were braced. The brace condition increased knee flexion velocity, decreased the initial knee flexion angle, and increased the ground reaction force and knee extension moment on both limbs. Side-to-side asymmetry was present across conditions for the vertical ground reaction force and knee extension moment. CONCLUSION: Wearing a knee brace appears to increase lower extremity compliance and promotes normalized loading on the surgical side. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Knee extension constraint bracing in postoperative ACL patients may improve symmetry of lower extremity mechanics, which is potentially beneficial in progressing rehabilitation and reducing the incidence of second ACL tears.
Asymmetries in sagittal plane knee kinetics have been identified as a risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) re-injury. Clinical tools are needed to identify the asymmetries. This study examined the relationships between knee kinetic asymmetries and ground reaction force (GRF) asymmetries during athletic tasks in adolescent patients following ACL reconstruction (ACL-R). Kinematic and GRF data were collected during a stop-jump task and a side-cutting task for 23 patients. Asymmetry indices between the surgical and non-surgical limbs were calculated for GRF and knee kinetic variables. For the stop-jump task, knee kinetics asymmetry indices were correlated with all GRF asymmetry indices (P < 0.05), except for loading rate. Vertical GRF impulse asymmetry index predicted peak knee moment, average knee moment, and knee work (R(2) ≥ 0.78, P < 0.01) asymmetry indices. For the side-cutting tasks, knee kinetic asymmetry indices were correlated with the peak propulsion vertical GRF and vertical GRF impulse asymmetry indices (P < 0.05). Vertical GRF impulse asymmetry index predicted peak knee moment, average knee moment, and knee work (R(2) ≥ 0.55, P < 0.01) asymmetry indices. The vertical GRF asymmetries may be a viable surrogate for knee kinetic asymmetries and therefore may assist in optimizing rehabilitation outcomes and minimizing re-injury rates.
Gemstone Team LEGS
La variabilidad genética presente en una población es un tema central en la genética de poblaciones. El conocimiento de la estructura poblacional y de los factores endógenos y exógenos que influyen en los apareamientos hizo que varios autores obtuvieran distintas expresiones para estimar la variabilidad presente en una población. Sin embargo ninguna de estas expresiones es aplicable a una población de bovinos de carne, subdividida en rodeos, donde existe suficiente información sobre los apareamientos no aleatorios. Se obtuvieron tres expresiones para: 1) la consanguinidad promedio (F), 2) la coancestría promedio entre dos individuos dentro de un rodeo y 3) la coancestría promedio entre dos individuos de distintos rodeos. Se resolvió el sistema para F y se igualó a 1/2Ne. De esta forma se obtuvo una expresión para el tamaño efectivo que es función de probabilidades que pueden ser estimadas con precisión en una base de datos. El valor hallado de 106,04 para el Brangus Argentino se encuentra en el rango 50 a 150, intervalo en el cual se hallan la mayoría de los estimadores de Ne en otras razas bovinas.
En este artículo analizo los trabajos presentados en el decimoquinto estudio ICMI sobre formación de profesores de matemáticas. Este análisis da cuenta de la diversidad de contextos en los que tiene lugar dicha formación y la consecuente multiplicidad de modelos con los que los investigadores y formadores de profesores abordan esta cuestión. ¿Es posible identificar, dentro de esta diversidad, un núcleo común que permita conceptualizar el conocimiento del profesor de matemáticas y fundamentar programas de formación inicial? La propuesta "matemáticas para la enseñanza", de Ball y sus colaboradores, es una opción que surge del análisis de la práctica. Describo y critico esta propuesta, y sugiero una opción complementaria, de carácter analítico. Esta opción se basa en la caracterización de las actividades que idealmente debería realizar un profesor al planificar, llevar a la práctica y evaluar unidades didácticas. Con esta aproximación, es posible determinar sistemáticamente las capacidades que pueden contribuir al desarrollo de las competencias profesionales del profesor de matemáticas y, por lo tanto, fundamentar programas de formación inicial.
