437 resultados para Mikania glomerata


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The primary aim of this study was to determine the relationship between telomere length and age in a range of marine invertebrates including abalone (Haliotis spp) oysters (Saccostrea glomerata), spiny lobsters (Sagmariasus verreauxi formerly Jasus verreauxi and Jasus edwardsii) and school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi). Additionally, this relationship was studied in a vertebrate organism using the freshwater fish Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus). Telomere length differences between tissues were also examined in some species such as Saccostrea glomerata, Sagmariasus verreauxi and Bidyanus bidyanus. In some cases cultured specimens of known age were used and this is quoted in the spreadsheets. For other wild-caught specimens where age was not known, size was used as a proxy for age. This may be a broad size class, or be determined by shell size or carapace length depending on the organism. Each spreadsheet contains raw data of telomere length estimates from Terminal Restriction Fragment Assays (TRF) for various individuals of each species including appropriate details such as age or size and tissue. Telomere length estimates are given in base pairs (bp). In most cases replicate experiments were conducted on groups of samples three times but on a small number of occasions only two replicate experiments were conducted. Further description of the samples can be found in final report of FRDC 2007/033. The arithmetic average for each individual (sample ID) across the two or three replicate experiments is also given. Bidyanus bidyanus (SilverPerch) Two sheets are contained within. a) Comparison of telomere length between different tissues (heart, liver and muscle) within the three year old age class - two replicate experiments were conducted. b) Comparison of telomere length between fish of different but known ages (0.25, 1, 2, and 3 years old) in each of three tissues, heart, liver and muscle – three replicate experiments were conducted per tissue. Haliotis spp (Abalone species) Three species were tested. H. asinina Telomere length was compared in two age classes-11 month and 18 month old abalone using muscle tissue from the foot. Within gel-variation was also estimated using a single sample run three times on one gel (replicate experiment). H. laevigata x H. rubra hybrids Telomere length was compared in three known age classes – two, three and four years old using muscle tissue from the foot. H. rubra Telomere length was compared in a range of different sized abalone using muscle tissue from the foot. Shell size is also given for each abalone Saccostrea glomerata Three sheets are contained within the file. a) Samples came from Moreton Bay Queensland in 2007. Telomere length was compared in two tissues (gill and mantle) of oysters in three age groups (1, 3 and 4 years) b) Samples came from Moreton Bay Queensland in 2009. Telomere length was compared in three age classes using DNA from gill tissue only c) Samples came from Wallis Lake, New South Wales. Telomere length was estimated from whole body minus the shell from 1 year old oysters, gill tissue of 3 age classes (1.5 years, 3 and 4 years), mantle tissue of two age classes (3 and 4 years). Sagmariasus verreauxi (formerly Jasus verreauxi) Telomere length was estimated from abdomen tissue of puerulus, gill and muscle tissue of 3 year old, large and very large size classes of lobsters. Jasus edwardsii Telomere length was measured in two size classes of lobsters- adults of varying sizes using muscle tissue and puerulus using tissues from the abdomen minus the exoskeleton. Metapenaeus macleayi Telomere length was measured in three size classes of school prawns adults. Muscle tissue was used, minus the exoskeleton.


