618 resultados para Morbus Fabry
Anderson-Fabry disease is an X-linked defect of glycosphingolipid metabolism. Progressive renal insufficiency is a major source of morbidity, additional complications result from cardio- and cerebro-vascular involvement. Survival is reduced among affected males and symptomatic female carriers. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of enzyme replacement therapy compared to other interventions, placebo or no interventions, for treating Anderson-Fabry disease. We searched 'Clinical Trials' on The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS and the Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Inborn Errors of Metabolism Trials Register (date of the most recent search: 11 September 2012). The original search was performed in September 2008.Date of the most recent search of the Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Inborn Errors of Metabolism Trials Register: 11 September 2012. Randomized controlled trials of agalsidase alfa or beta in participants diagnosed with Anderson-Fabry disease. Two authors selected relevant trials, assessed methodological quality and extracted data. Six trials comparing either agalsidase alfa or beta in 223 participants fulfilled the selection criteria.Both trials comparing agalsidase alfa to placebo reported on globotriaosylceramide concentration in plasma and tissue; aggregate results were non-significant. One trial reported pain scores, there was a statistically significant improvement for participants receiving treatment at up to three months, mean difference -2.10 (95% confidence interval (CI) -3.79 to -0.41); at up to five months, mean difference -1.90 (95% CI -3.65 to -0.15); and at up to six months, mean difference -2.00 (95% CI -3.66 to -0.34). There was a significant difference in pain-related quality of life at over five months and up to six months, mean difference -2.10 (95% CI -3.92 to -0.28) but not at other time-points. Neither trial reported deaths.One of the three trials comparing agalsidase beta to placebo reported on globotriaosylceramide concentration in plasma and tissue and showed significant improvement: kidney, mean difference -1.70 (95% CI -2.09 to -1.31); heart, mean difference -0.90 (95% CI -1.18 to -0.62); and composite results (renal, cardiac, and cerebrovascular complications and death), mean difference -4.80 (95% CI -5.45 to -4.15). There was no significant difference between groups for death; no trials reported on pain.Only one trial compared agalsidase alfa to agalsidase beta. There was no significant difference between the groups for any adverse events, risk ratio 0.36 (95% CI 0.08 to 1.59), or any serious adverse events; risk ratio 0.30; 95% CI 0.03 to 2.57). Six small, poor quality randomised controlled trials provide no robust evidence for use of either agalsidase alfa and beta to treat Anderson-Fabry disease.
A Alfa-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) humana é uma enzima lisossômica que quando deficiente causa a doença de Fabry. A doença de Fabry é uma esfingolipidose cuja principal causa de morbi-mortalidade é a insuficiência renal crônica (IRC). O objetivo deste estudo foi a implantação de um protocolo laboratorial que permita o diagnóstico da doença de Fabry em plasma e leucócitos, além da análise das características cinéticas da enzima α-Gal A em plasma e busca ativa da doença em 25 indivíduos com IRC de causa desconhecida. Também foram avaliadas a reprodutibilidade e a estabilidade do método enzimático. A padronização dos ensaios foi realizada com o substrato fluorescente 4-metilumbeliferil-α-Dgalactopiranosídeo. A reprodutibilidade foi avaliada utilizando amostras de plasma aliquotadas a 4ºC, -20ºC e -70ºC, analisadas uma vez ao mês por 6 meses e a estabilidade da fluorescência por até 24 horas após o término do ensaio enzimático. A padronização permitiu a implantação de valores de referência da α-Gal A para o estado do Pará, de 4 a 28 nmoles/h/mL (plasma) e de 20 a 96 nmoles/h/mg proteína (leucócitos). A enzima α-Gal A se mostrou termolábil, visto que com apenas 1 minuto de pré-incubação das amostras a 60ºC, sua atividade decaiu 71,09%. Com relação ao tempo de incubação, a atividade enzimática apresentou uma disposição linear crescente entre 15 a 180 minutos de incubação. A α-Gal A apresentou maior atividade no pH 4,8, o Km encontrado para a α-Gal A foi de 1,007 mM e a Vmáx foi 30,9 nmoles/h/mL. A melhor temperatura de armazenamento de plasma até o ensaio enzimático é -20ºC, onde foi observada menor variação em um período máximo de 6 meses. O método enzimático utilizado é estável, mesmo após 24 horas do término do ensaio, em temperatura ambiente. Com relação aos pacientes com IRC de causa desconhecida, todos apresentaram valor de atividade da α-Gal A dentro dos parâmetros de referência e, portanto, nenhum foi diagnosticado com doença de Fabry. O entendimento da cinética da α-Gal A e do seu comportamento in vitro possibilita um melhor diagnóstico laboratorial da doença de Fabry gerando dados para futuras comparações com indivíduos afetados por mutações nesta enzima
Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked inborn error of glycosphingolipid catabolism that results from mutations in the alpha-galactosidase A (GLA) gene. Evaluating the enzymatic activity in male individuals usually performs the diagnosis of the disease, but in female carriers the diagnosis based only on enzyme assays is often inconclusive. In this work, we analyzed 568 individuals from 102 families with suspect of FD. Overall, 51 families presented 38 alterations in the GLA gene, among which 19 were not previously reported in literature. The alterations included 17 missense mutations, 7 nonsense mutations, 7 deletions, 6 insertions and 1 in the splice site. Six alterations (R112C, R118C, R220X, R227X, R342Q and R356W) occurred at CpG dinucleotides. Five mutations not previously described in the literature (A156D, K237X, A292V, I317S, c.1177_1178insG) were correlated with low GLA enzyme activity and with prediction of molecular damages. From the 13 deletions and insertions, 7 occurred in exons 6 or 7 (54%) and 11 led to the formation of a stop codon. The present study highlights the detection of new genomic alterations in the GLA gene in the Brazilian population, facilitating the selection of patients for recombinant enzyme-replacement trials and offering the possibility to perform prenatal diagnosis. Journal of Human Genetics (2012) 57, 347-351; doi:10.1038/jhg.2012.32; published online 3 May 2012
Es wurde eine retrograde Analyse von Patientenakten der Schmerzambulanzder Klinik für Anästhesiologie der Universitätsklinik Mainz durchgeführt, indie alle Patienten mit bestimmten Einschlußkriterien derBehandlungsjahrgänge1996 und 1997 aufgenommen wurden.Dies waren die vier Diagnosegruppen multilokuläre Schmerzen,Rückenschmerzen, Phantomschmerz und Morbus Sudeck (SRD). Das Ziel dervorliegenden Arbeit war die Frage nach der Häufigkeit von Psychotherapie alsergänzende Therapieempfehlung seitens der Schmerzambulanz herauszuarbeiten.Psychotherapie (ambulant, stationär, Bestandteil vonRehabilitationsaufenthalten) in vielgestaltiger Weise wurde häufigerempfohlen, 1. je länger die Schmerzerkrankung bestand,2. je jünger die Patienten waren,3. je länger sie arbeitsunfähig waren,4. wenn belastende biographische Ereignisse festgestellt werden konnten5. je höher das Chronifizierungsstadium nach Gerbershagen war. Im Einzelnenspielten die zeitlichen Aspekte der Erkrankung, Lokalisationseinflüsse sowieAspekte vorheriger Behandlungen und schmerzbedingter Krankenhausaufenthalteeine besondere Rolle.6. wenn Patienten nicht berentet waren.
Die am häufigsten auftretende altersassoziierte neurodegenerative Krankheit ist die Alzheimer Demenz. Ein mit entscheidender Schritt bei der Entstehung der Alzheimer Erkrankung ist wahrscheinlich die Produktion des Aβ-Peptids durch proteolytische Spaltung das Amyloid-Vorläuferproteins APP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die altersabhängige Prozessierung des Amyloid-Vorläuferproteins (APP) in Fibroblasten von Hautbiopsien von Familiärer Alzheimer-, Trisomie21 und Niemann-Pick Typ C-Krankheit untersucht. Die in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Fibroblasten wurden bis zum Erreichen des zellulären Wachstumsstopps (replikative Seneszenz) seriell passagiert und die Untersuchungen erfolgten an Zellen aufsteigender PDL. Dabei zeigte sich, dass, unabhängig von dem durch die Krankheit vorliegenden genetischen biochemischen Hintergrund, die APP-Prozessierung im Laufe der Zellalterung progressiv verringert wird. Die altersabhängig ansteigenden Cholesterinspiegel führten zu einer Reduktion der APP-Reifung und infolge dessen nahmen sowohl die intrazellulären APP-Spaltfragmente (C99, C83 und AICD) als auch die extrazellulären APP-Fragmente (sAPPα, sAPP) ab. Ebenso konnte gezeigt werden, dass die γ-Sekretase-Aktivität abnimmt. Dies war verbunden mit einem Rückgang der Proteinspiegel von Nicastrin und Presenilin, beides Komponenten des γ-Sekretase-Komplexes. Obwohl die Proteinexpression der α-Sekretase ADAM10 altersassoziiert konstant blieb, nahm die α-Sekretase-Aktivität mit steigendem Lebensalter ab. Erste Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die NAD+-abhängige Histon-Deacetylase SIRT1 eine wichtige Rolle im Bezug auf die α-Sekretase-Aktivität spielen könnte. Im Gegensatz zu den Abnahmen der α- und γ-Sekretase-Aktivitäten konnte eine erhöhte Aktivität der β-Sekretase in seneszenten Zellen beobachtet werden. Die mRNA-Menge und Proteinspiegel der ß-Sekretase BACE1 blieben dabei unverändert. Des Weiteren zeigte sich eine Zunahme der β-Sekretase-Aktivität bei Behandlung von jungen Zellen