978 resultados para Massive photon


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We have investigated the mechanisms leading to two and three body photon absorption in nuclei. At photon energies around the pion production threshold we obtain a fraction of three body absorption of less than 10% of the total, contradicting previous theoretical claims that it dominates the absorption process. The strength of the three body channel grows smoothly with the photon energy reaching a maximum of about 60% of the total direct absorption at energies of the photon around 400 MeV.


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We obtain the photon spectrum induced by a cosmic background of unstable neutrinos. We study the spectrum in a variety of cosmological scenarios and also we allow for the neutrinos having a momentum distribution (only a critical matter-dominated universe and neutrinos at rest have been considered until now). Our results can be helpful when extracting bounds on neutrino electric and magnetic moments from cosmic photon background observations.


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Primary hyperoxaluria type I is a rare inborn error of metabolism caused by a deficiency of a liver-specific peroxisomal enzyme. It manifests by increased oxalate production that ultimately results in kidney failure, due to urolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis, and finally induces systemic oxalosis and risk of premature death. Primary hyperoxaluria type 2 is mainly responsible of urolithiasis. Enteric hyperoxaluria is a commonly seen adverse event of Crohn disease or after extensive intestinal resection. These affections represent the main etiologies of massive hyperoxaluria. If not recognized very soon and adequately treated, these conditions can progress rapidly to end stage renal failure.


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The large concrete placements at the Burlington Bridge were expected to cause great temperature differentials within the individual placements. In an attempt to reduce cracking due to the large temperature differentials, the Iowa Department of Transportation required that contractors continuously monitor the temperatures and temperature differentials in the concrete placement to assure that the temperature differentials did not exceed 35 deg F. It was felt that if temperature differentials remained below 35 deg F, cracking would be minimized. The following is a summary of the background of the project, and what occurred during individual concrete placements. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Side temperatures are cooler and more greatly affected by ambient air temperatures; 2) When the 35 deg F limit was exceeded, it was almost exclusively the center to side differential; 3) The top temperature increases substantially when a new pour is placed; 4) The use of ice and different cement types did seem to affect the overall temperature gain and the amount of time taken for any one placement to reach a peak, but did not necessarily prevent the differentials from exceeding the 35 deg F limit, nor prevent cracking in any placement; and 5) Larger placements have a greater tendency to exceed the differential limit.


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A 24-year-old woman who had sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML, Rosai-Dorfman disease) also had oligoarthritis. We found only four previously reported cases of SHML with clinical joint disease. The clinical picture may suggest rheumatoid arthritis or a spondylarthropathy with peripheral joint involvement. SHML should be considered routinely among the differential diagnoses in young patients with arthritis and large lymphadenopathies. There is no consensus regarding the treatment. In our patient, conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs followed by 3 months of adalimumab then 3 months of etanercept had no effect on the symptoms.


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The metabolic balance method was performed on three men to investigate the fate of large excesses of carbohydrate. Glycogen stores, which were first depleted by diet (3 d, 8.35 +/- 0.27 MJ [1994 +/- 65 kcal] decreasing to 5.70 +/- 1.03 MJ [1361 +/- 247 kcal], 15% protein, 75% fat, 10% carbohydrate) and exercise, were repleted during 7 d carbohydrate overfeeding (11% protein, 3% fat, and 86% carbohydrate) providing 15.25 +/- 1.10 MJ (3642 +/- 263 kcal) on the first day, increasing progressively to 20.64 +/- 1.30 MJ (4930 +/- 311 kcal) on the last day of overfeeding. Glycogen depletion was again accomplished with 2 d of carbohydrate restriction (2.52 MJ/d [602 kcal/d], 85% protein, and 15% fat). Glycogen storage capacity in man is approximately 15 g/kg body weight and can accommodate a gain of approximately 500 g before net lipid synthesis contributes to increasing body fat mass. When the glycogen stores are saturated, massive intakes of carbohydrate are disposed of by high carbohydrate-oxidation rates and substantial de novo lipid synthesis (150 g lipid/d using approximately 475 g CHO/d) without postabsorptive hyperglycemia.


