771 resultados para Mentha villosa
Descreve-se o gênero Mexicoscylus para incluir M. rosae sp. nov., do México, espécie-tipo do gênero, e M. bivittatus (Gahan, 1892), comb. nov. Acrescenta-se chave para as espécies de Mexicoscylus. Mais três espécies são descritas: Cotycuara villosa sp. nov., da Costa Rica; Phoebe parvimacula sp. nov., da Bolívia e Adesmus beruri sp. nov., do Brasil (Amazonas). Todas as espécies novas são ilustradas.
Aim: Expression of IL-7R discriminates alloreactive CD4 T cells (Foxp3 negative), from IL-7Rlow regulatory CD4 T cells (Foxp3 positive). Chronic hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) reduces expression of IL-7R on T cells thus promoting persistence of infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of HCV infection on the expression of IL-7R of activated CD4+ T cells in liver transplant patients. Patients and methods: We analyzed PBMC from liver transplant recipients for the expression of CD4, CD25, FoxP3, IL-7R (24 HCV negative and 29 HCV-chronically infected). We compared these data with non-transplanted individuals (52 HCV-chronically infected patients and 38 healthy donors). Results: In HCV-infected liver transplant recipients, levels of CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells were significantly reduced (10.5+/-0.9%) when compared to non-HCV-infected liver transplant recipients (17.6+/-1.4%) (P<0.001), while both groups (HCV-infected and negative transplant recipients) had significantly higher levels than healthy individuals (6.6+/-0.9%) (P<0.0001). After successful antiviral therapy (sustained antiviral response), 6 HCV-infected transplant recipients showed an increase of CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells, reaching levels similar to that of non-HCVinfected recipients (10.73+/-2.63% prior therapy versus 21.7+/-6.3% after clearance of HCV). (P<0.05) In 4 non-responders (i.e. HCVRNA remaining present in serum), levels of CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells remained unmodified during and after antiviral treatment (11.8+/- 3.3% versus 11.3+/-3.3% respectively). Conclusions: Overall, these data indicate that CD4+CD25+CD45RO+IL-7R+ T cells appear to be modulated by chronic HCV infection after liver transplantation. Whether lower levels of alloreactive T cells in HCV-infected liver transplant recipients are associated with a tolerogenic profile remains to be studied.
Parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons are surrounded by perineuronal nets, containing molecules of the extracellular matrix (e.g. tenascin-R). Furthermore, they seem to have a special cytoskeleton composed of, among others, ankyrinR and beta Rspectrin. In the present developmental study we showed that the intracellular markers parvalbumin, ankyrinR and beta Rspectrin as well as Vicia Villosa agglutinin, an extracellular marker for perineuronal nets, appeared in the second postnatal week. In the third postnatal week, ankyrinR and beta R spectrin were present in the parvalbumin-positive interneurons. Tenascin-R appeared in a similar topographic distribution as the intracellular markers. The adult pattern was established upon the end of the fourth postnatal week. Our results indicate that cytoskeletal maturity maybe a prerequisite for the organization of perineuronal nets of extracellular matrix.
HCV infection has a severe course of disease in HIV/HCV co-infection and in liver transplant recipients. However, the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we evaluated functional profiles of HCV-specific T-cell responses in 86 HCV mono-infected patients, 48 HIV/HCV co-infected patients and 42 liver transplant recipients. IFN-gamma and IL-2 production and ability of CD4 and CD8 T cells to proliferate were assessed after stimulation with HCV-derived peptides. We observed that HCV-specific T-cell responses were polyfunctional in HCV mono-infected patients, with presence of proliferating single IL-2-, dual IL-2/IFN-gamma and single IFN-gamma-producing CD4+ and dual IL-2/IFN-gamma and single IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ cells. In contrast, HCV-specific T-cell responses had an effector profile in HIV/HCV co-infected individuals and liver transplant recipients with absence of single IL-2-producing HCV-specific CD4+ and dual IL-2/IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells. In addition, HCV-specific proliferation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was severely impaired in HIV/HCV co-infected patients and liver transplant recipients. Importantly, "only effector" T-cell responses were associated with significantly higher HCV viral load and more severe liver fibrosis scores. Therefore, the present results suggest that immune-based mechanisms may contribute to explain the accelerated course of HCV infection in conditions of HIV-1 co-infection and liver transplantation.
