993 resultados para Microscopia Confocal
Microscopia eletrônica de granulações em Proteus vulgaris tratado como Cloreto de Trifeniltetrazólio
Zonas citoplasmáticas de atividade redutora de TTC foram evidenciadas em células de Proteus vulgaris examinadas ao microscópio eletrõnico. As experiências foram realizadas em vários intervalos de tempo, sendo a reação, em alguns casos, estabilizada por meio de formol. Verificou-se que as granulações de formazana podiam ser removidas no interior do corpo bacteriano por meio de tratamento com acetona. O bombardeamento pelos eléctrons, quando os germes não tinham sido fixados com formol, determinou a saída das granulações do interior dos bacilos, deixando vestígios de sua presença (rompimento das membranas celulares nos pontos onde estavam localizados). A fixação com formol evitava a saída dos grânulos. O acúmulo dos cristais de formazana, internamente, nos pólos ou ao longo do corpo bacteriano, provoca sérias alterações morfológicas.
Neste trabalho os autores apresentam uma revisão da morfologia das gregarinas do gênero Stenophora Labbé, 1899, baseada principalmente em S. juli (Frantzius, 1848) Labbé, 1899. Caracterizam citoquìmicamente os elementos da estrutura nuclear, ficando evidenciado que o corpúsculo nuclear referido por muitos como um cariossomo apresenta reações positivas para o RNA, sendo portanto um nucléolo. O suco nuclear apresenta reações para o DNA pouco intensas, devido as granulações de cromatina se apresentarem muito finas. Fazem referências também à estrutura do nucléolo, que varia com as técnicas empregadas e salientam a necessidade de comparação dêstes resultados com aquêles obtidos com o auxílio da microscopia eletrônica e que são tratados no segundo trabalho desta série.
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Foram examinados os hemócitos de larvas do 2º (L2) e 3º(L3) instares de Dermatobia hominis em nível de microscopia óptica e comparados com os de outras espécies encontradas na literatura. Nas L2 e em L3 com peso de até 200mg foram encontrados cinco tipos: Pro-hemócitos, Plasmatócitos, Vermiformes, Oenocitóides e Esfoliativas. A medida em que as L3 foram-se tornando mais idosas apareceram em seqüência os Granulócitos e Adipohemócitos, sendo raro encontrar-se Pro-hemócitos em L3 com peso acima de 500mg. Tipos intermediários entre Pro-hemócitos e Plasmatócitos e entre Granulócitos e Adipohemócitos também foram encontrados, fazendo-se supor que pro-hemócitos dão origem ao Plasmatócito e que este dá origem ao Granulócito que pode acumular grãos de lipídeos transformando-se em Adipohemócito. O Oenocitóide parece ter origem diferente dos demais tipos. Não foram encontradas formas transicionais entre Plasmatócito fusiforme e Vermiforme típica conforme aparece na literatura para algumas espécies. Embora sem ter característica de hemócitos, as células Esfoliativas são elementos que aparecem nos dois instares estudados.
Red blood cell (RBC) parameters such as morphology, volume, refractive index, and hemoglobin content are of great importance for diagnostic purposes. Existing approaches require complicated calibration procedures and robust cell perturbation. As a result, reference values for normal RBC differ depending on the method used. We present a way for measuring parameters of intact individual RBCs by using digital holographic microscopy (DHM), a new interferometric and label-free technique with nanometric axial sensitivity. The results are compared with values achieved by conventional techniques for RBC of the same donor and previously published figures. A DHM equipped with a laser diode (lambda = 663 nm) was used to record holograms in an off-axis geometry. Measurements of both RBC refractive indices and volumes were achieved via monitoring the quantitative phase map of RBC by means of a sequential perfusion of two isotonic solutions with different refractive indices obtained by the use of Nycodenz (decoupling procedure). Volume of RBCs labeled by membrane dye Dil was analyzed by confocal microscopy. The mean cell volume (MCV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), and mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were also measured with an impedance volume analyzer. DHM yielded RBC refractive index n = 1.418 +/- 0.012, volume 83 +/- 14 fl, MCH = 29.9 pg, and MCHC 362 +/- 40 g/l. Erythrocyte MCV, MCH, and MCHC achieved by an impedance volume analyzer were 82 fl, 28.6 pg, and 349 g/l, respectively. Confocal microscopy yielded 91 +/- 17 fl for RBC volume. In conclusion, DHM in combination with a decoupling procedure allows measuring noninvasively volume, refractive index, and hemoglobin content of single-living RBCs with a high accuracy.
