971 resultados para Myotomy complications
BACKGROUND: Totally implanted vascular access devices are frequently used in children for repeated blood samples or intravenous treatments. This prospective study aims at identifying the risk factors associated with infections, obstructions and surgical complications of these devices in pediatric patients. METHODS: From January 2006 to January 2008, all children older than one year of age with a diagnosis of solid or blood cell malignancy were included in the study. Insertion was performed by the surgeon according to a standardized protocol after landmark-guided puncture of the subclavian or internal jugular vein by a senior anesthesiologist. Dressing and post-operative care were standardized. Every manipulation was prospectively recorded by specialized dedicated nurses, and all patients were screened for complications one month post-surgery. RESULTS: 45 consecutive patients 1 to 16 years old were enrolled in the study. Mean age at the time of procedure was 8.5 years (range 1.3-15.6; SD +/- 4.88). There were 12 peroperative adverse events in 45 procedures (27%), detailed as follows: 3 pneumothoraces (7%), 3 hematomas (7%), 6 arterial punctures (13%). Among these events, intervention was necessary for two pneumothorax and one arterial puncture. There was no air embolism. At one month, we recorded 5 post-operative complications (11%): 2 thrombotic obstructions, one unsightly scar, and one scapular pain of unknown etiology. One patient needed repositioning of the catheter. There was no catheter-related infection. CONCLUSION: Prospective recording of TIVA insertion in children reveals a significant number of early incidents and complications, mainly associated with the percutaneous puncture technique. We found no infection in this series. Results of a longer follow-up in the same population are pending.
Complicated acute appendicitis is still associated with an increased morbidity. If laparoscopy has been accepted as a valid approach, some questions remain concerning intra-abdominal abscess formation. Routine prophylactic drainage of the abdomen has been proposed. However, this practice remains a matter of debate, poorly validated in the literature. With the present study, we investigated the impact of drainage in laparoscopic appendectomy for complicated appendicitis. This is a case match study of consecutive patients operated on by laparoscopy in a single institution. One hundred and thirty patients operated for complicated appendicitis (local peritonitis without perforation, with perforation, or with periappendicular abscess) with prophylactic intraperitoneal drainage were matched one by one to 130 patients operated without drainage. Uncomplicated appendicitis and generalized peritonitis were excluded. Primary endpoint was surgical complications and secondary endpoints were transit recovery time and length of hospital stay. Patients without drain had significantly less overall complications (7.7% vs. 18.5%, p = 0.01). Moreover, the absence of drainage was of significant benefit for transit recovery time (2.5 vs. 3.5 days, p = 0.0068) and length of hospital stay (4.2 vs. 7.3 days, p < 0.0001). No benefits were observed for prophylactic drainage of the abdominal cavity during emergency laparoscopic treatment of complicated appendicitis. For this reason, this practice may be abandoned.
Steadily increasing since 1990, the use of psychoactive substances was expanded to new designer drugs (bath salts, spice) with so original still unknown pharmacological effects. At the beginning, the pleasure, first feeling, turns sometimes, in acute medical emergency and then, in some cases, in chronic diseases. Side expected or not desired effects, seen in emergency departments could be necrotizing gangrene among consumers Krokodil or dystonic reactions in consumers of Spice. Moreover, adulterants could increase the dangerosity of the substances. Searching a toxidrome helps to find the incrimining substance.
Objectif Analyser les résultats, les complications et les pièges rencontrés lors de la période d'apprentissage de la technique de la DALK avec réalisation d'une Big Bubble . Matériels et Méthodes : Étude rétrospective de 20 DALKs réalisées entre 2006 et 2007. L'âge moyen était de 45.21 ans (18 à 76). Le groupe comprenait 7 hommes et 13 femmes. Les indications opératoires étaient : kératocône (n=15), leucome herpétique (n=3) et taie cornéenne post-abcès bactérien (n=2). Le suivi comprenait la MAVC pré et post-opératoire, la réfraction post-opératoire, la transparence de la greffe, la qualité de l'interface donneur/receveur, et l'analyse des complications per et post-opératoires. Résultats Parmi les 20 DALKs, 8 cas ont été transformés en kératoplastie perforante à cause d'une perforation per-opératoire de la membrane de Descemet (40 % des cas). Le suivi moyen était de 7.77 mois. Les meilleures acuités visuelles corrigées moyennes pré et post-opératoires étaient de 0.158 (0.02 à 0.4) et 0.4357 (0.25 à 0.6) pour les DALKs et de 0.125 (0.1 à 0.3) et 0.463 (0.02 à 0.8) pour les DALKs transformées en kératoplastie perforante. Les greffes étaient transparentes dans tous les cas. Dans 3 cas, des plis de l'interface ont constitués une gêne de la qualité visuelle (di ou triplopie). Un haze de l'interface a été observé dans 5 cas avec disparition progressive lors du suivi. Discussion La DALK est une technique efficace dans le traitement des atteintes stromales profondes de la cornée, elle permet de préserver l'endothélium du donneur qui est sain dans ce type de pathologie. Conclusion La réalisation de la Big Bubble lors de la dissection de la Descemet et la qualité de l'interface donneur/receveur demeurent les éléments clés d'une telle procédure. Cette technique opératoire est probablement une des techniques les plus difficiles qu'un chirurgien de la cornée ait à maîtriser.
