943 resultados para Mineral content
This paper elucidates the methodology of applying artificial neural network model (ANNM) to predict the percent swell of calcitic soil in sulphuric acid solutions, a complex phenomenon involving many parameters. Swell data required for modelling is experimentally obtained using conventional oedometer tests under nominal surcharge. The phases in ANN include optimal design of architecture, operation and training of architecture. The designed optimal neural model (3-5-1) is a fully connected three layer feed forward network with symmetric sigmoid activation function and trained by the back propagation algorithm to minimize a quadratic error criterion.The used model requires parameters such as duration of interaction, calcite mineral content and acid concentration for prediction of swell. The observed strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9979) between the values determined by the experiment and predicted using the developed model demonstrates that the network can provide answers to complex problems in geotechnical engineering.
Avaliamos o efeito do consumo materno de SDG (Diglicosídeo Secoisolariciresinol) e de óleo de Linhaça+SDG sobre parâmetros bioquímicos e hormonais das ratas e das proles machos e fêmeas na lactação. As ratas lactantes foram separadas em: controle (C), ração controle cuja proteína foi caseína; (SDG): ração C com 400mg de SDG/Kg de ração; OLSDG: ração C com 400mg de SDG/Kg de ração e 7% de óleo de linhaça. No 14 e 20 dias de lactação as ratas foram ordenhadas e no 21 dia foram sacrificadas por punção cardíaca. Leite e soro foram coletados para avaliação bioquímica e hormonal. Hormônios foram quantificados por radioimunoensaio. As proles machos e fêmeas foram sacrificadas aos 14 e 21 dias de idade. Os animais foram eviscerados para análise da composição corporal. Monitoramos a ingestão alimentar e a massa corporal (MC) durante o período experimental. As ratas SDG apresentaram maior gordura corporal (GC; +39%), enquanto as OLSDG menor conteúdo mineral (-20%) e trigliceridemia (TG) (-39%). As ratas SDG e OLSDG apresentaram hiperprolactinemia (+389% e 153%, respectivamente) sem alteração na concentração de estradiol. No 14 dia de lactação, o leite das ratas OLSDG apresentou menores teores de lactose(-17%) e de proteínas (-20%) e o das ratas SDG apenas menor teor de proteína (-21%). A partir do 13 dia de lactação tanto os machos quanto as fêmeas OLSDG apresentaram menor MC (-14%, -16%, respectivamente). No 14 dia de lactação os machos SDG e OLSDG apresentaram menor gordura corporal (-24%, -55%, respectivamente ) e a prole SDG maior massa de gordura visceral (+39%). Os machos SDG apresentaram maiores concentrações de TG (+105%) e hipoprolactinemia (-41%). Os machos OLSDG também apresentaram hipoprolactinemia (-41%). As fêmeas SDG e OLSDG apresentaram maior estradiol aos 14 dias (+86% e +176%) que se normalizou aos 21 dias, maior colesterolemia (+16%) e as SDG apresentaram maior trigliceridemia (+74%). Aos 21 dias os machos e as fêmeas SDG e OLSDG apresentaram menor trigliceridemia (-48%, -54%,42% e -59%, respectivamente). Os dois componentes principais da semente de linhaça produzem alterações bioquímicas e hormonais tanto nas mães, quanto nas proles, independente do sexo. Entretanto, as alterações observadas diferem entre mães e prole e de acordo com o gênero. Entre as alterações mais importantes ressaltamos a hiperprolactinemia materna que pode ser um dos motivos para a hipoprolactinemia da prole e a hipertrigliceridemia causada pela ingestão de SDG pelas mães.
