937 resultados para Microemulsão. Petróleo. Recuperação avançada. Arenito


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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The main goal in this research is a tectono-estructural characterization of the Cherne, Albacora and Namorado Fields, located at Campos Basin, in order to investigate the relationship between the geologic evolution and the rock´s physical properties of the reservoir, and how they affect the hydrocarbon accumulation in those fields. Well correlations show that the inferior turbidites have a regional lateral continuity. Basic petrophysics analysis, calculated here, shows that the three fields present porosity values that range from 15 to 20%, shale volume range from 26 to 30% and formation water saturation range from 23 to 45%, based on formation water resistivity dada from Albacora Field. Petrophysics maps feature a trend in Albacora Field that increase the porosity values to SE, and in Cherne and Namorado Field the trend increase towards N. Seismic horizons where interpreted between the first appearance of the Namorado Sandstone and the top of Quissamã Formation. This interval presents normal listric faulting, in Cherne and Namorado Field with NWSE and NE-SW direction, and sedimentation trend to NW-SE, in Albacora Field the faulting presents a NNE-SSW and N-S direction, with a sedimentation trend to NE-SW. Seismic attribute maps present amplitude anomalies close to the producing wells, and on Namorado Field, it indicates a potential hydrocarbon accumulation in the NE region. For each field is indicated laboratory tests for a better characterization of the petrophysical properties, since that they don’t form the same reservoir level, therefore, not influencing the water saturation calculation


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The competitiveness among global markets, the constant need for reducing manufacturing costs and also the growing environmental commitments are fueling the development of techniques for recovery residual parts generated by industrial processes. Among the various areas of a company, we highlight those that involve the processing of raw materials derived from oil, such as polymers (resins), which may take centuries to decompose in the environment and also present as a economic and environmentally strategic point. Thus, this study would examine the recovery of waste polypropylene, from the injection process of a major multinational in the field of home appliances through the recycling by a process comprising the milling, extrusion and chipping of waste material. Easy to deploy, this proposal aims to reduce levels negligible disposal (scrap) of these residues as well as the reintegration of the production process into pieces no visual and no structural importance, aimed at cutting costs and reducing environmental impacts caused. After the survey data in kilograms of waste material generated in a given period of time, and the study of changes in material properties, it would enable the reuse steadily in the injection process


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PETROBRAS started in 2003 the implantation of agroforestry systems as an alternative to recuperate degraded areas at Oiteirinhos Farm, of its property, located in the biggest terrestrial field of oil of Brazil, between the cities of Carmópolis and Japaratuba, at Sergipe. The project, idealized by the geologist Ismael Quirino Trindade Neto and called Agrofloresta, sustento da vida, has the model of agroforestry systems developed by Ernst Götsch as technical and theoretical references, which joins agricultural cultures with forest species. In this direction, it was evidenced that the practices adopted in the SAFs allow to join recovery, conservation and production, as it follows the biodiversity and the dynamics of the natural processes as basic principles of the practices adopted. Including social inclusion and economic return, the project expands the environmental aspect, turning into an action focused in sustainable development.


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Spills can ocurr during oil productive chain and contaminate various environments due to the toxicity of monoaromatics hidrocarbons. Toluene stands out for being agressive to the nervous sistem and teratogenic, with high mobility and solubility in water, which facilitates environmental impact. Studies show that fungi are potential aromatic compounds assimilators, encouraging new researches about its use on the recovery of contaminated sites. This study aimed to select and characterize fungus with potential for biorremediation of toluene. 50 fungi were selected of the Collection of Microorganisms of Interest for Oil Gas and Biofuels, of UNESP Rio Claro, all of which were isolated from sites contaminated with monoaromatic hydrocarbons. Two trials were realized to select the microorganism with greater potential. The first test evaluated fungal growth under toluene saturated atmosphere. 24 fungi were chosen because its greater biomass production to participate in the next trial, the degradation in plates test, where the blue redox agente, DCPIP, indicates the degradation reaction, turning colorless. From this teste was possible to select one isolate which showed higher growth and stronger medium discoloration as the microorganism with the greatest potential to assimilate toluene. The Trichoderma cf. koningii had its potential evaluated through gas cromatography. The experiment proved the efficiency of the methodology, with positives results from the method validation and the effectiveness demonstrated of the LA-PHA-PACK bottles to prevent the volatilization of toluene during the 21 days of experiment. Being reliable its use for monitoring toluene decay associating it with degradation. This results are important because there aren't many methodologies and vials efficient to the purpose of this work. In the present study the degradation rates demonstrated no significant decay of the concentration of hydrocarbon. That may be related to the...