A new therapeutic era opened for multiple sclerosis (MS) with the appearance of molecules given p.o. and/or molecules with greater efficiency. Early diagnosis is critical, as the time and the choice of therapeutic intervention. The initiation of treatments must be personalized, including the risks associated with MS and those potentially related to the treatment chosen, answering the question <Who, when and how to treat?>. Monitoring tools that allow to objectively evaluate: I) MS activity and aggressiveness for each patient and 2) the safety of treatments and their risks of complications, must be further investigated.
PURPOSE: We describe the results of a preliminary prospective study using different recently developed temporary and retrievable inferior vena cava (IVC) filters. METHODS: Fifty temporary IVC filters (Gunther, Gunther Tulip, Antheor) were inserted in 47 patients when the required period of protection against pulmonary embolism (PE) was estimated to be less than 2 weeks. The indications were documented deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and temporary contraindications for anticoagulation, a high risk for PE, and PE despite DVT prophylaxis. RESULTS: Filters were removed 1-12 days after placement and nine (18%) had captured thrombi. Complications were one PE during and after removal of a filter, two minor filter migrations, and one IVC thrombosis. CONCLUSION: Temporary filters are effective in trapping clots and protecting against PE, and the complication rate does not exceed that of permanent filters. They are an alternative when protection from PE is required temporarily, and should be considered in patients with a normal life expectancy.
La pose d'un cathéter veineux central est un geste fréquent dans un service de médecine interne. En suivant la formation des médecins-assistants, nous nous sommes aperçus que certaines questions, doutes ou craintes concernant cette procédure nous sont régulièrement adressées: «Est-ce qu'un cathéter sous-clavier peut être posé avec une thrombocytopénie modérée?»; «Quel site de ponction présente le moins de risques pour le patient?»; «Après combien de jours un cathéter doit-il être changé?». Cet article se propose de répondre à ces questions et à d'autres, en partant d'une mini-revue de la littérature actuelle. Central venous catheterization is a frequently performed procedure in internal medicine units. Residents in training frequently share the same questions, doubts and fears about this procedure : "Should I perform a subclavian catheterization in a patient with mild thrombopenia?"; "Which site has the lesser complication rate?"; "After how long does a catheter need to be replaced?". This mini-review of the current literature tries to answer this and other questions
Splenic arterial interventions are increasingly performed to treat various clinical conditions, including abdominal trauma, hypersplenism, splenic arterial aneurysm, portal hypertension, and splenic neoplasm. When clinically appropriate, these procedures may provide an alternative to open surgery. They may help to salvage splenic function in patients with posttraumatic injuries or hypersplenism and to improve hematologic parameters in those who otherwise would be unable to undergo high-dose chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Splenic arterial interventions also may be performed to exclude splenic artery aneurysms from the parent vessel lumen and prevent aneurysm rupture; to reduce portal pressure and prevent sequelae in patients with portal hypertension; to treat splenic artery steal syndrome and improve liver perfusion in liver transplant recipients; and to administer targeted treatment to areas of neoplastic disease in the splenic parenchyma. As the use of splenic arterial interventions increases in interventional radiology practice, clinicians must be familiar with the splenic vascular anatomy, the indications and contraindications for performing interventional procedures, the technical considerations involved, and the potential use of other interventional procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation, in combination with splenic arterial interventions. Familiarity with the complications that can result from these interventional procedures, including abscess formation and pancreatitis, also is important.
INTRODUCTION: The International Neuromodulation Society (INS) has determined that there is a need for guidance regarding safety and risk reduction for implantable neurostimulation devices. The INS convened an international committee of experts in the field to explore the evidence and clinical experience regarding safety, risks, and steps to risk reduction to improve outcomes. METHODS: The Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) reviewed the world literature in English by searching MEDLINE, PubMed, and Google Scholar to evaluate the evidence for ways to reduce risks of neurostimulation therapies. This evidence, obtained from the relevant literature, and clinical experience obtained from the convened consensus panel were used to make final recommendations on improving safety and reducing risks. RESULTS: The NACC determined that the ability to reduce risk associated with the use of neurostimulation devices is a valuable goal and possible with best practice. The NACC has recommended several practice modifications that will lead to improved care. The NACC also sets out the minimum training standards necessary to become an implanting physician. CONCLUSIONS: The NACC has identified the possibility of improving patient care and safety through practice modification. We recommend that all implanting physicians review this guidance and consider adapting their practice accordingly.
