996 resultados para Mineral Processing


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One of the main challenges in the mining sector at present, related to the optimization of mineral assets, consists in to find the best proportion of each geological material to be mined and homogenized to ensure high productivity and stability in ore processing plants. The stability of a mineral processing plant is factor for achieving operational excellence, as a stable performance of the plants ensures economy and adherence to financial planning businesses. Is already well Know that the feed rate of the processing plants is dependent on the hardness and quality of the ore. Therefore, the ore behavior predictability is the solution to ensure the stability of mineral processing plants. This work was developed in Anglo American Phosphate Brazil Ltda., at the Fazenda Chapadão Phosphate Mine, located in the southeastern portion of the state of Goiás, in the municipalities of Catalão and Ouvidor. The phosphate ore is the result of supergene apatite concentration in the weathering profile of the alkaline ultramafic phlogopitized rocks, intruded by foscoritic and carbonatitic rocks series. The weathering profile has about 100 meters thick and is divided into three basic types, from top to bottom, coinciding with decreasing intensity of weathering: oxidized ore, micaceous ore and weathered rock. In each portion of this weathering profile, mainly near the contacts between these three divisions, are hard materials, cemented by minerals such as apatite, quartz, goethite, monazite and barite. The different features presented by these materials makes to be vital the correct identification, quantification and location of different hard materials in the mine area, to maximize its use. The main objective of this study was to define the type of cementation of hard materials which predominates in each portion of the weathering profile in the mine, as well as their relationship with the protolith. The work involved geological mapping, channel sampling...


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This work reviews the fundamentals of three important techniques currently used to dimension thickeners: Flux of Solids, Talmadge-Fitch, and Roberts. They were applied to validate the calculation of diameter (D) and sedimentation area (A) of a real thickener, which clarifies brine in a plant located at Cubatao-SP. The calculation of thickener dimension (A and D) was based on the sedimentation behavior of salt particles in brine on a laboratory scale. The values of D and A (D=13,9-14,1m; A=151,7-156,1m(2)), which were calculated by the three techniques, were compared with the diameter of the real equipment (D=20,0m). On the other hand, corrected values of D and A (D=18,1-18,3m; A=257, 0-263, 0m(2)) were obtained by using a scale factor (f=1,3). These results are 10% lower than the real equipment.


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This paper describes a device developed on the pilot scale and a simple approach to compare liquid distributor efficiencies. The technique consists basically of analyzing the mass of the liquid collected in 21 vertical pipes measuring 52 mm in internal diameter and 800 mm in length placed in a quadratic arrangement and positioned below the distributor A 50 mm thick acrylic blanket that does not disperse liquids was placed between the distributor and the pipe bank to avoid splashes. Assays were carried out with ladder-type distributors equipped with 4 parallel pipes each for a column measuring 400 nun in diameter as an example of the application. The number (n) of orifices (95, 127, and 159 orifices/m(2)), orifice diameter (d) (2, 3, and 4 mm) and the flowrate (q) (1.2; 1.4; and 1.6 m(3)/h) were varied. The best spread efficiency, which presented the lowest standard deviation, was achieved with 159 orifices, 2 mm and 1.4 m(3)/h. The pressure (p) at the distributor inlet for this condition was only 51000 Pa (0.51 kgf/cm(2)), while the average velocity (v) was 6.3 m/s in each orifice. These results show some limitations of the practical rules used in distributor designs.


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The exceptional advance of information technology and computer application to the mineral sector has allowed the automation of several processes of the mineral value chain. ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) provided the platform for the efficient integration of all support activities of the mineral value chain. Despite all advances gathered with the application of computers, it was not possible to date, to effectively integrate the primary activities of the mineral value chain. The main reason for that are the uncertainties present in the productive process, which are intrinsic to the business, and the difficulty to quantify and qualify the benefits obtained with this integration due to the lack of a clear definition of the key performance indicators (KPIs). This work presents an analysis of the ERP systems application in Brazilian mining, identifies the KPIs of some of the most important Brazilian mining companies, and discusses the importance of mapping and measuring these indicators for the effective. management of the mining business.