mit konditioniertem Medium seneszenter Zellen. Da sensezente Zellen einem Proliferationsstopp in der G1-Phase unterliegen, wurde der Einfluss des Zellzyklus-Inhibitors Aphidicolin auf die β-Sekretase untersucht. Hier wurde sowohl in IMR90 Fibroblasten als auch in Neuroblastoma-Zellen N2a eine Zunahme der β-Sekretase-Aktivität nach Zugabe der Inhibitoren beobachtet. Auch kommt es im Zuge der Alterung zu einer verstärkten Expression inflammatorischer Zytokine, die mit der Entstehung von Aβ-Peptiden in Verbindung gebracht werden. Deshalb wurde der Einfluss von Zytokinen auf die β-Sekretase-Aktivität untersucht. Die Zugabe von Interferon-γ und Interleukin 6 führte bei jungen IMR90-Zellen zu einem Anstieg der β-Sekretase-Aktivität, während bei alten Zellen keine Änderung zu verzeichnen war.
Efficient coupling of light to quantum emitters, such as atoms, molecules or quantum dots, is one of the great challenges in current research. The interaction can be strongly enhanced by coupling the emitter to the eva-nescent field of subwavelength dielectric waveguides that offer strong lateral confinement of the guided light. In this context subwavelength diameter optical nanofibers as part of a tapered optical fiber (TOF) have proven to be powerful tool which also provide an efficient transfer of the light from the interaction region to an optical bus, that is to say, from the nanofiber to an optical fiber. rnAnother approach towards enhancing light–matter interaction is to employ an optical resonator in which the light is circulating and thus passes the emitters many times. Here, both approaches are combined by experi-mentally realizing a microresonator with an integrated nanofiber waist. This is achieved by building a fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot type resonator from two fiber Bragg grating mirrors with a stop-band near the cesium D2-line wavelength. The characteristics of this resonator fulfill the requirements of nonlinear optics, optical sensing, and cavity quantum electrodynamics in the strong-coupling regime. Together with its advantageous features, such as a constant high coupling strength over a large volume, tunability, high transmission outside the mirror stop band, and a monolithic design, this resonator is a promising tool for experiments with nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles in the strong-coupling regime. rnThe resonator's high sensitivity to the optical properties of the nanofiber provides a probe for changes of phys-ical parameters that affect the guided optical mode, e.g., the temperature via the thermo-optic effect of silica. Utilizing this detection scheme, the thermalization dynamics due to far-field heat radiation of a nanofiber is studied over a large temperature range. This investigation provides, for the first time, a measurement of the total radiated power of an object with a diameter smaller than all absorption lengths in the thermal spectrum at the level of a single object of deterministic shape and material. The results show excellent agreement with an ab initio thermodynamic model that considers heat radiation as a volumetric effect and that takes the emitter shape and size relative to the emission wavelength into account. Modeling and investigating the thermalization of microscopic objects with arbitrary shape from first principles is of fundamental interest and has important applications, such as heat management in nano-devices or radiative forcing of aerosols in Earth's climate system. rnUsing a similar method, the effect of the TOF's mechanical modes on the polarization and phase of the fiber-guided light is studied. The measurement results show that in typical TOFs these quantities exhibit high-frequency thermal fluctuations. They originate from high-Q torsional oscillations that couple to the nanofiber-guided light via the strain-optic effect. An ab-initio opto-mechanical model of the TOF is developed that provides an accurate quantitative prediction for the mode spectrum and the mechanically induced polarization and phase fluctuations. These high-frequency fluctuations may limit the ultimate ideality of fiber-coupling into photonic structures. Furthermore, first estimations show that they may currently limit the storage time of nanofiber-based atom traps. The model, on the other hand, provides a method to design TOFs with tailored mechanical properties in order to meet experimental requirements. rn
