102 resultados para Micropores


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As alcohol molecules such as methanol and ethanol have both polar and non-polar groups, their adsorption behavior is governed by the contributions of dispersion interaction (alkyl group) and hydrogen bonding (OH group). In this paper, the adsorption behavior of alcohol molecules and its effect on transport processes are elucidated. From the total permeability (B-T) of alcohol molecules in activated carbon, an adsorption mechanism is proposed, describing well the experimental data, by taking combination effects of clustering, entering micropores, layering and pore filling processes. Unlike the case of non-polar compounds, it was found that at low pressures there are two rises in the BT of alcohol molecules in activated carbon. The first rise is due to the major contribution of surface diffusion to the transport (which is the case of non-polar molecules) and the second one may be associated with cluster formation at the edge of micropores and entering micropores when the clusters are sufficiently large enough to induce a dispersive energy. In addition the clusters formed may enhance surface diffusion at low pressures and hinder gas phase diffusion and flow in meso/macropores. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Knowledge of the adsorption behavior of coal-bed gases, mainly under supercritical high-pressure conditions, is important for optimum design of production processes to recover coal-bed methane and to sequester CO2 in coal-beds. Here, we compare the two most rigorous adsorption methods based on the statistical mechanics approach, which are Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation, for single and binary mixtures of methane and carbon dioxide in slit-shaped pores ranging from around 0.75 to 7.5 nm in width, for pressure up to 300 bar, and temperature range of 308-348 K, as a preliminary study for the CO2 sequestration problem. For single component adsorption, the isotherms generated by DFT, especially for CO2, do not match well with GCMC calculation, and simulation is subsequently pursued here to investigate the binary mixture adsorption. For binary adsorption, upon increase of pressure, the selectivity of carbon dioxide relative to methane in a binary mixture initially increases to a maximum value, and subsequently drops before attaining a constant value at pressures higher than 300 bar. While the selectivity increases with temperature in the initial pressure-sensitive region, the constant high-pressure value is also temperature independent. Optimum selectivity at any temperature is attained at a pressure of 90-100 bar at low bulk mole fraction of CO2, decreasing to approximately 35 bar at high bulk mole fractions. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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The introduction of single crystal casting techniques has led to the development of existing nickel-base superalloys to produce materials with optimum mechanical properties in the single crystal condition. As single crystals are known to be anisotropic, a study is needed to determine the general mechanical properties of these materials, and determine the effects of crystal orientation upon them. A study has been carried out to identify the effect of orientation and temperature on the creep and fatigue properties of a development single crystal superalloy, SRR 99. Creep testing and crystal rotation experiments have been made on SRR 99 and an earlier development alloy, SRR 9. Fatigue experiments at elevated temperatures have been carried out on both notched and un-notched specimens of alloy SRR 99. To aid in this analysis, several analytical techniques have been employed including Laue x-ray orientation analysis, measurement of strain by photographic methods and microstructural examination. Crystal rotation experiments have indicated that shear of 1 precipitates by lbrace111rbrace< 112> slip systems is operative during primary creep deformation at temperatures of 750oC and 850oC. The effect of orientation variation obtained by standard casting practices was not found to be significant. Creep rupture was found to be associated with multiple crack initiation from micropores. Fatigue crack initiation in un-notched specimens was found to be related to microporosity and microstructural defects. Failure was predominantly by crystallographic crack growth on lbrace111rbrace planes. The use of linear elastic fracture mechanics to describe fatigue crack propagation in alloy SRR 99 was found to be acceptable at temperatures up to 850oC. Variation of temperature, frequency and crystal orientation was found to have only moderate effect upon crack propagation rates.


