694 resultados para Maroon communities
The purpose of the study was to estimate the prevalence of IgG antibodies against varicella zoster virus (VZV) in the two most populated indigenous ethnic groups from Xingu Indigenous National Park, in Brazil, prior to the introduction of vaccination against the disease, and to determine the positive and the negative predictive values of a history of varicella infection. In 2001, 589 inhabitants of two Kuikuro villages and three Kaiabi villages were evaluated and provided information concerning previous varicella infection. An indirect immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect IgG anti-VZV antibodies was performed in 224 blood samples - volunteer selection had no interference of anamnesis. IgG prevalence was 80.8% (95% Confidence Interval: 76% - 86%). The seroepidemiology of varicella in Xingu National Park prior to varicella vaccine introduction was comparable to the Brazilian national seroprevalence described in the literature, and so were the positive (98%) and the negative predictive value (41%) of the referred history.
In order to determine the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in quilombo remnant communities in Central Brazil, 1,007 subjects were interviewed in all 12 communities existing in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Central Brazil. Blood samples were collected and sera were tested for anti-HCV by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Positive samples were retested for confirmation using a line immunoassay and were also subjected to HCV RNA detection. The prevalence of HCV infection was 0.2%. This finding shows a low prevalence of HCV infection in quilombo remnant communities in Central Brazil.
The aim of this study was to assess the seroprevalence of human toxocariasis in three Andean communities from the Northeast of Lima, Peru. A total of 303 subjects including children and adults were studied and blood samples were collected to detect anti-Toxocara antibodies by ELISA-IgG test and by hematological examination; stool samples were collected also for parasitological examination. The overall seroprevalence of toxocariasis observed in the total population was 20.46%, with a significant high proportion in children from one to 10 years old (p = 0.034). Among the subjects with positive serology, 32.26% of them had respiratory disturbances, 22.58% hepatomegaly, 17.74% ocular signs or symptoms, 14.51% abdominal pain, 9.68% neurological involvement, and 4.84% cutaneous signs, but none of these clinical features were associated to a positive serology by multivariate analysis. Furthermore, 79.03% of seropositive subjects also harbored at least one intestinal parasite, which was associated to a positive serology (p < 0.05). The presence of pets within the houses, a previous history of pica or geophagia and the use of public places were also present in this population, but only the latter was associated to the serology (p < 0.05). In conclusion, clinical, serological, and epidemiological evidences for larval Toxocara infection were found in the studied population.
The association of hepatitis C virus infection and the hepatosplenic form of schistosomiasis mansoni has been claimed to result in the concomitant evolution of the two pathologies, with a poor prognosis due to aggravated liver disease. Recently, however, some authors have begun to reject the hypothesis of a higher susceptibility of hepatosplenic schistosomal patients to HCV. The aim of the present transverse study carried out between July and August 1990 was to determine the possible association between SM and HCV markers in residents of Catolândia, Bahia State. Anti-HCV markers were assayed by ELISA-II and RIBA-II in serum samples obtained from 1,228 residents (85.8%). The anti-HCV antibody (ELISA-II) was positive in six (0.5%) individuals, eight (0.6%) cases were inconclusive and 1,214 (98.9%) were negative. However, only in one ELISA-positive serum sample (0.08%) were antibodies confirmed by RIBA-II, while two other samples assayed by RIBA-II were indeterminate. These three patients presented the hepatointestinal form of SM during the follow-up period (1976 to 1996). In conclusion, no association was observed between HCV and SM in the endemic area studied, especially among patients with the hepatosplenic form of the disease.
