912 resultados para Maria Cristina of Habsburg


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A histological study was conducted of the alveolar bone healing process following tooth extraction of dehydrated rats after the implantation of fibrin adhesive (TISSUCOL™) associated to previous irrigation of the wound with a 5% epsilon aminocaproic acid solution (EACA). Seventy two rats were used, divided into three groups receiving different treatments after the surgical procedure. In group I, the gingival mucosa was sutured after extraction of the right upper incisor. In groups II and III, chronic dehydration was produced by water deprivation for 9 days (3 days in the preoperative period and 6 days in the postoperative period). In the animals of Group II, after tooth extraction, the gingival mucosa was sutured in the same way as performed in group I. In group III, after extraction, the dental socket was irrigated with 5% EACA, followed by implantation of the fibrin adhesive (TISSUCOL™). The mucosa was sutured in the same way as performed in the other groups. At 3, 7, 15 and 21 postoperative days, the animals were sacrificed in number of 6 for each group. Specimens containing the dental socket were removed and fixed in 10% formalin and decalcified in an equal part formic acid and sodium citrate solution. After routine processing, the specimens were embedded in paraffin for microtomy. We obtained 6 μm semi-serial slices that were stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological evaluation. The results showed that the water deprivation in the pre- and postoperative periods caused a delay in the alveolar bone healing process. The use of the fibrin adhesive (TISSUCOL™) produced an improvement in the fibrinolytic picture caused by dehydration.


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Background: Cancer-cachexia induces a variety of metabolic disorders on protein turnorver, decreasing protein synthesis and increasing protein degradation. Controversly, insulin, other hormones, and branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine, stimulate protein synthesis and modulate the activity of translation initiation factors involved in protein synthesis. Since the tumour effects are more pronounced when associated with pregnancy, ehancing muscle-wasting proteolysis, in this study, the influence of a leucine-rich diet on the protein synthesis caused by cancer were investigated. Methods: Pregnant rats with or without Walker 256 tumour were distributed into six groups. During 20 days of experiment, three groups were fed with a control diet: C - pregnant control, W - tumour-bearing, and P - pair-fed, which received the same amount of food as ingested by the W group; three other groups of pregnant rats were fed a leucine-rich diet: L - pregnant leucine, WL - tumour-bearing, and PL - pair-fed, which received the same amount of food as ingested by the WL group. Results: The gastrocnemius muscle of WL rats showed increased incorporation of leucine in protein compared to W rats; the leucine-rich diet also prevented the decrease in plasma insulin normally seen in W. The expression of translation initiation factors increased when tumour-bearing rats fed leucine-rich diet, with increase of ∼35% for eIF2α and eIF5, ∼17% for eIF4E and 20% for eIF4G; the expression of protein kinase S6K1 and protein kinase C was also highly enhanced. Conclusion: The results suggest that a leucine-rich diet increased the protein synthesis in skeletal muscle in tumour-bearing rats possibly through the activation of eIF factors and/or the S6kinase pathway. © 2007 Ventrucci et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Twenty-two 14C datings were performed at the central sector of the Paraná coast to define Holocene regressive barrier evolution. The barrier Pleistocene substratum was ascribed an age between 40 400 and 30 000 yr BP, but it can also represent the penultimate sea level highstand during marine isotope stage 5e. The Holocene barrier samples provided ages between 8542-8279 and 2987-2751 cal yr BP, and showed at least six age inversions that were related to age differences between in situ or low-distance transported shells or trunk fragments, and high-distance transported vegetal debris, wood fragments and organic matter samples. The regressive Holocene barrier age was 4402-4135 cal yr BP near the base, and 2987-2751 cal yr BP near the top. Most of the vegetal remains were transported by ebb tidal currents from the estuaries to the inner shelf below wave base level during the mid-Holocene highstand; they were transported onshore by storm waves and littoral currents during the sea level lowering after the sea level maximum, and were deposited mainly as middle shoreface swaley cross-stratification facies. © 2008.


