975 resultados para Military operations, Naval


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The UNESCO declaration on cultural diversity in 2002 has raised more questions than answers. More recent events around the World have highlighted the immediate need for legislative actions to protect cultural built heritage in tensioned societies. This paper discusses the potential global risks that face cultural built Heritage. The paper argues that such risks are not only limited to regions where military operations are taking place but also to nations where questions of identity and cultural diversity are raised. The paper questioned the reasons and the impact of the rise of ethno nationalism on the protection of cultural built heritage. The different discourses of these groups that will lead to destruction of cultural artefacts are also explored. In order to properly legislate means for the protection of vulnerable cultural built heritage in conflict areas, the underline value system should be clarified and the values under threat identified. The paper concludes with a plea to move our understanding and definition of culture from the previous 'old' definition with relation to "people' to a 'new' one which is more relevant to context.


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he prominence of global warming as an environmental issue has illustrated the close relationship between natural resources, ecosystems and global security. Whilst environmental decision making often uses techniques such as economic valuation and risk management, the security component is often not considered, at least not from a security analyst’s perspective. Yet environmental security considerations can be global, regional and/or national in impact. Environmental change and policy can effect human health and well being as well as initiating conflict; it can affect the existence of life itself. These aspects are firmly in the domain of the security discipline although the protection of the global ecosystem has not traditionally been considered by those who create security policy. The idea of environmental/ecological security ranges from the eco-centric approach which examines the impact of human activities that impact on the security of the natural systems to the more traditional anthropocentric perspectives that look at varied issues such as conflict caused by natural resource competition and environmental degradation, and the greening of military operations. This paper will assert that the inclusion of the security factor in policy creation and environmental assessments is essential to give richer solutions to these complex socio-economic and ecological situations. Systems theory over the last few decades has emphasised the inclusion of as many perspectives on messy problems as possible to provide truly systemic outcomes. It is posited that the addition of such concepts as threat analyses will produce more effective and sustainable outcomes.


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This study is a deep-text analysis of military censorship applied to the national press in the Sri Lankan conflict. We examine press coverage of two Sri Lankan military operations, namely Operation Jayasikurui (1997) and the Capture of Elephant Pass (2000), to identify patterns of signification that help us construct a novel theory of conflict reporting under censorship within the context of ethnic, intrastate conflict. Our study shows that Sri Lankan newspapers, while abiding by censorship regulations, contradictorily also manoeuvred around these regulations as if censorship did not exist. Noteworthy were the censorship circumvention techniques that were used. For example, journalists taught readers how to ‘read’ blank space. They used commentary to educate readers how to read the straight news. They used conflict frames to overcome bias towards official viewpoints. They used multi-source confirmation to avoid pre-dominance of official views. They used respectful words rather than demonised opponents. Great attention
was paid to victims of the conflict, destruction of life and property, and civil society. Our findings do not accord well with previous theoretical models of the media role in society and of press censorship under conflict. The Sri Lankan press is highly intertwined within its cultural context and follows its own value system. We propose the ‘Catherine Wheel Model of Censorship Circumvention’ about press behaviour in times of internal conflict. Our model attempts to explain internal conflict within the developing world context in which the press system is based deeply in culture and is more accustomed to circumventing censorship than obeying it.


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This chapter begins with a discussion of the impact of the Iraq War and subsequent occupation (2003-–2011) on Iraq’s heritage, documenting the most significant and devastating instances of heritage damage and destruction that occurred. Moving forward, this chapter continues with a discussion of the grave challenges facing Iraqi heritage beyond the withdrawal of US military forces in the forms of development, neglect, continued hostilities, and inexpert and haphazard excavation, preservation, protection, and restoration. Despite this troubling scenario, this chapter also examines the extent to which the Iraq conflict was a turning point for major Western military operations and the development of CPP programs which aim to better prepare military personnel for protecting cultural property in future conflicts.