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The productivity of a fisheries resource can be quantified from estimates of recruitment, individual growth and natural and fisheries-related mortality, assuming the spatial extent of the resource has been quantified and there is minimal immigration or emigration. The sustainability of a fisheries resource is facilitated by management controls such as minimum and maximum size limits and total allowable catch. Minimum size limits are often set to allow individuals the opportunity to reproduce at least once before the chance of capture. Total allowable catches are a proportion of the population biomass, which is estimated based on known reproduction, recruitment, mortality and growth rates. In some fisheries, however, management actions are put in place without quantification of the resource through the stock assessment process. This occurs because species-specific information, for example individual growth, may not be available. In these circumstances, management actions need to be precautionary to protect against future resource collapse, but this often means that the resource is lightly exploited. Consequently, the productivity of the resource is not fully realised. Australia’s most valuable fisheries are invertebrate fisheries (Australian Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, 2008). For example, Australian fisheries (i.e. excluding aquaculture) production of crustaceans (largely prawns, rock lobster and crab) was 41,000 tonnes in 2006/7, worth $778 million. Production from mollusc (largely abalone, scallops, oysters and squid) fisheries was 39,000 tonnes, worth $502 million. Together, in 2006/7 crustacean and mollusc fisheries represented 58% of the total value of Australian wild fisheries production. Sustainable management of Australia’s invertebrate fisheries is frustrated by the lack of data on species-specific growth rates. This project investigated a new method to estimate age, and hence individual growth rates, in invertebrate fisheries species. The principle behind the new aging method was that telomeres (i.e. DNA end-caps of chromosomes) get shorter as an individual gets older. We studied commercial crustacean and molluscan species. A vertebrate fish species (silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus) was used as a control to standardise our work against the literature. We found a clear relationship between telomere length and shell size for temperate abalone (Haliotis rubra). Further research is recommended before the method can be implemented to assist management of wildharvested abalone populations. Age needs to be substituted for shell size in the relationship and it needs to be studied for abalone from several regions. This project showed that telomere length declined with increasing age in Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata) and was affected by regional variation. A relationship was not apparent between telomere length and age (or size as a surrogate for age) for crustacean species (school prawns, Metapenaeus macleayi; eastern rock lobster, Sagmariasus verreauxi; southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii; and spanner crabs, Ranina ranina). For school prawns, there was no difference between telomere length in males and females. Further research is recommended, however, as telomeric DNA from crustaceans was difficult to analyse using the terminal restriction fragment (TRF) assay. Telomere lengths of spanner crabs and lobsters were at the upper limit of resolution of the assay used and results were affected by degradation and possible contamination of telomeric DNA. It is possible that telomere length is an indicator of remaining lifespan in molluscan and crustacean individuals, as suggested for some vertebrate species (e.g. Monaghan, 2010). Among abalone of similar shell size and among lobster pueruli, there was evidence of individuals having significantly longer or shorter telomeres than the group average. At a population level, this may be a surrogate for estimates of future natural mortality, which may have usefulness in the management of those populations. The method used to assay telomere length (terminal restriction fragment assay) performed adequately for most species, but it was too expensive and time-consuming to be considered a useful tool for gathering information for fisheries management. Research on alternative methods is strongly recommended.


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The longevity of seed in the soil is a key determinant of the cost and length of weed eradication programs. Soil seed bank information and ongoing research have input into the planning and reporting of two nationally cost shared weed eradication programs based in tropical north Queensland. These eradication programs are targeting serious weeds such as Chromoleana odorata, Mikania micrantha, Miconia calvescens, Clidemia hirta and Limnocharis flava. Various methods are available for estimating soil seed persistence. Field methods to estimate the total and germinable soil seed densities include seed packet burial trials, extracting seed from field soil samples, germinating seed in field soil samples and observations from native range seed bank studies. Interrogating field control records can also indicate the length of the control and monitoring periods needed to exhaust the seed bank. Recently, laboratory tests which rapidly age seed have provided an additional indicator of relative seed persistence. Each method has its advantages, drawbacks and logistical constraints.


