942 resultados para Modelling studies


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Observations have been obtained within an intense (precipitation rates > 50 mm h−1 ) narrow cold-frontal rainband (NCFR) embedded within a broader region of stratiform precipitation. In situ data were obtained from an aircraft which flew near a steerable dual-polarisation Doppler radar. The observations were obtained to characterise the microphysical properties of cold frontal clouds, with an emphasis on ice and precipitation formation and development. Primary ice nucleation near cloud top (−55◦ C) appeared to be enhanced by convective features. However, ice multiplication led to the largest ice particle number concentrations being observed at relatively high temperatures (> −10◦ C). The multiplication process (most likely rime splintering) occurs when stratiform precipitation interacts with supercooled water generated in the NCFR. Graupel was notably absent in the data obtained. Ice multiplication processes are known to have a strong impact in glaciating isolated convective clouds, but have rarely been studied within larger organised convective systems such as NCFRs. Secondary ice particles will impact on precipitation formation and cloud dynamics due to their relatively small size and high number density. Further modelling studies are required to quantify the effects of rime splintering on precipitation and dynamics in frontal rainbands. Available parametrizations used to diagnose the particle size distributions do not account for the influence of ice multiplication. This deficiency in parametrizations is likely to be important in some cases for modelling the evolution of cloud systems and the precipitation formation. Ice multiplication has significant impact on artefact removal from in situ particle imaging probes.


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We quantify the effect of the snow-albedo feedback on Swiss spring temperature trends using daily temperature and snow depth measurements from six station pairs for the period 1961–2011. We show that the daily mean 2-m temperature of a spring day without snow cover is on average 0.4 °C warmer than one with snow cover at the same location. This estimate is comparable with estimates from climate modelling studies. Caused by the decreases in snow pack, the snow-albedo feedback amplifies observed temperature trends in spring. The influence is small and confined to areas around the upward-moving snow line in spring and early summer. For the 1961–2011 period, the related temperature trend increases are in the order of 3–7 % of the total observed trend.


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Objective To assess the effect of food taxes and subsidies on diet, body weight and health through a systematic review of the literature.

Methods We searched the English-language published and grey literature for empirical and modelling studies on the effects of monetary subsidies or taxes levied on specific food products on consumption habits, body weight and chronic conditions. Empirical studies were dealing with an actual tax, while modelling studies predicted outcomes based on a hypothetical tax or subsidy.

Findings Twenty-four studies met the inclusion criteria: 13 were from the peer-reviewed literature and 11 were published on line. There were 8 empirical and 16 modelling studies. Nine studies assessed the impact of taxes on food consumption only, 5 on consumption and body weight, 4 on consumption and disease and 6 on body weight only. In general, taxes and subsidies influenced consumption in the desired direction, with larger taxes being associated with more significant changes in consumption, body weight and disease incidence. However, studies that focused on a single target food or nutrient may have overestimated the impact of taxes by failing to take into account shifts in consumption to other foods. The quality of the evidence was generally low. Almost all studies were conducted in high-income countries.

Conclusion Food taxes and subsidies have the potential to contribute to healthy consumption patterns at the population level. However, current evidence is generally of low quality and the empirical evaluation of existing taxes is a research priority, along with research into the effectiveness and differential impact of food taxes in developing countries.


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Modelling studies suggest that less than 30% of the burden of mental disorders can be averted, even with optimal care and access to services. This points to the need to reduce the incidence of mental disorders, utilising evidence-based prevention strategies and policy action. In this cross-journal article collection (http://www.biomedcentral.com/series/PMD), the case for prevention is made by identifying initiatives with established efficacy, as well as opportunities and targets for the prevention of mental disorders in early life, in the workplace and at the population level. These articles provide reviews, systematic and narrative, outlining the evidence base for prevention approaches, as well as comment and debate designed to prompt discussion and a reconsideration of strategies for prevention. Barriers to expanding the research into prevention include the reluctance of governments and funding bodies to invest in research and policy action that may take many years to manifest benefits. The case for the cost-effectiveness of preventing mental disorders needs to be strongly argued and new cross-disciplinary, intersectoral initiatives and policies developed for the prevention of mental disorders across the lifespan.