Indivíduos que permanecem longo tempo em cadeira de rodas apresentam importante perda de massa óssea, principalmente nos membros inferiores, possivelmente agravada pela baixa ingestão de cálcio dietético e pelo inadequado estado nutricional de vitamina D. O exercício físico pode contribuir para a manutenção ou aumento da massa óssea em diferentes populações e nos indivíduos com lesão medular pode contribuir para atenuar a perda de massa óssea. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da prática regular de exercício físico sobre a adequação da massa óssea, indicadores bioquímicos do metabolismo ósseo e estado nutricional de vitamina D em indivíduos com lesão medular cervical há pelo menos um ano. Em vinte e cinco homens de 19 a 56 anos sendo 15 fisicamente ativos e 10 sedentários, foi realizada análise sérica de cálcio, PTH, 25(OH)D, IGF-1, osteocalcina e NTx. As medidas do conteúdo mineral ósseo, densidade mineral óssea (DMO), massa magra e massa gorda foram realizadas por DXA. A pigmentação da pele (constitutiva e por bronzeamento) foi determinada por colorimetria com o objetivo de investigar sua influência sobre o estado de vitamina D. A ingestão habitual de cálcio foi registrada em um questionário de frequência alimentar direcionado para alimentos fonte. As comparações entre os dois grupos foram realizadas pela aplicação do Teste t de Student exceto para as variáveis ósseas que foram realizadas após ajustes pela massa corporal total, tempo de lesão e ingestão de cálcio utilizando-se análise de co-variância. Associações entre as variáveis estudadas foram avaliadas através de análise de correlação de Pearson. Valores de p<0.05 foram considerados significativos. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos para nenhuma variável óssea com exceção do z-score da DMO da coluna lombar, que foi significativamente maior no grupo de indivíduos sedentários (0,9 1,7 vs -0,7 0,8; p<0,05). No entanto, entre os indivíduos ativos, aqueles que iniciaram a prática de exercício físico com menos tempo decorrido após a lesão apresentaram maior DMO do fêmur (r=-0,60; p<0,05). Nos indivíduos ativos, a freqüência do exercício apresentou associação negativa com a concentração sérica de i-PTH (r = -0,50; p =0,05) e positiva com a concentração de 25(OH)D (r= 0,58; p <0,05). Após ajustes pela massa corporal total e tempo de lesão foram observadas associações positivas entre a ingestão diária de cálcio e z-score da DMO da coluna lombar (r = 0,73 e p <0,01) e DMO do rádio (r = 0,56 e p <0,05). Os resultados do presente estudo apontam para um efeito benéfico do exercício físico sobre a massa óssea e o perfil hormonal relacionado ao metabolismo ósseo. O início da prática regular de exercício físico o quanto antes após a lesão parece contribuir para atenuar a perda de massa óssea nos membros inferiores. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo sugerem uma possível potencialização do efeito osteogênico do exercício físico quando combinado a uma adequada ingestão de cálcio.
A baixa relação de ômega-6/ômega-3 esta relacionada com propriedades benéficas para a saúde óssea. No entanto, a dieta rica nestes compostos pode levar a obesidade. Adipócitos e osteoblastos derivam de células progenitoras comuns, e o consumo de óleo de canola pode ter ação adipogênica e osteogênica. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a adiposidade abdominal, insulina e estrutura óssea em ratos tratados com dieta contendo baixa relação ômega-6/ômega-3, proveniente do óleo de canola. Após desmame, os ratos foram divididos em grupos alimentados com dieta normocalórica: Controle (S) e experimental (C), contendo 7ml/100g de óleo de soja ou de canola e grupos tratados com dieta rica em lipídios: Controle (7S) ou hiperlipídico contendo 19ml/100g de óleo de soja (19S) ou de canola (19C), até completarem 60 dias de idade. Os dados foram significativos com P<0,05. No primeiro modelo, o grupo C apresentou redução de: