1000 resultados para Medical mycology


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Members of the genus Malassezia are lipophilic basidiomycetous yeasts, which are part of the normal cutaneous microbiota of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Currently, this genus consists of 14 species that have been characterized by phenetic and molecular methods. Although several molecular methods have been used to identify and/or differentiate Malassezia species, the sequencing of the rRNA genes and the chitin synthase-2 gene (CHS2) are the most widely employed. There is little information about the beta-tubulin gene in the genus Malassezia, a gene has been used for the analysis of complex species groups. The aim of the present study was to sequence a fragment of the beta-tubulin gene of Malassezia species and analyze their phylogenetic relationship using a multilocus sequence approach based on two rRNA genes (ITS including 5.8S rRNA and D1/D2 region of 26S rRNA) together with two protein encoding genes (CHS2 and beta-tubulin). The phylogenetic study of the partial beta-tubulin gene sequences indicated that this molecular marker can be used to assess diversity and identify new species. The multilocus sequence analysis of the four loci provides robust support to delineate species at the terminal nodes and could help to estimate divergence times for the origin and diversification of Malassezia species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The prevention of adhesion of Candida cells to acrylic surfaces can be regarded as an alternative to prevent denture stomatitis. The use of quorum sensing molecules, such as tyrosol, could potentially interfere with the adhesion process. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of tyrosol on adhesion of single and mixed cultures of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata to acrylic resin surfaces. Tyrosol was diluted in each yeast inoculum (10(7) cells/ml in artificial saliva) at 25, 50, 100, and 200 mM. Then, each dilution was added to wells of 24-well plates containing the acrylic specimens, and the plates were incubated at 37°C for 2 h. After, the effect of tyrosol was determined by total biomass quantification, metabolic activity of the cells and colony-forming unit counting. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) was used as a positive control. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Holm-Sidak post hoc test (α = 0.05). The results of total biomass quantification and metabolic activity revealed that the tyrosol promoted significant reductions (ranging from 22.32 to 86.16%) on single C. albicans and mixed cultures. Moreover, tyrosol at 200 mM and CHG significantly reduced (p < 0.05) the number of adhered cells to the acrylic surface for single and mixed cultures of both species, with reductions ranging from 1.74 to 3.64-log10. In conclusion, tyrosol has an inhibitory effect on Candida adhesion to acrylic resin, and further investigations are warranted to clarify its potential against Candida infections.


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Os peptídeos têm sido amplamente estudados e demonstrados como uma estratégia promissora no combate a micro-organismos patogênicos, devido aos inovadores mecanismos de ação que apresentam e a menor indução de resistência nos microorganismos. Os peptídeos da família das Histatinas, naturalmente presentes na saliva humana, são os principais agentes que auxiliam na cicatrização e oclusão de feridas, re-epitelização e, além disso, dispõem de mecanismos de ação contra microorganismos, em especial, a Candida albicans. O agente etiológico da Candidiose bucal é a Candida albicans, um patógeno de origem fúngica, que acomete indivíduos de todas as idades, indivíduos imunologicamente debilitados e, especialmente, os usuários de próteses dentárias. Um importante fator de virulência da Candida albicans é a habilidade de formar biofilmes, estrutura comunitária microbiana revestida por exopolissacarídeos, capaz de aderir-se a superfícies lisas. Os biofilmes associam-se com a capacidade de causar infecções, com o desenvolvimento de resistência contra o sistema imune do hospedeiro e contra os antifúngicos. O uso indiscriminado e a exposição prolongada aos antifúngicos induz o surgimento de resistência a esses medicamentos, além disso existem cepas de Candida albicans resistentes ao tratamento com antifúngicos azólicos. Devido a isso surge a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos alvos terapêuticos. O objetivo desse estudo consiste no desenvolvimento de análogos da Histatina-5 com algumas modificações estruturais, a fim de potencializar a ação terapêutica já comprovada dos peptídeos da família das Histatinas. A Histatina-5GH apresenta maior carga positiva que os demais peptídeos devido a troca de duas glicinas na estrutura da Histatina-5 por duas histidinas. Por sua vez, a Histatina-5SC possui o resíduo de serina C-terminal substituído por...