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The luciferases of the railroad worm Phrixotrix (Coleoptera: Phengodidae) are the only beetle luciferases that naturally produce true red bioluminescence. Previously, we cloned the green- (PxGR) and red-emitting (PxRE) luciferases of railroad worms Phrixotrix viviani and P. hirtus[OLE1]. These luciferases were expressed and purified, and their active-site properties were determined. The red-emitting PxRE luciferase displays flash-like kinetics, whereas PxGR luciferase displays slow-type kinetics. The substrate affinities and catalytic efficiency of PxRE luciferase are also higher than those of PxGR luciferase. Fluorescence studies with 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid and 6-p-toluidino-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid showed that the PxRE luciferase luciferin-binding site is more polar than that of PxGR luciferase, and it is sensitive to guanidine. Alutagenesis and modelling studies suggest that several invariant residues in the putative luciferin-binding site of PxRE luciferase cannot interact with excited oxyluciferin. These results suggest that one portion of the luciferin-binding site of the red-emitting luciferase is tighter than that of PxGR luciferase, whereas the other portion could be more open and polar.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma contribuição aos estudos de modelagem climática com ênfase na variabilidade pluviométrica sazonal da Amazônia oriental, durante as estações de verão e outono (DJF e MAM). Baseado nos resultados das simulações regionais do RegCM3 para um período de 26 anos (1982/83 a 2007/08) e usando domínio em alta resolução espacial (30 Km) e dois diferentes esquemas de convecção (Grell e MIT), foi investigado o desempenho do modelo em simular a distribuição regional de precipitação sazonal na Amazônia oriental, com referência a um novo conjunto de dados observacional compilado com informações de uma ampla rede integrada de estações pluviométricas. As análises quantitativas evidenciaram que o RegCM3 apresenta erros sistemáticos, sobretudo aqueles relacionados com viés seco no Amapá e norte/nordeste do Pará usando ambos os esquemas Grell e MIT, os quais apontam que o modelo não reproduz as características da ZCIT sobre o Atlântico equatorial. As simulações usando MIT, também apresentaram viés úmido no sudoeste/sul/sudeste do Pará e norte do Tocantins. Além disso, através da técnica de composições, também foi investigado o desempenho do RegCM3 em reproduzir os padrões espaciais anômalos de precipitação sazonal em associação aos episódios ENOS, e as fases do gradiente térmico sobre o Atlântico intertropical. Os resultados demonstraram que o modelo conseguiu representar realisticamente bem o padrão espacial das anomalias pluviométricas acima (abaixo) do normal em grande parte da Amazônia oriental, durante os conhecidos cenários favoráveis, i.e., condições de La Niña e gradiente de aTSM para o Atlântico sul (desfavoráveis, i.e., El Niño e gradiente de aTSM para o Atlântico norte.


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ZusammenfassungIn dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben dem Oxytocinrezeptor auch die anderen Rezeptoren der Familie der Neurohypophysenhormone, die Vasopressinrezeptoren, in der gleichen Weise in ihren Bindungseigenschaften von Cholesterin beeinflusst werden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt der Cholecystokininrezeptor Typ B keine direkte Wechselwirkung mit Cholesterin. Durch Austausch der Transmembranhelices 6 und 7 des Oxytocinrezeptors mit entsprechenden Bereichen des Cholecystokininrezeptors wurde ein Rezeptor erzeugt, der bezüglich Bindungsverhalten und Cholesterinabhängigkeit keine Unterschiede zu dem Wildtyp-Oxytocinrezeptor zeigte. Durch den Einsatz von computergestütztem 'Modeling' wurde für die Interaktion des Oxytocinrezeptors mit Cholesterin eine Stelle zwischen den Transmembranhelices 5 und 6 vorgeschlagen. Um die Verteilung des Cholesterins in der Zelle zu untersuchen, wurde ein selbst synthetisiertes, fluoreszierendes Cholesterinderivat (Fluochol) eingesetzt. Die Komplexierung in Cyclodextrinen ermöglichte die Einlagerung von Fluochol in die Plasmamembran von Zellen. Der Einstrom des Fluochol in das ER erfolgte innerhalb von Minuten und war energieunabhängig. Schließlich wurde Fluochol in Lipidtröpfchen transportiert, die in fast allen Zellen für die Speicherung überschüssiger intrazellulärer Lipide dienen. Die Tröpfchen werden aus dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum gebildet und enthalten neben Phospholipiden auch Cholesterin, das durch das Enzym ACAT mit langkettigen Fettsäuren verestert wird.