Massa e área do adipócito intra-abdominal; Colesterol; Insulina; Densidade mineral (DMO) e massa óssea total e na coluna vertebral; Massa do fêmur; Espessura da diáfise; DMO do fêmur e das vértebras lombares e radiodensidade da cabeça do fêmur. No segundo modelo, os grupos 19S e 19C apresentaram maior ingestão calórica, densidade corporal, massa de gordura intra-abdominal, e maior massa e comprimento do fêmur e da coluna lombar. O grupo 19S apresentou maior área e menor número de adipócitos da região retroperitoneal. Glicose e a insulina foram aumentadas no grupo 19C vs. 7S. A tomografia do fêmur revelou maior radiodensidade na região proximal e da coluna lombar, no grupo 19C. Sugerimos que a quantidade e o tipo de lipídio consumido, após o desmame, induzem não somente o desenvolvimento corporal e os depósitos de gordura, além de afetarem a resistência insulínica e a saúde óssea
O aumento da prevalência da obesidade e osteoporose, bem como a identificação de mecanismos comuns que ligam a osteogênese e a adipogênese, sugerem que a obesidade e osteoporose podem ser distúrbios relacionados, e além disso, ambos podem ter suas origens no início da vida. Em 3 modelos diferentes de plasticidade ontogenética foi observado obesidade na vida adulta. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o impacto desses 3 modelos, o desmame precoce mecânico (DPM) e o farmacológico (DPF), e a supernutrição neonatal (SN) no tecido ósseo da prole durante o desenvolvimento. Para tanto, 2 experimentos foram realizados. No experimento 1, ratas lactantes foram divididas em 3 grupos: controle - os filhotes tiveram livre acesso ao leite durante toda a lactação; DPM - as mães foram envolvidas com uma atadura nos últimos 3 dias de lactação; DPF - as mães foram tratadas com bromocriptina (0,5 mg/duas vezes/dia) 3 dias antes do desmame padrão. No experimento 2, o tamanho da ninhada foi reduzido para 3 filhotes machos no 3o dia de lactação até o desmame (SN); o grupo controle permaneceu com 10 filhotes durante toda a lactação. Realizou-se absorciometria de raios-x de dupla energia, tomografia computadorizada, microtomografia computadorizada, teste biomecânico e análises séricas. Os dados foram considerados significativos quando P<0,05. No experimento 1, ao desmame, os filhotes DPM e DPF apresentaram menor massa corporal, massa gorda, densidade mineral óssea total (DMO), conteúdo mineral ósseo total (CMO), área óssea e osteocalcina sérica, e maior telopeptídeo carboxi-terminal do colágeno tipo I (CTX-I). O cálcio ionizado sérico foi menor apenas na prole DPM, a 25-hidroxivitamina D (25(OH)D) foi maior e o PTH menor apenas na prole DPF. Aos 180 dias, as proles DPM e DPF apresentaram maior massa corporal, maior massa de gordura visceral, hiperleptinemia, maior 25(OH)D e menor CTX-I. Ambos os grupos apresentaram aumento da DMO total, do CMO, da DMO da coluna vertebral e da área óssea aos 150 e 180 dias de idade. Nas avaliações ósseas individuais, as proles DPM e DPF também apresentaram aumento da DMO do fêmur e da vértebra lombar, da radiodensidade da cabeça femoral e do corpo vertebral; melhora da microarquitetura trabecular óssea e da resistência óssea. No experimento 2, observamos aumento da massa corporal, da massa gorda e da massa magra, do CMO e da área óssea no grupo SN desde o desmame até a idade adulta. Aos 180 dias, a prole SN também apresentou aumento da DMO total, da DMO do fêmur e da vértebra lombar, da radiodensidade da cabeça femoral e do corpo vertebral; melhora da microarquitetura trabecular óssea e da resistência óssea, maior osteocalcina e menor CTX-I. Demonstramos que, apesar de fatores de imprinting opostos, ambos os modelos causam melhora da massa, do metabolismo, da qualidade e da resistência óssea. Porém, parece que este efeito protetor sobre o tecido ósseo não é um resultado direto da programação deste tecido, mas sim consequência das alterações fisiopatológicas da obesidade programada pelos três modelos.
