385 resultados para Monroe
New distribution record of Cybocephalus Kathrynae (Coleoptera, Cybocephalidae) on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. A new record of Cybocephalus kathrynae T.R. Smith (Cybocephalidae) is reported for Puerto Rico. Adults were collected from the flowers of Mammillaria nivosa (Cactaceae) on Mona Island Reserve. Prior to this study, this beetle species was only reported for Monroe and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida, USA.
Special Points of Interest: • The Division of Soil Conservation celebrated its 70th anniversary July 1, 2009. The Iowa Soil Conservation: Laws were enacted in 1939 creating the state soil conservation agency and governing committee and providing for the creation of Iowa’s 100 soil and water conservation districts. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, worked with various watershed groups to again secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on projects in Marion, Mahaska and Monroe Counties. • Iowa hosted the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force tour and meeting in September 2009.
With the support of the Iowa Fly Ash Affiliates, research on reclaimed fly ash for use as a construction material has been ongoing since 1991. The material exhibits engineering properties similar to those of soft limestone or sandstone and a lightweight aggregate. It is unique in that it is rich in calcium, silica, and aluminum and exhibits pozzolanic properties (i.e. gains strength over time) when used untreated or when a calcium activator is added. Reclaimed Class C fly ashes have been successfully used as a base material on a variety of construction projects in southern and western Iowa. A pavement design guide has been developed with the support of the Iowa Fly Ash Affiliates. Soils in Iowa generally rate fair to poor as subgrade soils for paving projects. This is especially true in the southern quarter of the state and for many areas of eastern and western Iowa. Many of the soil types encountered for highway projects are unsuitable soils under the current Iowa DOT specifications. The bulk of the remaining soils are Class 10 soils. Select soils for use directly under the pavement are often difficult to find on a project, and in many instances are economically unavailable. This was the case for a 4.43-mile grading (STP-S- 90(22)-SE-90) and paving project in Wapello County. The project begins at the Alliant Utilities generating station in Chillicothe, Iowa, and runs west to the Monroe-Wapello county line. This road carries a significant amount of truck traffic hauling coal from the generating station to the Cargill corn processing plant in Eddyville, Iowa. The proposed 10-inch Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement was for construction directly on a Class 10 soil subgrade, which is not a desirable condition if other alternatives are available. Wapello County Engineer Wendell Folkerts supported the use of reclaimed fly ash for a portion of the project. Construction of about three miles of the project was accomplished using 10 inches of reclaimed fly ash as a select fill beneath the PCC slab. The remaining mile was constructed according to the original design to be used as a control section for performance monitoring. The project was graded during the summers of 1998 and 1999. Paving was completed in the fall of 1999. This report presents the results of design considerations and laboratory and field testing results during construction. Recommendations for use of reclaimed fly ash as a select fill are also presented.
Special Points of Interest: • The Division of Soil Conservation celebrated its 70th anniversary July 1, 2009. The Iowa Soil Conservation Laws were enacted in 1939 creating the state soil conservation agency and governing committee and providing for the creation of Iowa’s 100 soil and water conservation districts. • The Mines & Minerals Bureau, through the federal Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Program, worked with various watershed groups to again secure an additional $1 million dollars in funding for the construction on projects in Marion, Mahaska and Monroe Counties. • Iowa hosted the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force tour and meeting in September 2009.
The use of a thin bonded concrete overlay atop an older surface has been widely incorporated for pavement rehabilitation in Iowa since the early 70's. Two test sections were constructed in 1985 on county road T61 on the Monroe-Wapello County line without the use of grout as a bonding agent to determine if adequate bond could be achieved and structural capacity uncompromised. Both test sections have performed well with one section having higher bond strengths, lower roughness values, higher structural capacity, and less debonding at the joints than the other section. Overall, both ungrouted sections have performed well under substantial truck traffic with minimal surface distress. More attention should be given, however, to rectifying apparent debonding at the joints when no grout is used as a bonding agent.
Four Iowa DOT asphalt concrete pavement crack sealing projects were selected to evaluate the benefits of heat lance crack preparation. Two, one-half mile sections, both with and without heat lance preparation, were constructed in Story, Monroe, Clinton and Wayne Counties in 1991 and 1992. They were visually evaluated annually from 1992 through 1996. The heat lance preparation did not yield improved seal performance or extended longevity. There was no perceivable difference between crack sealing with and without heat lance preparation.
