1000 resultados para Metallic Nanowires


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Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) show tremendous applications in micro/nano-electro-mechanical systems. In order to fulfill their promising applications, an understanding of the mechanical properties of NWs becomes increasingly important. Based on the large-scale molecular dynamics simulations, this work investigated the tensile properties of Si NWs with different faulted stacking layers. Different faulted stacking layers were introduced around the centre of the NW by the insertion or removal of certain stacking layers, inducing twins, intrinsic stacking fault, extrinsic stacking fault, and 9R crystal structure. Stress–strain curves obtained from the tensile deformation tests reveal that the presence of faulted stacking layers has induced a considerable decrease to the yield strength while only a minor decrease to Young's modulus. The brittle fracture phenomenon is observed for all tested NWs. In particular, the formation of a monatomic chain is observed for the perfect NW, which exists for a relatively wide strain range. For the defected NW, the monatomic chain appears and lasts shorter. Additionally, all defected NWs show a fracture area near the two ends, in contrast to the perfect NW whose fracture area is adjacent to the middle. This study provides a better understanding of the mechanical properties of Si NWs with the presence of different faulted stacking layers.


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Faulted stacking layers are ubiquitously observed during the crystal growth of semiconducting nanowires (NWs). In this paper, we employ the reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulation to elucidate the effect of various faulted stacking layers on the thermal conductivity (TC) of silicon (Si) NWs. We find that the stacking faults can greatly reduce the TC of the Si NW. Among the different stacking faults that are parallel to the NW's axis, the 9R polytype structure, the intrinsic and extrinsic stacking faults (iSFs and eSFs) exert more pronounced effects in the reduction of TC than the twin boundary (TB). However, for the perpendicularly aligned faulted stacking layers, the eSFs and 9R polytype structures are observed to induce a larger reduction to the TC of the NW than the TB and iSFs. For all considered NWs, the TC does not show a strong relation with the increasing number of faulted stacking layers. Our studies suggest the possibility of tuning the thermal properties of Si NWs by altering the crystal structure via the different faulted stacking layers.


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The aim of this paper is to compare the performances of the highly porous Nb2O5 Schottky based sensors formed using different catalytic metals for ethanol vapour sensing. The fabricated sensors consist of a fairly ordered nano-vein like porous Nb2O5 prepared via an elevated temperature anodization method. Subsequently, Pt, Pd and Au were sputtered as both Schottky contacts and catalysts for the comparative studies. These metals are chosen as they have large work functions in comparison to the electron affinity of the anodized Nb2O5. It is demonstrated that the device based on Pd/Nb2O5 Schottky contact has the highest sensitivity amongst the developed sensors. The sensing behaviors were studied in terms of the Schottky barrier height variations and properties of the metal catalysts.


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Phase-selective synthesis of copper oxide nanowires is warranted by several applications, yet it remains challenging because of the narrow windows of the suitable temperature and precursor gas composition in thermal processes. Here, we report on the room-temperature synthesis of small-diameter, large-area, uniform, and phase-pure Cu2O nanowires by exposing copper films to a custom-designed low-pressure, thermally non-equilibrium, high-density (typically, the electron number density is in the range of 10 11-1013cm-3) inductively coupled plasmas. The mechanism of the plasma-enabled phase selectivity is proposed. The gas sensors based on the synthesized Cu2O nanowires feature fast response and recovery for the low-temperature (∼140°C) detection of methane gas in comparison with polycrystalline Cu2O thin film-based gas sensors. Specifically, at a methane concentration of 4%, the response and the recovery times of the Cu2O nanowire-based gas sensors are 125 and 147s, respectively. The Cu2O nanowire-based gas sensors have a potential for applications in the environmental monitoring, chemical industry, mining industry, and several other emerging areas.


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A simple, uniquely plasma-enabled and environment-friendly process to reduce the thickness of vertically standing graphenes to only 4–5 graphene layers and arranging them in dense, ultra-large surface area, ultra-open-edge-length, self-organized and interconnected networks is demonstrated. The approach for the ultimate thickness reduction to 1–2 graphene layers is also proposed. The vertical graphene networks are optically transparent and show tunable electric properties from semiconducting to semi-metallic and metallic at room and near-room temperature, thus recovering semi-metallic properties of a single-layer graphene.


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An advanced combination of numerical models, including plasma sheath, ion- and radical-induced species creation and plasma heating effects on the surface and within a Au catalyst nanoparticle, is used to describe the catalyzed growth of Si nanowires in the sheath of a low-temperature and low-pressure plasma. These models have been used to explain the higher nanowire growth rates, low-energy barriers, much thinner Si nanowire nucleation and the less effective Gibbs–Thomson effect in reactive plasma processes, compared with those of neutral gas thermal processes. The effects of variation in the plasma sheath parameters and substrate potential on Si nanowire nucleation and growth have also been investigated. It is shown that increasing the plasma-related effects leads to decreases in the nucleation energy barrier and the critical nanoparticle radius, with the Gibbs–Thomson effect diminished, even at low temperatures. The results obtained are consistent with available experimental results and open a path toward the energy- and matter-efficient nucleation and growth of a broad range of one-dimensional quantum structures.


