562 resultados para Mda


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Resumo: A decisão da terapêutica hormonal no tratamento do cancro da mama baseiase na determinação do receptor de estrogénio alfa por imunohistoquímica (IHC). Contudo, a presença deste receptor não prediz a resposta em todas as situações, em parte devido a limitações do método IHC. Investigámos se a expressão dos genes ESR1 e ESR2, bem como a metilação dos respectivos promotores, pode estar relacionada com a evolução desfavorável de uma proporção de doentes tratados com tamoxifeno assim como com a perda dos receptores de estrogénio alfa (ERα) e beta (ERß). Amostras de 211 doentes com cancro da mama diagnosticado entre 1988 e 2004, fixadas em formalina e preservadas em parafina, foram utilizadas para a determinação por IHC da presença dos receptores ERα e ERß. O mRNA total do gene ESR1 e os níveis específicos do transcrito derivado do promotor C (ESR1_C), bem como dos transcritos ESR2_ß1, ESR2_ß2/cx, and ESR2_ß5 foram avaliados por Real-time PCR. Os promotores A e C do gene ESR1 e os promotores 0K e 0N do gene ESR2 foram investigados por análise de metilação dos dinucleotidos CpG usando bisulfite-PCR para análise com enzimas de restrição, ou para methylation specific PCR. Atendendo aos resultados promissores relacionados com a metilação do promotor do gene ESR1, complementamos o estudo com um método quantitativo por matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) suportado pelo software Epityper para a medição da metilação nos promotores A e C. Fez-se a avaliação da estabilidade do mRNA nas linhas celulares de cancro da mama MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231 tratadas com actinomicina D. Baixos níveis do transcrito ESR1_C associaram-se a uma melhor sobrevivência global (p = 0.017). Níveis elevados do transcrito ESR1_C associaram-se a uma resposta inferior ao tamoxifeno (HR = 2.48; CI 95% 1.24-4.99), um efeito mais pronunciado em doentes com tumores de fenótipo ERα/PgR duplamente positivo (HR = 3.41; CI 95% 1.45-8.04). A isoforma ESR1_C mostrou ter uma semi-vida prolongada, bem como uma estrutura secundária da região 5’UTR muito mais relaxada em comparação com a isoforma ESR1_A. A análise por Western-blot mostrou que ao nível da 21 proteína, a selectividade de promotores é indistinguivel. Não se detectou qualquer correlação entre os níveis das isoformas do gene ESR2 ou entre a metilação dos promotores do gene ESR2, e a detecção da proteína ERß. A metilação do promotor C do gene ESR1, e não do promotor A, foi responsável pela perda do receptor ERα. Estes resultados sugerem que os níveis do transcrito ESR1_C sejam usados como um novo potencial marcador para o prognóstico e predição de resposta ao tratamento com tamoxifeno em doentes com cancro da mama. Abstract: The decision of endocrine breast cancer treatment relies on ERα IHC-based assessment. However, ER positivity does not predict response in all cases in part due to IHC methodological limitations. We investigated whether ESR1 and ESR2 gene expression and respective promoter methylation may be related to non-favorable outcome of a proportion of tamoxifen treated patients as well as to ERα and ERß loss. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer samples from 211 patients diagnosed between 1988 and 2004 were submitted to IHC-based ERα and ERß protein determination. ESR1 whole mRNA and promoter C specific transcript levels, as well as ESR2_ß1, ESR2_ß2/cx, and ESR2_ß5 transcripts were assessed by real-time PCR. ESR1 promoters A and C, and ESR2 promoters 0N and 0K were investigated by CpG methylation analysis using bisulfite-PCR for restriction analysis, or methylation specific PCR. Due to the promising results related to ESR1 promoter methylation, we have used a quantification method by matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF MS) together with Epityper software to measure methylation at promoters A and C. mRNA stability was assessed in actinomycin D treated MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. ERα protein was quantified using transiently transfected breast cancer cells. Low ESR1_C transcript levels were associated with better overall survival (p = 0.017). High levels of ESR1_C transcript were associated with non-favorable response in tamoxifen treated patients (HR = 2.48; CI 95% 1.24-4.99), an effect that was more pronounced in patients with ERα/PgR double-positive tumors (HR = 3.41; CI 95% 1.45-8.04). The ESR1_C isoform had a prolonged mRNA half-life and a more relaxed 5’UTR structure compared to ESR1_A isoform. Western-blot analysis showed that at protein level, the promoter selectivity is undistinguishable. There was no correlation between levels of ESR2 isoforms or ESR2 promoter methylation and ERß protein staining. ESR1 promoter C CpG methylation and not promoter A was responsible for ERα loss. We propose ESR1_C levels as a putative novel marker for breast cancer prognosis and prediction of tamoxifen response.


