999 resultados para Marriage separation


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S-Labeled nucleosides of E. coli tRNA and some of the derivatives of thionucleosides were separated on Bio-Gel P-2 and Sephadex G-10 columns employing buffers of low salt concentration and high pH.


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A numerical method is suggested for separation of stresses in photo-orthotropic elasticity using the numerical solution of compatibility equation for orthotropic case. The compatibility equation is written in terms of a stress parameter S analogous to the sum of principal stresses in two-dimensional isotropic case. The solution of this equation provides a relation between the normal stresses. The photoelastic data give the shear stress and another relation between the two normal stresses. The accuracy of the numerical method and its application to practical problems are illustrated with examples.


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A method for separation of stresses in two and three-dimensional photo elasticity using the harmonisation ofjrst stress invariant along a straight section is deve- ,dped. For two-dimensions, the equations of equilibrium are reformulated in terms ojsum and difference of normal stresses and relations are obtained which can be used for harmonisation of the first invariant of stress along a straight section. A similar procedure is adopted for three-dimensions by making use of the Beltrmi-MicheN equations. The new relations are used in finite d~yerencefo rm to evaluate the sum of normal stresses along straight sections in a three-dimensional body. The method requires photoelastic data along the section as well ~rra djacent sections. This method could be used as an alternative to the shear d@erence method for separation of stresses in photoelasticity. 7he accuracy and reliability of the method is ver$ed by applying the method to problems whose solutions are known.


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This paper discusses the role of the mineral-adapted acidiphilic microorganism. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in the beneficiation of arsenopyrite-containing multisulfides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) and the bioremediation of the resulting arsenical waste water. It was found that adaptation to minerals alters the surface properties of the microorganism. Bacterial adaptation to arsenopyrite and controlled bacterial adhesion to mineral surfaces lead to selectivity in arsenopyrite separation. Bioremoval of arsenic ions (both arsenite and arsenate ions) by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is also discussed.


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Phase separation (PS) in hole-doped cobaltites (La1-xSrxCoxO3) is drawing renewed interest recently. In particular, the magnetic behavior of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 has been subjected to a controversial debate for the past several years; while some groups show evidence for magnetic PS, others show spin glass (SG) behavior. Here, an attempt is made to resolve the controversy related to ``PS versus SG'' behavior in this compound. We present the results of a comprehensive investigation of the dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and the magnetotransport properties of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 samples. We contemplate that the magnetic PS in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is neither intrinsic nor inherent, but it is a consequence of the preparation conditions. It is realized that a low temperature annealed (LTA) sample shows PS whereas the high temperature annealed (HTA) sample shows SG behavior. The Brillouin-like behavior of field cooled dc magnetization and apparently no frequency dependent peak shift in ac susceptibility for the LTA sample characterize it to be of ferromagneticlike whereas a kink in field cooled dc magnetization and a considerable amount (similar to 3 K) of frequency dependent peak shift in the ac susceptibility for the HTA sample characterize it to be of SG state. The magnetotransport properties show that the HTA sample is more semiconducting as compared to the LTA sample. This is interpreted in terms of the presence of isolated as well as coalescing metallic ferromagnetic clusters in the case of LTA sample. The magnetoresistance (MR) at 10 K for the HTA sample exhibits a huge value (similar to 65%) as compared to the LTA sample, and it monotonically decreases with the rise in temperature. Such a high value of MR in the case of HTA sample is strongly believed to be due to the spin dependent part of random potential distribution. Further, the slow decay of remnant magnetization with progress of time and the existence of hysteresis at higher temperatures (up to 200 K) in the case of LTA sample as compared to the HTA sample clearly unveil different magnetic states associated with them.