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Wireless mesh networks are widely applied in many fields such as industrial controlling, environmental monitoring, and military operations. Network coding is promising technology that can improve the performance of wireless mesh networks. In particular, network coding is suitable for wireless mesh networks as the fixed backbone of wireless mesh is usually unlimited energy. However, coding collision is a severe problem affecting network performance. To avoid this, routing should be effectively designed with an optimum combination of coding opportunity and coding validity. In this paper, we propose a Connected Dominating Set (CDS)-based and Flow-oriented Coding-aware Routing (CFCR) mechanism to actively increase potential coding opportunities. Our work provides two major contributions. First, it effectively deals with the coding collision problem of flows by introducing the information conformation process, which effectively decreases the failure rate of decoding. Secondly, our routing process considers the benefit of CDS and flow coding simultaneously. Through formalized analysis of the routing parameters, CFCR can choose optimized routing with reliable transmission and small cost. Our evaluation shows CFCR has a lower packet loss ratio and higher throughput than existing methods, such as Adaptive Control of Packet Overhead in XOR Network Coding (ACPO), or Distributed Coding-Aware Routing (DCAR).


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Este trabalho lida com a transposição do Programa de Excelência Gerencial GesPública para o ambiente militar na Marinha do Brasil. O GesPública é direcionado à Administração Pública Brasileira e Programa Netuno foi o nome adotado pela Marinha do Brasil para operacionalizar os fundamentos do GesPública. O Programa Netuno foi planejado para ser aplicado em todas as esferas de trabalho da Marinha do Brasil. De fato, os seus fundamentos são os mesmos do GesPública e esperam ser úteis em uma extensa área de aplicação, desde procedimentos burocráticos simples até operações militares, as quais são baseadas necessariamente na doutrina militar. Dessa forma, o Programa Netuno, com conceitos baseados no ambiente civil que fomentam uma horizontalização nas estruturas organizacionais, encontra-se com o meio militar, onde hierarquia e disciplina são princípios básicos. A partir daí, o estudo objetiva avaliar as contribuições que o Programa Netuno pode oferecer para a Marinha do Brasil. A literatura e documentos sobre a Marinha,doutrina militar, programas de Gestão da Qualidade Total e outros assuntos correlatos constituem o material de pesquisa. Será utilizada a metodologia de análise de conteúdo, com vistas a formar categorias de análise associadas à Marinha do Brasil e ao Programa Netuno. Essas categorias serão cotejadas a fim de que os objetivos da pesquisa sejam alcançados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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During the spring of 1951, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service undertook the removal of sea otter, Enhydra lutris (L)., from the Aleutian Island of Amchitka, for the purpose of restocking range from which the animals have long been exterminated. The decision to undertake this activity was influenced by the nature of military operations planned for the island later the same year. The capture and removal of the otter were under the supervision of Mr. Robert D. Jones, Biologist, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Heavy losses among the animals shortly after capture made the venture unsuccessful. Many deaths were concurrent among animals in the wild state. The writer was asked to investigate the causes of disease in the sea otter, and it is the purpose of this paper to report the results of these investigation, with special reference to helminth parasites.


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Alcohol consumption has a long-standing tradition in the United States Air Force (USAF). From squadron bars to officers and enlisted clubs, alcohol has been used in social settings to increase morale and also as a way to help decrease the stress of military operations. Surveys have demonstrated that the USAF has more than double the percentage of heavy drinkers than the US population. More than one-third of the Air Force reports binge drinking in the last month while only six percent of the nation reports the same consumption pattern.^ However, alcohol has a significant harmful health effect if consumed in excess. As part of an overall prevention and treatment program aimed at curbing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, the USAF uses the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) to screen for high-risk alcohol consumption patterns before alcohol disorder and disability occur. All Air Force active-duty members are required to complete a yearly Preventive Health Assessment questionnaire. Various health topics are included in this questionnaire including nutrition, exercise, tobacco use, family history, mental health and alcohol use. While this questionnaire has been available in a web-based format for several years, mandatory use was not implemented until 2009.^ Although the AUDIT was selected due to its effectiveness in assessing high-risk alcohol consumption in other populations, its effectiveness in the Air Force population had not been studied previously. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of this screening tool, the Air Force Web-based Preventive Health Assessment alcohol screening results were compared to whether any alcohol-related diagnosis was made from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010.^ While the AUDIT has previously been shown to have a high sensitivity and specificity, the Air Force screening values were 27.9% and 93.0% respectively. Positive predictive value was only 4.9%. With the screening statistics found, less than one-third of those having an alcohol disorder will be found with this screening tool and only 1 out of 20 Airmen who require further evaluation actually have an alcohol-related diagnosis.^