Beriberi, ou cardiopatia e polineuropatia ligada à deficiência de tiamina, foi, antigamente, um flagelo nas populações. Os mais notáveis surtos de beriberi ocorreram após o advento da moagem de massa de arroz, em várias zonas da Ásia, no final do século XIX. Com a descoberta de vitamina B1, "anti-beriberi", e, subsequentemente, o enriquecimento de alimentos e as campanhas de sensibilização de saúde pública, a doença foi esquecida por muitos profissionais de saúde. Contudo, sabe-se que, hoje em dia, em diferentes partes do mundo, muitos casos de beriberi são os focos primários de epidemias de outras deficiências potencialmentes fatais, em comunidades vulneráveis. Determinados alimentos, assim como o álcool, são conhecidos para reduzir a absorção de vitamina B1. A Encefalopatia de Wernicke, a deficiência de tiamina mais conhecida pelos médicos que trabalham em países desenvolvidos, está associada à ingestão de álcool. Estudos recentes demonstraram, por um lado, atrasos significativos do desenvolvimento neurolinguístico em crianças alimentadas com leite sem tiamina, assim como uma possível correlação entre malária grave e deficiencia em Vitamina B1, o que reforça a importância desta vitamina na saúde das populações. A Guiné-Bissau, um país fragilizado pelos conflitos coloniais e pós-coloniais, instabilidade política, tráfico de droga e deficiente acesso à Saúde, continua sendo um dos países mais pobres do mundo. A maioria da população vive da agricultura de subsistência, pesca e colheita de cajú. O Islão é practicado por quase metade da população, e as religiões animistas e cristãs compõem as outras religiões principais do país. De acordo com a fé islâmica, os muçulmanos da Guiné-Bissau praticam o jejum, em função da luz do dia, durante o mês de Ramadão. Existe pouca investigação publicada sobre os efeitos nutricionais e na saúde deste ritual. Este trabalho é o primeiro a relacionar uma deficiência de micronutrientes ao mês sagrado do Ramadão. Esta tese apresenta casos clínicos de beriberi em comunidades rurais muçulmanas, que ocorreram no final da época das chuvas, que coincide com o mês de Ramadão. A análise dos dados mostra que, uma vez que alguns dos doentes apresentavam os mesmos sintomas, repetidamente, todos os anos, estes casos podem refletir a ponta do iceberg da ocorrência de beriberi na Guiné-Bissau. Parte da discussão centra-se na necessidade de mais investigação para confirmar o grau de deficiência na população em geral, efeitos de deficiência de tiamina relacionados com a malária, e consequências possíveis da deficiência marginal, a longo prazo, desta vitamina na saúde. A discussão apresenta ainda sugestões práticas para a redução da incidência da deficiência de vitamina B1 na Guiné-Bissau.
This study evaluated the prevalence of hepatitis A virus infection in the rural area of Lábrea, in the western Brazilian Amazon region. Communities and households were selected randomly. Serum samples were analyzed by means of the immunoenzymatic method for the presence of total antibodies against HAV. The study included 1,499 individuals. The prevalence of anti-HAV was 74.6% (95% CI 72.3-76.8). Univariate analysis showed associations with age (chi-square for linear trend = 496.003, p < 0.001), presence of outside toilet (p < 0.001), history of hepatitis (p < 0.001) and family history of hepatitis (p = 0.05). After adjusting for age, HAV infection also showed an association with the number of people in the family (p = 0.03). The overall prevalence rates were high, but not more than 60% of the children under the age of ten years had already been infected. Very high prevalence was detected only within older cohorts, thus paradoxically defining this as a region with intermediate endemicity, even under the conditions of poverty encountered.
This study identifies a measure of the cultural importance of an area within a city. It does so by making use of origindestination trip data and the bike stations of the bike share system in New York City as a proxy to study the city. Rarely is movement in the city studied at such a small scale. The change in strength of the similarity of movement between each station is studied. It is the first study to provide this measure of importance for every point in the system. This measure is then related to the characteristics which make for vibrant city communities, namely highly mixed land use types. It reveals that the spatial pattern of important areas remains constant over differing time periods. Communities are then characterised by the land uses surrounding these stations with high measures of importance. Finally it identifies the areas of global cultural importance alongside the areas of local importance to the city.
INTRODUCTION: Estimate the prevalence of Mansonella ozzardi infection and calculate the parasitic infection rate (PIR) in simuliid black flies in the municipality of Lábrea, State of Amazonas, Brazil. METHODS: Prevalence was measured using the thick blood smear method collected from the fingers and was related to age, sex and occupation. Simuliidae were collected with a suction apparatus, then stained with hematoxylin and dissected to verify the PIR. RESULTS: The average prevalence rate of M. ozzardi among the 694 individuals examined was 20.7%. Infection was higher in men (27.6%) than in women (14.3%) (p < 0.001) and occurred in most age groups, with the highest prevalence in the following age groups: 38-47 (40%), 48-57 (53.1%) and >58 (60.5%). The highest prevalence rates were observed in the retired (64%), followed by farm workers (47.1%). Infection by M. ozzardi was only identified in Cerqueirellum amazonicum (Simuliidae) with a PIR of 0.6%. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed a high prevalence of M. ozzardi in the riverine communities of Lábrea due to the lack of policies regarding the treatment of microfilaremic individuals in the region and an abundance of competent vectors for M. ozzardi.