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Suomenlinna on yksi Helsingin suosituimmista matkailu- ja kulttuurinähtävyyksistä. Kustaanmiekan, samoin kuin koko Suomenlinnan luonto on muodostunut perinteisestä suomalaisesta saaristoluonnosta ja vuosisatojen saatossa paikalle tulleista linnoituksien kasvistosta. Saaren vaihtelevien elinympäristöjen johdosta alueen kasvillisuus on hyvin rikasta. Linnoituksien monet kasvilajit ovat tulleet tulokaskasveina eri puolilta Eurooppaa sekä Venäjältä. Suurin osa Suomenlinnan alueesta on kallioketoa ja tämän lisäksi myös valliketoa, joista molemmat kuuluvat suojeltaviin alueisiin. Kustaanmiekan niityillä kasvaa keto- ja paahdelajeja, kuten harvinaista ketonoidanlukkoa (Botrychium lunaria L.) sekä ketoneilikkaa (Dianthus deltoides L.). Tämän tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa Kustaanmiekan alueen kesäkauden 2009 ketokasvilajisto ja eri putkilokasvilajien runsaus. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös maaperätekijöiden ja alueen hoitohistorian mahdollista vaikutusta ketokasvilajistoon. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin kymmenen eri kedon kasvillisuus Suomenlinnan Kustaanmiekan linnoitusalueella. Kedot sijaitsivat eri puolilla Kustaanmiekkaa, sellaisilla paikoilla, missä ketokasvillisuus oli runsainta. Maastotyöt suoritettiin kesä- ja heinäkuussa laskemalla jokaisen kedon ruutujen putkilokasvien peittävyydet sekä listaamalla ylös myös ruutujen ulkopuoliset kevät- ja loppukesän kukkijat touko- ja elokuussa. Maaperän ominaisuuksien määrittämiseksi otettiin kultakin kedolta pintamaanäytteet elokuussa. Muita tutkittuja muuttujia olivat maapinnan kaltevuus sekä sammalen, karikkeen, paljaan maan, kenttäkasvillisuuden pohjakerros ja kallion osuus tutkimusruuduilla. Ketojen kasvillisuuden keskimääräinen korkeus mitattiin kesä- ja heinäkuussa. Kasvistossa oli selviä eroavaisuuksia ketojen välillä. Kasvilajien määrä vaihteli ketojen kokonaislajimäärän ollessa 40-60 kasvilajia. Yhteensä kedoilta löytyi 120 eri putkilokasvilajia, joista useimmat kukkivat sekä kesä- että heinäkuussa. Ketojen kasvilajimäärä vaihteli yhdellä neliömetrillä 6,3-13,6 kasvilajiin, minkä lisäksi Shannon-Wienerin diversiteetti-indeksi vaihteli 1,4-2,3 arvon välillä. Yleisimpiä lajeja, joita kedoilla tavattiin, olivat muun muassa siankärsämö (Achillea millefolium L.), koiranheinä (Dactylis glomerata L.), juolavehnä (Elymus repens L.) ja hopeahanhikki (Potentilla argentea L.). Alueella kasvoi myös muutamia sotatulokaslajeja kuten harmiota (Berteroa incana L.), ukonpalkoa (Bunias orientalis L.) ja karvahorsmaa (Epilobium hirsutum L.). Maaperätekijöillä, kuten suurella fosforin pitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta kasvilajien määrään kedoilla. Vain maan pH ja johtoluku korreloivat positiivisesti ketojen kasvillisuuden korkeuden kanssa. Vaikka tulosten perusteella ketojen hoidolla ei ollut vaikutusta ketojen kasvillisuuden määrään, voidaan kuitenkin olettaa oikeanlaisen hoidon parantavan tyypillisten ketokasvien kilpailukykyä muita niittykasveja kohtaan.


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Delectus Florae et faunae brasiliensis é uma obra ricamente ilustrada, que contém vinte e quatro lâminas com cinquenta e quatro figuras representando espécies da flora e da fauna brasileira. A obra, publicada em Viena, foi realizada sob os auspícios do Imperador Francisco I da Áustria, configurando uma parte dos resultados da expedição científica ao Brasil de que o autor participou.


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Species of Pithophora occasionally appear in Europe and are associated mostly with the tropical, higher water plants, cultivated in numerous botanical gardens. In June 1973 pale green, branched threads were discovered in the pond of the Wroclaw Botanical Garden, amongst filaments of Spirogyra crassa (Kutz.) Czurda emend. and Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutz. floating on the water surface. They were maintained for several weeks in crude cultures and produced numerous, dark akinetes tightly packed with reserve material. This collected material was found to be a member of the family Pithophora, Wittr. Further examinations identified the material as Pithophora oedogonia. The findings point out that it is probable, that species of Pithophora Wittr. can become acclimatized in Europe, primarily in ponds of botanical gardens, where consequently they are able to tangle easily with higher tropical plants.