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Photons participate in many atomic and molecular interactions and processes. Recent biophysical research has discovered an ultraweak radiation in biological tissues. It is now recognized that plants, animal and human cells emit this very weak biophotonic emission which can be readily measured with a sensitive photomultiplier system. UVA laser induced biophotonic emission of cultured cells was used in this report with the intention to detect biophysical changes between young and adult fibroblasts as well as between fibroblasts and keratinocytes. With suspension densities ranging from 1-8x106 cells/ml, it was evident that an increase of the UVA-laser-light induced photon emission intensity could be observed in young as well as adult fibroblastic cells. By the use of this method to determine ultraweak light emission, photons in cell suspensions in low volumes (100 mu l) could be detected, in contrast to previous procedures using quantities up to 10 ml. Moreover, the analysis has been further refined by turning off the photomultiplier system electronically during irradiation leading to the first measurements of induced light emission in the cells after less than 10 mu s instead of more than 100 milliseconds. These significant changes lead to an improvement factor up to 106 in comparison to classical detection procedures. In addition, different skin cells as fibroblasts and keratinocytes stemining from the same donor were measured using this new highly sensitive method in order to find new biophysical insight of light pathways. This is important in view to develop new strategies in biophotonics especially for use in alternative therapies.


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Photons participate in many atomic and molecular interactions and changes. Recent biophysical research has shown the induction of ultraweak photons in biological tissue. It is now established that plants, animal and human cells emit a very weak radiation which can be readily detected with an appropriate photomultiplier system. Although the emission is extremely low in mammalian cells, it can be efficiently induced by ultraviolet light. In our studies, we used the differentiation system of human skin fibroblasts from a patient with Xeroderma Pigmentosum of complementation group A in order to test the growth stimulation efficiency of various bone growth factors at concentrations as low as 5 ng/ml of cell culture medium. In additional experiments, the cells were irradiated with a moderate fluence of ultraviolet A. The different batches of growth factors showed various proliferation of skin fibroblasts in culture which could be correlated with the ultraweak photon emission. The growth factors reduced the acceleration of the fibroblast differentiation induced by mitomycin C by a factor of 10-30%. In view that fibroblasts play an essential role in skin aging and wound healing, the fibroblast differentiation system is a very useful tool in order to elucidate the efficacy of growth factors.


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Coordinated interactions between T and B cells are crucial for inducing physiological B cell responses. Mutant mice in which tyrosine 136 of linker for activation of T cell (LAT) is replaced by a phenylalanine (Lat(Y136F)) exhibit a strong CD4(+) T cell proliferation in the absence of intended immunization. The resulting effector T cells produce high amounts of T(H)2 cytokines and are extremely efficient at inducing polyclonal B cell activation. As a consequence, these Lat(Y136F) mutant mice showed massive germinal center formations and hypergammaglobulinemia. Here, we analyzed the involvement of different costimulators and their ligands in such T-B interactions both in vitro and in vivo, using blocking antibodies, knockout mice, and adoptive transfer experiments. Surprisingly, we showed in vitro that although B cell activation required contact with T cells, CD40, and inducible T cell costimulator molecule-ligand (ICOSL) signaling were not necessary for this process. These observations were further confirmed in vivo, where none of these molecules were required for the unfolding of the LAT CD4(+) T cell expansion and the subsequent polyclonal B cell activation, although, the absence of CD40 led to a reduction of the follicular B cell response. These results indicate that the crucial functions played by CD40 and ICOSL in germinal center formation and isotype switching in physiological humoral responses are partly overcome in Lat(Y136F) mice. By comparison, the absence of CD80-CD86 was found to almost completely block the in vitro B cell activation mediated by Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells. The role of CD80-CD86 in T-B cooperation in vivo remained elusive due to the upstream implication of these costimulatory molecules in the expansion of Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells. Together, our data suggest that CD80 and CD86 costimulators play a key role in the polyclonal B cell activation mediated by Lat(Y136F) CD4(+) T cells even though additional costimulatory molecules or cytokines are likely to be required in this process.