The antimicrobial activity of three different extracts (hexanic, ethyl acetate, methanol) obtained from Brazilian Drosera species (D. communis, D. montana var. montana, D. brevifolia, D. villosa var. graomogolensis, D. villosa var. villosa, Drosera sp. 1, and Drosera sp. 2 ) were tested against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Enterococcus faecium (ATCC23212), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC27853), Escherichia coli (ATCC11229), Salmonella choleraesuis (ATCC10708), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC13883), and Candida albicans (a human isolate). Better antimicrobial activity was observed with D. communis and D. montana var. montana ethyl acetate extracts. Phytochemical analyses from D. communis, D. montana var. montana and D. brevifolia yielded 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (plumbagin); long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons were isolated from D. communis and from D. villosa var. villosa, a mixture of long chain aliphatic alcohols and carboxylic acids, was isolated from D. communis and 3b-O-acetylaleuritolic acid from D. villosa var. villosa.
Searches for substances with antimicrobial activity are frequent, and medicinal plants have been considered interesting by some researchers since they are frequently used in popular medicine as remedies for many infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to verify the synergism between 13 antimicrobial drugs and 8 plant extracts - "guaco" (Mikania glomerata), guava (Psidium guajava), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), garlic (Allium sativum), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), "carqueja" (Baccharis trimera), and mint (Mentha piperita) - against Staphylococcus aureus strains, and for this purpose, the disk method was the antimicrobial susceptibility test performed. Petri dishes were prepared with or without dilution of plant extracts at sub-inhibitory concentrations in Mueller-Hinton Agar (MHA), and the inhibitory zones were recorded in millimeters. In vitro anti-Staphylococcus aureus activities of the extracts were confirmed, and synergism was verified for all the extracts; clove, guava, and lemongrass presented the highest synergism rate with antimicrobial drugs, while ginger and garlic showed limited synergistic capacity.
El cultiu de plantes medicinals i aromàtiques (PAM) a Catalunya és un cultiu minoritari, però podria ser una alternativa a cultius que cada vegada més són menys rendibles. La finca estudiada, situada al terme municipal d’Arenys de Mar, al Maresme, s'ha emprat per al cultiu de plantes hortícoles. Ara ja fa anys que la finca està inactiva, i el nou propietari s’ha interessat en el cultiu de PAM com a possibilitat de tornar a activar la finca, escollint com a sistema de producció, el cultiu ecològic . El projecte presenta el cultiu de quatre espècies de PAM ((Thymus vulgaris, Timó, Lavandula angustifolia, Lavanda, Mentha x piperita, Menta pebrera i Sàlvia comuna, Sàlvia), tenint en compte les seves necessitats i les característiques edafoclimàtiques de la zona, així com el mercat de les PAM, la normativa de producció ecològica i procurant utilitzar tot els mitjans existents a la finca per tal de minimitzar la inversió
The expression of interleukin 7 receptor alpha(high) (IL-7Ralpha(high)) discriminates between activated CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+) T cells [IL-7Ralpha(high) and forkhead box P3-negative (FoxP3(-))] and regulatory T cells (IL-7Ralpha(low) and FoxP3(+)). The IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population has been shown to be expanded in the blood and tissues of patients after kidney transplantation and to contain alloreactive T cells (activated T cells). In the present study, we analyzed the distribution of IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cells in the blood of 53 patients after liver transplantation. The IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population was significantly expanded (P < 0.0001) in stable transplant recipients versus healthy donors. However, the magnitude of the expansion was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in liver transplant recipients with no hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in comparison with those with a preexisting HCV infection. Interestingly, effective suppression of HCV viremia after antiviral therapy was associated with an increase in the IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population to levels comparable to those of liver transplant recipients not infected with HCV. The present results indicate that (1) the IL-7Ralpha(high)CD25(+)CD45RO(+)CD4(+)FoxP3(-) T cell population is expanded after liver transplantation, (2) it is a valuable immunological marker for monitoring activated and potential alloreactive CD4 T cells in liver transplantation, and (3) a preexisting HCV infection negatively influences the expansion of this population in liver transplant recipients.
BACKGROUND: Resection of hepatic metastases is indicated in selected stage IV colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. A minority will eventually develop pulmonary metastases and may undergo lung surgery with curative intent. The aims of the present study were to assess clinical outcome and identify parameters predicting survival after pulmonary metastasectomy in patients who underwent prior resection of hepatic CRC metastases.¦METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of 27 consecutive patients (median age 62 years; range: 33-75 years) who underwent resection of pulmonary metastases after previous hepatic metastasectomy from CRC in two institutions from 1996 to 2009. All patients underwent complete resection (R0) for both colorectal and hepatic metastases.¦RESULTS: Median follow-up was 32 months (range: 3-69 months) after resection of lung metastases and 65 months (range: 19-146 months) after resection of primary CRC. Three- and 5-year overall survival rates after lung surgery were 56 and 39%, respectively, and median survival was 46 months (95% CI 35-57). Median disease-free survival after pulmonary metastasectomy was 13 months (95% CI 5-21). At the time of last follow-up, seven patients (26%) had no evidence of recurrent disease and 6 of these 7 patients presented initially with a single lung metastasis.¦CONCLUSIONS: Resection of lung metastases from CRC patients may result in prolonged survival, even after previous hepatic metastasectomy. Yet, prolonged disease-free survival remains the exception, and seems to occur only in patients with a single lung lesion.