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A vegetação da Ilha Grande faz parte do Bioma Floresta Atlântica, que possui altos índices de biodiversidade e cobre amplas regiões de zonas climáticas e formações vegetacionais tropicais a subtropicais. No Brasil, estende-se numa estreita faixa ao longo de quase toda a costa atlântica e interioriza-se atingindo parte da Argentina e do Paraguai. Asteraceae é a terceira maior família em número de espécies na Floresta Atlântica. Assim, buscou-se conhecer a representatividade dessa família na Ilha Grande, objetivando contribuir com a política de preservação e manutenção de seus ecossistemas. Nesse contexto, promoveu-se um levantamento bibliográfico, consultas a herbários e excursões periódicas de coleta em campo. O material coletado foi depositado no herbário da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (HRJ). Registrou-se na área de estudo 67 espécies subordinadas a 37 gêneros. Os gêneros são a seguir denominados: Achyrocline (3 spp.), Adenostemma (1sp.), Ageratum (1 sp.), Austrocritonia (1 sp.), Astroeupatorium (1 sp.), Baccharis (8 spp.), Bidens (1 sp.), Blainvillea (1 sp.), Centratherum (1 sp.), Chaptalia (1 sp.), Chromolaena (3 spp.), Conyza (1 sp.), Cosmos (1 sp.), Eclipta (1 sp.), Elephantopus (2 spp.), Emilia (1 sp.), Erechtites (1 sp.), Galinsoga (1 sp.), Gamochaeta (1 sp.), Grazielia (1 sp.), Heterocondylus (2 spp.), Mikania (13 spp.), Piptocarpha (2 spp.), Pluchea (1 sp.), Praxelis (1 sp.), Pseudogynoxys (1 sp.), Pterocaulon (1 sp.), Sphagneticola (1 sp.), Sonchus (1 sp.), Steymarkina (1 sp.), Struchium (1 sp.), Synedrella (1 sp.), Tilesia (1 sp.), Tithonia (1 sp.), Trixis (1 sp.), Verbesina (1 sp.) e Vernonia (5 spp.). Estes gêneros estão abrigados sob nove tribos. São citadas pela primeira vez para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro as espécies Mikania campanulata e Struchium sparganophorum.


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Aboriginal Australians consumed oysters before settlement by Europeans as shown by the large number of kitchen middens along Australia's coast. Flat oysters, Ostrea angasi, were consumed in southeastern Australia, whereas both flat and Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea glomerata, are found in kitchen middens in southern New South Wales (NSW), but only Sydney rock oysters are found in northern NSW and southern Queensland. Oyster fisheries began with the exploitation of dredge beds, for the use of oyster shell for lime production and oyster meat for consumption. These natural oyster beds were nealy all exhausted by the late 1800's, and they have not recovered. Oyster farming, one of the oldest aquaculture industries in Australia, began as the oyster fisheries declined in the late 1800's. Early attempts at farming flat oysters in Tasmania, Victoria, and South Australia, which started in the 1880's, were abandoned in the 1890's. However, a thriving Sydney rock oyster industry developed from primitive beginnings in NSW in the 1870's. Sydney rock oysters are farmed in NSW, southern Queensland, and at Albany, Western Australia (WA). Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, are produced in Tasmania, South Australia, and Port Stephens, NSW. FLant oysters currently are farmed only in NSW, and there is also some small-scale harvesting of tropical species, the coarl rock or milky oyster, S. cucullata, and th black-lip oyster, Striostrea mytiloides, in northern Queensland. Despite intra- and interstate rivalries, oyster farmers are gradually realizing that they are all part of one industry, and this is reflected by the establishment of the national Australian Shellfish Quality Assuarance Program and the transfer of farming technology between states. Australia's oyster harvests have remained relatively stable since Sydney rock oyster production peaked in the mid 1970's at 13 million dozen. By the end of the 1990's this had stabilized at around 8 million dozen, and Pacific oyster production reached a total of 6.5 million dozen from Tasmania, South Australia, and Port Stephens, a total of 14.5 million dozen oysters for the whole country. This small increase in production during a time of substantial human population growth shows a smaller per capita consumption and a declining use of oysters as a "side-dish."