Objective: To compare multidetector-row computed tomographic (MDCT) enterography with magnetic resonance (MR) enterography performed upon acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease. Subjects and Methods: Fifty-seven patients (mean age 33.5) with proven Crohn's disease and symptoms suggesting acute exacerbation were prospectively included. After oral administration of 1-2 liters of 5% methylcellulose, MDCT and MR enterography were performed on each patient (mean delay <24 h). Three radiologists blindly and independently evaluated each examination for technical quality and in terms of 8 pathological features of Crohn's disease. Observers' agreement, sensitivity and specificity resulted from comparison with the reference standard [surgery (n = 24), endoscopy (n = 17) and long-term follow-up (n = 16)]. Results: MDCT enterography demonstrated fewer artifacts than MR enterography (p < 0.0001). In 48 MDCT/MR enterography examinations, active disease was demonstrated: abscesses (n = 11), fistulas (n = 13), stenoses (n = 23) and/or intestinal inflammation (n = 38). Observers' agreement (range 0.56-0.87) was not significantly different between MDCT and MR enterography, neither in terms of sensitivity (range 58-95%) nor specificity (range 67-100%) for each of the 8 pathological features. Conclusion: Statistically, MR enterography is of similar diagnostic value as MDCT enterography for acute complications of Crohn's disease. Since the typical Crohn's disease patient is young and will very likely undergo life-long imaging, and given concerns about radiation exposure with MDCT, MR enterography should be the preferred modality.
Objectif : Comparer les hystérectomies réalisées par laparoscopie à celles accomplies par laparotomie pour des pathologies gynécologiques malignes. Méthode : Etude basée sur 169 hystérectomies effectuées pour cancer de l'endomètre, du col ou de l'ovaire, pratiquées dans le service de gynécologie de la Maternité du CHUV de janvier 2002 à décembre 2009 sur des femmes âgées de 28 à 91 ans. Le but est de comparer deux différentes voies d'abord chirurgicales qui sont la laparotomie et la laparoscopie en terme de durée d'hospitalisation, d'indications, de complications per et post opératoires mineures et majeures et de nécessité de reprise ou d'une ré-hospitalisation. Résultats: Cette étude compte 169 patientes, dont 126 hystérectomies réalisées par laparotomie et 43 accomplies par laparoscopie. Les deux groupes sont similaires en terme d'âge (âge moyen : 63ans), d'indice de masse corporelle (26 vs 25) et de parité (1.5 enfants). Le temps opératoire est semblable entre les deux groupes (211 vs 219 minutes). Des hémorragies (pertes sanguines de plus de 1000ml) surviennent dans 24.6% des hystérectomies par laparotomie et dans 11.63% des hystérectomies par laparoscopie. Il existe une différence statistiquement significative entre la nécessité d'une transfusion peropératoire et les deux différentes voie d'abord (p=0.045). Une transfusion peropératoire a été nécessaire dans 13.22% des laparotomies contre seulement 2.33% des laparoscopies. La durée d'hospitalisation est significativement plus longue pour les patientes ayant subi une hystérectomie par laparotomie (12 vs 6 jours; p<0.001). Les complications peropératoires et postopératoires mineures dépendent de manière significative de la voie d'abord (p=0.01 ; p= 0.025). On observe des complications peropératoires dans 31.75% des laparotomies et dans 11.63% des laparoscopies. Les complications postopératoires mineures sont observées dans 28.57% des laparotomies et dans 11.63% des laparoscopies. Dans 7.14% des laparotomies on observe une complications postopératoire majeure et aucune de sont apparues lors d'hystérectomie par laparoscopie. La nécessité de reprise, de ré-opération ou de ré-hospitalisation n'est statistiquement pas différente entre la laparoscopie et la laparotomie. Conclusion : On observe un avantage significatif en faveur de l'hystérectomie par laparoscopie avec une réduction de la durée d'hospitalisation, ainsi que des complications peropératoires et postopératoires mineures et majeures, moins importantes.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease that can potentially affect any organ. If the articular manifestations are central to the disease; skin, ophthalmic, neurological, cardiac, pulmonary as well as renal manifestations are well recognized, the latter particularly in the context of a secondary amyloidosis. Although incidence of extraarticular manifestations appears to decrease, likely a result from our more aggressive and early management of rheumatoid arthritis, their consequences remain severe in terms of morbidity and mortality, and their treatments complicated. The new biological therapies seem to be a promising alternative to current therapies, such as cyclophosphamide and high dose prednisone, even if evidences are still limited.