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Soft linings are materials used to reduce the tension and forces of mastication, forming all or part of the fitting surface of a denture. This study evaluated the effect of thermocycling on water absorption, solubility, Shore A hardness and color stability of permanent soft liner materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two chemically activated soft liner materials (Sofreliner S; GC Reline Ultrasoft) were tested. Twenty cylindrical specimens (30.0 x 1.0 mm) were prepared for measuring water absorption and solubility and another twenty (30.0 x 3 mm) for analyzing Shore A hardness and color stability. Color was measured by a spectrophotometer before and after 2000 thermocycles. A one-way ANOVA test and Tukey test at a 5% confidence level (p<0.05) were performed. RESULTS: The results did not show statistical differences for water absorption, solubility or color stability. The post-thermocycling Shore A hardness values were significantly higher than those before the treatment. CONCLUSION: Thermocycling of soft liner materials increased Shore A hardness.


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate in vivo the failure rate of metallic brackets bonded with two orthodontic composites. Nineteen patients with ages ranging from 10.5 to 38.7 years needing corrective orthodontic treatment were selected for study. The enamel surfaces from second premolars to second premolars were treated with Transbond Plus-Self Etching Primer (3M Unitek). Next, 380 orthodontic brackets were bonded on maxillary and mandibular teeth, as follows: 190 with Transbond XT composite (3M Unitek) (control) and 190 with Transbond Plus Color Change (3M Unitek) (experimental) in contralateral quadrants. The bonded brackets were light cured for 40 s, and initial alignment archwires were inserted. Bond failure rates were recorded over a six-month period. At the end of the evaluation, six bond failures occurred, three for each composite. Kaplan-Meyer method and log-rank test (Mantel-Cox) was used for statistical analysis, and no statistically significant difference was found between the materials (p=0.999). Both Transbond XT and Transbond Plus Color Change composites had low debonding rates over the study period.


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Includes bibliography


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Metallic biomaterials are used to reinforce or to restore the form and function of hard tissues. Implants and prosthesis are used to replace shoulders, knees, hips and teeth. When these materials are inserted in bone several biological reactions happen. This process can be associated to surface properties (topography, roughness and surface energy). In this work, the influence of biomimetic surface treatment in the osseointegration of Ti-30Ta dental implants was evaluated. Ingots were obtained from titanium and tantalum by using an arc-melting furnace. They were submitted to heat treatment at 1,100°C for 1 h, cooled in water and cold worked by swaging. Then, screw-shaped implants (2.0 mm diameter by 2.5 mm length) were manufactured and they were implanted in a rat's femur. Animals were divided into two groups: untreated (control group) and treated (biomimetic surface treatment). They were sacrificed 30 days after implantation. For histological analysis, implants with surrounding tissue were removed and immersed in formaldehyde. Samples were embedded in polymethyl methacrylate and after polymerization, cut with a saw, polished and mounted on glass slides. The results obtained suggest that biomimetic surface treatment was able to promote an increase osseointegration on the surface of dental implants. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of diets supplemented with plasma and/or yeast extract on performance (daily weight gain [DWG], daily feed intake [DFI] and feed conversion [FC]) and intestinal morphology of piglets from 7 to 63 days of age. A total of 288 piglets aged 7 days and weighing 2.57±0.05 kg were studied. A randomized block design consisting of four experimental diets, six repetitions and 12 piglets per experimental unit was adopted. The pre-starter I (7 to 21 days), pre-starter II (22 to 35 days) and starter I (36 to 49 days) diets were supplemented as follows: control diet (CD): no plasma or yeast extract; plasma (PL) diet: addition of 6%, 4% and 2% plasma; yeast extract (YE) diet: addition of 6%, 4% and 2% yeast extract; plasma + yeast extract (PL+YE) diet: addition of 3%, 2% and 1% plasma and yeast extract each. From 50 to 63 days of age all piglets received the same diet. No difference in performance was observed from 7 to 21 days and from 7 to 28 days of age, whereas DWG was higher from 7 to 35 days in piglets receiving the PL+YE diet (268, 278, 271 and 288 g/day for CD, PL, YE and PL+YE, respectively). From 7 to 49 days and from 7 to 63 days, DWG (330 and 519 g/day, respectively) and DFI (307 and 647 g/day) were higher in animals receiving the PL-YE diet when compared with those consuming CD (DWG: 295 and 486 g/day; DFI: 266 and 594 g/day). No significant differences in intestinal morphology were observed between piglets receiving the different diets. The combination of plasma and yeast extract elevates DWG, but does not affect the intestinal morphology of piglets from 7 to 63 days of age. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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We obtained data on time of sexual maturity, dimorphism, fecundity and on the reproductive cycle of Mastigodryas boddaerti (Sentzen, 1796) through the examination of 321 preserved specimens, of which 221 were collected in the Brazilian Amazon region and 100 in the Cerrado savannas of Central Brazil. The degree of sexual size dimorphism (snout-vent length, SVL) was significantly greater in the specimens from the Cerrado in comparison with those from the Amazon. Females had a significantly larger number of ventral scales, on average, whereas males had more sub-caudal scales. However, there was no intersexual difference in tail length or head width, although the heads of the males were significantly longer, which may reflect dietary differences. Breeding females from the Amazon region contained between one and six eggs (N = 12, mean = 3.0), whereas two females from the Cerrado had four to six eggs (N = 10, mean = 5.0). No relationship was found between the SVL of the Amazonian females and the number of eggs or vitellogenic follicles they contained (Cerrado females were not analyzed here due to small sample size). Males are smaller than their female counterpart when they reach sexual maturity. Even though females from the Amazon reproduce throughout the year, females from the Cerrado breed seasonality.