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Separation of metallic from semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes has been a major challenge for some time and some previous efforts have resulted in partial success. We have accomplished the separation effectively by employing fluorous chemistry wherein the diazonium salt of 4-heptadecafluorooc tylaniline selectively reacts with the metallic nanotubes present in the mixture of nanotubes. The resulting fluoroderivative was extracted in perfluorohexane leaving the semiconducting nanotubes in the aqueous layer. The products have been characterized by both Raman and electronic absorption spectroscopy. The method avoids the cumbersome centrifugation step required by some other procedures.


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We report the destabilization of the charge ordered insulating (COI) state in a localized region of Pr0.63Ca0.37MnO3 single crystal by current injection using a scanning tunneling microscope tip. This leads to controlled phase separation and formation of localized metallic nanoislands in the COI matrix which have been detected by local tunneling conductance mapping. The metallic regions thus created persist even after reducing the injected current to lower values. The original conductance state can be restored by injecting a current of similar magnitude but of opposite polarity. We thus achieve reversible nanoscale phase separation that gives rise to the possibility to "write, read, and erase" nanosized conducting regions in an insulating matrix with high spatial resolution. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A low temperature polyol process, based on glycolaldehyde mediated partial reduction of FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O at 120 degrees C in the presence of sodium acetate as an alkali source and 2,2'-(ethylenedioxy)-bis-(ethylamine) as an electrostatic stabilizer has been used for the gram-scale preparation of biocompatible, water-dispersible, amine functionalized magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) with an average diameter of 6 +/- 0.75 nm. With a reasonably high magnetization (37.8 e.m.u.) and amine groups on the outer surface of the nanoparticles, we demonstrated the magnetic separation and concentration implications of these ultrasmall particles in immunoassay. MRI studies indicated that these nanoparticles had the desired relaxivity for T-2 contrast enhancement in vivo. In vitro biocompatibility, cell uptake and MR imaging studies established that these nanoparticles were safe in clinical dosages and by virtue of their ultrasmall sizes and positively charged surfaces could be easily internalized by cancer cells. All these positive attributes make these functional nanoparticles a promising platform for further in vitro and in vivo evaluations.


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In-flight collection of air, pre-cooling, liquefaction and separation of liquid oxygen (LOX) are key technologies for futuristic launch vehicles, Vortex tube technology is one of the few potential technologies for this application. Extensive studies have been carried out on straight and conical vortex tubes for developing vortex tube technology for high purity LOX separation. Studies show that 12mm. diameter conical vortex tube with L/D of 10 could achieve LOX purity of similar to 96% with separation efficiency of similar to 14% indicating that it is not possible to obtain both high LOX purity and high separation efficiency simultaneously in a single vortex tube. However, it is possible to achieve both high LOX purity and separation efficiency by staging of vortex tubes. LOX purity of 96% and separation efficiency of similar to 73.5% has been achieved for second stage vortex tube supplied with pre-cooled air having 60% oxygen purity. LOX purity has been further increased to 97% by applying controlled heating power over liquid oxygen flowing discharge surface of the vortex tube.


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Cells of Paenibacillus polymyxa and their metabolic products such as bioproteins and exopolysaccharides could be effectively used in the separation of galena from chalcopyrite. While interaction with bacterial cells resulted in significant flocculation of both chalcopyrite and galena, treatment with bioproteins selectively flocculated only chalcopyrite, dispersing galena. Microbially-induced selective flocculation after conditioning with cells, bioproteins or exopolysaccharides resulted in efficient separation of chalcopyrite and galena from their mixtures. Prior interaction with bioproteins facilitated enhanced flotation of galena from chalcopyrite. The role of bacterial cells and bioreagents such as proteins and polysaccharides in mineral beneficiation is demonstrated.