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This article presents TDEM results from an area with recent induced shallow seismicity. The purpose was to do a geoelectrical mapping of sedimentary and fractured basaltic aquifers for better understanding of the hydrogeologic setting. The study area is in the Parana basin where flood basalts are overlain by sedimentary units near the city of Bebedouro, northern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. 86 TDEM soundings were acquired in an area of 90 km(2) in the Andes and Botafogo study areas. The soundings were chosen next to wells for calibration, and also along profiles crossing the seismically active areas. 1-D interpretation results showed the general geoelectrical stratigraphy of this part of the Parana basin. The upper geoelectrical layer is the shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina formation) with less than 80 m thickness. The second geoelectrical layer contains the upper basalts of the Serra Geral formation at about 60-80 m depths. A saturated fractured basalt zone between 100 and 300 m depths was identifiable on various TDEM soundings. This depth range corresponds to the range of hypocentral depths for more than 3000 micro-earthquakes in this area. The lower basalt layer was estimated to lie between 400 and 650 m depth. The deepest geoelectrical layer detected by various TDEM soundings corresponds to the Botucatu sandstone (Guarani aquifer). Results suggest that the high-discharge wells are located in the fractured zone in the middle basalt of the Serra Geral formation. There is a good correlation between seismically active areas, high discharge wells (>190 m(3)/h), and fracture zones in the middle basalt. The results reinforce the hypothesis that the shallow seismic activity in the Bebedouro region is being triggered by high rates of groundwater withdrawal. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The physical origins of the magnetic properties of nonoriented electrical steels; its relations to microstructural features like grain size, nonmetallic inclusions, dislocation density distribution, crystallographic texture, and residual stresses; and its processing by cold rolling and annealing are overviewed, using quantitative relations whenever available.


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The rapid industrial development and disorganized population growth in huge cities bring about various urban problems due to intense use of physical space on and below the surface. Subsurface problems in metropolitan areas are caused by subway line construction, which often follows the routes of utility networks, such as electric and telephone cables, water and gas pipes, storm sewers, etc. Usually, the main problems are related to damage or destruction of preexisting utilities, often putting human lives at risk. With the purpose of minimizing risks. GPR-profiling with 200 MHz antennae was done at two sites, both located in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objectives of this work were to map utilities or existing infrastructure in the subsurface in order to orient the construction of the Line 4 (yellow) subway tunnel in Sao Paulo. GPR profiles can detect water pipes, utility networks in the subsurface, and concrete foundation columns or pilings in subsoil up to 2 m depth. In addition. the GPR profiles also provided details of the target shapes in the subsurface. GPR interpretations combined with lithological information from boreholes and trenches opened in the study areas were extremely important in mapping of the correct spatial distribution of buried utilities at these two sites in Sao Paulo. This information improves and updates maps of utility placement, serves as a basis for planning of the geotechnical excavation of the Line 4 (yellow) subway tunnel in Sao Paulo, helps minimize problems related to destruction of preexisting utilities in the subsoil, and avoids risk of dangerous accidents. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, some TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic) results at USP (University of Sao Paulo) campus in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, are presented. The data were acquired focusing on two mains objectives: (i) to map geoelectrical stratigraphy of Sao Paulo sedimentary basin, emphasizing on hydrogeological studies about sedimentary and crystalline aquifers, and (ii) to analyze the viability of TDEM data acquisition use in urban environment. The study area is located in Sao Paulo basin border, characterized by Resende and Sao Paulo formations, which are constituted by sand-clays sediments over a granite-gneissic basement. Two equipments were used in order to acquire database: Protem47 (low power), and Protem57-MK2 (high power). Capacitive noise affect obtained data with Protem47 due to the presence of metal pipes buried at IAG/USP (Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Atmospheric Science) test site at USP. On the other hand, capacitive noise did not affect acquired data with Protem57-MK2, and the data present high signal to noise ratio. Surveys helped in determining sedimentary and crystalline aquifers, characterized by a fracture zone with water inside basin basement (conductive zone). Results show good agreement with local geology obtained from lithological boreholes located in the study areas. Moreover, it shows that TDEM method can be used in urban environments with a countless potential in hydrogeological studies, offering great reliability. Studies showed that main TDEM-method limitation at USP was the lack of space for opening the transmitter loop. Results are very promising and open new perspectives for TDEM-method use in urban environments as this area remains unexplored. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the bauxite scrubbing process on samples from Miltonia 3, a Vale operation in the State of Para, Brazil. The experimental program included the design of a standard laboratory test, from which parameters were derived for predicting the operation of a scrubber in steady state conditions. Three main variables were selected for the laboratory experimental program using the factorial design technique. These were load fraction, residence time and rotation speed. The amount of fines was determined through screening both the feed and the product of the scrubbing test. The former was considered to be a characteristic material, while the second was the dependent variable, i.e. the result of the scrubbing process. According to experiments, the load fraction was the most important variable for the scrubbing process.


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This paper presents the classification of 110 copper ore samples from Sossego Mine, based on X-ray diffraction and cluster analysis. The comparison based on the position and the intensity of the diffracted peaks allowed the distinction of seven ore types, whose differences refer to the proportion of major minerals: quartz, feldspar, actinolite, iron oxides, mica and chlorite. There was a strong correlation between the grouping and the location of the samples in Sequeirinho and Sossego orebodies. This relationship is due to different types and intensities of hydrothermal alteration prevailing in each body, which reflect the mineralogical composition and thus the X-ray diffractograms of samples.