The prevalence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in cystic fibrosis patients ranges from 2 to 8% and glucose intolerance up to 15%. In recent years, lung transplantation has helped to prolong life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients and represents 10 to 30% of all indications for lung transplantation. The postoperative need for immunosuppressive therapy using diabetogenic agents has decompensatory effects on glucose regulation and will probably increase the number of insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients. We report the case of an insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patient transplanted with a combined islet-lung allograft. The pre-transplantation C-peptide level was below 0.04 nmol/l and preoperative insulin requirement was some 100 U per day. A sequential bipulmonary lung transplantation was performed and, using the pancreas of the same donor, we isolated and purified the islets of Langerhans by a modified automated method. We obtained 232,200 islets equivalent, which were injected into the liver by portal embolization. The postoperative course was uncomplicated, the insulin requirement decreased to 50% of the preoperative need and the C-peptide value increased to normal values and remained with the normal range during a follow-up period of 15 months. In conclusion, we believe that, besides type I diabetic patients, insulin-dependent cystic fibrosis patients with a negative C-peptide value could also be good candidates for combined islet-lung allotransplantation.
O gênero Ceyxia Girault é revalidado e 27 espécies são combinadas a ele. Sete espécies previamente descritas são diagnosticadas (ou redescritas) e discutidas, e 20 espécies novas são descritas. Ceyxia flaviscapus Girault, 1911 and C. ventrispinosa Girault, 1911 stat. rev. foram originalmente combinadas com Ceyxia e as seguintes são combinações novas: C. belfragei (Crawford, 1910) comb. nov., stat. rev.; C. concitator (Walker, 1862) comb. nov.; C. decreta (Walker, 1862) comb. nov.; C. dorsalis (Walker, 1861) comb. nov.; e C. villosa (Olivier, 1790) comb. nov. Ceyxia paraguayensis Girault, 1911 é consyiderada sinônimo júnior de Ceyxia flaviscapus Girault, 1911. As novas espécies são: C. acutigaster sp. nov.; C. amazonica sp. nov.; C. atuberculata sp. nov.; C. bellissima sp. nov.; C. dentiformis sp. nov.; C. diminuta sp. nov.; C. fusidentata sp. nov.; C. gibbosa sp. nov.; C. laminata sp. nov.; C. laticlipeata sp. nov.; C. latilabra sp. nov.; C. longiarticulata sp. nov.; C. longiscutellaris sp. nov.; C. longispina sp. nov.; C. nigropetiolata sp. nov.; C. paraensis sp. nov.; C. parvidentata sp. nov.; C. perparva sp. nov.; C. pseudovillosa sp. nov.; e C. tibiodilatata sp. nov. Dados sobre a associação com hospedeiros são apresentados para algumas espécies do gênero. Uma chave para as espécies do gênero é incluída.
Toxic effects of essential plant oils in adult Sitophilus oryzae (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Stored grains are subject to losses in quality nutritional value and in sanitation from the time they are stored to the time they are consumed. Botanical insecticides may offer an alternative solution for pest control. The objective was to test the insecticidal properties of the essential oils of Cymbopogon citratus (leaf), Zingiber officinale (root) and Mentha sp. (leaf). The efficacy of these oils was tested to control the rice weevil, S. oryzae, using hydrodistillation. Chemical analysis of the essential oils was carried out by gas chromatography. Major components of C. citratus were geranial (48%) and neral (31%), of Z. officinale were α-zingibereno (13%), geranial (16%), neral (10%) and α-farneseno (5%) and of Mentha sp. was menthol (92%). Bioassays were carried out by fumigation and topical application. In topical application assays, the essential oil of C. citratus had greater toxicity (LC50 0.027 µL mL-1) and shorter exposure time than the oils of the other two plants. After 24 h and 48 h, 70% and 100% mortality of S. oryzae occurred, respectively. In fumigation assays, essential oil of Z. officinale had a lower LC50 (1.18 µL cm-2) and 70% mortality after 24 h exposure. Therefore, we recommend the use of essential oils of C. citratus and Z. officinale to control the rice weevil S. oryzae.