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Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten aviopuolisoiden sosioekonominen asema vaikuttaa avioeroriskiin Suomessa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Tilastokeskuksen rekistereistä koottua aineistoa, joka koskee suomalaisten ensimmäisiä avioliittoja vuoden 1990 lopussa ja avioeroja vuosina 1991−93. Väitöskirjaan sisältyy kolme osatutkimusta. Ensimmäinen osatutkimus käsitteli avioeroriskin vaihtelua aviopuolisoiden sosioekonomisen aseman eri osatekijöiden (koulutusaste, sosiaaliryhmä, pääasiallinen toiminta, tulotaso, asunnon omistaminen ja asumisahtaus) mukaan. Kaiken kaikkiaan avioeroriski oli sitä pienempi, mitä paremmassa taloudellisessa ja sosiaalisessa asemassa aviopuolisot olivat. Esimerkiksi miehen ja vaimon korkea koulutusaste, toimihenkilöammatti, työssäkäynti (etenkin verrattuna työttömyyteen) sekä omistusasunnossa asuminen liittyivät pienentyneeseen avioeroriskiin. Vaimon sosioekonomisen aseman yhteys avioeroriskiin oli paljolti samanlainen kuin miehen aseman yhteys. Huomattavin poikkeus tähän oli, että vaimon suuret tulot lisäsivät avioeroriskiä, vaikka miehen suurilla tuloilla oli päinvastainen vaikutus. Lisäksi kotitaloustyötä pääasiallisena toimintanaan tekevillä naisilla (pääasiallisen toiminnan luokka ”muut”) oli vielä pienempi avioeroriski kuin työssäkäyvillä naisilla. Toisessa osatutkimuksessa keskityttiin aviomiehen ja vaimon aseman yhdistettyyn vaikutukseen. Selviä viitteitä siitä, että puolisoiden koulutustasojen erilaisuus lisäisi eroriskiä, ei saatu. Pareilla, joissa molemmilla oli enintään perusasteen koulutus, oli kuitenkin odotettua pienempi avioeroriski. Eroriski oli suhteellisen alhainen pareilla, joissa vaimo oli työssäkäyvä tai kotitaloustyötä tekevä ja aviomies työssäkäyvä. Eroriskiä kasvatti se, että aviomies, vaimo tai molemmat puolisot olivat työttömiä. Vaimon korkea tulotaso lisäsi eroriskiä miehen kaikilla tulotasoilla mutta erityisen voimakkaasti silloin, kun miehen tulotaso oli alhainen. Kolmanneksi selvitettiin, vaikuttaako puolisoiden sosioekonominen asema avioeroriskiin eri tavalla riippuen siitä, kauanko avioliitto on kestänyt. Tällöin havaittiin, että vähän koulutettujen ja työntekijäammateissa toimivien puolisoiden suuri eroriski rajoittuu paljolti nuorimpiin avioliittoihin. Sen sijaan esim. puolisoiden työttömyys, vaimon korkea tulotaso ja vuokra-asunnossa asuminen kasvattivat eroriskiä riippumatta siitä, kuinka kauan avioliitto oli kestänyt. Kaiken kaikkiaan eroriski oli siis sitä pienempi, mitä paremmassa taloudellisessa ja sosiaalisessa asemassa puolisot olivat. Vaimon taloudellisilla ja sosiaalisilla resursseilla näyttää kuitenkin olevan myös joitakin avioeroriskiä lisääviä vaikutuksia.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the development of fertility in North-Central Namibia, former Ovamboland, from 1960 to 2001. Special attention was given to the onset of fertility decline and to the impact of the HIV epidemic on fertility. An additional aim was to introduce parish registers as a source of data for fertility research in Africa. Data used consisted of parish registers from Evangelical Lutheran congregations, the 1991 and 2001 Population and Housing Censuses, the 1992 and 2000 Namibia Demographic and Health Surveys, and the HIV sentinel surveillances of 1992-2004. Both period and cohort fertility were analysed. The P/F ratio method was used when analysing census data. The impact of HIV infection on fertility was estimated indirectly by comparing the fertility histories of women who died at an age of less than 50 years with the fertility of other women. The impact of the HIV epidemic on fertility was assessed both among infected women and in the general population. Fertility in the study population began to decline in 1980. The decline was rapid during the 1980s, levelled off in the early 1990s at the end of war of independence and then continued to decline until the end of the study period. According to parish registers, total fertility was 6.4 in the 1960s and 6.5 in the 1970s, and declined to 5.1 in the 1980s and 4.2 in the 1990s. Adjustment of these total fertility rates to correspond to levels of fertility based on data from the 1991 and 2001 censuses resulted in total fertility declining from 7.6 in 1960-79 to 6.0 in 1980-89, and to 4.9 in 1990-99. The decline was associated with increased age at first marriage, declining marital fertility and increasing premarital fertility. Fertility among adolescents increased, whereas the fertility of women in all other age groups declined. During the 1980s, the war of independence contributed to declining fertility through spousal separation and delayed marriages. Contraception has been employed in the study region since the 1980s, but in the early 1990s, use of contraceptives was still so limited that fertility was higher in North-Central Namibia than in other regions of the country. In the 1990s, fertility decline was largely a result of the increased prevalence of contraception. HIV prevalence among pregnant women increased from 4% in 1992 to 25% in 2001. In 2001, total fertility among HIV-infected women (3.7) was lower than that among other women (4.8), resulting in total fertility of 4.4 among the general population in 2001. The HIV epidemic explained more than a quarter of the decline in total fertility at population level during most of the 1990s. The HIV epidemic also reduced the number of children born by reducing the number of potential mothers. In the future, HIV will have an extensive influence on both the size and age structure of the Namibian population. Although HIV influences demographic development through both fertility and mortality, the effect through changes in fertility will be smaller than the effect through mortality. In the study region, as in some other regions of southern Africa, a new type of demographic transition is under way, one in which population growth stagnates or even reverses because of the combined effects of declining fertility and increasing mortality, both of which are consequences of the HIV pandemic.


