966 resultados para Market conditions
Debido a la globalización acelerada que esta experimentando el mundo, la economía y los mercados mundiales están creciendo cada día más y más, esto hace que pequeñas empresas tenga que crecer a la velocidad que el mundo lo pide, este es el caso de Corpoempack Ltda., una PyME diseñadora y productora de artículos de expresión social como tarjetas de felicitación, amor, apoyo, papel regalo, cuadernos, agendas, carpetas entre otros, que en vista de que el mercado nacional se estaba quedando pequeño frente a tantos oferentes vieron la necesidad de ampliar sus horizontes intentando conquistar mercados externos comenzando a exportar a Ecuador y otros países vecinos, pero no siendo esto suficiente se propusieron penetrar otros continentes por eso la razón de esta investigación tomando 2 posibles países: México como puerta de entrada a Norteamérica, y España como la posibilidad de ingreso a Europa. Se realizo un estudio detallado de los 2 posibles países viendo las ventajas y desventajas para exportar allá y a su vez abrir una tienda de expresión social con productos exclusivos Corpoempack. Como resultado se obtuvo que la mejor opción seria exportar a España por facilidades en acuerdos comerciales, el tamaño de las colonias latinas y la fuerza que tienen en el mercado y por ultimo la competencia que existe en este campo como almacenes exclusivos de expresión social es baja, así que seria una gran oportunidad de darle a los españoles productos innovadores y netamente colombianos. Proyectando el negocio a 5 años, considerando que las condiciones del mercado se mantienen o mejoran, será un negocio muy rentable y con miras a un rápido crecimiento, claro esta teniendo en cuenta las mejoras tanto organizacional como en estructura en la casa matriz Colombia ya que hay varios puntos débiles que reforzar en clima y administración.
Si bien la generalidad de los mercados de telefonía móvil se consideran suficientemente competidos, los mercados en los que el operador más grande supera ampliamente en participación de mercado a sus seguidores constituyen un motivo de preocupación para sus respectivas autoridades regulatorias y de competencia. El análisis económico del problema ha llevado a que exista una cantidad creciente de literatura relacionada, principalmente con el propósito de analizar la persistencia de la asimetría en las cuotas de mercado. Tal es el caso del mercado móvil de telecomunicaciones en Colombia, donde la Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones ha sostenido que a la luz del problema de competencia que se origina por la unión de una participación de mercado considerablemente asimétrica y el diferencial de precios, el operador más grande adquiere una ventaja competitiva considerable frente a los demás operadores en el mercado, y por lo tanto es un operador con poder significativo de mercado, u operador con posición dominante. Por lo anterior, el presente trabajo evalúa la imposición de algunas medidas regulatorias con el fin de verificar si estas contribuyen a generar una mayor competencia en el mercado, y mejores condiciones para los operadores competidores.
Dadas las condiciones del intercambio bilateral entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos (TLC), se pone en bandeja una serie de oportunidades positivas para todo el empresariado colombiano y sobre todo para el desarrollo y futuro de Colombia. Para que esto sea posible, es de suma importancia conocer un poco más a fondo no solo el territorio estadounidense, sino sus condiciones de mercado y maneras de ingresar los productos colombianos a ese país. Dado esto, el presente trabajo es un estudio exploratorio y detallado a propósito de revelar los Perfiles de mercado de los cincuenta Estados de los Estados Unidos, con la finalidad de generar un estado del arte acerca de los principales productos que se importan desde ese país, así también, para revelar las principales rutas de acceso utilizadas por los exportadores hacia sus respectivos destinos. Así pues, se pretende guiar a todo empresario sobre su movilidad terrestre y aérea en cada Estado, igualmente de ofrecer algunos consejos de movilidad y demás aspectos. Este documento es creado para apoyar y fomentar el crecimiento de las exportaciones a los Estados Unidos por medio y uso del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre las dos naciones. Esta herramienta es el resultado de una investigación seria, responsable con base a los resultados arrojados por diferentes bases de datos como WiserTrade, y el uso de fuentes de información gubernamentales.
Las estrategias de una empresa en un mercado pequeño donde hay pocos compradores y muchos vendedores se vuelven el centro y punto clave de éxito, de lo contrario la empresa solo sigue una tendencia de mercado que al mediano plazo no resultara efectiva y terminan desapareciendo. Es por ello que las estrategias de mercado en las empresas se vuelven la característica diferenciadora permitiendo tomar ventaja del hacinamiento de un sector. Para que una empresa sea exitosa debe tener en cuenta sus ventajas competitivas y potencializarlas al máximo según las condiciones del mercado en el que se desempeña, ya sean estas de estructura, recursos o talento humano. El estudio de caso pretende abordar las dinámicas de un mercado específico con tendencias particulares que definen la forma de competir y las costumbres de sus principales actores. Estas mismas tendencias fijan los modelos de negocio en el sector, que desde diversos análisis como el PESTEL o puntos de vista de autores como Kotler (1992) y sus estrategias competitivas según la participación de mercado o Miller (1986) y sus definiciones de mercados o Porter (1980) con sus fuerzas de mercado, lo que permite dar una guía o explicación del porqué de las situaciones particulares del mercado en un sector tan especifico como el de automatización y control de calidad.
