994 resultados para Mastin, Glenn G., 1911-
Includes index.
Hilka, A. Liber de monstruosis hominibus orientis aus Thomas von Cantimpré: De natura rerum.--Schoenaich, G. Die neronische Christenverfolgung.--Winkler, H. Die Zugehörigkeit der finnischen Sprachen zum uralaltaischen Sprachstamm II.--Vogt, H. Geometrie und Ökonomie der Bienenzelle.--Schlossarek, M. Die Sprache des Terenz unter hauptsächlicher Berücksichtigung ihres rhetorischen Elements.
Issued under the authority of the Minister of State for Home and Territories, by G.H. Knibbs.
Contains bibliographies.
The greater part of this Monograph is devoted to detailed descriptions of 1426 samples of deposits from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean stored in the Challenger Office, Edinburgh, which had been collected during thirty-five cruising expeditions between 1857 and 1911. The remaining part discusses the results of the work. The work of examining and describing in detail this abundant mass of material was in progress when the late Sir JOHN MURRAY met his death in March 1914. By that time about three-fourths of the descriptive work had been completed under his supervision. Sir John's trustees arranged for the completion of the descriptive work by Mr Chumley, and this was done in the Challenger Office during the two succeeding years. Later, after he had removed to Glasgow, Mr Chumley prepared the notes discussing the results. The trustees have pleasure in recording, on the suggestion of Mr Chumley, the courtesy of Dr G. W. Lee of the Geological Survey of Scotland, for help in determining many of the rarer mineral particles contained in the deposits.