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The lysotypes, plasmidial profiles, and profiles of resistance to antimicrobial agents were determined in 111 Salmonella Typhimurium strains isolated from feces and blood of children treated in Rio de Janeiro and in Salvador. Six distinct lysotypes (19, 41, 97, 105, 120 and 193) were recognized, with a predominance of lysotype 193 (59.7%) in Rio de Janeiro and of phage type 105 (38.4) in Salvador. Approximately 86.7% of the lysotype 193 strains presented multiple resistance to more than six antimicrobial agents, whereas 93% of lysotype 105 strains were fully susceptible. More than 90% of the strains presented plasmids distributed into 36 different profiles in Rio de Janeiro and into 10 profiles in Salvador. A 40 MDa plasmid was the most frequent (47%) in the strains from Rio de Janeiro, whereas a 61 MDa plasmid predominated (14.5%) in Salvador. Combined analysis of plasmid profile and classification into lysotypes (especially those belonging to types 105 and 103, proved to be more discriminatory than the other methods applied).


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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In São Paulo State, Brazil, the epidemic increase in isolation of Salmonella Enteritidis has been observed since 1994. A total of 105 S. Enteritidis strains (72 from human and 33 from non-human sources) isolated during the period 1975-1995, previously characterized by phage typing, was analyzed by antimicrobial susceptibility, plasmid profile, and ribotyping. Over 70% of the strains were susceptible to all antimicrobial agents tested, however, multiple resistance to antimicrobials was observed among the studied strains, mainly those from hospitalized patients. Phage type 8 (PT-8) was predominant among the strains isolated during the period of 1975-1992, but in the following years, PT-4 was the most frequent phage type identified. Seven different plasmid profiles were detected and 96% of the isolates harbored a plasmid of approximately 36 MDa. Ribotyping discriminated fourteen ribotypes (R1 to R14) among the strains examined. By analysis of dendrogram the strains were included in three groups with similarity level of 60%. The obtained results indicate that, a single ribotype (R11), determined for PT-4 strains isolated from 1993, characterizes the epidemic clone of S. Enteritidis in our region.


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Atualmente, o álcool tem um papel importante na saúde pública e surge como um dos principais problemas sociais no mundo, dado que é a droga mais viciante aceite em encontros sociais. Provavelmente, por essa razão, os riscos do consumo abusivo do álcool são subestimados pelos jovens, mulheres grávidas e idosos. O álcool, quando ingerido em altas proporções, pode afetar todos os órgãos e desencadear inúmeras doenças, tais como a doença cardíaca coronariana, doença neurodegenerativa, as doenças crónicas e câncer. O álcool afeta ainda o estado psicológico, induzindo a violência, o estado antissocial e situações de risco de comportamentos. Por estas razões, o álcool tornou-se um foco principal da investigação, avaliando os seus efeitos sobre o corpo humano. Nesta pesquisa, foram suscitadas amostras de sangue de um grupo de pacientes em tratamento psicológico e/ou farmacêutico que serão analisadas com quatro métodos: Teste de Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORT), Defesa contra Radicais Livres do Oxigénio (FORD), cromatografia gasosa (GC) e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC). Ambos os métodos FORT e FORD avaliam o stress oxidativo pela quantificação de radicais livres e a capacidade de antioxidantes em eliminar esses radicais livres, respetivamente. O stress oxidativo é o efeito do excesso de consumo de álcool, que é reduzido pela capacidade de ação dos antioxidantes. A boa reprodutibilidade, precisão e exatidão de ambos os métodos indicam que estes podem ser aplicados em rápidos diagnósticos. Para o método FORT e considerando o início do tratamento, os pacientes alcoólicos apresentaram uma média de 3,59±1.01mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo uma média de 1,42±0.53mmol/LH2O2, o que mostra uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0,0006). Para o método FORD, pacientes alcoólicos apresentam uma média de 1,07±0.53mmol/LH2O2 e o grupo de controlo, uma média de 2,81±0.46mmol/LH2O2, mostrando também uma média significativa (P=0,0075). Após 15 dias de tratamento observou-se que há uma diferença entre os dois grupos de pacientes alcoólicos, mas não há nenhum melhoramento em relação ao grupo de pacientes em tratamento. No método FORT os grupos mostram uma diferença significativa (P=0,0073), tendo os pacientes sem tratamento farmacêutico melhores resultados (2.37±0.44mmol/LH2O2) do que os pacientes com tratamento (3.72±1,04mmol/LH2O2). O oposto ocorre no método FORD, os pacientes em tratamento farmacêutico presentam melhores resultados (1.16±0.65mmol/LH2O2) do que o outro grupo (0.75±0.22mmol/LH2O2), não sendo, no entanto, uma diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (P=0.16). Os resultados obtidos para a concentração de MDA pelo método de HPLC mostraram que o grupo de controlo tem valores mais baixos do que os pacientes alcoólicos, embora a diferença não seja muito significativa (P = 0,084), mas é ainda elevada. Além disso, os dois grupos de pacientes não apresentaram uma diferença significativa entre os seus resultados no início (P=0,77) e no fim (P=0,79) do tratamento. De acrescentar ainda que, os resultados da concentração de álcool no sangue determinados pelo método de CG mostraram que só alguns pacientes sem tratamento consumiram álcool durante o período de tratamento, o que influencia negativamente a conclusão sobre o efeito do tratamento. Contudo, outros fatores externos podem ainda influenciar os resultados finais, tais como o estado nutricional e estado psicológico dos pacientes, se o paciente continua a beber durante o tempo de tratamento ou até mesmo se o paciente é exposto a outros tipos de substâncias nocivas. Existe ainda a possibilidade de o tempo de aplicação do tratamento não ser suficiente para apresentar um efeito positivo em relação ao stress oxidativo e este é um outro fator que contribui para a impossibilidade de confirmar sobre o efeito, quer seja positivo ou negativo, do tratamento antioxidante.


