901 resultados para Multi-User-Single-Antenna (MUSA)
The proliferation of new mobile communication devices, such as smartphones and tablets, has led to an exponential growth in network traffic. The demand for supporting the fast-growing consumer data rates urges the wireless service providers and researchers to seek a new efficient radio access technology, which is the so-called 5G technology, beyond what current 4G LTE can provide. On the other hand, ubiquitous RFID tags, sensors, actuators, mobile phones and etc. cut across many areas of modern-day living, which offers the ability to measure, infer and understand the environmental indicators. The proliferation of these devices creates the term of the Internet of Things (IoT). For the researchers and engineers in the field of wireless communication, the exploration of new effective techniques to support 5G communication and the IoT becomes an urgent task, which not only leads to fruitful research but also enhance the quality of our everyday life. Massive MIMO, which has shown the great potential in improving the achievable rate with a very large number of antennas, has become a popular candidate. However, the requirement of deploying a large number of antennas at the base station may not be feasible in indoor scenarios. Does there exist a good alternative that can achieve similar system performance to massive MIMO for indoor environment? In this dissertation, we address this question by proposing the time-reversal technique as a counterpart of massive MIMO in indoor scenario with the massive multipath effect. It is well known that radio signals will experience many multipaths due to the reflection from various scatters, especially in indoor environments. The traditional TR waveform is able to create a focusing effect at the intended receiver with very low transmitter complexity in a severe multipath channel. TR's focusing effect is in essence a spatial-temporal resonance effect that brings all the multipaths to arrive at a particular location at a specific moment. We show that by using time-reversal signal processing, with a sufficiently large bandwidth, one can harvest the massive multipaths naturally existing in a rich-scattering environment to form a large number of virtual antennas and achieve the desired massive multipath effect with a single antenna. Further, we explore the optimal bandwidth for TR system to achieve maximal spectral efficiency. Through evaluating the spectral efficiency, the optimal bandwidth for TR system is found determined by the system parameters, e.g., the number of users and backoff factor, instead of the waveform types. Moreover, we investigate the tradeoff between complexity and performance through establishing a generalized relationship between the system performance and waveform quantization in a practical communication system. It is shown that a 4-bit quantized waveforms can be used to achieve the similar bit-error-rate compared to the TR system with perfect precision waveforms. Besides 5G technology, Internet of Things (IoT) is another terminology that recently attracts more and more attention from both academia and industry. In the second part of this dissertation, the heterogeneity issue within the IoT is explored. One of the significant heterogeneity considering the massive amount of devices in the IoT is the device heterogeneity, i.e., the heterogeneous bandwidths and associated radio-frequency (RF) components. The traditional middleware techniques result in the fragmentation of the whole network, hampering the objects interoperability and slowing down the development of a unified reference model for the IoT. We propose a novel TR-based heterogeneous system, which can address the bandwidth heterogeneity and maintain the benefit of TR at the same time. The increase of complexity in the proposed system lies in the digital processing at the access point (AP), instead of at the devices' ends, which can be easily handled with more powerful digital signal processor (DSP). Meanwhile, the complexity of the terminal devices stays low and therefore satisfies the low-complexity and scalability requirement of the IoT. Since there is no middleware in the proposed scheme and the additional physical layer complexity concentrates on the AP side, the proposed heterogeneous TR system better satisfies the low-complexity and energy-efficiency requirement for the terminal devices (TDs) compared with the middleware approach.
