953 resultados para Mira Estuary
The amplified human role in shaping natural processes makes it imperative to understand the interactions between abiotic and biotic processes, whcih pertain particularly to the most dyanamic aboitic factor,water. The assessment of environmental parameters is indispensable for the sustainable management of the aqutic system .The conscious harnessing and pampering to protect the characteristics of the ecosystems is the of the day.This thesis attempts to characterize the chemical dynamacity of a tropical estury in relation to the bio, geo and physical processes and thereby to propose a management scheme for its sustainability. Micro speciation is used as a tool for this.
This thesis entitled spatial and temporal variarion of microbial community structure in surficial sediments of cochin estuary.In the estuarine and coastal systems, organic matter (OM) is derived not only from autochthonous primary production, but also from allochthonous (terrestrial) organic matter (OM) delivered by river discharge and runoff. A significant portion of the OM sinks through the water column and is ultimately stored in carbon pool in the sediments.Analysis of spatial and temporal variation in benthic microbial community of a tropical estuary was conducted for the first time using non selective measures that affirms that PLFA approach is a sensitive and reliable method in determining microbial community structures of surficial sediments of estuary.The close relationship between the concentrations of the microbial fatty acids and total biomass indicates that bacteria could account for the largest proportion of the biomass in the sediments.This is first study that has documented the changes in microbial community composition linkage to biotic and abiotic variables in benthic estuarine ecosystem. This contemporaneous community will be the backdrop for understanding the response of autochthonous community to increasing anthropogenic stress.
The research work which was carried out to Synergic Reactions in the Estuarine Environment leading to Modulation of Aluminium metal during Transport Processes (in Cochin Estuary)Estuaries are considered as sink or source for terrestrial and various anthropogenically generated materials. These include naturally occurring elements Al, Si, Fe or trace inorganics or industrial pollutants of different types. There have been reports on both positive and negative impacts by the introduction of above materials into the ecosystem.This thesis deals with the trace metal Aluminium (Al) whose average concentration (about 8%) in the earths crust is surpassed only by that of Oxygen and Silicon. There can be no doubt that most of the land derived materials reaches the ocean through rivers via estuaries. An important aspect noticed here is that the concentration of dissolved Al is much lower in sea water than in river water.On critically analysing Cochin estuary, for the entire cycles, covering monsoon, postmonsoon and premonsoon, the following salient features are documented as hereunder. Dissolved Al exhibits high and variable trends in Cochin estuary, the influencing parameters being salinity, SPM, pH and dissolved Si. A general profile showed removal in upper/mid estuary followed by regeneration in the mid/lower estuary and further decrease seawards in the southern/northem arms.Distribution appears to be a function of freshwater input, the monsoon season exhibiting very high concentrations throughout the estuary. As the river discharge decreased with the progress of seasons, dissolved Al concentration also decreased, the metal limiting itself to the upper and mid estuary.
This thesis Entitled Trace metal speciation in the cochin estuary.Natural waters provide a favourable environment for speciation studies because of the prevailing variable chemical matrix and the variety of metal forms which may exist there.An estuary is a mixing zone of riverine and oceanic waters with widely varying compositions where end members interact both physically and chemically. The trace element chemistry in the estuarine environment has been an area of considerable research in the past decades. The trace metal distribution in the Cochin estuary is considerably influenced by the tropical features of the location and by human activities. The lower Periyar river and the Cochin estuary have been particularly selected for this investigation in view of the impact of trace metals on the estuarine ecosystem as well as in attempt quantify the phenomenon of metal speciation in the waters of a tropical coastal plain waterbody. If the concentration in the water media is very low, then, many of the fractions that could be estimated by speciation schemes for metals will fall below the detection limits, a factor which is undesirable.The study would also delineate the features of metal speciation which modify the chemical regime of ionic elements that traverse natural boundaries in aquatic environments, especally in those tropical areas prone to multivariate geographical settings.