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Die DNA stellt aufgrund der genetischen Krankheitsursache nach wie vor ein überaus attraktives Target für das Design antitumoraktiver Zytostatika dar. Ein wesentlicher Schwerpunkt der heutigen Forschung besteht vor allem in der Entwicklung niedermolekularer, sequenzspezifischer DNA-Liganden zur gezielten Ausschaltung defekter Gene. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erfolgte daher in Anlehnung an die antitumoral wirksame Leitsubstanz Netropsin - ein AT-selektiver Minor Groove Binder mit Bispyrrolcarboxamid-Grundstruktur - erstmals der systematische Aufbau einer neuen Serie bioisosterer Hybridmoleküle, bestehend aus einem interkalierenden Strukturelement (Acridon, Naphthalimid, 5-Nitronaphthalimid, Anthrachinon, 11H-Pyrido[2,3-a]carbazol) und Thiophenpyrrol-, Imidazolpyrrol-, Thiazolpyrrol- bzw. Bisimidazolcarboxamid als rinnenbindende Oligoamid-Einheit (sog. Combilexine). Die chromophoren Systeme am N-Terminus wurden hierbei über aliphatische Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit der Carboxamid-Kette verknüpft. Als C-terminale Funktion kam sowohl die N,N-Dimethyl-1,3-diaminopropan- als auch die um ein C-Atom kürzere Dimethylaminoethylamin-Seitenkette zum Einsatz. Unter Verwendung modernster Reagenzien aus der Peptidkupplungschemie ist es gelungen, ein präparativ gut zugängliches, reproduzierbares Verfahren zur Synthese dieser bioisosteren Combilexine zu entwickeln. Anhand biophysikalischer/biochemischer, zellbiologischer und physikochemischer (1H-NMR-spektroskopischer und röntgenstrukturanalytischer) Methoden sowie Molecular Modelling Studien wurden erstmals bezüglich der DNA-Bindung, der Topoisomerase-Hemmung und der Antitumor-Zellzytotoxizität in einem breiten Rahmen vororientierende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen an bioisosteren Liganden erstellt. Wenngleich zwischen den in vitro und in silico ermittelten Befunden keine konkreten Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu erkennen waren, so ließ die Summation der Ergebnisse dennoch darauf schließen, dass es sich bei den Naphthalimidpropion- und Acridonbuttersäure-Derivaten mit C-terminaler Propylendiamin-Funktion um die aussichtsreichsten Kandidaten in Bezug auf die DNA-Affinität bzw. Zytotoxizität handelte.