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This feature article introduces a deterministic approach for the rapid, single-step, direct synthesis of metal oxide nanowires. This approach is based on the exposure of thin metal samples to reactive oxygen plasmas and does not require any intervening processing or external substrate heating. The critical roles of the reactive oxygen plasmas, surface processes, and plasma-surface interactions that enable this growth are critically examined by using a deterministic viewpoint. The essentials of the experimental procedures and reactor design are presented and related to the key process requirements. The nucleation and growth kinetics is discussed for typical solid-liquid-solid and vapor-solid-solid mechanisms related to the synthesis of the oxide nanowires of metals with low (Ga, Cd) and high (Fe) melting points, respectively. Numerical simulations are focused on the possibility to predict the nanowire nucleation points through the interaction of the plasma radicals and ions with the nanoscale morphological features on the surface, as well as to control the localized 'hot spots' that in turn determine the nanowire size and shape. This generic approach can be applied to virtually any oxide nanoscale system and further confirms the applicability of the plasma nanoscience approaches for deterministic nanoscale synthesis and processing.


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This article reports on the lowerature inductively coupled plasma-enabled synthesis of ultralong (up to several millimeters in length) SiO2 nanowires, which were otherwise impossible to synthesize without the presence of a plasma. Depending on the process conditions, the nanowires feature straight, helical, or branched morphologies. The nanowires are amorphous, with a near-stoichiometric elemental composition ([O] / [Si] =2.09) and are very uniform throughout their length. The role of the ionized gas environment is discussed and the growth mechanism is proposed. These nanowires are particularly promising for nanophotonic applications where long-distance and channelled light transmission and polarization control are required.


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Electrostatic surface waves at the interface between a low-temperature nonisothermal dusty plasma and a metallic wall are investigated. The plasma contains massive negatively charged impurity or dust particles. It is shown that the impurities can significantly alter the characteristics and damping of the surface waves by reducing their phase velocity and causing charging-related damping.


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The results of numerical simulation of plasma-based, porous, template-assisted nanofabrication of Au nanodot arrays on highly-doped silicon taking into account typical electron density of low-temperature plasma of 1017-1018 m-3 and electron temperature of 2-5 eV are reported here. Three-dimensional microscopic topography of ion flux distribution over the outer and inner surfaces of the nanoporous template is obtained via numerical simulation of Au ion trajectories in the plasma sheath, in the close proximity of, and inside the nanopores. It is shown that, by manipulating the electron temperature, the cross-sheath potential drop, and by additionally altering the structure of the nanoporous template, one can control the ion fluxes within the nanopores, and eventually maximize the ion deposition onto the top surface of the developing crystalline Au nanodots (see top panel in the figure). In the same time, this procedure allows one to minimize amorphous deposits on the sidewalls that clutter and may eventually close the nanopores, thus disrupting the nanodot growth process, as it is shown in the bottom panel in the figure on the right.


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We outline a metal-free fabrication route of in-plane Ge nanowires on Ge(001) substrates. By positively exploiting the polishing-induced defects of standard-quality commercial Ge(001) wafers, micrometer-length wires are grown by physical vapor deposition in ultra-high-vacuum environment. The shape of the wires can be tailored by the epitaxial strain induced by subsequent Si deposition, determining a progressive transformation of the wires in SiGe faceted quantum dots. This shape transition is described by finite element simulations of continuous elasticity and gives hints on the equilibrium shape of nanocrystals in the presence of tensile epitaxial strain.


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Rapid, simple, catalyst-free, room-temperature sonochemical fabrication of long (up to 30 mm), ultra-thin (about 20 nm), crystalline gold nanowires on nanoporous anodic alumina membranes is reported. It is demonstrated that the nanowires nucleate and grow inside the nanosized pores and then form a dense network on the bottom side of the membrane. A growth mechanism is proposed based on the formation of through channels in the Al2O3 membrane by sonochemical etching, followed by nanowire nucleation in the channels and their further extrusion out of the pores by acoustic cavitation. This process can be used for the fabrication of metal nanowires with highly controllable diameter and density, suitable for numerous applications such as nanoelectronic, nanofluidic, and optoelectronic components and devices.


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We report fabrication and optical properties of electrochemically deposited silver nanowires into nanoporous alumina template. A finite element method is used to study plasmonic coupling of dipole emitters with the silver nanowires.


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We report on the mechanical properties of sodium titanate nanowires (Na2Ti3O7 NW) through a combination of bending experiments and theoretical analysis. Na2Ti3O7 NWs with lateral dimensions ranging from 20–700 nm were synthesized by a hydrothermal approach. A focused ion beam (FIB) was used to manipulate the selected Na2Ti3O7 NW over a hole drilled in an indium tin oxide substrate. After welding the nanowire, a series of bending tests was performed. It was observed that the Na2Ti3O7 NW exhibits a brittle behavior, and a nonlinear elastic deformation was observed before failure. By using the modified Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, such nonlinear elastic deformation is found to originate from a combination of surface effects and axial elongation (arising from the bending deformation). The effective Young's modulus of the Na2Ti3O7 NW was found to be independent of the wire length, and ranges from 21.4 GPa to 45.5 GPa, with an average value of 33 ± 7 GPa. The yield strength of the Na2Ti3O7 NW is measured at 2.7 ± 0.7 GPa.