The main results presented in this PhD Dissertation have been published in interna-tional journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI)
This paper studies the economic and social impact of Faz Música Lisboa on the segment of society that feels from any direct or indirect consequence due to its existence. A qualitative research based on surveys and interviews is made to retract a list of the benefits and costs that each stakeholder perceives. Relying on the quantifiable variables, it is performed a cost-benefit analysis to measure how much the event is “worth” for the community. I conclude this is a viable project, as it brings a positive net benefit to the society, value that could increase with a higher institutional support.
INTRODUCTION: Toxoplasma gondii infection is widely prevalent in humans and other animals worldwide. Information on the prevalence of T. gondii infection is scarce in some regions of Brazil, including riverside communities along the Amazon River basin. M METHODS: The prevalence of T. gondii in 231 people, aged 1-85 years, who were living in four riverside communities along the Purus River, Lábrea, State of Amazonas, Brazil, was determined. Antibodies against T. gondii were assayed using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. The hearts and brains of 50 chickens, which were raised free-range in the communities, were pooled according to the community of origin and bioassayed in mice. The isolates were genotyped using polymorphisms at 12 nuclear markers (SAG1, 5' and 3'-SAG2, alt.SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, Apico and CS3). RESULTS: The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii was 56.7% (131/231). IgG antibodies were presented by 117 (89.3%) and IgM by 14 (10.7%) of the 131 positive individuals. No association between age group and gender with prevalence was observed (chi-square test, p > 0.05); however, the comparison between localities showed that the seroprevalence of T. gondii was significantly lower among the individuals living in the Boca do Ituxi (p < 0.05) community. Five isolates of T. gondii were obtained in the mouse bioassay, and genotyping revealed two complete genotypes that had not been described previously and three mixed isolates. CONCLUSIONS: These results support previous findings that T. gondii population genetics are highly diverse in Brazil and that T. gondii infection is active in these riverside communities.
SUMMARYData form an intensive mist-netting mark-recapture program in the central Amazon demostrate significant changes in the undesrtory avian community in isolate patches of 1 and 10 ha of terra firme forest. Following isolation, capture rates increase significantly as birds fleeing the felled forest entered the. newly formed forest fragments. Movement to and from the reserve is restricted, as witnessed by an increase in recapture percentages following isolation. Species of birds that axe. obligate army ant followers disappeared at the time the surrounding habitat was removed from 1 - and 10 - ha areas. The complex mixed-species insectivorous flocks typical of Amazonian forests deteriorated within 2 years of isolation of 1 - and 10 - ha forest fragments. Several species of mid-story insectivores changed their foraging behavior after isolation of small forest reserves.
The Mansonella ozzardi has a widespread distribution among the indigenous and riverine communities of Amazonas, Brazil. We estimated the prevalence of Mansonella ozzardi in indigenous communities of the Pauini municipality, Amazonas state, Brazil and the rate of parasitic infection in vectors. We collected thick blood smears from individuals from six Apurinã indigenous communities along the Purus River and its tributaries. Collections of simuliids were made and dissected, and the larval instars of M. ozzardi identified. The overall prevalence of M. ozzardi was 28.40%, with the highest incidence among males and agricultural workers. Among age groups, children 2-9 years of age had the lowest incidence, while individuals older than 58 exhibited the highest rates of infection. We found infected simuliids in three communities, with Parasitic Infection Rates (PIR) of 0.34-6.58%. The prevalence of M. ozzardi among the Apurinã people is high, possibly related to the diary activities of the riparian people, where a high abundance of the vectors exists.
The high tree diversity and vast extent of Amazonian forests challenge our understanding of how tree species abundance and composition varies across this region. Information about these parameters, usually obtained from tree inventories plots, is essential for revealing patterns of tree diversity. Numerous tree inventories plots have been established in Amazonia, yet, tree species composition and diversity of white-sand and terra-firme forests of the upper Rio Negro still remain poorly understood. Here, we present data from eight new one-hectare tree inventories plots established in the upper Rio Negro; four of which were located in white-sand forests and four in terra-firme forests. Overall, we registered 4703 trees > 10 cm of diameter at breast height. These trees belong to 49 families, 215 genera, and 603 species. We found that tree communities of terra-firme and white-sand forests in the upper Rio Negro significantly differ from each other in their species composition. Tree communities of white-sand forests show a higher floristic similarity and lower diversity than those of terra-firme forests. We argue that mechanisms driving differences between tree communities of white-sand and terra-firme forests are related to habitat size, which ultimately influences large-scale and long-term evolutionary processes.