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El tema de la guerra civil española no puede comprenderse cabalmente sin estudiar tanto el clima social y político anterior al enfrentamiento bélico como el proceso de liquidación de este trascendente hecho histórico. El bando triunfante pretendió que el cese de las operaciones militares ponía fin a la guerra, pero ésta no terminó entonces para la mayoría de los españoles. Durante muchos años continuó el uso de la fuerza, en forma unilateral bajo la forma de una sangrienta represión en el orden interno y un largo exilio de los vencidos. Otros hechos son los sufrimientos morales y psicológicos impuestos, los perjuicios culturales ocasionados, el destierro y su repercusión sobre millones de hogares. También pesan los quebrantos económicos y sociales sobre el bienestar general Para apreciar la forma elegida por el régimen franquista para liquidar la guerra civil española resulta ilustrativo detallar algunos aspectos de la modalidad puesta en práctica, cuyo fracaso pone de manifiesto la mezquindad con que actuó el régimen dictatorial.


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El tema de la guerra civil española no puede comprenderse cabalmente sin estudiar tanto el clima social y político anterior al enfrentamiento bélico como el proceso de liquidación de este trascendente hecho histórico. El bando triunfante pretendió que el cese de las operaciones militares ponía fin a la guerra, pero ésta no terminó entonces para la mayoría de los españoles. Durante muchos años continuó el uso de la fuerza, en forma unilateral bajo la forma de una sangrienta represión en el orden interno y un largo exilio de los vencidos. Otros hechos son los sufrimientos morales y psicológicos impuestos, los perjuicios culturales ocasionados, el destierro y su repercusión sobre millones de hogares. También pesan los quebrantos económicos y sociales sobre el bienestar general Para apreciar la forma elegida por el régimen franquista para liquidar la guerra civil española resulta ilustrativo detallar algunos aspectos de la modalidad puesta en práctica, cuyo fracaso pone de manifiesto la mezquindad con que actuó el régimen dictatorial.


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El tema de la guerra civil española no puede comprenderse cabalmente sin estudiar tanto el clima social y político anterior al enfrentamiento bélico como el proceso de liquidación de este trascendente hecho histórico. El bando triunfante pretendió que el cese de las operaciones militares ponía fin a la guerra, pero ésta no terminó entonces para la mayoría de los españoles. Durante muchos años continuó el uso de la fuerza, en forma unilateral bajo la forma de una sangrienta represión en el orden interno y un largo exilio de los vencidos. Otros hechos son los sufrimientos morales y psicológicos impuestos, los perjuicios culturales ocasionados, el destierro y su repercusión sobre millones de hogares. También pesan los quebrantos económicos y sociales sobre el bienestar general Para apreciar la forma elegida por el régimen franquista para liquidar la guerra civil española resulta ilustrativo detallar algunos aspectos de la modalidad puesta en práctica, cuyo fracaso pone de manifiesto la mezquindad con que actuó el régimen dictatorial.


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ABSTRACT: The surveys carried out in the municipality of Pinto (Madrid) have enabled us to locate various structural remains linked to the military operations that took place around the capital during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). In order to identify and record them, surveys were complemented with the use of GPS and air photographs from different time periods. Afterwards, and in collaboration with researchers from various universities, further methods aimed at generating a complete special representation of the area were applied directly to one of the sites which produced the best results, known as "los Yesares". These methods include topographic mapping that resulted in cartographic material at different scales, the photographic recording with flying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and the use of land scanners and GPS-corrected photogrammetrics with which to obtain 3D models.


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The long hardcover account book contains handwritten records of the Harvard College Lottery in the hand of College Treasurer Ebenezer Storer. The volume begins with a transcription of the Massachusetts General Court June 13, 1794 legislation sanctioning the lottery, and a note that the managers of the lottery gave security bonds to the Corporation. The bulk of the volume records the activities of the four classes of the lottery including lists of the individual tickets returned by the managers Benjamin Austin Jr., George R. Minot, Henry Warren, and John Kneeland, and the accounts of prizes drawn and tickets returned. The volume has a table of contents and there is a note pasted onto the third page calculating the sum raised if all tickets had been sold.