O clareamento dentário tem se tornado um dos procedimentos mais comuns na odontologia, mas esse dado causa preocupações, pois essa técnica apresenta efeitos adversos, como: sensibilidade dentária, alterações das propriedades mecânicas dos tecidos dentários, aumento da rugosidade do esmalte e alteração do conteúdo de cálcio e fósforo do dente, porém todos esses fatores ainda não são totalmente fundamentados da literatura odontológica, principalmente a relação da técnica com a desmineralização dentária. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o potencial de desmineralização de alguns géis clareadores de uso clínico para dentes vitais, após cinco aplicações em esmalte dental humano, usando a técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X. Foram obtidos 20 dentes anteriores humanos, tendo as suas raízes seccionadas e incluídos em resina epóxi, com auxílio de uma matriz especial. Para análise, os dentes foram divididos em quatro grupos (5 dentes por grupo). Grupo 1: clareamento pelo HP Maxx, peróxido de hidrogênio 35% manipulado e dosado manualmente; grupo 2: clareamento com HP Blue, peróxido de hidrogênio 35% com cálcio, pré-dosado e manipulado com seringa de automistura; grupo 3: clareamento com Ultraboost, peróxido de hidrogênio 38%, pré-dosado e manipulado com seringa de automistura e grupo 4: clareamento com Total Blanc 35, peróxido de hidrogênio 35%, pré-dosado e manipulado com seringa de automistura. Cada dente foi avaliado em 6 sítios antes do clareamento e ao final de cada sessão. Entre as sessões os elementos eram mantidos em água ultrapura. Os géis clareadores também tiveram seu pH analisado a cada 5 minutos durante 60 minutos. Estatisticamente, nenhum dos agentes clareadores alterou significantemente o conteúdo mineral do esmalte dental humano e também não houve diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que, mesmo com as limitações do estudo, os clareadores testados não são capazes de desmineralizar o esmalte dental humano e não diferem estatisticamente entre si.
Bone plays a key role in the paleontological and archeological records and can provide insight into the biology, ecology and the environment of ancient vertebrates. Examination of bone at the tissue level reveals a definitive relationship between nanomechanical properties and the local organic content, mineral content, and microstructural organization. However, it is unclear as to how these properties change following fossilization, or diagenesis, where the organic phase is rapidly removed and the remaining mineral phase is reinforced by the deposition of apatites, calcites, and other minerals. While the process of diagenesis is poorly understood, its outcome clearly results in the potential for dramatic alteration of the mechanical response of biological tissues. In this study, fossilized specimens of mammalian long bones, collected from Colorado and Wyoming, were studied for mechanical variations. Nanoindentation performed in both longitudinal and transverse directions revealed preservation of bone's natural anisotropy as transverse modulus values were consistently smaller than longitudinal values. Additionally, modulus values of fossilized bone from 35.0 to 89.1 GPa increased linearly with logarithm of the sample's age. Future studies will aim to clarify what mechanical and material elements of bone are retained during diagenesis as bone becomes part of the geologic milieu. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
Due to a low mineral content, the sapropelic sediments depositing in Mangrove Lake, Bermuda, provide an excellent opportunity to explore for possible additions of sulfur to organic matter during the early stages of diagenesis. We evaluated early diagenetic organic sulfur transformations by monitoring the concentrations and stable isotopic compositions of a number of inorganic and organic sulfur pools, thereby accounting for all of the sulfur in the sediments. We have identified and quantified the following sulfur pools: porewater sulfate, porewater sulfide, elemental sulfur, pyrite sulfur, hydrolyzable organic sulfur (HYOS), chromium-reducible organic sulfur (CROS), and nonchromium-reducible organic sulfur (Non-CROS). Of the organic sulfur pools, the Non-CROS pool is by far the largest, followed by CROS, and finally HYOS. By 60 cm depth these pools contribute, respectively, to 85, 7.9, and 3.6% of the total solid phase sulfur. The HYOS pool is probably of biological origin and shows no interaction with the sulfur compounds produced during diagenesis. By contrast, CROS is produced, most likely, from the diagenetic addition of polysulfides to functionalized lipids in the upper, H2S-poor, elemental sulfur-rich, region of the sediment. A portion of this sulfur pool is unstable and decomposes on contact with the H2S-rich porewaters. The portion of CROS that remains in the sulfidic waters appears to readily exchange sulfur isotopes with H2S. While some of the Non-CROS pool is of biological origin, some is also formed by the diagenetic addition of sulfur to organic compounds in the upper H2S-poor region of the sediment. By contrast with CROS, Non-CROS is not diagenetically active in the H2S-rich porewaters. Overall, somewhere between 27 and 53 % of the organic sulfur buried in Mangrove Lake sediments is of diagenetic origin, with the remaining organic sulfur derived from biosynthesis. We extrapolate our Mangrove Lake results and calculate that in typical coastal marine sediments between 11 and 29 μmol g−1 of organic sulfur will form during early diagenesis, of which 2–5 μmol g−1 will be chromium reducible.