The thesis entitled Studies on the Dynamics of Cochin Estuary. This thesis is addressed to an investigation on the tidal, seasonal and spatial variations of the hydrographic parameters, circulation and mixing processes of the Cochin estuary. The present programme of study is aimed at obtaining a comprehensive picture of the tidal characteristics, hydrography, circulation and mixing present in this estuarine system during different seasons. The studies have been carried out through field collection of data on salinity, temperature and water currents to get a picture of their spatial and temporal variations. The hydrographic data have been analysed in relation to tide, rainfall and river discharges. From the findings it is seen that at the Cochin inlet, the estuarine features vary annually. During July and August, the estuary is characterised as almost saltwedge type; during June, September, October, December and January it shows appreciabie stratification, and during the rest of the months the estuary shows almost well mixed nature. Seasonal variations are well reflected in water temperature in the Cochin estuary, where the temperature reaches its maximum during the dry pre monsoon period with very weak thermal gradients indicating strong vertical mixing
Considering the importance of diversity of micro algae in our ecosystem and new invasion of many organisms, an attempt was made to monitor the Cochin estuary along the south west coast of India for the qualitative distribution of phytoplankton and to study the growth kinetics and allelopathic effect of the phaeocystis sp. Isolated from the cochin estuary. Phaeocystis blooms are common only in high latitude environments and they rarely occur in low latitude environments such as tropics and subtropics. As phaeocystis is grouped under harmful alga ,in the present study the factors causing the blooms formation in the ecosystem. The nutrient concentration of the water body along with other physiochemical parameters that includes temperature salinity and ph play an important role in triggering the bloom of phaeocystis .The phaeocystis harbor specific bacterial flora associated with it and they exert an important role in the growth ,haemolytic activity and the bloom phases of the alga. The harmful alga mainly depends on the production of alleopathic compounds for the establishment of bloom in the marine environments .These physiological properties of the phaecystis were considered for the study, along with the role of nutrients in the allelopathic and hemolytic activity
The study focuses attention on the nutrient chemistry of a tropical estuary namely the cochin estuary.The investigation was planned with the objective of studying the estuarine nutrient behaviour and to assess the role of biogeochemical cycling. The distribution of parameters of interest are better explained in the light of the hydrography of the region . Largely associated with the pollution problems of Cochin estuary receiving industrial and domestic wastes, this thesis projects the role of environmental parameters modifying the nutrient content of the water body coupled with studies on their minute variability subjected to physical, chemical and biological processes. The study has incorporated parameters like temperature, salinity, pH and D0; nutrients were investigated by the study of nitrite, nitrate. ammonia, inorganic reactive phosphorus, dissolved organic phosphorus, particulate reactive phosphorus, total reactive phosphorus and inorganic reactive silicate-silicon at surface and bottom layers of the estuary. Sediment associated interstitial and adsorbed phosphorus for a period of one year (1985-1986] were also incorporated
In this thesis a detailed sampling is conducted using grabs and dredges to access the qualitative and quantitative nature of the macrobenthos. A11 the animal contributing to the fauna are identified and their pattern of distribution and seasonal abundance are discussed. Affinity and diversity of polychaete fauna have also been studied. Importance of different benthic forms and their contribution to the standing crop are studied in detail. Trophic relationship between macrofauna and botton feeding commercially important fishes and prawns are also given attention. The physico-chemical aspects or the environment have been studied and their relation to the distribution and abundance of bottom fauna has been discussed. Environmental parameters such as temperature. salinity and dissolved oxygen. both in bottom and in the overlying waters. and rainfall were studied along with the benthos investigations. The physico-chemical nature of the sediments was also subjected to investigation. Influence of all those ecological parameters on the bottom fauna is discussed. A detailed quantitative faunal list of maorobenthio species and a brief systematic account of the polychaeta are also given.
The thesis entitled “Sterols in Mangrove Sediments of the Cochin Estuary” is an attempt to characterize the sterol content of the mangrove sediments, their dietary status with respect to the natural flora and fauna present, their transfonnations in the sediment and assess contributions, if any to the nursery character of the mangrove eco system. Samplings were done from two sites at Mangalavanam and Vypin. Mangalavanam is a patchy mangrove area in the heart of the city of Cochin and serves as a small bird sanctuary. This is an almost closed system with a single narrow canal linking to the estuary. Vypin, the largest single stretch of mangroves in Kerala, is regularly inundated by a semi diurnal rhythm of Cochin bar mouth. Perhaps, this is the only site in Kerala where one can see mangroves right along the accreting seacoast. However a lot of developmental pressure is threatening the very existence of these mangroves. Post monsoon sediment samples from these areas were used for the present study, as it is the period of maximum faunal growth and activity
Ecology is the study of systems at a level in which individuals or whole organisms may be considered elements of interaction, either among themselves, or with a loosely organised environmental matrix. Systems at this level are named ecosystems, and ecology, of course, is the biology of ecosystems" (Hargalef, 1968). This thesis includes principally, a study on the ecology of zooplankton of the Cochin backwaters conducted during the years 1971-72. This monsoonal estuarine system is particularly interesting, since it exhibits a wide range of variations in its environmental conditions which is naturally reflected in the fauna also. Several publications on various aspects of its hydrobiology have come out in the recent past. But studies on the zooplankton of the estuary have mostly been discontinuous either in space or time or restricted to its groups