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Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a certainty, even to long banned pesticides like o,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p′-DDT), and its metabolites p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), and p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p,p′-DDD). POPs are known to be particularly toxic and have been associated with endocrine-disrupting effects in several mammals, including humans even at very low doses. As environmental estrogens, they could play a critical role in carcinogenesis, such as in breast cancer. With the purpose of evaluating their effect on breast cancer biology, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDD (50–1000 nM) were tested on two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines: MCF-7 expressing estrogen receptor (ER) α and MDA-MB-231 negative for ERα, regarding cell proliferation and viability in addition to their invasive potential. Cell proliferation and viability were not equally affected by these compounds. In MCF-7 cells, the compounds were able to decrease cell proliferation and viability. On the other hand, no evident response was observed in treated MDA-MB-231 cells. Concerning the invasive potential, the less invasive cell line, MCF-7, had its invasion potential significantly induced, while the more invasive cell line MDA-MB-231, had its invasion potential dramatically reduced in the presence of the tested compounds. Altogether, the results showed that these compounds were able to modulate several cancer-related processes, namely in breast cancer cell lines, and underline the relevance of POP exposure to the risk of cancer development and progression, unraveling distinct pathways of action of these compounds on tumor cell biology.


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Leprosy, a chronic infectious disease, is caused by a Mycobacterium leprae infection. After India, Brazil has the second greatest number of cases in the world. Increase of oxidative stress and antioxidant deficiency are present in infected subjects and can be related to infection progression. We studied alterations in serum levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and vitamin A in patients with different forms of leprosy. Four groups of leprosy patients and a control group (healthy subjects) were selected, and their vitamin A serum levels and LPO profile, measured as malonaldehyde (MDA) were measured by spectrophotometric assays. The mean MDA serum levels (µmol/L) were 3.80 ± 0.5 for control group and 10.54 ± 1.1 in the leprosy patients and this increase was gradual, being more accentuated in severe forms of the disease. Also, the vitamin A serum levels (µg/dL) were diminished in the infected subjects (38.51 ± 4.2), mainly in lepromatous form, when compared with the control group (53.8 ± 5.6). These results indicate that LPO can be an important factor in Mycobacterium leprae infection, which can be related to increases in phagocytic activity and the general breakdown of antioxidants, contributing to an increase of LPO during infection progression. The evaluation of oxidant/antioxidant status in these patients can be an important factor in the treatment, control, and/or prognosis of this disease.


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The aim of this study was to assess the antioxidant and anti-schistosomal activities of the garlic extract (AGE) and Nigella sativa oil (NSO) on normal and Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice. AGE (125 mg kg-1, i.p.) and NSO (0.2 mg kg-1, i.p.) were administrated separately or in combination for successive 28 days, starting from the 1st day post infection (pi). All mice were sacrificed at weeks 7 pi. Hematological and biochemical parameters including liver and kidney functions were measured to assess the progress of anemia, and the possibility of the tissue damage. Serum total protein level, albumin, globulin and cholesterol were also determined. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels were determined in the liver tissues as biomarkers for oxidative and reducing status, respectively. The possible effect of the treatment regimens on Schistosoma worms was evaluated by recording percentage of the recovered worms, tissue egg and oogram pattern. Result showed that, protection with AGE and NSO prevented most of the hematological and biochemical changes and markedly improved the antioxidant capacity of schistosomiasis mice compared to the infected-untreated ones. In addition, remarkable reduction in worms, tissue eggs and alteration in oogram pattern were recorded in all the treated groups. The antioxidant and antischistosomal action of AGE and NSO was greatly diverse according to treatment regimens. These data point to these compounds as promising agents to complement schistosomiasis specific treatment.


