974 resultados para Movimento Hip Hop


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In order to question a sociology as it considers appropriate the body dimensions, which contributes in a mean singular in relation to body, not only as a matter, but mainly as a producer of knowledge, our research shows a reflection on corporality as the production of knowledge and to understand different perspectives and social logic here in contemporaneity, whose rationality seems to be placed in question through a performance expressed, a lot of 'breaks', including the space, which the dancer break appropriates of a reversed form and not more than linear. Our problem is the possibility of a greater understanding of this young body with dance the break, is not only 'breaking' his body, but fluent in their own body fragments, producing probably a break in relation to a dominant power established, by creating a kind of 'social resistance' to provide another sense for his life, out of the senses by the dominant of a social field. This is the area of production of knowledge, of the 'body' that cries keep our eyes, the challenge of dive in the depth of gestures, beyond the physical structure, restoring in a strong political constitution and cultural in so far as this body faces. The body as spectacular becomes 'cause and effect' of communication, this body is not only individual, it is not expression only for itself; when the young dance outside their walls individuals, makes it relational, turning to relate with the other, with the space, time and the world. The methodological point of view, to study this corporality in element break, the body as language of senses, we considered withdrawals in the field, observations of movements of the universe of break creative dance, performance and analysis of "attitudes" (expression peculiar world hip hop ), as well as my experience with dancing in the street interventions through 'urban' and our own attitudes to the object of research which challenges us academically and, it all, existentially


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This research of qualitative nature, aimed to analyze the formation and knowledges of the teachers of Street Dance from the State of São Paulo. Reviewing the literarature it was approached the conceptions of culture, "Hip Hop Culture", and Street Dance. Also, some studies referred to the professional formation in dance and Physical Education; acting in dance by the teacher of Physical Education; and professional academic formation and/or experimental. The approaching method was the story of the time at present. The technique: interview semi-structured. According to the analysis of the statements: a) we noticed that no one of the interviewers show academic formation in dance; a small part is graduated in Physical Education, and the majority act as authorized teachers by the CREF and/ or DRT; b) we verified that the teaching of Street Dance is determined by experimental knowledges. The Street Dance shows itself as a process of constitution, and the formation and the knowledges to its teaching did not show systematization.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Baseado na pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao rap gospel/cristão evangélico em Belém do Pará, pude reunir dados que me levaram a refletir sobre questões gerais da antropologia. Desta forma, estruturei a dissertação na perpectiva de uma compilação de ensaios que tratam da questão de como é possivel a utilização da subjetividade, na construção do texto etnográfico. Esta subjetividade (minha e de meus manos do hip hop) emerge do que chamei de experiências, ou, os encontros no campo entre pesquisador, intermediários, interlocutores e informantes. Para a exposição da análise em si, sobre este sistema cultural (rap gospel), em forma de compreensão e interpretação, me vali da analogia com a composição, produção e gravação de um cd, na verdade, é como se cada ensaio contido aqui, constituísse uma faixa do disco Palavras Sagradas, rimas e experiências: Uma tentativa de compreensão sobre cristianismo pentecostal, rap e antropologia, do mc e antropólogo Bruno “B.O.” Borda, com uma faixa bônus inclusive. O rap rap gospel/cristão evangélico proporcionou-me reflexões sobre religião, juventude e relações raciais por um lado, e epistemologia, metodologia e arte por outro, fazendo com que eu apresentasse este trabalho com vistas muito mais de incitação ao questionamento e a dúvida, no melhor estilo filosófico, mantendo o rítimo e a poesia, para propiciar uma leitura mista, que atinja parceiros antropólogos e aliados hip hoppers, no mínimo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo relata duas experiências de projetos realizados em escolas de ensino fundamental, cuja temática foi o trabalho com a diversidade cultural, a valorização de outras culturas e reflexões sobre a própria cultura. O trabalho foi realizado em duas escolas: uma no estado de São Paulo, na cidade de Rio Claro, onde a temática trabalhada foi o Hip-Hop e as manifestações culturais locais brasileiras; a segunda, na capital de uma província Argentina, na cidade de Paraná, onde se trabalhou o contato e a relação entre as manifestações culturais do Brasil e da Argentina. O objetivo central desse trabalho foi pensar caminhos que pudessem levar à construção de uma escola que considerasse as diferenças e a aprendizagem que acontece quando estas (as diferenças) estão em relação.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This research is a short article about urban dances in Brazil, about how did it came and became popular here, and also it will discuss about the different nomenclatures that exists nowadays: street dance, dances from street or urban dances. As a bibliographic reference, a research was made about the history of those dances in an international context, the creators and all the elements that consists the Hip hop culture: Break dance, grafitte, MC and DJ. The research methodology is characterized as a qualitative, it search for information that can be deeply studded, and the method used was history telling, which prize and brings up the man memory of the facts. The interview was also used as a tool in a previously elaborated script with open questions, so the interviewees could answer their own way and talk as much as they need about the issue. The analyze was made using the Bardin (2009) method. The interviewees are very important at the Hip Hop scenario because their lives were dedicated to the research about urban dances and the Hip Hop culture. During the interview they told how they started to dance and that their first contact with urban dances was made by watching movies that came to Brazil in the eighties. Michael Jackson has also contributed to spread this urban dances at that time with his videos. The main goal of this research is to tell the history of the urban dances, how did they got here, who brought it and how it has spread in Brazil. It justify itself during the fact that exists just a few researches in a scientific way that study this issue, thus the history importance that this contents is to the urban dances in Brazil. My conclusion of this article is that the history has many different ways, a lot of names, and that the urban dances in Brazil has began in many different places at the same time, by films influence that has promoted the styles that had came here in the eighties