Amid the remarkable growth of innovative technologies, particularly immersive technologies like Extended Reality (XR) (comprising of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) & Mixed Reality (MR)), a transformation is unfolding in the way we collaborate and interact. The current research takes the initiative to explore XR’s potential for co-creation activities and proposes XR as a future co-creation platform. It strives to develop a XR-based co-creation system, actively engage stakeholders in the co-creation process, with the goal of enhancing their creative businesses. The research leverages XR tools to investigate how they can enhance digital co-creation methods and determine if the system facilitates efficient and effective value creation during XR-based co-creation sessions. In specific terms, the research probes into whether the XR-based co-creation method and environment enhances the quality and novelty of ideas, reduce communication challenges by providing better understanding of the product, problem or process and optimize the process in terms of reduction in time and costs. The research introduces a multi-user, multi-sensory collaborative and interactive XR platform that adapts to various use-case scenarios. This thesis also presents the user testing performed to collect both qualitative and quantitative data, which serves to substantiate the hypothesis. What sets this XR system apart is its incorporation of fully functional prototypes into a mixed reality environment, providing users with a unique dimension within an immersive digital landscape. The outcomes derived from the experimental studies demonstrate that XR-based co-creation surpasses conventional desktop co-creation methods and remarkably, the results are even comparable to a full mock-up test. In conclusion, the research underscores that the utilization of XR as a tool for co-creation generates substantial value. It serves as a method that enhances the process, an environment that fosters interaction and collaboration, and a platform that equips stakeholders with the means to engage effectively.
We characterize the capacity-achieving input covariance for multi-antenna channels known instantaneously at the receiver and in distribution at the transmitter. Our characterization, valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas, encompasses both the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues. The eigenvectors are found for zero-mean channels with arbitrary fading profiles and a wide range of correlation and keyhole structures. For the eigenvalues, in turn, we present necessary and sufficient conditions as well as an iterative algorithm that exhibits remarkable properties: universal applicability, robustness and rapid convergence. In addition, we identify channel structures for which an isotropic input achieves capacity.
In Information Filtering (IF) a user may be interested in several topics in parallel. But IF systems have been built on representational models derived from Information Retrieval and Text Categorization, which assume independence between terms. The linearity of these models results in user profiles that can only represent one topic of interest. We present a methodology that takes into account term dependencies to construct a single profile representation for multiple topics, in the form of a hierarchical term network. We also introduce a series of non-linear functions for evaluating documents against the profile. Initial experiments produced positive results.
This paper presents an analysis of the performance of a baseband multiple-input single-output (MISO) time reversal ultra-wideband system (TR-UWB) incorporating a symbol spaced decision feedback equalizer (DFE). A semi-analytical performance analysis based on a Gaussian approach is considered, which matched well with simulation results, even for the DFE case. The channel model adopted is based on the IEEE 802.15.3a model, considering correlated shadowing across antenna elements. In order to provide a more realistic analysis, channel estimation errors are considered for the design of the TR filter. A guideline for the choice of equalizer length is provided. The results show that the system`s performance improves with an increase in the number of transmit antennas and when a symbol spaced equalizer is used with a relatively small number of taps compared to the number of resolvable paths in the channel impulse response. Moreover, it is possible to conclude that due to the time reversal scheme, the error propagation in the DFE does not play a role in the system`s performance.
The well-known structure of an array combiner along with a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) receiveris the basis for the derivation of a space-time processor presentinggood properties in terms of co-channel and intersymbol interferencerejection. The use of spatial diversity at the receiver front-endtogether with a scalar MLSE implies a joint design of the spatialcombiner and the impulse response for the sequence detector. Thisis faced using the MMSE criterion under the constraint that thedesired user signal power is not cancelled, yielding an impulse responsefor the sequence detector that is matched to the channel andcombiner response. The procedure maximizes the signal-to-noiseratio at the input of the detector and exhibits excellent performancein realistic multipath channels.