Debido a las crisis mundiales, la perdurabilidad empresarial se ha convertido en la primera preocupación de las organizaciones, puesto que los problemas económicos en otros países pueden generar un efecto negativo en las condiciones del mercado doméstico, que junto con el entorno empresarial complejo y dinámico en el que se deben desempeñar las empresas hoy en día gracias a la globalización, sumado al aumento en la competitividad nacional e internacional, la perdurabilidad de las empresas se está viendo seriamente comprometida. Lo anterior, ha llevado a las empresas a buscar nuevas formas de mejorar su salud financiera. Para medir la salud financiera empresarial, se pueden usar distintos indicadores como lo es el flujo de caja que está asociado con la rentabilidad, el patrimonio que está asociado a las dificultades financieras, entre otros, o a través de varios modelos de bancarrota, los cuales, por medio de un conjunto de ratios financieros, reflejan el estado actual de la organización y su probabilidad de fracaso en el futuro. Las estrategias comunitarias y el marketing permiten incrementar la salud financiera de las empresas a través de la orientación al cliente y el establecimiento de relaciones gana-gana a largo plazo con las diferentes comunidades con las que se relaciona la organización.
This paper presents the results of a study aimed at measuring the economic impact of genetically modified cotton in Maharashtra State, India. It is the first study of its kind in India in that the data have been collected from farmers growing the crop under market conditions, rather than from trials. The research compares the performance of more than 9,000 Bt and non-Bt cotton farm plots in Maharashtra over the 2002 and 2003 growing seasons. Results show that Bt cotton varieties have had a significant positive impact on average yields and on the economic performance of cotton growers.
In this paper, the yield increases resulting from the cultivation of Bt cotton in Maharashtra, India, are analysed. The study relies on commercial farm, rather than trial, data and is among the first of its kind to be based on real farm and market conditions. Findings show that since its commercial release in 2002, Bt cotton has had a significant positive impact on yields and on the economic performance of cotton growers in Maharashtra. This difference remains even after controlling for different soil and insecticide inputs in the production of Bt cotton. There is also significant spatial and temporal variation in this 'benefit', and much depends upon where production is taking place and on the season.
This paper compares a number of different extreme value models for determining the value at risk (VaR) of three LIFFE futures contracts. A semi-nonparametric approach is also proposed, where the tail events are modeled using the generalised Pareto distribution, and normal market conditions are captured by the empirical distribution function. The value at risk estimates from this approach are compared with those of standard nonparametric extreme value tail estimation approaches, with a small sample bias-corrected extreme value approach, and with those calculated from bootstrapping the unconditional density and bootstrapping from a GARCH(1,1) model. The results indicate that, for a holdout sample, the proposed semi-nonparametric extreme value approach yields superior results to other methods, but the small sample tail index technique is also accurate.
The increased frequency in reporting UK property performance figures, coupled with the acceptance of the IPD database as the market standard, has enabled property to be analysed on a comparable level with other more frequently traded assets. The most widely utilised theory for pricing financial assets, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), gives market (systematic) risk, beta, centre stage. This paper seeks to measure the level of systematic risk (beta) across various property types, market conditions and investment holding periods. This paper extends the authors’ previous work on investment holding periods and how excess returns (alpha) relate to those holding periods. We draw on the uniquely constructed IPD/Gerald Eve transactions database, containing over 20,000 properties over the period 1983-2005. This research allows us to confirm our initial findings that properties held over longer periods perform in line with overall market performance. One implication of this is that over the long-term performance may be no different from an index tracking approach.
This paper investigates the relationship between lease maturity and rent in commercial property. Over the last decade market-led changes to lease structures, the threat of government intervention and the associated emergence of the Codes of Practice for commercial leases have stimulated growing interest in pricing of commercial property leases. Seminal work by Grenadier (1995) derived a set of hypotheses about the pricing of different lease lengths in different market conditions. Whilst there is a compelling theoretical case for and a strong intuitive expectation of differential pricing of different lease maturities, to date the empirical evidence is inconclusive. Two Swedish studies have found mixed results (Gunnelin and Soderbergh 2003 and Englund et al 2003). In only half the cases is the null hypothesis that lease length has no effect rejected. In the UK, Crosby et al (2003) report counterintuitive results. In some markets, they find that short lease terms are associated with low rents, whilst in others they are associated with high rents. Drawing upon a substantial database of commercial lettings in central London (West End and City of London) over the last decade, we investigate the relationship between rent and lease maturity. In particular, we test whether a building quality variable omitted in previous studies provides empirical results that are more consistent with the theoretical and intuitive a priori expectations. It is found that initial leases rates are upward sloping with the lease term and that this relationship is constant over time.