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Reservoirs that present highly viscous oils require methods to aid in their recovery to the surface. The elev ated oil viscosity hinders its flow through porous media and conventional recovery methods have not obtained significant efficiency. As such, the injection of steam into the reservoir through an injection well has been the most widely used method of therma l recovery, for it allows elevated volumes of recovery due to the viscosity reduction of the oil, facilitating the oil’s mobility within the rock formation and consequently into the production well where it will be exploited. On the other hand, the injecti on of vapor not only affects the fluids found in the rock pores, but the entire structure that composes the well where it is injected due to the high temperatures used in the process. This temperature increment is conducted to the cement, found in the annu lus, responsible for the isolation of the well and the well casing. Temperatures above 110 ̊C create new fazes rich in calcium in the cement matrix, resulting in the reduction of its permeability and the consequential phenomenon of mechanical resistance ret rogression. These alterations generate faults in the cement, reducing the well’s hydraulic isolation, creating insecurity in the operations in which the well will be submitted as well as the reduction of its economic life span. As a way of reducing this re trograde effect, this study has the objective of evaluating the incorporation of rice husk ash as a mineral additive substitute of silica flour , commercially utilized as a source of silica to reduce the CaO/SiO 2 ratio in the cement pastes submitted to high temperatures in thermal recovery. Cement pastes were formulated containing 20 and 30% levels of ash, apart from the basic paste (water + cement) and a reference paste (water + cement + 40% silica flour) for comparison purposes. The tests were executed th rough compression resistance tests, X - Ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical anal ysis BY X - ray fluorescence (EDS) on the pastes submitted to cure at low temperatures (45 ̊C) for 28 days following a cure at 280 ̊C and a pressure of 2,000 PSI for 3 days, simulating vapor injection. The results obtained show that the paste containing 30% r ice shell ash is satisfactory, obtaining mechanical resistance desired and equivalent to that of the paste containing 40% silica flour, since the products obtained were hydrated with low CaO/SiO 2 ratio, like the Tobermorita and Xonotlita fases, proving its applicability in well subject to vapor injection.


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Developing an efficient methodology for oil recovery is extremely important . Within the range of enh anced oil recovery, known as EOR, the injection of polymer solutions becomes effective in controlling the mobility of displacing fluid . This method consists of adding polymers to the injection water to increase its viscosity, so that more water diffuses in to the porous medium and increasing the sweep efficiency in the reservoir. This work is studied by numerical simulation , application of the injection polymer solution in a homogeneous reservoir , semisynthetic with similar characteristics to the reservoirs of the Brazilian Northeast , numerical simulations were performed using thermal simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group ). The study aimed to analyze the influence of some parameters on the behavior of reservoir oil production, with the response to cumulative production. Simulations were performed to analyze the influence of water injection, polymer solution and alternating injection of water banks and polymer solution, comparing the results for each simulated condition. The primary outcomes were: oil viscosity, percentage of injected polymer, polymer viscosity and flow rate of water injection. The evaluation of the influence of variables consisted of a complete experimental design followed a Pareto analysis for the purpose of pointing out which va riables would be most influential on the response represented b y the cumulative oil production . It was found that all variables significantly influenced the recovery of oil and the injection of polymer solution on an ongoing basis is more efficient for the cumulative production compared to oil recovery by continuous water injection. The primary recovery show ed low levels of oil production , water injection significantly improves the pro duction of oil in the reservoir , but the injection of polymer solution em erges as a new methodology to increase the production of oil, increasing the life of the well and possible reduction of water produced.


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Water injection in oil reservoirs is a recovery technique widely used for oil recovery. However, the injected water contains suspended particles that can be trapped, causing formation damage and injectivity decline. In such cases, it is necessary to stimulate the damaged formation looking forward to restore the injectivity of the injection wells. Injectivity decline causes a major negative impact to the economy of oil production, which is why, it is important to foresee the injectivity behavior for a good waterflooding management project. Mathematical models for injectivity losses allow studying the effect of the injected water quality, also the well and formation characteristics. Therefore, a mathematical model of injectivity losses for perforated injection wells was developed. The scientific novelty of this work relates to the modeling and prediction of injectivity decline in perforated injection wells, considering deep filtration and the formation of external cake in spheroidal perforations. The classic modeling for deep filtration was rewritten using spheroidal coordinates. The solution to the concentration of suspended particles was obtained analytically and the concentration of the retained particles, which cause formation damage, was solved numerically. The acquisition of the solution to impedance assumed a constant injection rate and the modified Darcy´s Law, defined as being the inverse of the normalized injectivity by the inverse of the initial injectivity. Finally, classic linear flow injectivity tests were performed within Berea sandstone samples, and within perforated samples. The parameters of the model, filtration and formation damage coefficients, obtained from the data, were used to verify the proposed modeling. The simulations showed a good fit to the experimental data, it was observed that the ratio between the particle size and pore has a large influence on the behavior of injectivity decline.