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INTRODUCTION: The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis was launched with the goal of eliminating this disease via the annual mass drug administration (MDA) of a single dose of antifilarial drugs. Adverse drug reactions following MDA are a major factor of poor treatment adherence in several countries. This study assessed the occurrence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) following the first round of mass treatment in two communities treated with different dosages of diethylcarbamazine (DEC) in the City of Recife, Brazil. METHODS: Population-based cross-sectional surveys were conducted in a random sample of the population living in both communities (Areas I and II). The dose of DEC recommended by the WHO (6mg/kg) was calculated based on the individual's weight-for-age. In Area II, weight differences between the genders were also considered when determining dosage. Data were obtained through interviews conducted in the first 12 to 48h and on the 5th day after MDA during household visits. RESULTS: A total of 487 and 365 individuals were interviewed in Areas I and II, respectively. The prevalence of ADRs in Area I (23.6; 95%CI: 19.1-29.5) was higher than in Area II (16.2; 95%CI:11.9-21.5)(p=0.0078). The prevalence of ADRs among females was higher than in males in Area I (p=0.0021). In Area II, no significant difference between the genders was observed (p=0.1840). Age was not associated with ADRs in either area. CONCLUSIONS: Adjusting MDA dosage schedules according to weight-for-age and sex may be may contribute to reduce the occurrence of adverse drug reactions in the population.


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Introduction Since the launch of the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis, more than 70% of the endemic countries have implemented mass drug administration (MDA) to interrupt disease transmission. The monitoring of filarial infection in sentinel populations, particularly schoolchildren, is recommended to assess the impact of MDA. A key issue is choosing the appropriate tools for these initial assessments (to define the best intervention) and for monitoring transmission. Methods This study compared the pre-MDA performance of five diagnostic methods, namely, thick film test, Knott's technique, filtration, Og4C3-ELISA, and the AD12-ICT card test, in schoolchildren from Brazil. Venous and capillary blood samples were collected between 11 pm and 1 am. The microfilarial loads were analyzed with a negative binomial regression, and the prevalence and associated 95% confidence intervals were estimated for all methods. The accuracies of the AD12-ICT card and Og4C3-ELISA tests were assessed against the combination of parasitological test results. Results A total of 805 schoolchildren were examined. The overall and stratified prevalence by age group and gender detected by Og4C3-ELISA and AD12-ICT were markedly higher than the prevalence estimated by the parasitological methods. The sensitivity of the AD12-ICT card and Og4C3-ELISA tests was approximately 100%, and the positive likelihood ratios were above 6. The specificity of the Og4C3-ELISA was higher than that of the AD12-ICT at different prevalence levels. Conclusions The ICT card test should be the recommended tool for monitoring school-age populations living in areas with ongoing or completed MDA.


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Exosomes are small membrane vesicles secreted by most cell types, either normal or malignant and are found in most body fluids such as saliva, plasma and breast milk. In the past decade, the interest in these vesicles has been growing more and more since it was found that besides their beneficial functions such as the removal of cellular debris and unnecessary proteins during cell maturation process, they can also interact with other cells and transfer information between them, thus helping diseases like cancer to progress. The present work intended to use gold nanoparticles as vehicles for gene silencing in an attempt to reduce the tumor-derived exosome secretion, regulated by Rab27a protein, and also aimed to compare the exosome secretion between two breast cell lines, MCF7 and MDA. Changes in RAB27A gene expression were measured by Real-time Quantitative PCR and it was revealed a decreased in RAB27A gene expression, as expected. Exosomes were isolated and purified by two different methods, ultracentrifugation and the commercial kit ExoQuick™ Solution, and further characterized using Western Blot analysis. ExoQuick™ Solution was proven to be the most efficient method for exosome isolation and it was revealed that MDA cells secrete more exosomes. Furthermore, the isolated MCF7-derived exosomes were placed together with a normal bronchial/tracheal epithelial cell line (BTEC) for an additional assay, which aimed to observe the uptake of exosomes by other cells and the exosomes’ capability of promoting cell-cell communication. This observation was made based on alterations in the expression levels of c-Myc and miR-21 genes and the fact that they both have an increased expression in BTEC cells incubated with tumor-derived exosomes when compared to control cells (without incubation with the exosomes) lead us to the conclusion that the exosome uptake and exchange of information between the exosomes and the normal cells did occurred.


