981 resultados para Mammary neoplasia


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Background: The work in this study appraised photodynamic treatment (PDT) as a treatment method for vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) using a novel bioadhesive patch to deliver aminolevulinic acid. An analysis of changes in expression of apoptotic and cell cycle proteins (p53, p21, Mdm2, Blc-2, Bax, Ki-67) in response to PDT was evaluated. Methods: PDT was performed using non-laser light, either as a one or two-cycle treatment, with clinical and pathological assessment following after 6 weeks. Twenty-three patients with 25 VIN lesions underwent 49 cycles of PDT Patches were designed to conform to uneven vulval skin and contained 38 mg cm(-2) aminolevulinic acid. Assessment was carried out at 6 weeks post-treatment. Patient-based treatment assessment, along with clinical and pathological changes, were monitored. Immunohistochemical staining was used to elucidate a possible biomolecular basis for induced cellular changes. Results: Most patients (52%) reported a symptomatic response, with normal pathology restored in 38% of lesions. The patch was easy to apply and remove, causing minimal discomfort. Fluorescence inspection confirmed protoporphyrin accumulation. Pain during implementation of PDT was problematic, necessitating some form of local analgesia. Changes in expression of cell cycle and apoptotic-related proteins suggested involvement of apoptotic pathways. Down regulation of p21 and inverse changes in Bcl-2 and Bax were key findings. Conclusion: Treatment of VIN lesions using a novel bioadhesive patch induced changes in cell cycle and apoptotic proteins in response to PDT with possible utilisation of apoptotic pathways. The efficacy of PDT in treating VIN could be improved by a better understanding of these apoptotic mechanisms, the influence of factors, such as HPV status, and of the need for effective pain management.


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This paper introduces an automated computer- assisted system for the diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) using ultra-large cervical histological digital slides. The system contains two parts: the segmentation of squamous epithelium and the diagnosis of CIN. For the segmentation, to reduce processing time, a multiresolution method is developed. The squamous epithelium layer is first segmented at a low (2X) resolution. The boundaries are further fine tuned at a higher (20X) resolution. The block-based segmentation method uses robust texture feature vectors in combination with support vector machines (SVMs) to perform classification. Medical rules are finally applied. In testing, segmentation using 31 digital slides achieves 94.25% accuracy. For the diagnosis of CIN, changes in nuclei structure and morphology along lines perpendicular to the main axis of the squamous epithelium are quantified and classified. Using multi-category SVM, perpendicular lines are classified into Normal, CIN I, CIN II, and CIN III. The robustness of the system in term of regional diagnosis is measured against pathologists' diagnoses and inter-observer variability between two pathologists is considered. Initial results suggest that the system has potential as a tool both to assist in pathologists' diagnoses, and in training.


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Background: Observational and epidemiologic data indicate that the use of aspirin reduces the risk of colorectal neoplasia; however, the effects of aspirin in the Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer) are not known. Resistant starch has been associated with an antineoplastic effect on the colon.


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This study aimed to test these hypotheses: cystathionine gamma-lyase (CSE) is expressed in a human artery, it generates hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and H2S relaxes a human artery. H2S is produced endogenously in rat arteries from cysteine by CSE. Endogenously produced H2S dilates rat resistance arteries. Although CSE is expressed in rat arteries, its presence in human blood vessels has not been described. In this study, we showed that both CSE mRNA, determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and CSE protein, determined by Western blotting, apparently occur in the human internal mammary artery (internal thoracic artery). Artery homogenates converted cysteine to H2S, and the H2S production was inhibited by DL-propargylglycine, an inhibitor of CSE. We also showed that H2S relaxes phenylephrine-precontracted human internal mammary artery at higher concentrations but produces contraction at low concentrations. The latter contractions are stronger in acetylcholine-prerelaxed arteries, suggesting inhibition of nitric oxide action. The relaxation is partially blocked by glibenclamide, an inhibitor of K-ATP channels. The present results indicate that CSE protein is expressed in human arteries, that human arteries synthesize H2S, and that higher concentrations of H2S relax human arteries, in part by opening K-ATP channels. Low concentrations of H2S contract the human internal mammary artery, possibly by reacting with nitric oxide to form an inactive nitrosothiol. The possibility that CSE, and the H2S it generates, together play a physiological role in regulating the diameter of arteries in humans, as has been demonstrated in rats, should be considered.


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Specific survival signals derived from extracellular matrix (ECM) and growth factors are required for mammary epithelial cell survival. We have previously demonstrated that inhibition of ECM-induced ERK1/2 MAPK pathway with PD98059 leads to apoptosis in primary mouse mammary epithelial cells. In this study, we have further investigated MAPK signal transduction in cell survival of these cells cultured on a laminin rich reconstituted basement membrane. ERK1/2 phosphorylation is activated in the absence of insulin by cell-cell substratum interactions that cause ligand-independent EGFR transactivation. Intact EGFR signal transduction is required for ECM determined cell survival as the EGFR pathway inhibitor, AG1478, induces apoptosis of these cultures. Rescue of AG1478 or PD98059 treated cultures by PTPase inhibition with vanadate restores cellular phospho-ERK1/2 levels and prevents apoptosis. These results emphasize that ERK1/2 phosphorylation and inhibition of PTPase activity are necessary for PMMEC cell survival.


