940 resultados para Medical Image Database


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We incorporated a new Riemannian fluid registration algorithm into a general MRI analysis method called tensor-based morphometry to map the heritability of brain morphology in MR images from 23 monozygotic and 23 dizygotic twin pairs. All 92 3D scans were fluidly registered to a common template. Voxelwise Jacobian determinants were computed from the deformation fields to assess local volumetric differences across subjects. Heritability maps were computed from the intraclass correlations and their significance was assessed using voxelwise permutation tests. Lobar volume heritability was also studied using the ACE genetic model. The performance of this Riemannian algorithm was compared to a more standard fluid registration algorithm: 3D maps from both registration techniques displayed similar heritability patterns throughout the brain. Power improvements were quantified by comparing the cumulative distribution functions of the p-values generated from both competing methods. The Riemannian algorithm outperformed the standard fluid registration.


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We extended genetic linkage analysis - an analysis widely used in quantitative genetics - to 3D images to analyze single gene effects on brain fiber architecture. We collected 4 Tesla diffusion tensor images (DTI) and genotype data from 258 healthy adult twins and their non-twin siblings. After high-dimensional fluid registration, at each voxel we estimated the genetic linkage between the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), Val66Met (dbSNP number rs6265), of the BDNF gene (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) with fractional anisotropy (FA) derived from each subject's DTI scan, by fitting structural equation models (SEM) from quantitative genetics. We also examined how image filtering affects the effect sizes for genetic linkage by examining how the overall significance of voxelwise effects varied with respect to full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussian smoothing applied to the FA images. Raw FA maps with no smoothing yielded the greatest sensitivity to detect gene effects, when corrected for multiple comparisons using the false discovery rate (FDR) procedure. The BDNF polymorphism significantly contributed to the variation in FA in the posterior cingulate gyrus, where it accounted for around 90-95% of the total variance in FA. Our study generated the first maps to visualize the effect of the BDNF gene on brain fiber integrity, suggesting that common genetic variants may strongly determine white matter integrity.


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We developed an analysis pipeline enabling population studies of HARDI data, and applied it to map genetic influences on fiber architecture in 90 twin subjects. We applied tensor-driven 3D fluid registration to HARDI, resampling the spherical fiber orientation distribution functions (ODFs) in appropriate Riemannian manifolds, after ODF regularization and sharpening. Fitting structural equation models (SEM) from quantitative genetics, we evaluated genetic influences on the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD), a novel measure of fiber spatial coherence, and on the generalized fiber anisotropy (GFA) a measure of fiber integrity. With random-effects regression, we mapped regions where diffusion profiles were highly correlated with subjects' intelligence quotient (IQ). Fiber complexity was predominantly under genetic control, and higher in more highly anisotropic regions; the proportion of genetic versus environmental control varied spatially. Our methods show promise for discovering genes affecting fiber connectivity in the brain.


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The human connectome has recently become a popular research topic in neuroscience, and many new algorithms have been applied to analyze brain networks. In particular, network topology measures from graph theory have been adapted to analyze network efficiency and 'small-world' properties. While there has been a surge in the number of papers examining connectivity through graph theory, questions remain about its test-retest reliability (TRT). In particular, the reproducibility of structural connectivity measures has not been assessed. We examined the TRT of global connectivity measures generated from graph theory analyses of 17 young adults who underwent two high-angular resolution diffusion (HARDI) scans approximately 3 months apart. Of the measures assessed, modularity had the highest TRT, and it was stable across a range of sparsities (a thresholding parameter used to define which network edges are retained). These reliability measures underline the need to develop network descriptors that are robust to acquisition parameters.


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Imaging genetics aims to discover how variants in the human genome influence brain measures derived from images. Genome-wide association scans (GWAS) can screen the genome for common differences in our DNA that relate to brain measures. In small samples, GWAS has low power as individual gene effects are weak and one must also correct for multiple comparisons across the genome and the image. Here we extend recent work on genetic clustering of images, to analyze surface-based models of anatomy using GWAS. We performed spherical harmonic analysis of hippocampal surfaces, automatically extracted from brain MRI scans of 1254 subjects. We clustered hippocampal surface regions with common genetic influences by examining genetic correlations (r(g)) between the normalized deformation values at all pairs of surface points. Using genetic correlations to cluster surface measures, we were able to boost effect sizes for genetic associations, compared to clustering with traditional phenotypic correlations using Pearson's r.