Microorganisms distributed in the marine and brackish environments play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and mineralisation in the system (Seshadri and lgnacimuthu, 2002). Estuary is one of the most productive ecosystems, at the same time one among the least explored ecosystems on earth, which has immense potential as a source of potent microorganisms that produce valuable compounds particularly, enzymes such as proteases. In this scenario, it is very appropriate to embark on finding novel alkaline protease producers from the estuarine system. The area where the present investigation was carried out is a part of the extensive estuarine system of South India viz. Cochin Estuary. There is meagre knowledge regarding the microbial composition, particularly the protease producers of Cochin Estuary. Hence, the present study has been undertaken with the objective of finding novel alkaline protease producing bacteria from Cochin Estuary
Cochin backwaters, a tropical barbuilt estuary is well known for its prawn, molluscan and demersal fisheries. Also it formed the dumping area for sewage,235 retting of husks and discharge of effluents from industries located on either side of it. As a result the fishery is being gradually dwindled year after year due to the lowering of the water quality. The effect of industrial polution on the benthic community of this tropical estuary was worked out. An area extending over 21 km from the mouth of the estuary to upstream of industrial belt was selected. Temporal and spatial variations of 16 environmental parameters at 9 stations along the area were monitored monthly during 1981. Benthic fauna of these 9 stations consisted of amphipods , polychaetes, isopods, tanaidaceans, molluscs and other crustaceans (Decapods, Acetes, Alpheids, Balanus, insect larvae, chironomid larvae, cumacea and some fresh water forms ). Apart from these, sea anemone, flat worms, nematodes, sipunculoids, echinoderms and fishes were also encountered. 75 species belonging to 31 faunal groups were identified. Of these 31 groups, amphipods, polychaedes, isopods, tanaidaceans and molluscs were numerically abundant. Rest of the 26 groups (including 13 riverine forms) were found less significant due to their rare occurrence/low numerical abundance. Polychaetes and molluscs were the only major groups present at all the stations.
The estuaries are highly productive ecosystems and characteristically are more productive than the adjacent river or sea. Estuarine producers which include planktonic algae, periphyton, herpobenthos as well as macrophytes are capable of nearly year round photosynthesis. Productivity of an environment is mainly the contribution of various groups of autotrophic flora. Any quantitative estimation excluding any one of these would be an underestimation. Periphyton plays a very important role in the productivity of estuarine and coastal waters. It has been reported that periphytic algae attain high biomass (Moss, 1968; Hansson, 1988a) and may contribute up to 80% of the primary production (Persson gt gtt, 1977); Considerable amount of work has been done on the productivity in Cochin backwaters by different investigators (Qasim, 1973, 1979; Nair gt gtt, 1975; Gopi— nathan gt gtt, 1984). All of them have estimated the primary production based only on phytoplankton of the estuary. Considering the contribution of other autotrophic components of the estuary such as periphyton (haptobenthos), sediment flora (herpebenthos) and macropytes, the productivity estimated by earlier authors were essentially underestimations. The present work is an attempt inter glig to assess the contribution of periphytic flora towards the total organic production in the estuary
The situation in the backwaters of Kerala, which reportedly had about 70,000 ha of mangroves, is unique in the sense that there has been a total conversion to other uses such as paddy cultivation, coconut plantation, aquaculture, harbour development and urban development In order to save and restore what is left over national and international organisations are mounting pressure on scientists and policy makers to work out ways and means conserving and managing the mangrove ecosystems. In this context, it has been observed in recent years that mangrove vegetation has remained intact in isolated pockets of undisturbed areas in the Cochin estuarine system and also that there is resurgence of mangroves in areas of accretion and silting. The candidate took up the present study with a view to make an inventory of the existing mangrove locations, the areas of resurgence, species composition, zonation and other ecological parameters to understand their dynamism and to suggest a mangement plan for this important coastal ecosystem
The source, fate and diagentic pathway of sedimentary organic matter in estuaries are difficult to delineate due to the complexity of organic matter sources, intensive physical mixing and biological processes. A combination of bulk organic matter techniques and molecular biomarkers are found to be successful in explaining organic matter dynamics in estuaries. The basic requirement for these multi-proxy approaches are (i) sources have significantly differing characteristics, (ii) there are a sufficient number of tracers to delineate all sources and (iii) organic matter degradation and processing have little, similar or predictable effects on end member characteristics. Although there have been abundant researches that have attempted to tackle difficulties related to the source and fate of organic matter in estuarine systems, our understanding remains limited or rather inconsistent regarding the Indian estuaries. Cochin estuary is the largest among many extensive estuarine systems along the southwest coast of India. It supports as much biological productivity and diversity as tropical rain forests. In this study, we have used a combination of bulk geochemical parameters and different group of molecular biomarkers to define organic matter sources and thereby identifying various biogeochemical processes acting along the salinity gradient of the Cochin estuary