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薇甘菊主要入侵我国华南的广东、海南和云南三省,给当地造成了严重的危害,其强烈的化感作用被认为是其成功入侵的原因之一。而目前对薇甘菊化感作用的研究还较少,因而对薇甘菊化感作用的认识还有待深入的研究。另外,在对入侵植物入侵群落进行恢复时,由于入侵植物的凋落物以及生长过的土壤都还含有化感物质,常常导致恢复难以继续。因而选择抗化感能力强的物种来恢复薇甘菊的入侵地也成为该研究的一个主题。本文以薇甘菊为实验材料来研究薇甘菊化感作用对植物种子活力、种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,同时筛选化感抗性强的物种以进行薇甘菊入侵地的恢复工作。其主要结论如下: 1、薇甘菊根和叶的提取液对植物种子活力、种子萌发和幼苗生长都有很大的抑制作用,并且这种抑制作用随着提取液浓度的升高以及处理时间的延长而加强,这证明了薇甘菊具有很强的化感作用。 2、一些植物种子萌发和幼苗生长在低、中浓度提取液以及高浓度提取液的短时间的处理下能被促进,不过在高浓度的提取液以及长时间的处理下都被抑制,这说明化感作用是抑制还是促进作用在很大程度上受到提取液浓度和处理时间的影响。 3、薇甘菊提取液(50 g L-1)对紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)、黑麦草(Lolium perenne)和西葫芦(Cucurbita pepo)种子处理50-100 h就能极大的影响到其后的种子萌发和幼苗生长,这说明薇甘菊在短时间(50-100 h)就能给植物产生极强的化感作用,也进一步证实薇甘菊很强的化感作用。 4、由于各物种进化历史的不同,而且各物种在对薇甘菊的化感抗性上也存在着差异,所以各物种对薇甘菊提取液的化感反应也各不相同。 5、薇甘菊根提取液对刺槐和紫薇幼苗根的生长的影响要大于叶提取液对刺槐和紫薇幼苗根的生长的影响,而对刺槐和紫薇种子萌发率、初始萌发时间、萌发速率以及幼苗株高的影响却是叶提取液的化感作用强。这支持了一个新的假设:由于物种间代谢的多样性,至少在根和叶对受试植物根的化感影响方面,对于一些物种来说根的化感作用可能强于叶的化感作用,对于另一些物种来说叶的化感作用可能强于根的化感作用。 6、薇甘菊叶提取液对西葫芦种子活力、种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感影响大,而对其后开花时间以及开花的数目没有明显的影响,这说明薇甘菊对西葫芦生活史前期的化感影响要大于对西葫芦生活史后期的化感影响。 7、薇甘菊叶的水提取液对种子萌发的抑制作用要大于对幼苗生长的抑制作用;对非豆科植物种子萌发的影响要大于对豆科植物种子萌发的影响,而对非豆科植物幼苗生长的影响要小于对豆科植物幼苗生长的影响;对本地种的抑制作用要大于对外来归化种的抑制作用。 本研究证实了薇甘菊强烈的化感作用,根提取液对受体植物幼根生长的影响大于叶提取液对受体植物幼根生长的影响,这种化感作用可能极大的促进了薇甘菊的入侵。另外,在恢复薇甘菊入侵群落时,考虑到薇甘菊的化感作用,理应选择外来的已经归化了的非豆科植物的幼苗。