Miller Creek is on the 2006 Section 303d Impaired Waters List and has a 19,926 acre watershed. All indicators, as reported in the Miller Creek assessment, show that the impairment is due to sediment and nutrient delivery from upland runoff which contributes to elevated water temperatures, excessive algae, and low dissolved oxygen levels within the stream. In an effort to control these problems, the Miller Creek Water Quality Project will target areas of 5 tons per acre or greater soil loss or with 0.5 tons per acre or greater sediment delivery rates. The assessment revealed these targeted priority lands make up 32% or 6,395 acres of the Miller Creek watershed. Priority lands include cropland, pasture land, timber, and sensitive riparian areas. It is the goal of this project to reduce sediment delivery by 70% on 60% or 3,837 acres of these priority lands. This will be accomplished through installation of strategically placed structural practices, rotational grazing systems, and buffer strips. These practices will reduce soil loss, reduce sediment delivery, improve water quality, and improve wildlife habitat in the watershed. Utilizing partnerships with NRCS and IDALS-DSC will be important in making this project successful. In addition to using matching funds from EQIP, WHIP, and CRP, the Monroe SWCD is committed to prioritizing local cost share funds through IFIP and REAP for use in the Miller Creek Watershed.
Miller Creek, a 19,926 acre watershed, is listed on the 2008 Section 303d Impaired Waters List. All indicators, as reported in the Miller Creek assessment, show that the impairment is due to nutrient and sediment delivery from upland runoff which contributes to elevated water temperatures, excessive algae, and low dissolved oxygen levels within the stream. The WIRB board provided implementation grant funds in 2010 for a three year project to treat targeted areas of 5 tons per acre or greater soil loss with an estimated reduction of 2,547 tons. As of December 1, 2012, with 95% of the funds allocated, the final results are estimated to provide a sediment delivery reduction of 4,500 tons and an estimated phosphorus reduction of 5,700 lbs per year. These accomplishments and the completion of the three year Miller Creek WIRB project represent "Phase I" of the SWCD's goals to treat the Miller Creek watershed. This application represents "Phase II" or the final phase of the Miller Creek water quality project. The Monroe SWCD plans to reduce sediment delivery by 70% on an additional 245 acres of priority land. This goal will be accomplished through installation of strategically placed structural practices, BMPs, and grazing systems. These practices will reduce soil loss, nutrient runoff, and sediment delivery as well as improve water quality and wildlife habitat in the watershed. Utilization of partnerships with NRCS and IDALS-DSC will continue to be an important part to the success of the project. Project goals will be achieved by utilizing matching funds from EQIP, and the Monroe SWCD has approved the use of District IFIP cost share funds specifically for use in the Miller Creek Watershed.
Molecular monitoring of BCR/ABL transcripts by real time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) is an essential technique for clinical management of patients with BCR/ABL-positive CML and ALL. Though quantitative BCR/ABL assays are performed in hundreds of laboratories worldwide, results among these laboratories cannot be reliably compared due to heterogeneity in test methods, data analysis, reporting, and lack of quantitative standards. Recent efforts towards standardization have been limited in scope. Aliquots of RNA were sent to clinical test centers worldwide in order to evaluate methods and reporting for e1a2, b2a2, and b3a2 transcript levels using their own qRT-PCR assays. Total RNA was isolated from tissue culture cells that expressed each of the different BCR/ABL transcripts. Serial log dilutions were prepared, ranging from 100 to 10-5, in RNA isolated from HL60 cells. Laboratories performed 5 independent qRT-PCR reactions for each sample type at each dilution. In addition, 15 qRT-PCR reactions of the 10-3 b3a2 RNA dilution were run to assess reproducibility within and between laboratories. Participants were asked to run the samples following their standard protocols and to report cycle threshold (Ct), quantitative values for BCR/ABL and housekeeping genes, and ratios of BCR/ABL to housekeeping genes for each sample RNA. Thirty-seven (n=37) participants have submitted qRT-PCR results for analysis (36, 37, and 34 labs generated data for b2a2, b3a2, and e1a2, respectively). The limit of detection for this study was defined as the lowest dilution that a Ct value could be detected for all 5 replicates. For b2a2, 15, 16, 4, and 1 lab(s) showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 dilutions, respectively. For b3a2, 20, 13, and 4 labs showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, and 10-3 dilutions, respectively. For e1a2, 10, 21, 2, and 1 lab(s) showed a limit of detection at the 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, and 10-2 dilutions, respectively. Log %BCR/ABL ratio values provided a method for comparing results between the different laboratories for each BCR/ABL dilution series. Linear regression analysis revealed concordance among the majority of participant data over the 10-1 to 10-4 dilutions. The overall slope values showed comparable results among the majority of b2a2 (mean=0.939; median=0.9627; range (0.399 - 1.1872)), b3a2 (mean=0.925; median=0.922; range (0.625 - 1.140)), and e1a2 (mean=0.897; median=0.909; range (0.5174 - 1.138)) laboratory results (Fig. 1-3)). Thirty-four (n=34) out of the 37 laboratories reported Ct values for all 15 replicates and only those with a complete data set were included in the inter-lab calculations. Eleven laboratories either did not report their copy number data or used other reporting units such as nanograms or cell numbers; therefore, only 26 laboratories were included in the overall analysis of copy numbers. The median copy number was 348.4, with a range from 15.6 to 547,000 copies (approximately a 4.5 log difference); the median intra-lab %CV was 19.2% with a range from 4.2% to 82.6%. While our international performance evaluation using serially diluted RNA samples has reinforced the fact that heterogeneity exists among clinical laboratories, it has also demonstrated that performance within a laboratory is overall very consistent. Accordingly, the availability of defined BCR/ABL RNAs may facilitate the validation of all phases of quantitative BCR/ABL analysis and may be extremely useful as a tool for monitoring assay performance. Ongoing analyses of these materials, along with the development of additional control materials, may solidify consensus around their application in routine laboratory testing and possible integration in worldwide efforts to standardize quantitative BCR/ABL testing.