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In the oil prospection research seismic data are usually irregular and sparsely sampled along the spatial coordinates due to obstacles in placement of geophones. Fourier methods provide a way to make the regularization of seismic data which are efficient if the input data is sampled on a regular grid. However, when these methods are applied to a set of irregularly sampled data, the orthogonality among the Fourier components is broken and the energy of a Fourier component may "leak" to other components, a phenomenon called "spectral leakage". The objective of this research is to study the spectral representation of irregularly sampled data method. In particular, it will be presented the basic structure of representation of the NDFT (nonuniform discrete Fourier transform), study their properties and demonstrate its potential in the processing of the seismic signal. In this way we study the FFT (fast Fourier transform) and the NFFT (nonuniform fast Fourier transform) which rapidly calculate the DFT (discrete Fourier transform) and NDFT. We compare the recovery of the signal using the FFT, DFT and NFFT. We approach the interpolation of seismic trace using the ALFT (antileakage Fourier transform) to overcome the problem of spectral leakage caused by uneven sampling. Applications to synthetic and real data showed that ALFT method works well on complex geology seismic data and suffers little with irregular spatial sampling of the data and edge effects, in addition it is robust and stable with noisy data. However, it is not as efficient as the FFT and its reconstruction is not as good in the case of irregular filling with large holes in the acquisition.


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In the oil prospection research seismic data are usually irregular and sparsely sampled along the spatial coordinates due to obstacles in placement of geophones. Fourier methods provide a way to make the regularization of seismic data which are efficient if the input data is sampled on a regular grid. However, when these methods are applied to a set of irregularly sampled data, the orthogonality among the Fourier components is broken and the energy of a Fourier component may "leak" to other components, a phenomenon called "spectral leakage". The objective of this research is to study the spectral representation of irregularly sampled data method. In particular, it will be presented the basic structure of representation of the NDFT (nonuniform discrete Fourier transform), study their properties and demonstrate its potential in the processing of the seismic signal. In this way we study the FFT (fast Fourier transform) and the NFFT (nonuniform fast Fourier transform) which rapidly calculate the DFT (discrete Fourier transform) and NDFT. We compare the recovery of the signal using the FFT, DFT and NFFT. We approach the interpolation of seismic trace using the ALFT (antileakage Fourier transform) to overcome the problem of spectral leakage caused by uneven sampling. Applications to synthetic and real data showed that ALFT method works well on complex geology seismic data and suffers little with irregular spatial sampling of the data and edge effects, in addition it is robust and stable with noisy data. However, it is not as efficient as the FFT and its reconstruction is not as good in the case of irregular filling with large holes in the acquisition.


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This study evaluated the effects of incorporating an additive from an agro-industrial residue, after some chemical modification reactions, to petroleum asphalt cement (CAP) through the polymerization reaction of a viscous polyol obtained by bagasse biomass oxypropylation reaction sugarcane with anhydrides. The polyol is obtained by biomass oxypropylation reaction with propylene oxide, the reaction was performed in an autoclave sealed with pressure and temperature control using 25 mL of OP for every 5 grams of biomass 200°C, which time reaction was two hours. The reaction is revealed by varying the system pressure, initially at atmospheric pressure to reach a maximum pressure value and its subsequent return to atmospheric pressure. For the choice of the most suitable reaction time for polymerization of the polyol with pyromellitic anhydride, the reaction was also conducted in an autoclave sealed with temperature controller (150 ° C) using 20 g of polyol, 1 g of sodium acetate (catalyst) and 8 g of pyromellitic anhydride with the times 30 and 60 minutes. The polymerized materials with different times were characterized by determining the relative viscosity and percentage content of extractable in cyclohexane / ethanol. Given the results with the polymerized material 30 minutes showed the lowest percentage content of extractives and an increased viscosity relative indicating that this time is highlighted with respect to time 60 minutes, because the material is possibly in the form of a crosslinked polymer. Given the choice of time of 30 minutes other polymerization reactions were performed with various anhydrides and other conditions employed different proportions by mass of polyol anhydrides we were referred to as condition I (20 g anhydride and 8 g of polyol), II (20 g anhydride and 20 g of polyol) and III (8 g anhydride and 20 g of polyol). The FTIR spectra of polymeric materials with different polymerization conditions used to prove the occurrence of chemical modification due to the appearance of a characteristic band ester groups (1750 cm-1) present in the polymerized material. He chose to work with the condition III, as is the condition which employs a larger amount of polyol, and even with the smaller amount of anhydride used FTIR spectra revealed that the polymerization reaction was performed. Among the various anhydrides (phthalic, maleic and pyromellitic) of the different conditions used that stood out before the solubility test with solvents analyzed was polymerized material with pyromellitic anhydride because the polymerized material likely in the form of a crosslinked polymer because it was insoluble or poorly soluble in the solvents tested. Polymerization of the polyol with pyromellitic anhydride using condition III, that is, BCPP30, CSPP30, PCPP30 e BCPPG30, provided an increase in thermal stability relative to material in the form of polyol. Applicability tests concerning the incorporation of 16% m / m BCPP30, CSPP30, PCPP30 e BCPPG30 additive in relation to the mass of 600 g CAP showed through characterization tests used, softening point, elastic recovery and marshall dosage, it is possible to use BCPP30 as an additive the conventional CAP, because even with the incorporation of this new additive modified CAP met the specifications of the appropriate standard.