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Da maligne Neoplasien durch Mutationen in Proto-Onko- und/oder Tumorsuppressorgenen ausgelöst werden, stellt die DNA eines der wichtigsten Targets für die Entwicklung neuer Zytostatika dar. Auch bei den im Arbeitskreis Pindur designten und synthetisier-ten Verbindungen der Nukleobasen-gekoppelten Pyrrolcarboxamid-, der Hetaren[a]carbazol- und der Combilexin-Reihe handelt es sich um DNA-Liganden mit potentiell antitumoraktiven Eigenschaf-ten. Die einen dualen Bindemodus aufweisenden Combilexine bestehen aus einem Interkalator (u. a. Naphthalimid, Acridon), der über einen Linker variabler Kettenlänge mit einer rinnenbin-denden, von Netropsin abgeleiteten Bispyrrol-, oder einer bioisosteren Imidazol-, Thiazol- oder Thiophen-pyrrolcarboxamid-struktur verknüpft ist. Das N-terminale Ende der Combilexine wird von einer N,N-Dimethylaminopropyl- oder -ethyl-Seitenkette gebildet. Die DNA-Affinitäten der Liganden wurden mittels Tm-Wert-Messung-en bestimmt. Diese Denaturierungsexperimente wurden sowohl mit poly(dAdT)2- als auch mit Thymus-DNA (~42% GC-Anteil) durchge-führt, um Aussagen zur Stärke und zur Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung machen zu können. Des Weiteren wurden die Bindekon-stanten einiger ausgewählter Vertreter mit Hilfe des Ethidium-bromid-Verdrängungsassays ermittelt; einige Testverbindungen wurden zudem auf potentiell vorhandene, TOPO I-inhibierende Eigenschaften untersucht. Diese biochemischen und biophysika-lischen Tests wurden durch Molecular Modelling-Studien ergänzt, die die Berechnung von molekularen Eigenschaften, die Durch-führung von Konformerenanalysen und die Simulation von DNA-Ligand-Komplexen (Docking) umfassten. Durch Korrelation der in vitro-Befunde mit den in silico-Daten gelang es, vor allem für die Substanzklasse der Combilexine einige richtungweisende Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen aufzustellen. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Einführung eines Imidazol-Rings in die rinnen-bindende Hetaren-pyrrolcarboxamid-Struktur der Combilexine aufgrund der H-Brücken-Akzeptor-Funktion des sp2-hybridisierten N-Atoms eine Verschiebung der Sequenzselektivität der DNA-Bindung von AT- zu GC-reichen Arealen der DNA bedingt. Zudem erwies sich ein C3-Linker für die Verknüpfung des Naphthalimids mit dem rinnenbindenden Strukturelement als am besten geeignet, während bei den Acridon-Derivaten die Verbindungen mit einem N-terminalen Buttersäure-Linker die höchste DNA-Affinität aufwiesen. Dies ist sehr wahrscheinlich auf die im Vergleich zum Naphthalimid-Molekül geringere y-Achsen-Ausdehnung (bzgl. eines x/y-Koordinatensystems) des Acridons zurückzuführen. Die ermittelten Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen können dazu herangezogen werden, das rationale Design neuer DNA-Liganden mit potentiell stärkerer DNA-Bindung zu optimieren.


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Sulfate aerosol plays an important but uncertain role in cloud formation and radiative forcing of the climate, and is also important for acid deposition and human health. The oxidation of SO2 to sulfate is a key reaction in determining the impact of sulfate in the environment through its effect on aerosol size distribution and composition. This thesis presents a laboratory investigation of sulfur isotope fractionation during SO2 oxidation by the most important gas-phase and heterogeneous pathways occurring in the atmosphere. The fractionation factors are then used to examine the role of sulfate formation in cloud processing of aerosol particles during the HCCT campaign in Thuringia, central Germany. The fractionation factor for the oxidation of SO2 by ·OH radicals was measured by reacting SO2 gas, with a known initial isotopic composition, with ·OH radicals generated from the photolysis of water at -25, 0, 19 and 40°C (Chapter 2). The product sulfate and the residual SO2 were collected as BaSO4 and the sulfur isotopic compositions measured with the Cameca NanoSIMS 50. The measured fractionation factor for 34S/32S during gas phase oxidation is αOH = (1.0089 ± 0.0007) − ((4 ± 5) × 10−5 )T (°C). Fractionation during oxidation by major aqueous pathways was measured by bubbling the SO2 gas through a solution of H2 O2


