219 resultados para Mecklenburg
The Zadock Darby Smith Diary includes information about weather conditions, death and burial of family members and about Confederate troops in the Civil War. The collection consists of photocopies of the original. Zadock Darby Smith was a captain in the Confederate Army. He was born in Mecklenburg County, NC, May 13, 1822 and died in York County, SC on November 25, 1884. Zadock Smith is buried at the Union Baptist Church cemetery in Yorkl, SC. His first wife was Martha Jane Glenn Smith (1828-1862) and his second wife was Jane Thomasson Smith (1838 - 1918). They owned a plantation on King’s Mountain Road.
We analysed a 610-bp mitochondrial (mt)DNA D-loop fragment in a sample of German draught horse breeds and compared the polymorphic sites with sequences from Arabian, Hanoverian, Exmoor, Icelandic, Sorraia and Przewalski's Horses as well as with Suffolk, Shire and Belgian horses. In a total of 65 horses, 70 polymorphic sites representing 47 haplotypes were observed. The average percentage of polymorphic sites was 11.5% for the mtDNA fragment analysed. In the nine different draught horse breeds including South German, Mecklenburg, Saxon Thuringa coldblood, Rhenisch German, Schleswig Draught Horse, Black Forest Horse, Shire, Suffolk and Belgian, 61 polymorphic sites and 24 haplotypes were found. The phylogenetic analysis failed to show monophyletic groups for the draught horses. The analysis indicated that the draught horse populations investigated consist of diverse genetic groups with respect to their maternal lineage.
von Anton Theodor Hartmann
BACKGROUND Pinschers and other dogs with coat color dilution show a characteristic pigmentation phenotype. The fur colors are a lighter shade, e.g. silvery grey (blue) instead of black and a sandy color (Isabella fawn) instead of red or brown. In some dogs the coat color dilution is sometimes accompanied by hair loss and recurrent skin inflammation, the so called color dilution alopecia (CDA) or black hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD). In humans and mice a comparable pigmentation phenotype without any documented hair loss is caused by mutations within the melanophilin gene (MLPH). RESULTS We sequenced the canine MLPH gene and performed a mutation analysis of the MLPH exons in 6 Doberman Pinschers and 5 German Pinschers. A total of 48 sequence variations was identified within and between the breeds. Three families of dogs showed co-segregation for at least one polymorphism in an MLPH exon and the dilute phenotype. No single polymorphism was identified in the coding sequences or at splice sites that is likely to be causative for the dilute phenotype of all dogs examined. In 18 German Pinschers a mutation in exon 7 (R199H) was consistently associated with the dilute phenotype. However, as this mutation was present in homozygous state in four dogs of other breeds with wildtype pigmentation, it seems unlikely that this mutation is truly causative for coat color dilution. In Doberman Pinschers as well as in Large Munsterlanders with BHFD, a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around exon 2 was identified that show a highly significant association to the dilute phenotype. CONCLUSION This study provides evidence that coat color dilution is caused by one or more mutations within or near the MLPH gene in several dog breeds. The data on polymorphisms that are strongly associated with the dilute phenotype will allow the genetic testing of Pinschers to facilitate the breeding of dogs with defined coat colors and to select against Large Munsterlanders carrying BHFD.
Boberach: Die Verfassung des Dreikönigsbündnisses kann erst nach Beitritt aller Einzelstaaten in Kraft treten. Sofort ist eine Flotte in der Ostsee zu schaffen. Die Unionsstaaten sollen sechs Kurien bilden, im Fürstenkollegium ganze oder halbe Stimmen haben. Die "Vereinigten Staaten Deutschland" sollen ein enges Bündnis mit dem unabhängigen Österreich unter einer Zentralbehörde eingehen. - Wentzke: Einteilung der Staaten in 6 Kurien: 1. Preußen, 2. Baiern, 3. Sachsen und Thüringen-Anhalt je 1/2 Stimme, 4. Hannover und Braunschweig-Mecklenburg-Oldenburg-Hansestädte je 1/2 Stimme, 5. Württemberg und Baden je 1/2 Stimme, 6. die übrigen. Warnung vor Beseitigung des Fürstenkollegs. Bedeutung der Kleinstaaten für die Einheit Deutschlands. "Vereinigte Staaten Deutschlands" vorläufig besser als "Reich". Für den Reichstag und für die 2. preußische Kammer dieselben Wahlen! Österreich und der Bundesstaat bilden zwei unabhängige Mächte in engem Bündnis, repräsentieren zusammen die Großmacht des bisherigen deutschen Bundes. Zentralbehörde aus je zwei Bevollmächtigten Österreichs und des Bundesstaats
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Satirisch/humoristische Kommentierung der Ereignisse der Jahre 1848 und (Anfang) 1849 aus demokratischer Sicht. Von dem Berliner Schriftsteller und Vorsitzenden der demokratischen Partei in Mecklenburg-Strelitz Glaßbrenner
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Pathetisches Gedicht über Deutschlands Kampf um die Freiheit: "Nicht lieget hinter uns der schwerste Kampf ... Der größte Feind, Parteienhaß, erliegt, Wenn wir in Einigkeit der Freiheit dienen!" Von dem Rektor der Volksschule Boizenburg/Mecklenburg und (seit dem 18. Mai 1848) Abgeordneten der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung Reinhard
Walter Mecklenburg
Iōannēs Postēlios epoiēse
Kolonialkriegerdank e.V. Herzog Johann Albrecht zu Mecklenburg ; [Georg] Freiherr von Gayl