Langattomat lähiverkot ovat viime vuosikymmeninä saavuttaneet suuren suosion. Tässä työssä käsitellään käyttäjien todentamisjärjestelmän suunnittelua ja kehitystä langattomaan monioperaattoriverkkoon. Langattomassa monioperaattoriverkossa käyttäjillä on mahdollisuus käyttää eri operaattoreiden palveluita. Aluksi käsitellään olemassa olevia todentamismenetelmiä ja -järjestelmiä. minkä jälkeen kuvaillaan todentamisjärjestelmä langattomille monioperaattoriverkoille. Todentamisjärjestelmän ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja esitellään kaksi, niin sanotut moni- istunto - ja yksittäisistuntomalli. Moni-istuntomalli on normaali lähestymistapa käyttäjien todentamiseen tietokonejärjestelmissä. Siinä käyttäjän pitää tunnistautua ja todentaa itsensä jokaiselle verkon palvelulle erikseen. Yksittäisistuntomallissa pyritään parempaan luotettavuuteen ja käytettävyyteen. Siinä käyttäjä todentaa itsensä vain kerran ja voi sen jälkeen päästä useisiin palveluihin. Työn loppuosassa kuvaillaan suunnitellun järjestelmän toteutusta. Lisäksi ehdotetaan vaihtoehtoisia toteutustapoja, analysoidaan järjestelmän heikkouksia ja kerrotaan jatkokehitysmahdoillisuuksista.
Internet of Things är ett samlingsbegrepp för den utveckling som innebär att olika typer av enheter kan förses med sensorer och datachip som är uppkopplade mot internet. En ökad mängd data innebär en ökad förfrågan på lösningar som kan lagra, spåra, analysera och bearbeta data. Ett sätt att möta denna förfrågan är att använda sig av molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster. Multi-tenant och single-tenant är två typer av arkitekturer för molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster som kan användas för att lösa problemen med hanteringen av de ökade datamängderna. Dessa arkitekturer skiljer sig åt när det gäller komplexitet i utvecklingen. I detta arbete representerar Azure Stream Analytics en multi-tenant arkitektur och HDInsight/Storm representerar en single-tenant arkitektur. För att kunna göra en jämförelse av molnbaserade realtidsanalystjänster med olika arkitekturer, har vi valt att använda oss av användbarhetskriterierna: effektivitet, ändamålsenlighet och användarnöjdhet. Vi kom fram till att vi ville ha svar på följande frågor relaterade till ovannämnda tre användbarhetskriterier: • Vilka likheter och skillnader kan vi se i utvecklingstider? • Kan vi identifiera skillnader i funktionalitet? • Hur upplever utvecklare de olika analystjänsterna? Vi har använt en design and creation strategi för att utveckla två Proof of Concept prototyper och samlat in data genom att använda flera datainsamlingsmetoder. Proof of Concept prototyperna inkluderade två artefakter, en för Azure Stream Analytics och en för HDInsight/Storm. Vi utvärderade dessa genom att utföra fem olika scenarier som var för sig hade 2-5 delmål. Vi simulerade strömmande data genom att låta en applikation kontinuerligt slumpa fram data som vi analyserade med hjälp av de två realtidsanalystjänsterna. Vi har använt oss av observationer för att dokumentera hur vi arbetade med utvecklingen av analystjänsterna samt för att mäta utvecklingstider och identifiera skillnader i funktionalitet. Vi har även använt oss av frågeformulär för att ta reda på vad användare tyckte om analystjänsterna. Vi kom fram till att Azure Stream Analytics initialt var mer användbart än HDInsight/Storm men att skillnaderna minskade efter hand. Azure Stream Analytics var lättare att arbeta med vid simplare analyser medan HDInsight/Storm hade ett bredare val av funktionalitet.
The advantages of antennas that can resemble the shape of the body to which they are attached are obvious. However, electromagnetic modeling of such unusually shaped antennas can be difficult. In this paper, the commercially available software SolidWorks(TM) is used for accurately drawing complex shapes in conjunction with the electromagnetic software FEKO(TM) to model the EM behavior of conformal antennas. The application of SolidWorks and custom-written software allows all the required information that forms the analyzed structure to be automatically inserted into FEKO, and gives the user complete control over the antenna being modeled. This approach is illustrated by a number of simulation examples of single, wideband, multi-band planar and curved patch antennas.