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The SNP-SNP interactome has rarely been explored in the context of neuroimaging genetics mainly due to the complexity of conducting approximately 10(11) pairwise statistical tests. However, recent advances in machine learning, specifically the iterative sure independence screening (SIS) method, have enabled the analysis of datasets where the number of predictors is much larger than the number of observations. Using an implementation of the SIS algorithm (called EPISIS), we used exhaustive search of the genome-wide, SNP-SNP interactome to identify and prioritize SNPs for interaction analysis. We identified a significant SNP pair, rs1345203 and rs1213205, associated with temporal lobe volume. We further examined the full-brain, voxelwise effects of the interaction in the ADNI dataset and separately in an independent dataset of healthy twins (QTIM). We found that each additional loading in the epistatic effect was associated with approximately 5% greater brain regional brain volume (a protective effect) in both the ADNI and QTIM samples.


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Brain asymmetry has been a topic of interest for neuroscientists for many years. The advent of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) allows researchers to extend the study of asymmetry to a microscopic scale by examining fiber integrity differences across hemispheres rather than the macroscopic differences in shape or structure volumes. Even so, the power to detect these microarchitectural differences depends on the sample size and how the brain images are registered and how many subjects are studied. We fluidly registered 4 Tesla DTI scans from 180 healthy adult twins (45 identical and fraternal pairs) to a geometrically-centered population mean template. We computed voxelwise maps of significant asymmetries (left/right hemisphere differences) for common fiber anisotropy indices (FA, GA). Quantitative genetic models revealed that 47-62% of the variance in asymmetry was due to genetic differences in the population. We studied how these heritability estimates varied with the type of registration target (T1- or T2-weighted) and with sample size. All methods consistently found that genetic factors strongly determined the lateralization of fiber anisotropy, facilitating the quest for specific genes that might influence brain asymmetry and fiber integrity.


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Information from the full diffusion tensor (DT) was used to compute voxel-wise genetic contributions to brain fiber microstructure. First, we designed a new multivariate intraclass correlation formula in the log-Euclidean framework. We then analyzed used the full multivariate structure of the tensor in a multivariate version of a voxel-wise maximum-likelihood structural equation model (SEM) that computes the variance contributions in the DTs from genetic (A), common environmental (C) and unique environmental (E) factors. Our algorithm was tested on DT images from 25 identical and 25 fraternal twin pairs. After linear and fluid registration to a mean template, we computed the intraclass correlation and Falconer's heritability statistic for several scalar DT-derived measures and for the full multivariate tensors. Covariance matrices were found from the DTs, and inputted into SEM. Analyzing the full DT enhanced the detection of A and C effects. This approach should empower imaging genetics studies that use DTI.


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There is a major effort in medical imaging to develop algorithms to extract information from DTI and HARDI, which provide detailed information on brain integrity and connectivity. As the images have recently advanced to provide extraordinarily high angular resolution and spatial detail, including an entire manifold of information at each point in the 3D images, there has been no readily available means to view the results. This impedes developments in HARDI research, which need some method to check the plausibility and validity of image processing operations on HARDI data or to appreciate data features or invariants that might serve as a basis for new directions in image segmentation, registration, and statistics. We present a set of tools to provide interactive display of HARDI data, including both a local rendering application and an off-screen renderer that works with a web-based viewer. Visualizations are presented after registration and averaging of HARDI data from 90 human subjects, revealing important details for which there would be no direct way to appreciate using conventional display of scalar images.