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生物入侵在全世界广泛发生,目前已经受到全球关注。入侵生物对群落生物多样性和生态系统功能造成严重威胁,导致严重的环境问题和惨重的经济损失。薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)和南美蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)是我国华南地区危害最严重的三种外来入侵种,其中以薇甘菊危害最严重,是世界十大有害杂草之一。从20世纪80年代发生以来,薇甘菊已在我国广东农林区域造成严重危害。 机械防治、化学防治和传统的生物防治等治理措施,未能有效治理外来入侵种的危害,直到使用本地种菟丝子(Cuscuta spp)的防治策略。与从原产地引进有害生物天敌的传统生物防治方法不同,本地种由于适应当地气候且与其他物种协同进化,因此,对生态环境潜在的负作用小。从2000年,被发现寄生和抑制薇甘菊之后,菟丝子被认为是防治薇甘菊的有效措施。 为了探讨菟丝子寄生对外来入侵种的治理,及对入侵群落的恢复,本研究在内伶仃岛的林地(入侵种群落被引入菟丝子寄生1-4年),以及东莞、深圳和海丰的干扰样地(入侵种群落被菟丝子自然寄生5年以上)开展野外调查。在每个样地分别设立外来种入侵亚群和菟丝子治理亚群,通过测定群落结构与组成、土壤性质与养分含量,以及外来种和菟丝子的生长与养分含量等参数之后,本研究得出以下主要结论。 (1) 虽然,被寄生的外来入侵种薇甘菊、五爪金龙和南美蟛蜞菊通过调节资源分配以抵御南方菟丝子(Cuscuta australis)的寄生影响,但是,菟丝子寄生导致外来入侵种生物量降低、繁殖能力下降、养分含量降低。虽然,很多寄生植物都是广谱寄生,能同时寄生多种寄主植物,但是,在本研究的被入侵的群落中,菟丝子主要寄生外来入侵植物。尤其是寄生于南美蟛蜞菊和薇甘菊的菟丝子,生长旺盛、繁殖能力强,表现出高度的适应性。因此,菟丝子对外来入侵种(南美蟛蜞菊和薇甘菊)有寄生偏好性,并对本地种的负面影响小。 (2) 通过吸收寄主的养分,田野菟丝子(Cuscuta campestris)有效地抑制了薇甘菊的危害。由于入侵种的凋落物养分含量高且分解效率高,而且,菟丝子能够促进其它凋落物的分解,并使难以被植物吸收的养分转化成易于被吸收利用的状态。因此,菟丝子与薇甘菊的寄生作用导致土壤养分含量的升高。在薇甘菊被抑制之后,本地种利用丰富的土壤养分资源,提高生长适应性,增强抵抗入侵的能力,甚至抵制薇甘菊的再生。 (3) 菟丝子的寄生作用改变了外来寄主与本地非寄主的竞争平衡,促进本地植物的生长与重建。在外来种被抑制之后,本地种的丰度和群落的物种多样性逐渐增加。本地种如:野葛(Pueraria lobata)和芦苇(Phragmites australis),取代了入侵群落中的入侵种,成了群落的优势种。而其它原先被薇甘菊抑制的本地草本、藤本和灌木,在引入菟丝子防治之后长势较好。群落稳定性与物种多样性密切相关,被治理群落本地种的增加有利于群落的演替与稳定。 (4) 被干扰的生态系统往往更容易被外来种入侵,而外来入侵种又常导致人工干扰生境的严重退化。在人工干扰样地的菟丝子对薇甘菊的抑制效果与在林地的效果一致,导致被寄生的薇甘菊生长衰退、养分竞争能力下降、入侵危害能力降低。而在薇甘菊被菟丝子治理之后,土壤养分资源增加,入侵群落的物种丰度和生物多样性提高。本 地种的重建与本地群落的恢复密切相关,利于本地被治理群落的稳定,促进被干扰植被的恢复。 菟丝子是一种治理外来入侵种危害的有效措施,适用于破碎的生境和被干扰的生态系统,尤其是在采用目前防治措施难以治理的情况下。本研究为本地种防治外来入侵种提供科学依据,且表明以入侵地的本地种治理外来入侵种有可能成为有效且可持续发展的生物防治策略。


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武汉东湖是一个浅水富营养湖泊,其沿岸带底栖藻类群落的季节分布特征明显,夏季的优势种群是一些体积很小的硅藻类曲壳藻(Achnanthes spp.),其他大部分季节是绿藻门的团集刚毛藻(Cladophora glomerata)和硅藻门的变异直链藻(Melosira varians)。不同样点间的底栖藻类现存量差异不显著,但优势种类不同,以团集刚毛藻为优势的绿藻在处于中富营养区域的磨山样点比例最高,以变异直链藻为优势种的硅藻在严重富营养化的水果湖样点中比例最高。底栖藻类月平均现存量(以叶绿素a计)的时间变化