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The initial objective of this work was to evaluate and introduce fabrication techniques based on W/0/W double emulsion and 0/W single emulsion systems with solvent evaporation for the incorporation of a surrogate macromolecule (BSA) into microspheres and microcapsules fabricated using P(HB-HV}, PEA and their blends. Biodegradation, expressed as changes in the gross and ultrastructural morphology of BSA loaded microparticulates with time was monitored using SEM concomitant with BSA release. Spherical microparticulates were successfully fabricated using both the W/0/W and 0/W emulsion systems. Both microspheres and microcapsules released BSA over a period of 24 to 26 days. BSA release from P(HB-HV)20% PCL 11 microcapsules increased steadily with time, while BSA release from all other microparticulates was characterised by an initial lag phase followed by exponential release lasting 6-11 days. Microcapsules were found to biodegrade more rapidly than microspheres fabricated from the same polymer. The incubation of microparticulates in newborn calf serum; synthetic gastric juice and pancreatin solution showed that microspheres and microcapsules were susceptible to enzymatic biodegradation. The in vitro incubation of microparticulates in Hank's buffer demonstrated limited biodegradation of microspheres and microcapsules by simple chemical hydrolysis. BSA release was thought to ocurr as a result of the macromolecule diffusing through either inherent micropores or via pores and channels generated in situ by previously dissolved BSA. However, in all cases, irrespective of percentage loading or fabrication polymer, low encapsulation efficiencies were obtained with W/0/W and 0/W techniques (4.2±0.9%- 15.5±0.5%,n=3), thus restricting the use of these techniques for the generation of microparticulate sustained drug delivery devices. In order to overcome this low encapsulation efficiency, a W/0 single emulsion technique was developed and evaluated in an attempt to minimise the loss of the macromolecule into the continuous aqueous phase and increase encapsulation efficiency. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) [PLCG] 75:25 and 50:50, PEA alone and PEA blended with PLCG 50:50 to accelerate biodegradation, were used to microencapsulate the water soluble antibiotic vancomycin, a putative replacement for gentamicin in the control of bacterial infection in orthopaedic surgery especially during total hip replacement. Spherical microspheres (17.39±6.89~m,n=74-56.5±13.8~m,n=70) were successfully fabricated with vancomycin loadings of 10, 25 and 50%, regardless of the polymer blend used. All microspheres remained structurally intact over the period of vancomycin release and exhibited high percentage yields( 40. 75±2 .86%- 97.16±4.3%,n=3)and encapsulation efficiencies (47.75±9.0%- 96.74±13.2%,n=12). PLCG 75:25 microspheres with a vancomycin loading of 50% were judged to be the most useful since they had an encapsulation efficiency of 96.74+13.2%, n=12 and sustained therapeutically significant vancomycin release (15-25μg/ml) for up to 26 days. This work has provided the means for the fabrication of a spectrum of prototype biodegradable microparticulates, whose biodegradation has been characterised in physiological media and which have the potential for the sustained delivery of therapeutically useful macromolecules including water soluble antibiotics for orthopaedic applications.


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Mg-Al hydrotalcite coatings have been grown on alumina via a novel alkali- and nitrate-free impregnation route and subsequent calcination and hydrothermal treatment. The resulting Mg-HT/AlO catalysts significantly outperform conventional bulk hydrotalcites prepared via co-precipitation in the transesterification of C-C triglycerides for fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) production, with rate enhancements increasing with alkyl chain length. This promotion is attributed to improved accessibility of bulky triglycerides to active surface base sites over the higher area alumina support compared to conventional hydrotalcites wherein many active sites are confined within the micropores. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Fenton-chemistry-based detemplation combined with secondary treatments offers options to tune the hierarchical porosity of SBA-15. This approach has been studied on a series of SBA-15 mesophases and has been compared to the conventional calcination. The as-synthesized and detemplated materials were studied with regard to their template content (TGA, CHN), structure (SAXS, TEM), surface hydroxylation (Blin-Carterets approach), and texture (high-resolution argon physisorption). Fenton detemplation achieves 99% of template removal, leading to highly hydroxylated materials. The structure is better preserved when a secondary treatment is applied after the Fenton oxidation, due to the intense capillary forces during drying in water. Two successful approaches are presented: drying in a low-surface-tension solvent (such as n-BuOH) and a hydrothermal stabilization to further condense the structure and make it structurally more robust. Both approaches give rise to remarkably low structural shrinkage, lower than calcination and the direct water-dried Fenton. Interestingly, the derived textural features are remarkably different. The n-BuOH exchange route gives rise to highly hierarchical structures with enhanced interconnecting pores and the highest surface areas. The hydrothermal stabilization produces large-pore SBA-15 structures with high pore volume, intermediate interconnectivity, and minimal micropores. Therefore, the hierarchical texture can be fine-tuned in these two fashions while the template is removed under mild conditions.