Morbus Hunter, eine lysosomale Speicherkrankheit, ist eine seltene, progrediente, x-chromosomal vererbte Stoffwechselkrankheit, die durch ein Defizit an Iduronat-2-sulfatase (IDS) hervorgerufen wird. Als Folge daraus erfolgt kein Abbau von Heparan- und Dermatansulfat und die Glykosaminoglykane reichern sich in de Lysosomen der Zelle an. M. Hunter ist eine Multisystemerkrankung und weist ein breites klinisches Spektrum mit interindividuell unterschiedlichem Krankheitsbeginn, Ausprägungen und Progression der Symptome auf. Seit 2007 besteht die Therapieoption einer Enzymersatztherapie (ERT) mit Elaprase®. Einige Patienten entwickeln Antikörper gegen das substituierte Enzym, welche partiell neutralisierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es zu klären, ob die Neutralisationskapazität der gebildeten Antikörper mittels einer Bestimmung im Mischserum festgestellt werden kann und ob persistierende Antikörper mit Neutralisationskapazität zu einer Einschränkung der Wirksamkeit der Enzymersatztherapie führen. Es sollte weiterhin untersucht werden, ob sich mittels Messung der neuronenspezifischen Enolase (NSE) und S-100 Rückschlüsse auf eine neuropathische Beteiligung ziehen lassen, da bis jetzt noch keine klinische oder biochemische Messmethode existiert, die für M. Hunter-Patienten eine verlässliche Vorhersage für eine neuropathische Beteiligung bietet. 30 Patienten wurden in die retrospektive/prospektive Kohortenstudie eingeschlossen. Bei der Bestimmung der IDS-Aktivität im Mischserum mit einem gesunden Menschen zeigten fünf der Patienten (17%) in zwölf Mischseren eine um ≥ 40% reduzierte Aktivität. Zwei (7%) der 30 untersuchten Patienten wurden mit dieser Methode als positiv für persistierende neutralisierende Antikörper identifiziert. Zum gleichen Ergebnis bezüglich der persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörper führten die Anti-Elaprase®-Immunglobulin-Bestimmungen unter Berücksichtigung des Bestimmungszeitpunkts, die bei Shire Pharmaceuticals durchgeführt wurden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass die gebildeten Antikörper auch intraindividuell unterschiedlich sind. Zudem interagieren sie mit den verschiedensten Epitopen des Enzyms der ERT und besitzen nicht alle neutralisierende Eigenschaften. Aufgrund der heterogenen Zusammensetzung folgt die Hemmung der Enzymaktivität vermutlich keiner eindeutigen Kinetik. Anti-Elaprase®-Immunglobulin G spielt für die Neutralisationskapazität jedoch eine wichtige Rolle. Die Auswertung und Beurteilung der Einschränkung der Wirksamkeit der Therapie hervorgerufen durch die Antikörper mit Neutralisationskapazität gestaltete sich kompliziert. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass sich die beiden Patienten mit persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörpern in der Entwicklung der klinischen Parameter interindividuell stark unterschieden. Um einen Zusammenhang zwischen klinischem Verlauf und Antikörperbildung gegen die ERT zu finden, müssen in einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mehr Patienten mit persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörpern identifiziert werden und der Einfluss der Antikörper untersucht werden. Die Untersuchung der NSE und S-100 ergab, dass weder die Konzentration der NSE noch der S-100 Rückschlüsse auf die neuropathische Beteiligung des Patienten zulässt.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di studiare il comportamento di un fascio laser interagente con un risonatore ottico, grazie al quale il laser può essere stabilizzato agganciando la sua frequenza di missione ad uno dei modi della cavità. In sintesi la lunghezza d’onda del fascio è vincolata ad assumere valori multipli della lunghezza della cavità, dato che in questo modo si possono decisamente migliorare le caratteristiche spettrali di un laser tipico. La stabilizzazione, e il restringimento di riga del laser, vengono effettuati agganciando la sua frequenza sul modo trasverso fondamentale tramite un sistema di feedback. La cavità è però soggetta a sua volta a fluttuazioni di tipo termico e meccanico. Una variazione in lunghezza del risonatore comporta una variazione in frequenza dei modi. Le derive di frequenza dovute agli effetti termici si possono limitare utilizzando materiali con bassa dilatazione termica posti in ambienti la cui temperatura viene stabilizzata tramite un sistema di feedback. Per le vibrazioni, invece, il lavoro è più complicato: non essendo sufficiente mettere il sistema in ambienti isolati per attenuare le fluttuazioni, è stato recentemente proposto di studiare la posizione migliore dei sostegni affinché le fluttuazioni, e quindi le conseguenti variazioni in lunghezza della cavità, risultino minime. Per analizzare questo problema è stato utilizzato un software open-source per l’analisi agli elementi finiti, Salome-Meca, tramite il quale è stata riprodotta la geometria del un risonatore ottico a nostra disposizione, per simularne il comportamento sotto l’effetto del campo gravitazionale. Da qui si sono ottenuti i dati riguardo lo spostamento degli specchi della cavità in funzione della posizione del sostegno, dai quali si è riuscito a trovare il punto di posizionamento del supporto capace di ridurre lo spostamento di un ordine di grandezza.