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Fractional anisotropy (FA), a very widely used measure of fiber integrity based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), is a problematic concept as it is influenced by several quantities including the number of dominant fiber directions within each voxel, each fiber's anisotropy, and partial volume effects from neighboring gray matter. With High-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) and the tensor distribution function (TDF), one can reconstruct multiple underlying fibers per voxel and their individual anisotropy measures by representing the diffusion profile as a probabilistic mixture of tensors. We found that FA, when compared with TDF-derived anisotropy measures, correlates poorly with individual fiber anisotropy, and may sub-optimally detect disease processes that affect myelination. By contrast, mean diffusivity (MD) as defined in standard DTI appears to be more accurate. Overall, we argue that novel measures derived from the TDF approach may yield more sensitive and accurate information than DTI-derived measures.


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The shape of tracheal cartilage has been widely treated as symmetric in analytical and numerical models. However, according to both histological images and in vivo medical image, tracheal cartilage is of highly asymmetric shape. Taking the cartilage as symmetric structure will induce bias in calculation of the collapse behavior, as well as compliance and muscular stress. However, this has been rarely discussed. In this paper, tracheal collapse is represented by considering its asymmetric shape. For comparison, the symmetric shape, which is reconstructed by half of the cartilage, is also presented. A comparison of cross-sectional area, compliance of airway and stress in the muscular membrane, determined by asymmetric shape and symmetric shape is made. The result indicates that the symmetric assumption brings a small error, around 5% in predicting the cross-sectional area under loading conditions. The relative error of compliance is more than 10%. Particularly when the pressure is close to zero, the error could be more than 50%. The model considering the symmetric shape results in a significant difference in predicting stress in muscular membrane by either under- or over-estimating it. In conclusion, tracheal cartilage should not be treated as a symmetric structure. The results obtained in this study are helpful in evaluating the error induced by the assumption in geometry.


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This paper presents a validation study on the application of a novel interslice interpolation technique for musculoskeletal structure segmentation of articulated joints and muscles on human magnetic resonance imaging data. The interpolation technique is based on morphological shape-based interpolation combined with intensity based voxel classification. Shape-based interpolation in the absence of the original intensity image has been investigated intensively. However, in some applications of medical image analysis, the intensity image of the slice to be interpolated is available. For example, when manual segmentation is conducted on selected slices, the segmentation on those unselected slices can be obtained by interpolation. We proposed a two- step interpolation method to utilize both the shape information in the manual segmentation and local intensity information in the image. The method was tested on segmentations of knee, hip and shoulder joint bones and hamstring muscles. The results were compared with two existing interpolation methods. Based on the calculated Dice similarity coefficient and normalized error rate, the proposed method outperformed the other two methods.


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Image filtering techniques have numerous potential applications in biomedical imaging and image processing. The design of filters largely depends on the a-priori knowledge about the type of noise corrupting the image and image features. This makes the standard filters to be application and image specific. The most popular filters such as average, Gaussian and Wiener reduce noisy artifacts by smoothing. However, this operation normally results in smoothing of the edges as well. On the other hand, sharpening filters enhance the high frequency details making the image non-smooth. An integrated general approach to design filters based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed in this study for optimal medical image filtering. This algorithm exploits the better energy compaction property of DCT and re-arrange these coefficients in a wavelet manner to get the better energy clustering at desired spatial locations. This algorithm performs optimal smoothing of the noisy image by preserving high and low frequency features. Evaluation results show that the proposed filter is robust under various noise distributions.


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Approximate Nearest Neighbour Field maps are commonly used by computer vision and graphics community to deal with problems like image completion, retargetting, denoising, etc. In this paper, we extend the scope of usage of ANNF maps to medical image analysis, more specifically to optic disk detection in retinal images. In the analysis of retinal images, optic disk detection plays an important role since it simplifies the segmentation of optic disk and other retinal structures. The proposed approach uses FeatureMatch, an ANNF algorithm, to find the correspondence between a chosen optic disk reference image and any given query image. This correspondence provides a distribution of patches in the query image that are closest to patches in the reference image. The likelihood map obtained from the distribution of patches in query image is used for optic disk detection. The proposed approach is evaluated on five publicly available DIARETDB0, DIARETDB1, DRIVE, STARE and MESSIDOR databases, with total of 1540 images. We show, experimentally, that our proposed approach achieves an average detection accuracy of 99% and an average computation time of 0.2 s per image. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.