En este estudio se describe la actuación de los tutores en un programa híbrido de formación de postgrado para profesores de matemáticas de secundaria en ejercicio. En este programa, los grupos abordaron el análisis didáctico de temas como números enteros, introducción al lenguaje algebraico, ecuaciones lineales con una incógnita y resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales. Codificamos y analizamos los comentarios de los tutores a los trabajos de los grupos de profesores en formación a su cargo. Para ello, construimos una estructura de categorías y códigos conjugando una revisión de literatura, una visión del aprendizaje de los profesores en formación y una revisión cíclica de los datos. En este trabajo destacamos el proceso seguido para caracterizar las actuaciones comunes de los tutores mediante el análisis de frecuencia de sus comentarios.
Lesions involving the anterior thalamic nuclei stopped immediate early gene (IEG) activity in specific regions of the rat retrosplenial cortex, even though there were no apparent cytoarchitectonic changes. Discrete anterior thalamic lesions were made either by excitotoxin (Experiment 1) or radiofrequency (Experiment 2) and, following recovery, the rats foraged in a radial-arm maze in a novel room. Measurements made 6-12 weeks postsurgery showed that, in comparison with surgical controls, the thalamic lesions produced the same, selective patterns of Fos changes irrespective of method. Granular (caudal granular cortex and rostral granular cortex), but not dysgranular (dysgranular cortex), retrosplenial cortex showed a striking loss of Fos-positive cells. While a loss of between 79 and 89% of Fos-positive cells was found in the superficial laminae, the deeper layers appeared normal. In Experiments 3 and 4, rats 9-10 months postsurgery were placed in an activity box for 30 min. Anterior thalamic lesions (Experiment 3) led to a pronounced IEG decrease of both Fos and zif268 throughout the retrosplenial cortex that now included the dysgranular area. These IEG losses were found even though the same regions appeared normal using standard histological techniques. Lesions of the postrhinal cortex (Experiment 4) did not bring about a loss of retrosplenial IEG activity even though this region is also reciprocally connected with the retrosplenial cortex. This selective effect of anterior thalamic damage upon retrosplenial activity may both amplify the disruptive effects of anterior thalamic lesions and help to explain the posterior cingulate hypoactivity found in Alzheimer's disease.
Activity of the immediate early gene c-fos was compared across hemispheres in rats with unilateral anterior thalamic lesions. Fos protein was quantified after rats performed a spatial working memory test in the radial-arm maze, a task that is sensitive to bilateral lesions of the anterior thalamic nuclei. Unilateral anterior thalamic lesions produced evidence of a widespread hippocampal hypoactivity, as there were significant reductions in Fos counts in a range of regions within the ipsilateral hippocampal formation (rostral CA1, rostral dentate gyrus, 'dorsal' hippocampus, presubiculum and postsubiculum). A decrease in Fos levels was also found in the rostral and caudal retrosplenial cortex but not in the parahippocampal cortices or anterior cingulate cortices. The Fos changes seem most closely linked to sites that are also required for successful task performance, supporting the notion that the anterior thalamus, retrosplenial cortex and hippocampus form key components of an interdependent neuronal network involved in spatial mnemonic processing.
Activity of the immediate early gene c-fos was compared in rats with neurotoxic lesions of the anterior thalamic nuclei and in surgical controls. Fos levels were measured after rats had been placed in a novel room and allowed to run up and down preselected arms of a radial maze. An additional control group showed that in normal rats, this exposure to a novel room leads to a Fos increase in a number of structures, including the anterior thalamic nuclei and hippocampus. In contrast, rats with anterior thalamic lesions were found to have significantly less Fos-positive cells in an array of sites, including the hippocampus (dorsal and ventral), retrosplenial cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and prelimbic cortex. These results show that anterior thalamic lesions disrupt multiple limbic brain regions, producing hypoactivity in sites associated in rats with spatial memory. Because many of the same sites are implicated in memory processes in humans (e.g., the hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex), this hypoactivity might contribute to diencephalic amnesia.