A 21-year-old female with Fabry's disease (FD) presented acute psychotic symptoms such as delusions, auditory hallucinations and formal thought disorders. Since the age of 14, she had suffered from various psychiatric symptoms increasing in frequency and intensity. We considered the differential diagnoses of prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia and organic schizophrenia-like disorder. Routine examinations including cognitive testing, electroencephalography and structural magnetic resonance imaging revealed no pathological findings. Additional structural and functional imaging demonstrated a minor CNS involvement of FD, yet without functional limitations. In summary our examination results support the thesis that in the case of our patient a mere coincidence of FD and psychotic symptoms is more likely than a causal connection.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The etiology of stroke in young patients remains undetermined in up to half of the cases. Data on prevalence of Fabry disease (FD) in young people with cryptogenic ischaemic stroke are limited and controversial. We aimed to evaluate the frequency of unrecognized FD in a cohort of stroke patients at a tertiary stroke center. METHODS: Patients suffering from first cryptogenic ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) at the age of 18-55 years were screened for the presence of FD. We measured the serum activity of α-galactosidase (α-GAL) in all patients. In addition, sequencing of α-GAL gene was performed in men with low enzyme activity and in all women. RESULTS: Between January, 2006, and October, 2009, we recruited 150 patients (102 men, 48 women) with a mean age of 43 ± 9 years at symptom onset (135 ischaemic stroke, 15 TIA). The α-GAL activity was low in nine patients (6%; six men and three women). Genetic sequencing in six men with low enzyme activity and all 48 women detected no α-GAL gene mutation. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that the yield of screening for FD in patients with first cryptogenic ischaemic stroke or TIA is very low. Further large-scale studies are needed to investigate the importance of FD amongst patients with recurrent cryptogenic strokes.
Fabry's disease corresponds to an inherited disorder transmitted by an X-linked recessive gene. It generates a dysfunction of glycosphingolipid metabolism due to an enzymatic deficiency of alpha-galactosidase activity, resulting in glycosphingolipid deposits in all areas of the body. The clinical (heart, kidney, and central nervous system) manifestations are more severe in hemizygous boys than in heterozygous girls. They appear during childhood or adolescence: acroparesthesia, joint pain, angiokeratoma, corneal dystrophy, hypohydrosis or anhydrosis, and renal failure. The otoneurologic symptoms consist of hearing fluctuation, progressive unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, and episodes of vertigo or dizziness. Otoneurologic findings in 12 of 26 members of the same family are presented: the mother and 9 of her 12 children, as well as 2 of her 14 grandchildren: 4 healthy persons, 4 heterozygous female carriers, and 4 hemizygous male patients. Three of the male patients had fluctuation of hearing, sudden hearing loss, and episodes of vertigo and dizziness. The otoneurologic examinations showed a bilateral cochleovestibular deficit (n = 1), a right cochleovestibular deficit (n = 1), and a bilateral hearing loss combined with a right vestibular deficit (n = 1). Histopathologic evidence of glycosphingolipid accumulation in vascular endothelial and ganglion cells, as well as atrophy of the stria and spiral ligament, might explain the otoneurologic symptoms and findings.