Valuation is often said to be “an art not a science” but this relates to the techniques employed to calculate value not to the underlying concept itself. Valuation is the process of estimating price in the market place. Yet, such an estimation will be affected by uncertainties. Uncertainty in the comparable information available; uncertainty in the current and future market conditions and uncertainty in the specific inputs for the subject property. These input uncertainties will translate into an uncertainty with the output figure, the valuation. The degree of the uncertainties will vary according to the level of market activity; the more active a market, the more credence will be given to the input information. In the UK at the moment the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is considering ways in which the uncertainty of the output figure, the valuation, can be conveyed to the use of the valuation, but as yet no definitive view has been taken apart from a single Guidance Note (GN5, RICS 2003) stressing the importance of recognising uncertainty in valuation but not proffering any particular solution. One of the major problems is that Valuation models (in the UK) are based upon comparable information and rely upon single inputs. They are not probability based, yet uncertainty is probability driven. In this paper, we discuss the issues underlying uncertainty in valuations and suggest a probability-based model (using Crystal Ball) to address the shortcomings of the current model.
Uncertainty affects all aspects of the property market but one area where the impact of uncertainty is particularly significant is within feasibility analyses. Any development is impacted by differences between market conditions at the conception of the project and the market realities at the time of completion. The feasibility study needs to address the possible outcomes based on an understanding of the current market. This requires the appraiser to forecast the most likely outcome relating to the sale price of the completed development, the construction costs and the timing of both. It also requires the appraiser to understand the impact of finance on the project. All these issues are time sensitive and analysis needs to be undertaken to show the impact of time to the viability of the project. The future is uncertain and a full feasibility analysis should be able to model the upside and downside risk pertaining to a range of possible outcomes. Feasibility studies are extensively used in Italy to determine land value but they tend to be single point analysis based upon a single set of “likely” inputs. In this paper we look at the practical impact of uncertainty in variables using a simulation model (Crystal Ball ©) with an actual case study of an urban redevelopment plan for an Italian Municipality. This allows the appraiser to address the issues of uncertainty involved and thus provide the decision maker with a better understanding of the risk of development. This technique is then refined using a “two-dimensional technique” to distinguish between “uncertainty” and “variability” and thus create a more robust model.
Valuation is the process of estimating price. The methods used to determine value attempt to model the thought processes of the market and thus estimate price by reference to observed historic data. This can be done using either an explicit model, that models the worth calculation of the most likely bidder, or an implicit model, that that uses historic data suitably adjusted as a short cut to determine value by reference to previous similar sales. The former is generally referred to as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model and the latter as the capitalisation (or All Risk Yield) model. However, regardless of the technique used, the valuation will be affected by uncertainties. Uncertainty in the comparable data available; uncertainty in the current and future market conditions and uncertainty in the specific inputs for the subject property. These input uncertainties will translate into an uncertainty with the output figure, the estimate of price. In a previous paper, we have considered the way in which uncertainty is allowed for in the capitalisation model in the UK. In this paper, we extend the analysis to look at the way in which uncertainty can be incorporated into the explicit DCF model. This is done by recognising that the input variables are uncertain and will have a probability distribution pertaining to each of them. Thus buy utilising a probability-based valuation model (using Crystal Ball) it is possible to incorporate uncertainty into the analysis and address the shortcomings of the current model. Although the capitalisation model is discussed, the paper concentrates upon the application of Crystal Ball to the Discounted Cash Flow approach.
The recent global economic crisis is often associated with the development and pricing of mortgage-backed securities (i.e. MBSs) and underlying products (i.e. sub-prime mortgages). This work uses a rich database of MBS issues and represents the first attempt to price commercial MBSs (i.e. CMBSs) in the European market. Our results are consistent with research carried out in the US market and we find that bond-, mortgage-, real estate-related and multinational characteristics show different degrees of significance in explaining European CMBS spreads at issuance. Multiple linear regression analysis using a databank of CMBSs issued between 1997 and 2007 indicates a strong relationship with bond-related factors, followed by real estate and mortgage market conditions. We also find that multinational factors are significant, with country of issuance, collateral location and access to more liquid markets all being important in explaining the cost of secured funding for real estate companies. As floater coupon tranches tend to be riskier and exhibit higher spreads, we also estimate a model using this sub-set of data and results hold, hence reinforcing our findings. Finally, we estimate our model for both tranches A and B and find that real estate factors become relatively more important for the riskier investment products.
In this article we investigate the effects of the European CAP reform on a selection of arable crops in England, both at a regional and national level. The results show that the CAP reform will push farmers to adjust to the new market conditions, which will cause a further restructuring of the English agricultural business sector. Our results show that, under the new market conditions, economically-small farms will increase their output by allocating more land to cereals, whereas economically-large farms will need to decrease land allocated to cereals to reduce production costs and achieve better returns.