Manganese abnormity has been observed in the Holocene sediments of the mud area of Bohai Sea. On the basis of grain size, chemical composition, heavy mineral content and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) C-14 dating of foraminifer, relationships between manganese abnormity and sedimentation rates, material source, hydrodynamic conditions are probed. Manganese abnormity occurred during the Middle Holocene when sea level and sedimentation rates were higher than those at present. Sedimentary hiatus was not observed when material sources and hydrodynamic conditions were quite similar. Compared with the former period, the latter period showed a decrease in reduction environment and an inclination toward oxidation environment with high manganese content, whereas provenance and hydrodynamic conditions showed only a slight change. From the above observations, it can be concluded that correlation among manganese abnormity, material source, and hydrodynamic conditions is not obvious. Redox environment seems to be the key factor for manganese enrichment, which is mainly related to marine authigenic process.
There are four chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter briefly synthesizes the basic theories, methods and present-day applying situation of environmental magnetism. The second chapter probes into the magnetic mineral diagenesis in the post-glacial muddy sediments from the southeastern South Yellow Sea and its response to marine environmental changes, using the muddy sediment of Core YSDP103 formed in the shelf since about 13 ka BP. The third chapter illustrates the high-resolution early diagenetic processes by investigating the rapidly deposited muddy sediments during the last 6 ka in Cores SSDP-102 and SSDP-103 from the near-shore shelf of Korea Strait. The fourth chapter presents the results of detailed rock magnetic investigation of the surface sediments from the fine-grained depositional area on the outer shelf of the East China Sea in an attempt to provide environmental magnetic evidence for the provenance of the fine-grained deposit. Core YSDP103 was retrieved in the muddy deposit under the cold eddy of the southeastern South Yellow Sea, and the uppermost 29.79 m core represents the muddy sediments formed in the shelf since about 13 ka BP. The lower part from 29.79 to 13.35 m, called Unit A2, was deposited during the period from the post-glacial transgression to the middle Holocene (at about 6 ~(14)C ka BP) when the rising sea level reached its maximum, while the upper part above 13.35 m (called Unit Al) was deposited in a cold eddy associated with the formation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current just after the peak of post-glacial sea level rise. For the the uppermost 29.79 m core, detailed investigation of rock-magnetic properties and analyses of grain sizes and geochemistry were made. The experimental results indicate that the magnetic mineralogy of the core is dominated by magnetite, maghemite and hematite and that, except for the uppermost 2.35 m, the magnetic minerals were subject to reductive diagenesis leading to significant decline of magnetic mineral content and the proportion of low-coercivity component. More importantly, ferrimagnetic iron sulphide (greigite) is found in Unit A2 but absent in Unit Al, suggesting the control of marine environmental conditions on the magnetic mineral diagenesis. Magnetic parameters show abrupt changes across the boundary between the Unit Al and A2, which reflects a co-effect of environmental conditions and primary magnetic components of the sediments on the diagenesis. Alternating zones of high and low magnetic parameters are observed in Unit A2 of Core YSDP103, which is presumably due to periodic changes of the concentration and/or grain size of magnetic minerals carried into the study area. Cores SSDP-102 and SSDP-103, two studied sediment cores from the Korea Strait contain mud sequences (14 m and 32.62 m in thickness) that