Recent evidence suggests that lactate could be a preferential energy substrate transferred from astrocytes to neurons. This would imply the presence of specific transporters for lactate on both cell types. We have investigated the immunohistochemical localization of two monocarboxylate transporters, MCT1 and MCT2, in the adult mouse brain. Using specific antibodies raised against MCT1 and MCT2, we found strong immunoreactivity for each transporter in glia limitans, ependymocytes and several microvessel-like elements. In addition, small processes distributed throughout the cerebral parenchyma were immunolabeled for monocarboxylate transporters. Double immunofluorescent labeling and confocal microscopy examination of these small processes revealed no co-localization between glial fibrillary acidic protein and monocarboxylate transporters, although many glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive processes were often in close apposition to elements labeled for monocarboxylate transporters. In contrast, several elements expressing the S100beta protein, another astrocytic marker found to be located in distinct parts of the same cell when compared with glial fibrillary acidic protein, were also strongly immunoreactive for MCT1, suggesting expression of this transporter by astrocytes. In contrast, MCT2 was expressed in a small subset of microtubule-associated protein-2-positive elements, indicating a neuronal localization. In conclusion, these observations are consistent with the possibility that lactate, produced and released by astrocytes (via MCT1), could be taken up (via MCT2) and used by neurons as an energy substrate.
A male of Triatoma ryckmani Zeledón & Ponce, 1972, was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Only few specimens of this species are known. In this paper, some structures from the head, thorax, abdomen and distal region of the second leg are shown. Some of them could have taxonomic importance, as the oculo-ocellar region, the buccula, the anterolateral angle of the collar, the scutellum with the process longer than the main body, the stridulatory sulcus with an unusual backward vermiform area, and the tibia-tarsal articulation, with a spongy fossula. The last structure was absent in specimens previously studied (Lent & Wygodzinsky 1979). Differences between this specimen and others previously described by several authors are dicussed.
Aquest projecte s'ha realitzat al Servei de Microscòpia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, i ha tingut una durada de dos anys (2006-2008). La finalitat d’aquest projecte ha estat l’elaboració de material didàctic basat en la captació d’imatges i l’edició de recursos pedagògics de suport digital aplicats a la ciència de materials. Es pretén millorar així la qualitat docent de les pràctiques de diverses assignatures dels ensenyaments de Física i d’Enginyeria de Materials utilitzant tècniques d’anàlisi actuals com són la Microscòpia Electrònica de Rastreig (MER) i la Microscòpia Optica (MO). Amb aquest projecte es vol fomentar també el treball interdisciplinari en equip entre professionals (docents i tècnics superiors de recerca) i acostar la teoria de les assignatures a la realització pràctica, facilitant el suport digital necessari per aconseguir un màxim aprofitament a les aules. Les imatges de MER i MO ajudaran als alumnes a familiaritzar-se amb el món de la recerca i la indústria.
Aiming to detail data obtained through brightfield microscopy (BM) on reproductive, excretory and digestive system, specimens of Schistosoma mansoni eight weeks old, were recovered from SW mice, stained with Langeron's carmine and analyzed under a confocal laser scanning microscope CLSM 410 (Carl Zeiss). The reproductive system presented a single and lobate testis, with intercommunications between the lobes without efferent duct. Supernumerary testicular lobe was amorphous and isolated from the normal ones. Collecting tubules (excretory ducts), followed by the excretory bladder, opening to the external media through the excretory pore, were observed at the posterior extremity of the body. In the digestive tract, a cecal swelling was noted at the junction that originates the single cecum. It was concluded that through confocal laser scanning microscopy, new interpretations of morphological structures of S. mansoni worms could be achieved, modifying adopted and current descriptions. The gonad consists of a single lobed testis, similar to that observed in some trematode species. Moreover, the same specimens can be observed either by BM or CLSM, considering that the latter causes only focal and limited damage in tissue structures.