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Direct descendant of the music of the Black Atlantic, hip hop became the spokesman of excluded minorities, for example setting up of the reunification that is geographically separated through communication. The hip hop appropriated new forms of mass communication, allowing the reworking of the story through a counter-hegemonic discourse that seeks self-knowledge and appreciation of the roots of black people. The street culture is the narrative of disenfranchised youth, generating narrative of inclusion, which gave a space of enunciation periphery enabling them to intersubjective recognition. This project aims to discuss the role of hip hop as an agent conscientizing youth peripherals in order to bring to the debate the form of identity construction around the peripheral street culture since, as an intervention that acts as a symbolic system guiding cultural practices and attitudes of these young people. Methodologically, we analyzed specific bibliographical about hip hop and literature originating from the periphery itself. Selected discography of some rap groups. They are Racionais Mc's, 509-E and DJ Hum and Thaíde that constitute the vanguard of hip hop in Brazil. We use music from rapper Emicida this while some contemporary exponents of rap, with national and international. State of São Paulo in order to demonstrate that there is similarity between the questions proposed by the hip hop and the interior of the capital, the group selected Survey. We have used also press material, raising the issue in research on the internet, periodicals include the Rolling Stones and Caros Amigos


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Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Swahili, Videofilme, Populärkultur, Bongo Flava, Hip Hop, Filmanalyse, Sprachanalyse, Swahili Slang, Kiswahili cha Mitaani, Codeswitching


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Oral jewelry is popular. One of the most widely spread types are so-called tooth diamonds made of composite materials which are applied to the teeth with an adhesive. Note that parents are required to sign a release form for under-aged patients in Switzerland. Tooth cap grills and gold teeth are considered status symbols within the Hip-Hop fashion scene. However, tooth ornaments favour the accumulation of plaque and can diminish the ability to articulate. With respect to jewelry in oral soft tissue especially tongue and lip piercings are of significance to dentists. Besides the systemic complications, which are mostly caused by a lack of hygiene or the failure of noting medical contraindications by the piercer, local complications occur frequently. After surgery, pain, swelling, infections as well as hemorrhages or hematomas can be observed. Long-term effects can be problematic: gingival recession can be discernes mainly in the case of lip piercings the loss of hard tooth substance in the case of tongue piercings. Because of that, conservation therapies can become indespensable. Patients wearing dental jewelry have to be aware of risks of tooth damage, and they regularly have to undergo dental check-ups. Information campaigns--for dentists as well as patients--are necessary.


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Christina Higgins credibly presents the situation of English in East Africa as scrutinized from four areas, which she investigated in the field: the newspaper journalism, annual beauty pageants for young women, the hip hop music of the youth, and advertisements. For me, as a Tanzanian, it has been a pleasure to review a book that illuminatingly documents the language situation, the cultural conceptualization and the localization of English that is taking place in the multilingual society in Tanzania.


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WorldStarHipHop.com (WSHH) is an online video aggregating website that describes itself as “the premiere online hip hop destination” and a home for “urban media.” Yet, browsing through the site provides little clarity on what constitutes a hip-hop video or urban Internet space because of the disparate video content, the actual racial diversity of the performers, and the website’s generic design. As a result, WSHH’s taglines make a strange claim about the current state of the black musical tradition. Through close readings of the site, this article considers the architecture of this space of interracial exchange and identifies the interface as an example of Modernist architectural simplicity. I argue WSHH’s modular design is flexible enough to include non-black bodies, while remaining a black “urban” space. Thus, the site’s straightforward architecture paradoxically becomes the scaffolding of a much more complex, de-corporealized, and “shareable” blackness.