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Mining operations around the world make extensive use of blasthole sampling for short-term planning, which has two undisputed advantages: (1) blastholes are closely spaced providing relatively high sampling density per ton, and (2) there is no additional cost since the blastholes must be drilled anyway. However, blasthole sampling usually presents poor sampling precision, and the inconstant sampling bias caused by particle size and density segregation is an even more serious problem, generally precluding representativeness. One of the main causes of this bias is a highly varying loss of fines, which can lead to both under- and over-estimation of grade depending on the ore type and the gangue. This study validates a new, modified sectorial sampler, designed to reduce the loss of fines and thereby increase sampling accuracy for narrow-diameter blasthole sampling. First results show a significantly improved estimation of gold grade as well as the minimization of the loss of fines.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar e discutir a determinação dos parâmetros de dispersão de ar em células mecânicas de flotação, em circuitos industriais brasileiros. Foram investigados os circuitos rougher e scavenger das usinas RPM, Taquari-Vassouras, Copebras e Fosfértil-Catalão (atual Vale Fertilizantes). Nas usinas RPM e Taquari-Vassouras, foram determinados a velocidade superficial do ar (Jg), o hold-up do ar (εg), o diâmetro médio de bolhas (d32) e o fluxo de área superficial de bolhas (Sb). Para as outras usinas, foram determinados somente o Jg e εg. Os resultados mostraram que, com exceção da RPM, todos os circuitos investigados apresentaram baixos valores para os parâmetros de dispersão do ar. Taquari-Vassouras apresentou os mais baixos valores médios para Jg e εg, respectivamente, 0,05 cm/s e 5%. Os maiores valores de Jg foram determinados no circuito rougher da Copebras, 1,17 cm/s, ao passo que a RPM apresentou os maiores valores para o hold-up e tamanho de bolha, respectivamente, 31% e 2,61mm. Os valores obtidos, para Sb, situaram-se abaixo daqueles reportados na literatura.


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This pioneering study characterized the chemical, physical and mineralogical aspects of the Urucum Standard manganese ore typology, and evaluated some of its metallurgical characteristics, such as the main mineral heat decompositions, and the particle disintegration at room temperature and under continuous heating. A one-ton sample of ore was received, homogenized and quartered. Representative samples were collected and characterized with the aid of techniques, such as ICP-AES, XRD, SEM-EDS, BET and OM. Representative samples with particle sizes between 9.5 mm and 15.9 mm were separated to perform tumbling tests at room temperature, and thermogravimetry tests for both air and nitrogen constant flow at different temperatures. After each heating cycle, the mechanical strength of the orewas evaluated by means of screening and tumbling procedures. The Urucum Standard typology was classified as an oxidized anhydrous ore, with a high manganese content (~47%). This typology ismainly composed of cryptomelane and pyrolusite; however there is a significantamount of hematite. The Urucum Standard particles presented low susceptibility to disintegration at room temperature, but as temperature increased, susceptibility increased. No significant differences were observed between the tests done with the air or nitrogen injections.


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It has been proven that cadmium forms a very satisfactory plate on steel, which has to withstand severe corrosion, especially the corrosion of sea water and spray. The metal is now successfully plated electrolytically from cyanide solutions, but wherever work is carried on with cyanide, there is great danger of poisoning to the workers.


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Process mineralogy provides the mineralogical information required by geometallurgists to address the inherent variation of geological data. The successful benefitiation of ores mostly depends on the ability of mineral processing to be efficiently adapted to the ore characteristics, being liberation one of the most relevant mineralogical parameters. The liberation characteristics of ores are intimately related to mineral texture. Therefore, the characterization of liberation necessarily requieres the identification and quantification of those textural features with a major bearing on mineral liberation. From this point of view grain size, bonding between mineral grains and intergrowth types are considered as the most influential textural attributes. While the quantification of grain size is a usual output of automated current technologies, information about grain boundaries and intergrowth types is usually descriptive and difficult to quantify to be included in the geometallurgical model. Aiming at the systematic and quantitative analysis of the intergrowth type within mineral particles, a new methodology based on digital image analysis has been developed. In this work, the ability of this methodology to achieve a more complete characterization of liberation is explored by the analysis of chalcopyrite in the rougher concentrate of the Kansanshi copper-gold mine (Zambia). Results obtained show that the method provides valuable textural information to achieve a better understanding of mineral behaviour during concentration processes. The potential of this method is enhanced by the fact that it provides data unavailable by current technologies. This opens up new perspectives on the quantitative analysis of mineral processing performance based on textural attributes.