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Mammary epithelial cells cultured on a concentrated laminin-rich extracellular matrix formed 3D acinar structures that matured to polarized monolayers surrounding a lumen. In the absence of glucocorticoids mature acinus formation failed and the expression of an acinus-associated, activator protein 1 (AP1) and nuclear factor kappaB transcription factor DNA-binding profile was lost. Treatment with the JNK inhibitor, SP600125, caused similar effects, whereas normal organization of the mammary epithelial cells as acini caused JNK activation in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner. The forming acini expressed BRCA1, GADD45beta, MEKK4, and the JNK activating complex GADD 45beta-MEKK4 in a glucocorticoid-dependent fashion. JNK catalyzed phosphorylation of c-Jun was also detected in the acini. In addition, expression of beta4 integrin and in situ occupation of its promoter by AP1 components, c-Jun and Fos, was glucocorticoid dependent. These results suggest that glucocortocoid signaling regulates acinar integrity through a pathway involving JNK regulation of AP1 transcription factors and beta4 integrin expression.


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Mammary epithelial cells in primary cell culture require both growth factors and specific extracellular matrix (ECM)-attachment for survival. Here we demonstrate for the first time that inhibition of the ECM-induced Erk 1/Erk 2 (p42/44 MAPK) pathway, by PD 98059, leads to apoptosis in these cells. Associated with this cell death is a possible compensatory signalling through the p38 MAP kinase pathway the inhibition of which, by SB 203580, leads to a more rapid onset of apoptosis. This provides evidence for a hitherto undescribed Erk 1/Erk 2 to p38 MAP kinase pathway 'cross-talk' that is essential for the survival of these cells. The cell death associated with inhibition of these two MAP kinase pathways however, occurred in the presence of insulin that activates the classical PI-3 kinase-dependent Akt/PKB survival signals and Akt phosphorylation. Cell death induced by inhibition of the MAP kinase pathways did not affect Akt phosphorylation and may, thus, be independent of PI-3 kinase signalling.


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The p53 family of transcription factors is made up of p53, p63 and p73, which share significant structural homology. In particular, transcriptional complexity and the expression of multiple protein isoforms are an emergent trait of all family members. p63 is the evolutionarily eldest member of the p53 family and the various isoforms have critical roles in the development of stratifying epithelia. Recent results have uncovered additional splice variants, adding to the complexity of the transcriptional architecture of p63. These observations and the emerging extensive interplay between p63 and p53 in development, proliferation and differentiation underline the importance of considering all isoforms and family members in studies of the function of p53 family members.


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Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) diagnosis and grading are affected by uncertainties which arise from the fact that almost all knowledge of PIN histopathology is expressed in concepts, descriptive linguistic terms, and words. A Bayesian belief network (BBN) was therefore used to reduce the problem of uncertainty in diagnostic clue assessment, while still considering the dependences between elements in the reasoning sequence. A shallow network was used with an open-tree topology, with eight first-level descendant nodes for the diagnostic clues (evidence nodes), each independently linked by a conditional probability matrix to a root node containing the diagnostic alternatives (decision node). One of the evidence nodes was based on the tissue architecture and the others were based on cell features. The system was designed to be interactive, in that the histopathologist entered evidence into the network in the form of likelihood ratios for outcomes at each evidence node. The efficiency of the network was tested on a series of 110 prostate specimens, subdivided as follows: 22 cases of non-neoplastic prostate or benign prostatic tissue (NP), 22 PINs of low grade (PINlow), 22 PINs of high grade (PINhigh), 22 prostatic adenocarcinomas with cribriform pattern (PACcri), and 22 prostatic adenocarcinomas with large acinar pattern (PAClgac). The results obtained in the benign and malignant categories showed that the belief for the diagnostic alternatives is very high, the values being in general more than 0.8 and often close to 1.0. When considering the PIN lesions, the network classified and graded most of the cases with high certainty. However, there were some cases which showed values less than 0.8 (13 cases out of 44), thus indicating that there are situations in which the feature changes are intermediate between contiguous categories or grades. Discrepancy between morphological grading and the BBN results was observed in four out of 44 PIN cases: one PINlow was classified as PINhigh and three PINhigh were classified as PINlow. In conclusion, the network can grade PlN lesions and differentiate them from other prostate lesions with certainty. In particular, it offers a descriptive classifier which is readily implemented and which allows the use of linguistic, fuzzy variables.