Background Data and Objective: There is anecdotal evidence that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) may affect the development of muscular fatigue, minor muscle damage, and recovery after heavy exercises. Although manufacturers claim that cluster probes (LEDT) maybe more effective than single-diode lasers in clinical settings, there is a lack of head-to-head comparisons in controlled trials. This study was designed to compare the effect of single-diode LLLT and cluster LEDT before heavy exercise. Materials and Methods: This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind cross-over study. Young male volleyball players (n = 8) were enrolled and asked to perform three Wingate cycle tests after 4 x 30 sec LLLT or LEDT pretreatment of the rectus femoris muscle with either (1) an active LEDT cluster-probe (660/850 nm, 10/30mW), (2) a placebo cluster-probe with no output, and (3) a single-diode 810-nm 200-mW laser. Results: The active LEDT group had significantly decreased post-exercise creatine kinase (CK) levels (-18.88 +/- 41.48U/L), compared to the placebo cluster group (26.88 +/- 15.18U/L) (p < 0.05) and the active single-diode laser group (43.38 +/- 32.90U/L) (p<0.01). None of the pre-exercise LLLT or LEDT protocols enhanced performance on the Wingate tests or reduced post-exercise blood lactate levels. However, a non-significant tendency toward lower post-exercise blood lactate levels in the treated groups should be explored further. Conclusion: In this experimental set-up, only the active LEDT probe decreased post-exercise CK levels after the Wingate cycle test. Neither performance nor blood lactate levels were significantly affected by this protocol of pre-exercise LEDT or LLLT.
In this paper, the design of low profile antennas by using Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures is introduced. Taking advantage of the fact that they can behave as Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC), it is shown that these structures exhibit dual band in-phase reflection at WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) bands, the 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz bands. These structures are applied to PIFA (Planar Inverted-F Antenna) and the results show that it is possible to obtain low profile PIFA's.
4th International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2015), Luton, United Kingdom.
Traffic Engineering (TE) approaches are increasingly impor- tant in network management to allow an optimized configuration and resource allocation. In link-state routing, the task of setting appropriate weights to the links is both an important and a challenging optimization task. A number of different approaches has been put forward towards this aim, including the successful use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). In this context, this work addresses the evaluation of three distinct EAs, a single and two multi-objective EAs, in two tasks related to weight setting optimization towards optimal intra-domain routing, knowing the network topology and aggregated traffic demands and seeking to mini- mize network congestion. In both tasks, the optimization considers sce- narios where there is a dynamic alteration in the state of the system, in the first considering changes in the traffic demand matrices and in the latter considering the possibility of link failures. The methods will, thus, need to simultaneously optimize for both conditions, the normal and the altered one, following a preventive TE approach towards robust configurations. Since this can be formulated as a bi-objective function, the use of multi-objective EAs, such as SPEA2 and NSGA-II, came nat- urally, being those compared to a single-objective EA. The results show a remarkable behavior of NSGA-II in all proposed tasks scaling well for harder instances, and thus presenting itself as the most promising option for TE in these scenarios.
We evaluated the usefulness of the combination of three plasmids encoding tegumental (pECL and pSM14) and muscular (pIRV5) antigens of the Schistosoma mansoni on improving the protective immunity over the use of a single antigen as DNA vaccines. Female BALB/c mice were inoculated twice with 25 µg DNA plasmid within two weeks interval. The challenge was performed with 80 cercarias of a regional isolate of S. mansoni (SLM) one week after the last immunization. Six weeks after challenge, all mice were perfused for worm load determination. The following groups were analyzed: saline; empty vector; monovalent formulations of pECL; pSM14 and pIRV5 and also double combinations of pECL/pIRV5 and pIRV5/pSM14 and a triple combination of pECL/pIRV5/pSM14. The protection was expressed as a percentage of worm loads in each group compared with the saline group. The results obtained were 41% (p < 0.05); 52% (p < 0.05); 51% (p < 0.05); 48% (p < 0.05); 55% (p < 0.05); 45% (p < 0.05); 65% (p < 0.05) for each group respectively.