109 resultados para Meconopsis integrifolia


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The locus RTM1 is necessary for restriction of long-distance movement of tobacco etch virus in Arabidopsis thaliana without causing a hypersensitive response or inducing systemic acquired resistance. The RTM1 gene was isolated by map-based cloning. The deduced gene product is similar to the α-chain of the Artocarpus integrifolia lectin, jacalin, and to several proteins that contain multiple repeats of a jacalin-like sequence. These proteins comprise a family with members containing modular organizations of one or more jacalin repeat units and are implicated in defense against viruses, fungi, and insects.


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Question: How do interactions between the physical environment and biotic properties of vegetation influence the formation of small patterned-ground features along the Arctic bioclimate gradient? Location: At 68° to 78°N: six locations along the Dalton Highway in arctic Alaska and three in Canada (Banks Island, Prince Patrick Island and Ellef Ringnes Island). Methods: We analysed floristic and structural vegetation, biomass and abiotic data (soil chemical and physical parameters, the n-factor [a soil thermal index] and spectral information [NDVI, LAI]) on 147 microhabitat releves of zonalpatterned-ground features. Using mapping, table analysis (JUICE) and ordination techniques (NMDS). Results: Table analysis using JUICE and the phi-coefficient to identify diagnostic species revealed clear groups of diagnostic plant taxa in four of the five zonal vegetation complexes. Plant communities and zonal complexes were generally well separated in the NMDS ordination. The Alaska and Canada communities were spatially separated in the ordination because of different glacial histories and location in separate floristic provinces, but there was no single controlling environmental gradient. Vegetation structure, particularly that of bryophytes and total biomass, strongly affected thermal properties of the soils. Patterned-ground complexes with the largest thermal differential between the patterned-ground features and the surrounding vegetation exhibited the clearest patterned-ground morphologies.


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A set of individual identification cards for rare and sensitive plant species found in the southeastern United States including Puerto Rico. Categories include forbs, shrubs, ferns, and trees. Each card has a color picture on one side and a description and map on the reverse. The description includes: family, flowering date, habitat, and identifying characteristics.


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A yeast cDNA expression library was screened to identify genes and cellular processes that influence fungal sensitivity to a plant antimicrobial peptide. A plasmid-based, GAL1 promoter-driven yeast cDNA expression library was introduced into a yeast genotype susceptible to the antimicrobial peptide MiAMP1 purified from Macadamia integrifolia. Following a screen of 20,000 cDNAs, three yeast cDNAs were identified that reproducibly provided transformants with galactose-dependent resistance to MiAMP1. These cDNAs encoded a protein of unknown function, a component (VMA11) of the vacuolar H+-ATPase and a component (cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIa) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, respectively. To identify genes that increased sensitivity to MiAMP1, the yeast cDNA expression library was introduced into a yeast mutant with increased resistance to MiAMP1. From 11,000 cDNAs screened, two cDNA clones corresponding to a ser/thr kinase and a ser/thr phosphatase reproducibly increased MiAMP1 susceptibility in the mutant in a galactose-dependent manner. Deletion mutants were available for three of the five genes identified but showed no change in their sensitivity to MiAMP1, indicating that these genes could not be detected by screening of yeast deletion mutant libraries. Yeast cDNA expression library screening therefore provides an alternative approach to gene deletion libraries to identify genes that can influence the sensitivity of fungi to plant antimicrobial peptides.


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The plant antimicrobial peptide MiAMP1 from Macadamia integrifolia and the yeast killer toxin peptide WmKT from Williopsis mrakii are structural homologues. Comparative studies of yeast mutants were performed to test their sensitivity to these two antimicrobial peptides. No differences in susceptibility to MiAMP1 were detected between wild-type and several WmKT-resistant mutant yeast strains. A yeast mutant MT1, resistant to MiAMP1 but unaffected in its susceptibility to plant defensins and hydrogen peroxide, also did not show enhanced tolerance towards WmKT. It is therefore probable that the Greek key beta-barrel structure shared by MiAMP1 and WmKT provides a robust structural framework ensuring stability for the two proteins but that the specific action of the peptides depends on other motifs. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thirty-three microsatellite loci were isolated for the Australian rainforest tree Macadamia integrifolia. Genotyping across a test panel of 43 commercial cultivars generated an average polymorphic information content of 0.480. Five loci showed no polymorphism across cultivars. Significant linkage disequilibrium was detected in 10 pairwise comparisons, including two pairs of loci identified from the same clone sequence. The 33 microsatellite loci represent a significant tool for genome mapping and population genetic studies.


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The scientific research in seed technology is based on techniques that aim the reduction of costs and time, standardization, improvement and establishment of analytical methods while maintaining a high level of reliability of the results. This study sought to elucidate the reliability of electrical conductivity and pH of the exudate compared to the classic germination test, which was developed in two separate studies, however interrelated with each other, as to their final goals. The experimental material of this study consisted of seeds of the species Aspidosperma parvifolium (guatambu), Aspidosperma polyneuron (peroba-rosa), Cabralea canjerana (canjerana), Cariniana legalis (jequitibá), Gallesia integrifolia (pau-d'alho), Handroanthus chrysotrichus (ipê-amarelo), Lonchocarpus campestris (rabo-de-bugio) and Pterogyne nitens (amendoim-do-campo). The physiological quality of the studied seed species was evaluated through the electrical conductivity and pH test of the exudate by mass and individual methods being compared and correlated with the results obtained in the germination test. In addition to the tested methods, imbibition periods of the seeds were evaluated for conductivity and pH, which corresponded to 2, 4, 6, 8, 24 and 48 hours. The electrical conductivity test was efficient in both of the used methods to evaluate the physiological quality of the studied seed species when compared to the standard germination test. The pH test of the exudate applied by the individual method was more efficient and thorough to evaluate the physiological quality of the studied seed species, than the mass method. For the species Gallesia integrifolia, Cariniana legalis and Lonchocarpus campestris the pH tests of the exudate tests were not efficient due to poor or absent correlation between germination and pH.