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Os peptídeos têm sido amplamente estudados e demonstrados como uma estratégia promissora no combate a micro-organismos patogênicos, devido aos inovadores mecanismos de ação que apresentam e a menor indução de resistência nos microorganismos. Os peptídeos da família das Histatinas, naturalmente presentes na saliva humana, são os principais agentes que auxiliam na cicatrização e oclusão de feridas, re-epitelização e, além disso, dispõem de mecanismos de ação contra microorganismos, em especial, a Candida albicans. O agente etiológico da Candidiose bucal é a Candida albicans, um patógeno de origem fúngica, que acomete indivíduos de todas as idades, indivíduos imunologicamente debilitados e, especialmente, os usuários de próteses dentárias. Um importante fator de virulência da Candida albicans é a habilidade de formar biofilmes, estrutura comunitária microbiana revestida por exopolissacarídeos, capaz de aderir-se a superfícies lisas. Os biofilmes associam-se com a capacidade de causar infecções, com o desenvolvimento de resistência contra o sistema imune do hospedeiro e contra os antifúngicos. O uso indiscriminado e a exposição prolongada aos antifúngicos induz o surgimento de resistência a esses medicamentos, além disso existem cepas de Candida albicans resistentes ao tratamento com antifúngicos azólicos. Devido a isso surge a necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos alvos terapêuticos. O objetivo desse estudo consiste no desenvolvimento de análogos da Histatina-5 com algumas modificações estruturais, a fim de potencializar a ação terapêutica já comprovada dos peptídeos da família das Histatinas. A Histatina-5GH apresenta maior carga positiva que os demais peptídeos devido a troca de duas glicinas na estrutura da Histatina-5 por duas histidinas. Por sua vez, a Histatina-5SC possui o resíduo de serina C-terminal substituído por...


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis budding pattern and polymorphic growth were previously shown to be closely linked to the expression of PbCDC42 and to influence the pathogenesis of the fungus. In this work we conducted a detailed morphogenetic evaluation of the yeast-forms of 11 different clinical and environmental P. brasiliensis isolates comprising four phylogenetic lineages (S1, PS2, PS3 and Pb01-like), as well as a PbCDC42 knock-down strain. High variations in the shape and size of mother and bud cells of each isolate were observed but we did not find a characteristic morphologic profile for any of the phylogenetic groups. In all isolates studied, the bud size and shape were demonstrated to be highly dependent on the mother cell. Importantly, we found strong correlations between PbCDC42 expression and both the shape of mother and bud cells and the size of the buds in all isolates and the knock-down strain. Our results suggested that PbCDC42 expression can explain approximately 80% of mother and bud cell shape and 19% of bud cell size. This data support PbCDC42 expression level as being a relevant predictor of P. brasiliensis morphology. Altogether, these findings quantitatively describe the polymorphic nature of the P. brasiliensis yeast form and provide additional support for the key role of PbCDC42 expression on yeast cell morphology.


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Despite their immunosuppressive effects, corticosteroids have long been used as adjunct therapy (aCST) in the treatment of infectious diseases. The rationale is that in certain infections it is necessary to decrease the exacerbated host's inflammatory response, which can otherwise result in tissue damage and organ dysfunction. In fact, a major concern in treating paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is the host's intense inflammatory response to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, which can be further intensified by antifungal therapy. Depending on its localization, this immunological phenomenon may be life threatening or result in permanent sequels, as is the case for some patients with cerebral or laryngeal involvement. However, the literature on aCST in paracoccidioidomycosis treatment is scarce and as a result we present our recent experience in the management of four patients with severe PCM manifestations, i.e., cerebral paracoccidioidal granuloma, laryngeal stenosis, compressive abdominal mass, and exacerbated inflammatory response with tissue destruction. In addition to the antifungal therapy, these patients required aCST, which probably promoted their clinical improvement and/or prevented serious complications. We suggest that aCST: (a) can potentially help in the management of selected cases of severe forms of PCM, particularly when there is a risk of acute complications, and (b) that it can be used safely provided that the risk-benefit ratio is carefully weighed. Well-controlled, prospective studies of aCST in the treatment of severe cases of paracoccidioidomycosis are needed to better define its role in the management of PCM.