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Multidrug resistance is a major problems associated with cancer chemotherapy. Efflux transports is one of the numerous mechanisms involved in multidrug resistance. P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane protein, responsible for drug efflux, which decreases drugs intracellular bioavailability, consequently decreasing their efficacy against cancer. Cancer growth and dissemination depends on the expression of transcriptional factors such as, Twist. Among other features, this protein is related with cells chemoresistance possible by regulation of multidrug resistance pathways including the P-glycoprotein expression. The herein study proposes to demonstrate if paclitaxel entrapped nanoparticles is an effective system in evading multidrug resistance mechanisms and if functionalization of a specific antibody against cancer stem cells receptors (anti-CD44v6) has the capability to target selectively these cells increasing nanoparticles efficacy. Therefore solid lipid nanoparticles were prepared and a breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-436) was exposed to them in order to assess unloaded nanoparticles cytotoxic effects, increased pharmacologic efficacy of loaded nanoparticles relative to the free drug and their ability to evade multidrug resistance. The proposed solid lipid nanoparticles system proved to be capable of efficiently evading multidrug resistance mechanisms; however no improvement was added when these nanoparticles were functionalized with the antibody in the in vitro studies. However, the nanoparticles system is effective against multidrug resistance mechanisms.


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The potential of salicylic acid (SA) encapsulated in porous materials as drug delivery carriers for cancer treatment was studied. Different porous structures, the microporous zeolite NaY, and the mesoporous SBA-15 and MCM-41 were used as hosts for the anti-inflammatory drug. Characterization with different techniques (FTIR, UV/vis, TGA, 1H NMR, and 13C CPMAS NMR) demonstrated the successful loading of SA into the porous hosts. The mesoporous structures showed to be very efficient to encapsulate the SA molecule. The obtained drug delivery systems (DDS) accommodated 0.74 mmol (341 mg/gZEO) in NaY and 1.07 mmol (493 mg/gZEO) to 1.23 mmol (566 mg/gZEO) for SBA-15 and MCM-41, respectively. Interactions between SA molecules and pore structures were identified. A fast and unrestricted liberation of SA at 10 min of the dissolution assay was achieved with 29.3, 46.6, and 50.1 µg/mL of SA from NaY, SBA-15, and MCM-41, respectively, in the in vitro drug release studies (PBS buffer pH 7.4, 37 °C). Kinetic modeling was used to determine the release patterns of the DDS. The porous structures and DDS were evaluated on Hs578T and MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell lines viability. The porous structures are nontoxic to cancer cells. Cell viability reduction was only observed after the release of SA from MCM- 41 followed by SBA-15 in both breast cancer cell lines.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar o efeito dos ácidos graxos ômega-3 sobre o relaxamento-dependente do endotélio, o colesterol plasmático, as LDL, VLDL, HDL, triglicérides e a peroxidação lipídica das partículas de LDL-nativas, oxidadas e da parede arterial. MÉTODOS: Coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia foram submetidos a dieta enriquecida com colesterol (0,5%) e gordura de coco (2%), por 30 dias e separados em grupo hipercolesterolemia (H) e ômega-3 (O-3), sendo administrado ao O-3 ácidos graxos ômega-3 na dose de 300mg/kg/dia, durante 15 dias, através de gavagem. O colesterol plasmático, triglicérides, LDL-colesterol, VLDL e HDL-colesterol foram medidos através de kits enzimáticos e os resultados expressos em mg/dl. As LDL foram obtidas por ultracentrifugação e oxidadas através da exposição ao Cu++. A peroxidação lipídica das LDL e da parede da aorta foi mensurada pela dosagem do malondialdeido (MDA). A função endotelial foi avaliada por curvas de concentração-efeito obtidas pela acetilcolina e nitroprussiato, após contração com norepinefrina. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento do colesterol plasmático e das VLDL, sem interferência nos níveis de LDL e HDL, no O-3. Observou-se redução significante dos triglicérides. Verificou-se aumento significante do teor de MDA nas LDL-nativas e oxidadas, assim como na parede arterial. O relaxamento-dependente do endotélio foi significativamente menor no O-3. CONCLUSÃO: A administração de ácidos graxos ômega-3 na dosagem de 300/mg/kg/dia, a coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos aumentou o colesterol e as VLDL plasmáticas, enquanto reduziu os triglicérides. O relaxamento-dependente do endotélio foi menor que no grupo H.