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Theoretical research and specific surface area analysis of nitrogen adsorption indicated that a lot of structural micropores exist in sepiolite minerals fibers. However, the microporous size, existing form, and the distribution relationship between microporous structures were not proved yet. In this paper, the section TEM samples of nanofibers were prepared on the basis of the metal embedding and cutting technique, and the inner structure of sepiolite nanofibers was observed by TEM. The results showed that sepiolite fibers have multiplayer structure similar to concentric circles, and many micropores with the size of about 2–5 nm are normal and parallel to the -axis. The reason for the previously mentioned phenomenon was explained by using BET analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis results.


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The thermodynamic properties of anchovy fillets and enzymatic modified pastes in two hydrolysis degrees (3% HD and 14% HD), at 50, 60 and 70 C were evaluated. The GAB model was used to calculate the values of the monolayer moisture content and the thermodynamic properties of the samples. The enzymatic modification led to the increases of the superficial area and differential enthalpies, and decrease of the differential entropies in relation the samples in natura. The enthalpy–entropy compensation showed that the process was controlled by the enthalpy, it was only spontaneous for the samples in natura. Pore size decreased with enzymatic modification, and all samples were in the limit of region between micropores and mesopores (<2 nm) for moisture content of 15%, and mesopores (from 2 to 50 nm) to moisture content above 15%.


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Os filmes são produzidos a partir de macromoléculas, que podem ser utilizados como embalagem, como os polissacarídeos, lipídeos e proteínas. As proteínas se destacam dos demais, pois possuem uma estrutura com 20 monômeros diferentes, que confere um amplo potencial de ligações intermoleculares. A incorporação de agentes ativos em filmes é uma alternativa como embalagem, para inibir ou retardar a multiplicação de microrganismos patógenos e deteriorantes em alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de filmes à base de isolado protéico de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) – IPA adicionados de ácidos orgânicos. Para tanto, foi elaborado o IPA, pela solubilização alcalina da proteína e precipitação no ponto isoelétrico a partir de carne mecanicamente separada. O IPA foi avaliado quanto a sua composição proximal, aminoacídica e por DSC. A solução formadora dos filmes foi elaborada a partir de IPA, água, glicerol e hidróxido de sódio. As formulações dos filmes foram elaboradas segundo um planejamento fatorial 23 . Foram avaliadas as propriedades físico-químicas de resistência a tração (RT) e elongação (E); espessura, solubilidade e permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA); a diferença de cor (∆E*) e opacidade (Y) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) de filmes à base de IPA. Os filmes com diferentes concentrações de ácido sórbico (AS) ou ácido benzóico (AB) foram desenvolvidos a partir da condição cujo as propriedades físico-químicas foram as melhores, sendo comparados aos filmes controles. Estes, foram avaliados quanto a sua atividade antimicrobiana frente aos microrganismos Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella Enteritidis pelo método de difusão em disco, além das propriedades físico-químicas, MEV e FT-IV. Os filmes com maior atividade antimicrobiana e os filmes controle foram aplicados sobre carne bovina, inoculados com os microrganismos inibidos no método de difusão em disco e armazenados a 5°C. Estes, foram avaliados a cada 2 dias durante 12 dias de armazenamento, pela método de contagem em gotas. O IPA apresentou 88,8% de proteína e 53,3% de aminoácidos polares e temperatura de desnaturação de 62,2°C. A espessura, PVA, ∆E* e Y dos filmes não foram afetados pelas variáveis estudadas no experimento. A menor solubilidade e maior RT dos filmes ocorreram em baixa concentração de IPA, glicerol e tratamento térmico, mas a E aumentou com o acréscimo dessas variáveis. As MEV das superfícies dos filmes foram homogêneas, para aqueles com leve tratamento térmico. O aumento da concentração de AS e AB na faixa de 0,50 a 1,50% resultou na diminuição da RT e aumento da E, solubilidade, ∆E* e Y. Houve mudança da organização molecular e interações intermoleculares entre as moléculas de IPA e AB testados pela avaliação do FT-IV. As MEV revelaram microporos em filmes com 1,50% de AS, o que resultou em filmes com menor homogeneidade. A maior atividade antimicrobiana foi verificada nos filmes com 1,50% de AS e AB frente a E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes e S. Enteritidis. Estes filmes foram aplicados sobre carne bovina inoculada com E. coli O157:H7 e L. monocytogenes. Os filmes de AS frente a E. coli O157:H7 e L. monocytogenes apresentaram uma redução de 5 e 4 log UFC.g-1, respectivamente, em relação ao filme controle. O efeito do AB frente a estas bactérias, apresentou uma redução de 6 e 5 log UFC.g-1, ao final do 12° dia de armazenamento, respectivamente. Os filmes elaborados à base de IPA, adicionados de AS ou AB podem ser eficazes contra os patógenos alimentares testados.