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The selection of reference genes used for data normalization to quantify gene expression by real-time PCR amplifications (qRT-PCR) is crucial for the accuracy of this technique. In spite of this, little information regarding such genes for qRT-PCR is available for gene expression analyses in pathogenic fungi. Thus, we investigated the suitability of eight candidate reference genes in isolates of the human dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum subjected to several environmental challenges, such as drug exposure, interaction with human nail and skin, and heat stress. The stability of these genes was determined by geNorm, NormFinder and Best-Keeper programs. The gene with the most stable expression in the majority of the conditions tested was rpb2 (DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II), which was validated in three T. rubrum strains. Moreover, the combination of rpb2 and chs1 (chitin synthase) genes provided for the most reliable qRT-PCR data normalization in T. rubrum under a broad range of biological conditions. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on the selection of reference genes for qRT-PCR data normalization in dermatophytes and the results of these studies should permit further analysis of gene expression under several experimental conditions, with improved accuracy and reliability.


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Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is characterized by susceptibility to Candida infection of skin, nails, and mucous membranes. Autoimmune endocrinopathies are common in CMC patients, but there are no reports of the involvement of systemic autoimmune disorders. We present here the first case of this kind of association in a patient with an autosomal dominant variant of CMC. The individual had had this disorder since childhood and systemic lupus erythematosus with secondary antiphospholipid syndrome, as well as renal, articular and hepatic manifestations without thymoma.


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Once rare, septic shock (SS) due to disseminated fungal infections has been increasingly reported due to a growing number of immunocompromised patients, but remains rare in non-immune-compromised individuals. In paracoccidioidomycosis, it has been described in only three patients with the severe, acute form of the disease. We describe the development of a refractory, fatal septic shock due to a severe disseminated chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis in an older woman without any other microbial insults. A striking event in the evolution of her case was the severe depletion of lymphocytes from the peripheral blood and lymphoid organs. Lymphocyte depletion due to apoptosis is described in the late phase of sepsis and can contribute both to immunosuppression and the progression of SS. The possible mechanisms involved in the induction of SS in the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis are discussed.


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The increase in solid organ transplantations may soon create a rise in the occurrence of endemic fungal diseases, such as paracoccidioidomycosis, due to the lack of rigorous screening of donors from endemic areas. Here we present the first case of an immunocompetent and asymptomatic kidney donor who had Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infected-adrenal tissue but no glandular dysfunction.


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Black molds or dematiaceous fungi are rare etiologic agents of intracerebral abscesses and such infections carry a high mortality of up to 70% despite combined surgical and antifungal therapy. While the growing use of immunosuppressive therapies and organ transplantation have caused an increase in the incidence of rare fungal cerebral infections, occurrence in immunocompetent hosts is also possible. We describe a 60-year-old female patient with a cerebral abscess caused by Cladophialophora bantiana. The case illustrates the clinical and radiological similarities between glioblastomas and brain abscesses and emphasizes the need to perform histological and microbiological studies prior to the initiation of any form of therapy. Long-term survival from cerebral black mold abscesses has been reported only when complete surgical resection was possible. The recommended antifungal treatment involves the use of amphotericin B combined with a triazole and, if possible, flucytosine. Highly-active new generation triazole antifungal compounds (voriconazole or posaconazole) are likely to offer improved survival rates for patients with rare mold infections. In particular, posaconazole could be a new therapeutic option given its better tolerance, lower toxicity and fewer drug-drug interactions. We discuss clinical, microbiological and practical pharmacological aspects and review current and evolving treatment options.


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Peer reviewed


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Funding This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust Strategic Award for Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology 097377/Z/11/Z. Data collection was supported by a grant from Pfizer. GR was also supported by a research fellowship grant from Gilead Sciences. The collection of the isolates was funded by a Gilead Fellowship to GR.