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A study of the component(s) in egg yolk responsible for gelation of yolk on freezing and thawing has shown that granule-free yolk plasma, obtained by high-speed centrifugation of yolk, has the capacity to gel. As with the whole yolk, gelation of yolk plasma on freezing and thawing could be inhibited by additives such as sugars, sodium chloride, proteolytic enzymes, and phospholipase-A. Phospholipase-C, which induces gelation of whole yolk at room temperature, has a similar effect on yolk plasma. Yolk plasma has been separated into aggregating (gelling) and soluble fractions by delipidation, using formic acid. Each of these fractions consists of three or four protein components, as observed by gel filtration, ultracentrifugation, and agar electrophoresis. The proteins are glycoproteins and contain bound hexoses, hexosamine, and sialic acid. The gelation of yolk has been attributed to the interactions between protein molecules following disruption of lipid-protein bonds.


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A simple and rapid method for the separation of vitamins A1 and A2 and allied compounds by thin-layer chromatography using kieselgel has been described. The method, however, cannot bbe applied for quantitative estimation.


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An enzyme system which catalysed the conversion of anthranilic acid to catechol has been purified 20-fold from a cell-free leaf extract of Tecoma stans. The optimum substrate concentration was 10−3 M and optimum temperature for the reaction was 45°. The presence of a multi-enzyme system was inferred from inhibition studies. The formation of catechol was inhibited by Mg2+, Zn2+, and Co2+ ions, whereas anthranilic acid disappearance was not affected to the same extent. The effect of metal chelating agents like EDTA, cyanide and pyrophosphate showed a similar trend. PCMB inhibited catechol formation but had no effect on anthranilic acid disappearance. The reaction was not inhibited by catalase, nor was it activated by peroxide-donating systems. This ruled out the possibility of peroxidative type of reaction. The overall reaction is markedly activated by NADPH and THFA. This multi-enzyme was separated into three different components, by fractionation with Alumina Cγ and calcium phosphate gels. The overall reaction catalysed by these components can be represented as anthranilic acid→3-hydroxy anthranilic acid→o-aminophenol→catechol.