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OBJECTIVE: The previously described c655G>A mutation of the human cytochrome P450 aromatase gene (P450aro, CYP19) results in aberrant splicing due to disruption of a donor splice site. To explain the phenotype of partial aromatase deficiency observed in a female patient described with this mutation, molecular consequences of the c655G>A mutation were investigated. DESIGN: To investigate whether the c655G>A mutation causes an aberrant spliced mRNA lacking exon 5 (-Ex5), P450aro RNA was analysed from the patient's lymphocytes by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and by splicing assays performed in Y1 cells transfected with a P450aro -Ex5 expression vector. Aromatase activity of the c655G>A mutant was predicted by three dimensional (3D) protein modelling studies and analysed in transiently transfected Y1 cells. Exon 5 might be predicted as a poorly defined exon suggesting a susceptibility to both splicing mutations and physiological alternative splicing events. Therefore, expression of the -Ex5 mRNA was also assessed as a possibly naturally occurring alternative splicing transcript in normal human steroidogenic tissues. PATIENTS: An aromatase deficient girl was born with ambiguous genitalia. Elevated serum LH, FSH and androgens, as well as cystic ovaries, were found during prepuberty. At the age of 8.4 years, spontaneous breast development and a 194.6 pmol/l serum oestradiol level was observed. RESULTS: The -Ex5 mRNA was found in lymphocytes of the P450aro deficient girl and her father, who was a carrier of the mutation. Mutant minigene expression resulted in complete exon 5 skipping. As expected from 3D protein modelling, -Ex5 cDNA expression in Y1 cells resulted in loss of P450aro activity. In addition, the -Ex5 mRNA was present in placenta, prepubertal testis and adrenal tissues. CONCLUSIONS: Alternative splicing of exon 5 of the CYP19 gene occurs in the wild type (WT) as well as in the c655G>A mutant. We speculate that for the WT it might function as a regulatory mechanism for aromatization, whereas for the mutant a relative prevalence of the shorter over the full-length protein might explain the phenotype of partial aromatase deficiency.


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Simulating the spatio-temporal dynamics of inundation is key to understanding the role of wetlands under past and future climate change. Earlier modelling studies have mostly relied on fixed prescribed peatland maps and inundation time series of limited temporal coverage. Here, we describe and assess the the Dynamical Peatland Model Based on TOPMODEL (DYPTOP), which predicts the extent of inundation based on a computationally efficient TOPMODEL implementation. This approach rests on an empirical, grid-cell-specific relationship between the mean soil water balance and the flooded area. DYPTOP combines the simulated inundation extent and its temporal persistency with criteria for the ecosystem water balance and the modelled peatland-specific soil carbon balance to predict the global distribution of peatlands. We apply DYPTOP in combination with the LPX-Bern DGVM and benchmark the global-scale distribution, extent, and seasonality of inundation against satellite data. DYPTOP successfully predicts the spatial distribution and extent of wetlands and major boreal and tropical peatland complexes and reveals the governing limitations to peatland occurrence across the globe. Peatlands covering large boreal lowlands are reproduced only when accounting for a positive feedback induced by the enhanced mean soil water holding capacity in peatland-dominated regions. DYPTOP is designed to minimize input data requirements, optimizes computational efficiency and allows for a modular adoption in Earth system models.


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The depth-dependent attenuation of the secondary cosmic-ray particle flux due to snow cover and its effects on production rates of cosmogenic nuclides constitutes a potential source of uncertainty for studies conducted in regions characterized by frequent seasonal snow burial. Recent experimental and numerical modelling studies have yielded new constraints on the effect of hydrogen-rich media on the production rates of cosmogenic nuclides by low- and high-energy neutrons (<10(-3) MeV and >10(2) MeV, respectively). Here we present long-term neutron-detector monitoring data from a natural setting that we use to quantify the effect of snow cover on the attenuation of fast neutrons (0.1-10 MeV), which are responsible for the production of Ne-21 from Mg and Cl-36 from K. We use data measured between July 2001 and May 2008 at seven stations located throughout the Ecrins-Pelvoux massif (French Western Alps) and its surroundings, at elevations ranging from 200 to 2500 m a.s.l. From the cosmic-ray fluxes recorded during summer, when snow is absent, we infer an apparent attenuation length of 148 g cm(-2) in the atmosphere at a latitude of similar to 45 degrees N and for altitudes ranging from similar to 200 to 2500 m a.s.l. Using snow water-equivalent (SWE) values obtained through snow-coring campaigns that overlap in time the neutron monitoring for five stations, we show that fast neutrons are much more strongly attenuated in snow than predicted by a conventional mass-shielding formulation and the attenuation length estimated in the atmosphere. We suggest that such strong attenuation results from boundary effects at the atmosphere/snow interface induced by the high efficiency of water as a neutron moderator. Finally, we propose an empirical model that allows calculating snow-shielding correction factors as a function of SWE for studies using Ne-21 and Cl-36 analyses in Mg- and K-rich minerals, respectively. This empirical model is of interest for studies with a focus on cosmic-ray exposure dating, particularly if the target rocks are made up of mafic to ultramafic units where seasonal snow-cover is a common phenomenon.