Väli-Amerikan on katsottu kuuluvan Yhdysvaltojen etupiiriin 1800-luvulta lähtien. Yhdysvaltojen Monroe-oppi oli samaan aikaan ohjenuora ja varoitus maailman maille, etenkin vanhoille siirtomaaisännille. Kylmän sodan aikana oppi oli ensisijaisesti suunnattu estämään Neuvostoliiton sekaantuminen Amerikan mantereen asioihin. 1950-luvulle tultaessa Neuvostoliiton poliittiset lähtökohdat Väli-Amerikassa olivat huonot, alueen maista ainoastaan Meksikoon oli diplomaattiset suhteet ja monissa maissa vasemmisto pyrittiin saamaan ulos poliittisesta toiminnasta. Tullessaan valtaan 1953 Nikita Hruštšev käänsi Neuvostoliiton ulkopolitiikan suunnan kieltämällä Stalinin henkilökultin ja aloittamalla rauhallisen yhteiselon -politiikan, jossa vältettiin sotilaallista konfliktia Yhdysvaltojen kanssa. Väli-Amerikan vallankumousliikkeiden lähtölaukaus annettiin Guatemalassa 1954, kun vapailla vaaleilla valittu presidentti Jacobo Arbenz syrjäytettiin Yhdysvaltojen tukemalla sotilasvallankaappauksella. 1950-luvun lopulla KGB kuitenkin suunnitteli toisenlaista strategiaa jonka tavoitteena oli saada koko Latinalainen Amerikka sekasortoon, myös Hruštšev hyväksyi tämän suunnitelman. Kuuban vallankumous oli käännekohta, kukaan vallankumouksellinen ei uskonut, että vallankumous voisi olla mahdollinen Yhdysvaltalaisen pääoman dominoimassa maanosassa. 1960-luvun alussa useissa Väli-Amerikan maissa oli levotonta, mutta sissiliikkeet eivät saaneet vallankumouksia aikaan, lisäksi vuoden ’62 ohjuskriisi sekoitti pahasti KGB:n suunnitelmat ja Neuvostoliitto vetäytyi taka-alalle koko Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Tämä tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään Neuvostoliiton intressejä Väli-Amerikassa Nikita Hruštševin valtakaudella, sekä mitkä olivat Yhdysvaltojen vastatoimenpiteet pyrkiessään estämään kommunismin leviämisen läntisellä pallonpuoliskolla.
April 13, 1824. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States.
April 13, 1824. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. At head of title: 18th congress, 1st session. [64]. Printed by Cales and Seaton
Volumes of interest were published between 1812 and 1815 with articles about the War of 1812. Issue for Jan. 4, 1813 includes (on p. 3) the annual carrier's address to the readers of the newspaper, this one having a war theme since it was published in the midst of the War of 1812. It is titled: "War and Proclamations--Addressed to the Readers of the Connecticut Mirror". Includes war-related content with some items headed: "Generosity of American Tars", "Impressment of Seamen" which is signed in type: James Monroe, "Reward Of Merit", "From Niagara" and a few other items.
Most of this volume consists of correspondence between high ranking U.S. and British statesmen. E.g., James Madison, James Monroe, The Marquess Wellesley (brother of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington). The discussion centers around the War of 1812. Also includes facsimilies of treaties signed between Great Britain and Sweden, Russia and Sicily.