were deposited during the last 6,000 years. Analyses of grain sizes and geochemistry of the cores have demonstrated that the sediments have uniform lithology and geochemical properties, however, marked down-core changes in magnetic properties suggest that diagenesis has significantly impacted the magnetic properties. An expanded view of early diagenetic reactions that affect magnetic mineral assemblages is evident in these rapidly deposited continental shelf sediments compared to deep-sea sediments. The studied sediments can be divided into four descending intervals, based on magnetic property variations. Interval 1 is least affected by diagenesis and has the highest concentrations of detrital magnetite and hematite, and the lowest solid-phase sulfur contents. Interval 2 is characterized by the presence of paramagnetic pyrite and sharply decreasing magnetite and hematite concentrations, which suggest active reductive dissolution of detrital magnetic minerals, the absolute minimum abundance of magnetite is reached at the end of this interval. Interval 3 is marked by a progressive loss of hematite with depth, and at the base of this interval, 82% to 88% of the hematite component was depleted and the bulk magnetic mineral concentration was reduced to the lowest value in the entire studied mud section. Interval 4 has an increasing down-core enhancement of authigenic greigite, which is interpreted to have formed due to arrested pyritization resulting from consumption of pore water sulfate with depth. This is the first clear demonstration from an active depositional environment for a delay of thousands of years for acquisition of a magnetization carried by greigite. This detailed view of diagenetic processes in continental shelf sediments suggests that studies of geomagnetic field behavior from such sediments should be conducted with care. Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies based on the magnetic properties of shelf sediments with high sedimentation rates like those in the Korea Strait are also unlikely to provide a meaningful signature associated with syn-depositional environmental processes. The rock magnetic properties of the surface sediments from the fine-grained depositional area on the outer shelf of the East China Sea, an area surrounded by sands, are investigated with a view to providing information on the sediment provenance. Multiple magnetic parameters such as magnetic susceptibility (%), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), saturation rernanent magnetization (SIRM), coercivities of SIRM (Her), and S ratios (relative abundance of low-coercivity magnetic minerals) are measured for all 179 surface samples, and partial representative samples are examined for their magnetic hysteresis parameters, temperature-dependence of magnetic susceptibility and x-ray diffraction spectra. Our research indicates that the magnetic mineralogy is dominated by magnetite with a small amount of hematite and is primarily of pseudo-single domain (PSD) to multidomain (MD) nature with a detrital origin. In the surface sediments, the granulometry of magnetic fractions is basically independent of grain sizes of the sediment containing the magnetic grains, and the composition of magnetic minerals remains almost homogeneous, that is, with a relatively constant ratio of low to high coercivity fraction throughout the area. The magnetic concentration in the study area generally decreases to the east or southeast accompanied by magnetic-particle fining to the east or to the northeast. The geographic pattern of magnetic properties is most reasonably explained by a major source of sediment jointly from the erosion of the old Huanghe River deposit and the discharge of the Changjiang River. The rock magnetic data facilitate understanding of the transport mechanism of fine-grained sediments in the outer shelf of the East China Sea.
Time for treating bone fracture using rhBMP-2: a randomised placebo controlled mouse fracture trial.