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The aim of the present study was to describe the species composition and reproductive modes of an anuran community from a transition area between the Amazonia and Cerrado biomes. Data were collected in habitats exhibiting different degrees of anthropogenic degradation. The community (35 species) identified during the present study presented a larger number of reproductive modes when compared with those from Cerrado communities, but smaller than those of other sites in the Amazon. While all nine modes were recorded in the gallery forests of local rivers and streams, anthropogenic habitats (rubber tree orchards and soybean fields) were occupied only by species adapted to environments where humidity is low, typical of the Cerrado. Overall, the anuran fauna of the study area was characterized by species that depend on access to water bodies for their reproduction, with only a few specialized species able to reproduce in dry environments.


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We studied the diet of Liophis reginae semilineatus (Wagler, 1824) from eastern Amazon, Brazil, based on the analysis of 182 preserved specimens. Thirty-six individuals had prey in their stomachs; 34 (95%) contained exclusively anurans and 2 (5%) contained both anurans and lizards. The most common prey items were small Leptodactylus sp. (33.3%), followed by Physalaemus ephippifer (Steindachner, 1864) (10.3%). Prey ingested head-first (78%; n = 25) were significantly larger than prey ingested tail-first (22%; n = 7). Females of L. reginae semilineatus have longer and wider heads than conspecific males with the same body length, which correspond to sexual divergences in the diet (size of the prey). No correlation was found between snake head length vs. prey size (SVL, width and mass). Liophis reginae semilineatus is an anurophagous snake that probably forages actively on the ground.


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Um estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos do óleo essencial de copaíba sobre o desempenho e rendimento de abate de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 450 pintos, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 6 repetições de 15 aves. Os tratamentos consistiram em Controle (promotor comercial) e quatro níveis de óleo essencial de copaíba sendo estes 0,15 (0,15EO); 0,30 (0,30EO); 0,45 (0,45EO) e 0,60 mL (0,60EO) kg-1 de ração. Aos 21 dias de idade, as aves do tratamento com promotor apresentaram peso corporal superior ao das aves que receberam os tratamentos com 0,30; 0,45 e 0,60 mL de inclusão de óleo essencial (p < 0,05). Aos 40 dias de idade apenas as aves que receberam o tratamento com maior nível de inclusão de óleo essencial apresentaram menor peso corporal em relação ao tratamento com promotor de crescimento. O consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar e a viabilidade das aves, assim como o rendimento de carcaça, cortes comerciais e peso dos órgãos internos não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (p > 0.05). Conclui-se que o óleo essencial de copaíba pode ser usado na ração até o nível de 0,15 mL kg-1 sem afetar o desempenho das aves.


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Cypselosomatidae é composta por Cypselosomatinae e Pseudopomyzinae, incluindo 11 gêneros atuais. O gênero Rhinopomyzella Hennig (Pseudopomyzinae) é o único registrado para o Brasil, representado por duas espécies de Santa Catarina. O gênero Pseudopomyzella Hennig compreende uma única espécie, Pseudopomyzella flava Hennig, encontrada no Peru e Equador. Neste estudo, P. flava é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil (Pará) e a espécie é redescrita a partir dos espécimes coletados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)