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This paper concentrates on the Early Oligocene palaeoclimate of the southern part of Eastern and Central Europe and gives a detailed climatological analysis, combined with leaf-morphological studies and modelling of the palaeoatmospheric CO2 level using stomatal and d13 C data. Climate data are calculated using the Coexistence Approach for Kiscellian floras of the Palaeogene Basin (Hungary and Slovenia) and coeval assemblages from Central and Southeastern Europe. Potential microclimatic or habitat variations are considered using morphometric analysis of fossil leaves from Hungarian, Slovenian and Italian floras. Reconstruction of CO2 is performed by applying a recently introduced mechanistic model. Results of climate analysis indicate distinct latitudinal and longitudinal climate patterns for various variables which agree well with reconstructed palaeogeography and vegetation. Calculated climate variables in general suggest a warm and frost-free climate with low seasonal variation of temperature. A difference in temperature parameters is recorded between localities from Central and Southeastern Europe, manifested mainly in the mean temperature of the coldest month. Results of morphometric analysis suggest microclimatic or habitat difference among studied floras. Extending the scarce information available on atmospheric CO2 levels during the Oligocene, we provide data for a well-defined time-interval. Reconstructed atmospheric CO2 levels agree well with threshold values for Antarctic ice sheet growth suggested by recent modelling studies. The successful application of the mechanistic model for the reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 levels raises new possibitities for future climate inference from macro-flora studies.


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The isotopic composition of surface seawater is widely used to infer past changes in sea surface salinity using paired foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O from marine sediments. At low latitudes, paleosalinity reconstructions using this method have largely been used to document changes in the hydrological cycle. This method usually assumes that the modern seawater d18O (d18Osw)/salinity relationship remained constant through time. Modelling studies have shown that such assumptions may not be valid because large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns linked to global climate changes can alter the seawater d18Osw/salinity relationship locally. Such processes have not been evidenced by paleo-data so far because there is presently no way to reconstruct past changes in the seawater d18Osw/salinity relationship. We have addressed this issue by applying a multi-proxy salinity reconstruction from a marine sediment core collected in the Gulf of Guinea. We measured hydrogen isotopes in C37:2 alkenones (dDa) to estimate changes in seawater dD. We find a smooth, long-term increase of ~10 per mil in dDa between 10 and 3 kyr BP, followed by a rapid decrease of ~10 per mil in dDa between 3 kyr BP and core top to values slightly lighter than during the early Holocene. Those features are inconsistent with published salinity estimations based on d18Osw and foraminiferal Ba/Ca, as well as nearby continental rainfall history derived from pollen analysis. We combined dDa and d18Osw values to reconstruct a Holocene record of salinity and compared it to a Ba/Ca-derived salinity record from the same sedimentary sequence. This combined method provides salinity trends that are in better agreement with both the Ba/Ca-derived salinity and the regional precipitation changes as inferred from pollen records. Our results illustrate that changes in atmospheric circulation can trigger changes in precipitation isotopes in a counter-intuitive manner that ultimately impacts surface salinity estimates based on seawater isotopic values. Our data suggest that the trends in Holocene rainfall isotopic values at low latitudes may not uniquely result from changes in local precipitation associated with the amount effect.