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The low tenacity presented by the Portland cement pastes used in the oil wells cementation has been motivating several researches with attention focused on alternative materials. Additives have been developed to generate flexible pastes with mechanical resistance capable to support the expansions and retractions of the metallic covering of the wells that submit to the steam injection, technique very used to increase the recovery factor in oil reservoirs with high viscosity. A fresh paste with inadequate rheological behavior may commit the cementation process seriously, involving flaws that affect the performance of the paste substantially in the hardened state. This work proposes the elaboration and the rheological analysis of Portland cement pastes with addition of residues of rubber tire in several proportions, with the aim of minimizing the damages provoked in the hem cementing of these wells. By thermogravimetric analysis, the particles of eraser that go by the sieve of 0,5mm (35 mesh) opening and treated superficially with NaOH solution of 1 mol/L presented appropriate thermal resistance for wells that submit to thermal cyclic. The evaluation of the study based on the results of the rheological analysis of the pastes, complemented by the mechanical analysis, thickening, stability, tenor of free water and filtrate loss, being used as parameter a paste reference, without rubber addition. The results showed satisfactory rheology, passive of few corrections; considerable loss of mechanical resistance (traction and compression), compensated by earnings of tenacity, however with established limits for its application in oil wells; satisfactory stability, free water and thickening time


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The northeastern region of Brazil has a large number of wells producing oil using a method of secondary recovery steam injection, since the oil produced in this region is essentially viscous. This recovery method puts the cement / coating on thermal cycling, due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between cement and metal coating causes the appearance of cracks at this interface, allowing the passage of the annular fluid, which is associated with serious risk socioeconomic and environmental. In view of these cracks, a correction operation is required, resulting in more costs and temporary halt of production of the well. Alternatively, the oil industry has developed technology for adding new materials in cement pastes, oil well, providing high ductility and low density in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by the injection of water vapor. In this context, vermiculite, a clay mineral found in abundance in Brazil has been applied in its expanded form in the construction industry for the manufacture of lightweight concrete with excellent insulation and noise due to its high melting point and the presence of air in their layers lamellar. Therefore, the vermiculite is used for the purpose of providing low-density cement paste and withstand high temperatures caused by steam injection. Thus, the present study compared the default folder containing cement and water with the folders with 6%, 8% and 10% vermiculite micron conducting tests of free water, rheology and compressive strength where it obtained the concentration of 8 % with the best results. Subsequently, the selected concentration, was compared with the results recommended by the API standard tests of filtered and stability. And finally, analyzed the results from tests of specific gravity and time of thickening. Before the study we were able to make a folder with a low density that can be used in cementing oil well in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by steam injection


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Primary cementing is one of the main operations in well drilling responsible for the mechanical stability and zonal isolation during the production of oil. However, the cement sheath is constantly under mechanical stresses and temperature variations caused by the recovery of heavy oil. In order to minimize fracture and wear of the cement sheath, new admixtures are developed to improve the properties of Portland cement slurries and avoid environmental contamination caused by leaking gas and oil. Polymers with the ability to form polymeric films are candidates to improve the properties of hardened cement slurries, especially their fracture energy. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the addition of a chitosan suspension on cement slurries in order to improve the properties of the cement and increase its performance on heavy oil recovery. Chitosan was dissolved in acetic ac id (0.25 M and 2 M) and added to the formulation of the slurries in different concentrations. SEM analyses confirmed the formation of polymeric films in the cementitious matrix. Strength tests showed higher fracture energy compared to slurries without the addition of chitosan. The formation of the polymeric films also reduced the permeability of the slurry. Therefore, chitosan suspensions can be potentially used as cementing admixtures for heavy oil well applications