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In an effort to develop genetic markers for oyster identification, we studied length polymorphism in internal transcribed spacers (ITS) between major ribosomal RNA genes in 12 common species of Ostreidae: Crassostrea virginica, C. rhizophorae, C. gigas, C. angulata, C. sikamea, C. ariakensis, C. hongkongensis, Saccostrea echinata, S. glomerata, Ostrea angasi, O. edulis, and O. conchaphila. We designed two pairs of primers and optimized PCR conditions for simultaneous amplification of ITS 1 and ITS2 in a single PCR. Amplification was successful in all 12 species, and PCR products were visualized on high-resolution agarose gels. ITS2 was longer than ITS 1 in all Crassostrea and Saccostrea species, whereas they were about the same size in the three Ostrea species. No intraspecific variation in ITS length was detected. Among species, the length of ITS I and ITS2 was polymorphic and provided unique identification of 8 species or species pairs: C. ariakensis, C. hongkongensis, C. sikamea, O. conchaphila, C. virginica/C. rhizophorae, C. gigas/C. angulata, S. echinata/S. glonzerata, and O. angasi/O. edulis. The ITS assay provides simple, rapid and effective identification of C. ariakensis and several other oyster species. Because the primer sequences are conserved, the ITS assay may be useful in the identification of other bivalve species.


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Organizmy autotroficzne żyjące w ekosystemach wodnych, czerpią azot nieorganiczny z azotanów, azotynów i amoniaku. Związki te dostają się do zbiorników wodnych wraz ze spływem powierzchniowym, opadami oraz wodami gruntowymi. Wszystkie formy związków azotu ulegają licznym przemianom biochemicznym zachodzącym w słupie wody. Mowa tu głównie o amonifikacji, nitryfikacji oraz denitryfikacji częściowej i całkowitej. Jako, że z tymi przemianami wiąże się także zmiana stopnia utlenienia, zajście powyższych reakcji w głównej mierze zależy od stężenia tlenu w wodzie (Lampert i Sommer 2001). Glony z rodzaju błonica (Ulva) i gałęzatka (Cladophora) większą część swojego cyklu życiowego spędzają blisko powierzchni wody, gdzie przeprowadzają fotosyntezę i intensywnie się namnażają. Wiąże się również z wysokim zapotrzebowaniem na biogeny oraz z silną konkurencją o inne zasoby (jak np. światło) z innymi roślinami wodnymi. Obok węgla, wodoru i tlenu glony i rośliny wodne wymagają do wzrostu i swojego rozwoju dodatkowych elementów (między innymi N, P i mikroelementy). Większość z tych składników jest zwykle obecna w ekosystemie wodnym w odpowiednich ilościach w stosunku do potrzeb organizmów fotosyntetyzujących i nie należy od czynników limitujących wzrost. Jednak zawartości nieorganicznych form azotu i fosforu mogą być na tyle niskie, że powodują limitację wzrostu makroglonów w wodach powierzchniowych. Asymilacja pierwiastków biogennych (N, P) z wody zachodzi dzięki specjalnym, energo-zależnym i powiązanych z błoną komórkową systemom permeazy, których funkcją jest zapewnienie podwyższonego, wewnątrzkomórkowego stężenia tych jonów jako substratów do dalszych szlaków i procesów enzymatycznych (Gumiński 1990).