Although the mechanisms of osteoinduction by bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) are increasingly understood, the most appropriate time to administer BMPs exogenously is yet to be clarified.The purpose of this study was to investigate when BMP may be administered to a fracture arena to maximise the enhancement of healing.Forty mice with externally fixed left femoral fractures were randomised into four groups: Group I, the control group was given a placebo of 30 ll saline at day 0; Groups II, III and IV were given 30 ll saline plus 2.5 lg rhBMP-2, at post-operative days 0, 4 or 8, respectively.Sequential radiographs were taken at days 0, 8, 16.On day 22 the mice were sacrificed and both femora were harvested for biomechanical assessment in 3-point bending and histological evaluation.Radiographic analysis indicated that healing of fractures in Groups II and III was significantly greater (p <0.05) than those in Groups I and IV, at both 16 and 22 days post-fracture. The highest median bone mineral content at the fracture site was evidenced in Group III and II.Furthermore, Group III also had the highest relative ultimate load values, followed by Groups II, IV and I.Greater percentage peak loads were observed between Group I and both Groups II and III (p <0.05). Histological examination confirmed that at 22 days post-fracture, only fractures in Groups II and III had united with woven bone, and Groups I and IV still had considerable amounts of fibrous tissue and cartilage at the fracture gap.Data presented herein indicates that there is a time after fracture when rhBMP administration is most effective, and this may be at the time of surgery as well as in the early fracture healing phases.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pea-shoots are a new option as ready-to-eat baby-leaf vegetable. However, data about the nutritional composition and the shelf-life stability of these leaves, especially their phytonutrient composition is scarce. In this work, the macronutrient, micronutrient and phytonutrients profile of minimally processed pea shoots were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of a 10-day storage period. Several physicochemical characteristics (color, pH, total soluble solids, and total titratable acidity) were also monitored. Standard AOAC methods were applied in the nutritional value evaluation, while chromatographic methods with UV–vis and mass detection were used to analyze free forms of vitamins (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS), carotenoids (HPLC-DAD-APCI-MSn) and flavonoid compounds (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn). Atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-AAS) was employed to characterize the mineral content of the leaves. As expected, pea leaves had a high water (91.5%) and low fat (0.3%) and carbohydrate (1.9%) contents, being a good source of dietary fiber (2.1%). Pea shoots showed a high content of vitamins C, E and A, potassium and phosphorous compared to other ready-to-eat green leafy vegetables. The carotenoid profile revealed a high content of β-carotene and lutein, typical from green leafy vegetables. The leaves had a mean flavonoid content of 329 mg/100 g of fresh product, mainly composed by glycosylated quercetin and kaempferol derivatives. Pea shoots kept their fresh appearance during the storage being color maintained throughout the shelf-life. The nutritional composition was in general stable during storage, showing some significant (p < 0.05) variation in certain water-soluble vitamins.
This study examined the bone mineral content (BMC) in young women with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), treated with a brace (27.9 ±21.6 months, for 18.0±5.4 h/d) during adolescence (AIS-B, n = 15, 25.6 ±5.8 yrs), versus women with AIS but no treatment (AIS-NB, n = 15, 24.0 ±4.0 yrs), and women without AIS (C, n = 19, 23.5 ±3.8 yrs). After controlling for lean body mass, calcium and vitamin D daily intake, and strenuous physical activity, femoral neck BMC was lower in the AIS-B compared with AIS-NB and C (all p’s < .05). In summary, women with AIS, braced during their growing years are characterized by low lower limb BMC. However, the lack of a relationship between brace treatment duration and BMC, suggests that bracing was not the likely mechanism.
Consumption of low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training has been shown to have positive influences on body composition and training adaptations; however, little research has examined the effects of LFM consumption following endurance training. The purpose of the study was to look at the effects of combining additional servings of LFM following endurance exercise on body composition, bone health, and training adaptations. 40 healthy males were recruited. Individuals were randomized into 4 groups – DEI (750mL LFM immediately post exercise), DEA (750mL LFM 4 hrs prior to or 6 hrs post exercise), CEI (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise), and CEA (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise). Participants took part in a 12-week endurance training intervention (1 h/day, 3 d/wk, ~60% max HR). 22 participants completed the study. Analysis showed significant increases in lean mass, spinal bone mineral content, relative VO2peak, and a decrease in Trap 5β across all groups (p < 0.05).