La distròfia endotelial de Fuchs es caracteritza per la formació de guttas endotelials i en estadis avançats pot induir edema corneal i pèrdua d’agudesa visual. A diferència del microscopi especular, el microscopi confocal té un disseny que permet evitar la llum aberrant causada per l’edema corneal o opacitats estromals. Comparant ambdues probes en la valoració de l’endoteli corneal en pacients amb distròfia de Fuchs, s’observa millor qualitat d’imatge per microscòpia confocal tot i que no es podia valorar la fiabilitat de l’esmentada proba en la determinació de la densitat cel•lular endotelial en les còrnies afectades.
Malnutrition hampers the course of schistosomiasis mansoni infection just as normal growth of adult worms. A comparative morphometric study on adult specimens (male and female) recovered from undernourished (fed with a low protein diet - regional basic diet) and nourished (rodent commercial laboratory food, NUVILAB) white mice was performed. Tomographic images and morphometric analysis of the oral and ventral suckers, reproductive system and tegument were obtained by means of confocal laser scanning microscopy. Undernourished male specimens presented smaller morphometric values (length and width) of the reproductive system (first, third and last testicular lobes) and thickness of the tegument than controls. Besides that, it was demonstrated that the dorsal surface of the male worms bears large tubercles unevenly distributed, but kept grouped and flat. At the subtegumental region, vacuolated areas were detected. It was concluded that the inadequate nutritional status of the vertebrate host has a negative influence mainly in the reproductive system and topographical somatic development of male adult Schistosoma mansoni, inducing some alterations on the structure of the parasite.
Eggs and nymphs of Triatoma jurbergi were described using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. T. jurbergi is a wild species, found in State of Mato Grosso (15ºS and 300 m.a.s.l), Brazil. Eggs showed the operculum and surface with pentagonal and hexagonal cells, with small fractures and punctuations randomly distributed. Differences were found in the five nymphal stages of T. jurbergi, that allow their to be distinguished from the similar species T. guazu. The diagnostic characters most useful for differentiation were the general color of the insect, abdomen shape and its length.
Schistosoma mansoni adult worms with genital anomalies isolated from Nectomys squamipes (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy under the reflected mode. One male without testicular lobes (testicular agenesia/anorchism) and two females, one with an atrophied ovary and another with 17 uterine eggs, were identified. The absence of testicular lobes occurred in a worm presenting otherwise normal male adult characteristics: tegument, tubercles and a gynaecophoric canal with spines. In both female specimens the digestive tube showed a vacuolated appearance, and the specimen with supernumerary uterine eggs exhibited a developing miracidium and an egg with a formed shell. The area of the ventral sucker was similar in both specimens however the tegument thickness, ovary and vitelline glands of the specimen with the atrophied ovary were smaller than those of the one with supernumerary eggs. These reported anomalies in the reproductive system call attention to the need to improve our understanding of genetic regulation and the possible role of environmental influences upon trematode development.
To compare autofluorescence (AF) images obtained with the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (using the Heidelberg retina angiograph; HRA) and the modified Topcon fundus camera, in a routine clinical setting. A prospective comparative study conducted at the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital. Fifty-six patients from the medical retina clinic. All patients had complete ophthalmic slit-lamp and fundus examinations, colour and red-free fundus photography, AF imaging with both instruments, and fluorescein angiography. Cataract and fixation were graded clinically. AF patterns were analyzed for healthy and pathological features. Differences of image noise were analyzed by cataract grading and fixation. A total of 105 eyes were included. AF patterns discovered by the retina angiograph and the fundus camera images, respectively, were a dark optic disc in 72 % versus 15 %, a dark fovea in 92 % versus 4 %, sub- and intraretinal fluid visible as hyperautofluorescence on HRA images only, lipid exudates visible as hypoautofluorescence on HRA images only. The same autofluorescent pattern was found on both images for geographic atrophy, retinal pigment changes, drusen and haemorrhage. Image noise was significantly associated with the degree of cataract and/or poor fixation, favouring the fundus camera. Images acquired by the fundus camera before and after fluorescein angiography were identical. Fundus AF images differ according to the technical differences of the instruments used. Knowledge of these differences is important not only for correctly interpreting images, but also for selecting the most appropriate instrument for the clinical situation.