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Meso-/microporous zeolites combine the charactersitics of well-defined micropores of zeolite with efficient mass transfer consequences of mesopores to increase the efficiency of the catalysts in reactions involving bulky molecules. Different methods such as demetallation and templating have been explored for the synthesis of meso-/microporous zeolites. However, they all have limitations in production of meso-/microporous zeolites with tunable textural and catalytic properties using few synthesis steps. To address this challenge, a simple one-step dual template synthesis approach has been developed in this work to engineer lamellar meso-/microporous zeolites structures with tunable textural and catalytic properties. First, one-step dual template synthesis of meso-/microporous mordenite framework inverted (MFI) zeolite structures was investigated. Tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) and diquaternary ammonium surfactant ([C22H45-N+(CH3)2-C6H12-N+(CH3)2-C6H13]Br2, C22-6-6) were used as templates to produce micropores and mesopores, respectively. The variation in concentration ratios of dual templates and hydrothermal synthesis conditions resulted in production of multi-lamellar MFI and the hybrid lamellar-bulk MFI (HLBM) zeolite structures. The relationship between the morphology, porosity, acidity, and catalytic properties of these catalysts was systematically studied. Then, the validity of the proposed synthesis approach for production of other types of zeolites composites was examined by creating a meso-/microporous bulk polymorph A (BEA)-lamellar MFI (BBLM) composite. The resulted composite samples showed higher catalytic stability compared to their single component zeolites. The studies demonstrated the high potential of the one-step dual template synthesis procedure for engineering the textural and catalytic properties of the synthesized zeolites.


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Fixed bed CO2 adsorption tests were carried out in model flue-gas streams onto two commercial activated carbons, namely Filtrasorb 400 and Nuchar RGC30, at 303 K, 323 K and 353 K. Thermodynamic adsorption results highlighted that the presence of a narrower micropore size distribution with a prevailing contribution of very small pore diameters, observed for Filtrasorb 400, is a key factor in determining a higher CO2 capture capacity, mostly at low temperature. These experimental evidences were also corroborated by the higher value of the isosteric heat derived for Filtrasorb 400, testifying stronger interactions with CO2 molecules with respect to Nuchar RGC30. Dynamic adsorption results on the investigated sorbents highlighted the important role played by both a greater contribution of mesopores and the presence of wider micropores for Nuchar RGC30 in establishing faster capture kinetics with respect to Filtrasorb 400, in particular at 303 K. Furthermore, the modeling analysis of 15% CO2 breakthrough curves allowed identifying intraparticle diffusion as the rate-determining step of the process.


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Carbon monoliths with high densities are studied as adsorbents for the storage of H2, CH4, and CO2 at ambient temperature and high pressures. The starting monolith A3 (produced by ATMI Co.) was activated under a CO2 flow at 1073 K, applying different activation times up to 48 h. Micropore volumes and apparent surface areas were deduced from N2 and CO2 adsorption isotherms at 77 K and 273 K, respectively. CO2 and CH4 isotherms were measured up to 3 MPa and H2 up to 20 MPa. The BET surface area of the starting monolith (941 m2/g) could be significantly increased up to 1586 m2/g, and the developed porosity is almost exclusively comprised of micropores <1 nm. Total storage amounts take into account the compressed gas in the void space of the material, in addition to the adsorbed gas. Remarkably, high total storage amounts are reached for CO2 (482 g/L), CH4 (123 g/L), and H2 (18 g/L). These values are much higher than for other sorbents with similar surface areas, due to the high density of the starting monolith and of the activated ones, for which the density decreases only slightly (from 1.0 g/cm3 to 0.8 g /cm3 upon CO2 activation). The findings reveal the suitability of high density activated carbon monoliths for gas storage application. Thus, the amounts of stored gas can be increased by more than a 70 % in the case of H2 at 20 MPa, almost 5.5 times in the case of CH4 at 3 MPa, and more than 7.5 times in the case of CO2 at 3 MPa when adsorbents are used for gas storage under the investigated conditions rather than simple compression. Furthermore, the obtained results have been recently confirmed by a scale-up study in which 2.64 kg of high density monolith adsorbent was filled a tank cylinder of 2.5 L (Carbon, 76, 2014, 123).