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La asociación entre raíces de plantas y hongos micorrícicos arbusculares (HMA) incrementa la absorción de fósforo. Sin embargo, la defoliación puede influenciar el balance de la simbiosis y la recuperación de las plantas. El objetivo de esta tesis fue estudiar el efecto de la simbiosis micorrícica y el suministro de fósforo, sobre el crecimiento y la recuperación post-defoliación de gramíneas forrajeras cultivadas. Para esto, en primer lugar, se caracterizó la respuesta micorrícica de seis especies de gramíneas (tres templadas (C3) : i) Dactylis glomerata, ii) Elymus elongatus y iii) Schedonorus arundinaceus; y tres tropicales (C4) : iv) Paspalum dilatatum, v) Panicum coloratum y vi) Urochloa brizantha) creciendo en déficit nutricional. En estas condiciones, las gramíneas tropicales presentaron mayor respuesta micorrícica que las templadas. En segundo lugar, se estudió el rol de las micorrizas y el suministro de fósforo sobre el crecimiento y la nutrición de E. elongatus y U. brizantha, dos especies con respuestas micorrícicas contrastantes. Al aumentar el suministro de fósforo, en E. elongatus (especie con menor respuesta micorrícic) ) y U. brizantha (especie con mayor respuesta micorrícica) el cambio en la producción de biomasa, entre plantas inoculadas y no-inoculadas, disminuyó. Sin embargo, mostraron diferencias en la eficiencia en el uso del fósforo: U. brizantha hizo un mayor aprovechamiento del fósforo que E. elongatus. Por último, se caracterizaron respuestas de recuperación post-defoliación bajo distinto suministro de fósforo. En E. elongatus en alto fósforo, hubo un efecto parasítico de la micorriza sobre la recuperación post-defoliación. Por el contrario, en U. brizantha no se detectó un compromiso entre defoliación y micorrizas. La información generada en esta tesis servirá de base para mejorar el conocimiento de aspectos básicos de la relación entre hongos micorrícicos arbusculares y gramíneas forrajeras, como también, para establecer pautas de conservación de las relaciones simbióticas en sistemas pastoriles.


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El mantenimiento de la composición florística óptima, dada por la dominancia de las gramineas C3 perennes sobre las anuales, es altamente relevante en pasturas templado - húmedas. Las decisiones culturales, tales como los arreglos de siembra, las fertilizaciones y las frecuencias de defoliación, son clave para lograrlo. El objetivo de mi tesis fue analizar los mecanismos involucrados en la dinámica de las relaciones de competencia intra e interespecíficas entre los componentes de gramínea C3 perenne y anual/bianual y el efecto de diferentes frecuencias de defoliación y de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre la persistencia y la productividad de la graminea perenne. Se realizaron dos ensayos manipulativos en distintos niveles de organización y escalas temporales. En el primero, se analizaron los mecanismos morfogenéticos y estructurales involucrados en la dinámica de las relaciones de competencia entre Dactylis glomerata L. (pasto ovillo, perenne) y Bromus willdenowii Khunt (cebadilla, anual/bianual), durante el establecimiento temprano. Se establecieron cuatro combinaciones de siembra -solo cebadilla, solo pasto ovillo, y cada especie rodeada por vecinos de la otra - sin y con fertilización nitrogenada invernal. Las variables bajo estudio se registraron en tres cohortes de macollos de la planta objetivo, el principal y los aparecidos 20 y 30 días después de la fertilización. Ambas gramineas rodeadas por anuales fueron restringidas en la ocupación espacial horizontal y subterránea. Las mayores tasas de elongación foliar y la longitud total de láminas verdes y de pseudotallos indicaron una mayor jerarquía de la gramínea anual en captura de luz. Los vecinos anuales causaron disminución de la vida media foliar de los macollos más jóvenes y retrasaron la tasa de aparición de hojas en el macollo principal y en los aparecidos 20 días post-fertilización. Además, disminuyeron los números de hojas expandidas y vivas en los macollos de edad intermedia de las dos especies y redujeron la tasa de aparición de macollos, su densidad por planta y su biomasa radical. En el segundo ensayo las frecuencias de defoliación se definieron por el número de hojas presentes por macollo y por la especie guía. Las altas frecuencias de defoliación afectaron consistente y negativamente a la especie perenne. La desventaja de las defoliaciones frecuentes, habiendo o no fertilizado, se expresó en incrementos del filocrono y disminuciones en las tasas de acumulación de biomasa tanto radical como aerea y en el contenido de hidratos de carbono de reserva durante la implantación de la pastura. Se propone que los cuatro mecanismos principales de regulación del crecimiento y de la habilidad competitiva son la tasa de aparición de hojas, la tasa de elongación foliar, el número de hojas expandidas y la biomasa radical. El conocimiento de la respuesta de dichas variables ante cambios en el ambiente biótico y abiótico permitirá la toma de decisiones culturales y de manejo sobre bases objetivas.